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IDFA viewing tip for Thursday 19 November

Can there be beauty in an atomic bomb? Or in the explosion of a nuclear reactor? I don't think so, but I'm going to find out tonight. In Atomic Living, filmmaker/writer/presenter/producer Mark Cousins explores what that's really like, living in the atomic age. Because in addition to the horrors, we also have X-rays and other extremely useful medical applications. Once again, he uses... 

Wonderfeel successful despite summer storm

Drie dagen klassieke muziek tussen de bomen en de koeien. Festival Wonderfeel presenteerde afgelopen weekend van 24 tot en met 26 juli, onder de rook van ’s-Graveland, een uniek klassiek muziekfestival. Topmusici uit binnen- en buitenland gaven tientallen concerten. Er werden lezingen gegeven en zoals dat hoort op een festival, viel er ook veel te eten, te drinken en te… 

On the death of a peerless jazz legend: Clark Terry 1920 - 2015

Clark Terry was a legend and is no more. The American jazz trumpeter died on Saturday at the age of 94. He began his musical career with jazz greats Count Basie and Duke Ellington, who soon recognised his extraordinary talent. He said of the two: "Count Basie was college, but Duke Ellington was graduate school." [Tweet ""Count Basie was college, but Duke Ellington was ... 

Thumbs up for Morgan Knibbe - Those Who Feel the Fire Burning nominated at IDFA

Dat doet Morgan Knibbe helemaal niet slecht. Twee jaar geleden afgestudeerd aan de Filmacademie, nu op IDFA al op gelijke voet met ’s werelds beste documentairemakers. Those Who Feel the Fire Burning is zijn onconventionele verbeelding van de wereld van vluchtelingen die de oversteek naar Europa waagden. Nu genomineerd voor de hoofdprijs van IDFA, de prijs voor beste lange documentaire. Het… 

IDFA 2014: Do women look at the world differently? 9 sides of a documentary puzzle

Film-making used to be a man's business. Men made films about men watching women - something like that. In 1975, film scholar Laura Mulvey launched the famous notion of 'The Male Gaze'. Last year, it resurfaced in the heated debate surrounding La vie d'Adèle, that wonderful film by Abdellatif Kechiche (male) about a lesbian love affair. So how about before? This year, IDFA has... 

'Immersive reality' shows fierce future for visual journalism on #IDFA

So I spent five minutes in singer-songwriter Patrick Watson's studio. He played a bit. Put his phone in the ashtray. Said something to his labrador. And I could look around quietly while he played. Behind me, in front of me. Below and above. Nothing like sitting at an artist's home while he plays. And he wasn't bothered... 

Wry-poetic Alzheimer's doc First Cousin Once Removed best of IDFA

Two opposites had emerged. Would the VPRO IDFA Award for best feature-length documentary go to a personally coloured auteur's film, or to a thoughtful account of a major issue? To Alan Berliner's remarkable portrait of Alzheimer's-affected poet Edwin Honig, or to Dror Moreh's fascinating insight into the Israeli secret service?

Museums, Boxmeer theatre, IKON, ANP, regional broadcasters, impoverished library

MuseumgoudA not expelled MuseumgoudA may still remain a member of the Dutch Museum Association (NMV). A majority of the members were still of the opinion in September that the museum should be expelled because it had auctioned Marlene Dumas' The Schoolboys at the end of June without consulting other museums. That is against the NMV's rules. It did, however, decide to change the rules for the... 

IDFA awards Planet of Snail

IDFA's jury neatly balanced poetry and politics by awarding among the feature-length documentaries the moving Planet of Snail (South Korea), alongside the Palestinian village-set 5 Broken Cameras, a Palestinian/Israeli/French/Dutch co-production. Planet of Snail by Seung-Jun Yi received the main award, the VPRO IDFA Award for best feature-length documentary. The fireworks of... 

IDFA screens Tahrir 2011, eyewitness account of Egyptian revolution

A bit alienating it is. Watching at IDFA the eventful account of Egypt's February Tahrir 2011 revolution while at the same time, in Tahrir Square, the second phase of resistance against the dictatorship is in full swing. A kind of 'back to the future' feeling. Tahrir 2011 is a relatively unpolished, but with a sense of urgency in... 

IDFA 2011: Ramon Gieling, Frank Scheffer and the magic of music

Coincidence? The two Dutch documentaries in the main competition of the IDFA documentary festival both explore what music can mean to people. Two films that also complement each other perfectly - one starts from the perspective of the listener, the other from the musician. In About Canto, Ramon Gieling outlines the profound influence that Simeon ten Holt's Canto Ostinato... 

IDFA 2011 kicks off with Danish documentary stunt work: The Ambassador

The crisis rages on and the Arab world is in flux, but in the documentary world, the time for big stories is over. At least that was the conclusion drawn by festival director Ally Derks at a press conference ahead of the 24th edition of the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (16-27 November). Unlike a decade ago, documentary filmmakers now focus... 

Vanaf 2013 ziet het kunstleven in Amsterdam er heel erg anders uit.

Nu dan. 6,5 miljoen gaat er van de gesubsidieerde instellingen af. In Amsterdam. Qua gemeente. Het Rijk deed al iets meer dan 40 miljoen weg, wat 36 instellingen in hoge nood bracht. Nu heeft Amsterdam besloten om in ieder geval 13 instellingen op naam te behouden. Moeten we denken aan Toneelgroep Amsterdam, het IDFA, Holland Festival, Concertgebouw en het Muziekgebouw… 

IDFA 2010 - State of the Stars double winner

Leonard Retel Helmrich's Stand of the Stars is a two-time winner of the Amsterdam documentary festival IDFA. At the awards ceremony at the Tuschinski theatre, it was announced that this dynamic and poetic portrait of a poor Indonesian family not only won the VPRO IDFA Award for best feature-length documentary, but was also chosen (by another jury) as the best of the... 

IDFA 2010 – Timothy Leary herleeft in The Terrestrials

Timothy Leary is niet dood. Het stoffelijk omhulsel van deze kleurrijke goeroe van de tegencultuur uit de jaren zestig mag dan op 31 mei 1996 zijn bewoner in de steek hebben gelaten, Leary’s asdeeltjes cirkelen in een baan om de aarde, zijn geestelijke erfenis wordt bewaard op internet en als het gerucht waar is reist een bandopname van hem aan… 

IDFA 2010 – De documentaire Utopia in Four Movements als live ervaring

Het nieuwste op het gebied van de vertoning van documentaires heeft niets te maken met websites of andere nieuwe media. Integendeel, de presentatie van de ‘live documentaire’ Utopia in Four Movements, waar IDFA de Europese première van had, grijpt in feite terug op de oervorm van de cinema, toen films werden vertoond met live muziek en een zogenaamde explicateur. Die… 

IDFA 2010 - George Sluizer wants to give Palestinians dignity with Homeland

After the opening film Stand of the Stars, the second major premiere of a Dutch documentary at IDFA was that of Homeland. The screening at the Tuschinski Theatre, by the way, was not just about the Palestinian cause, as it was also, of course, a celebration in honour of 78-year-old director George Sluizer (Spoorloos), perhaps our most internationally oriented filmmaker.... 

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