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The soup in The Hague is being eaten hotter than it is being served: 'no pass in 2013′

This message has since been confirmed by the Halbe Zijlstra on 14 March. We thank our source for being accurate. We once again visited our trench-coat-clad coughing chain-smoker in his Hague car park. Because there had been no news from The Hague for another week, and with the elections so close to the door, that's always... 

Rutteleaks 3: we now know how barren it will look in the coming years: decimate culture and libraries, spare regional broadcasters

We had done the necessary research work ourselves, and then it turned out that something had also been sent to the House of Representatives, which contained many more figures. We asked for those figures and were shocked. After 2012, when the current arts plan expires and after a year of inaction and wait-and-see for the entire sector, a... 

US grantmaker wants an art world with more creativity and less money

Now in terms of tax money, they already spend hardly anything on the arts, in America. But many think even that is too much. Earlier, we reported on Facebook and Twitter about Republican America's call to abolish subsidies altogether. Meanwhile, the president of the National American Arts Fund NAE (National Endowment of the Arts) has taken a bat... 

Call: It's not that bad everywhere, is it? We want hard figures culture budgets municipalities and provinces plz RT

If you work at a municipality or province and/or know the exact measures your government organisation will take in the coming years in the field of culture, we would like to have those figures. It can be anonymous, of course, if you don't want your exact cuts or investments to be out on the street, and it saves us a lot of wob... 

"Characteristic of the book trade remains the endless chatter, but this evening I wouldn't have wanted to miss." All tweets from #evdu, with video.

Interesting things are happening these days. The digital revolution is beginning to have traces of a real revolution. No one has yet set themselves on fire, as in Tunisia, but more and more people are taking to the virtual streets to overthrow the old powers: after the record companies, which let themselves be overwhelmed by people downloading, and the newspapers, which let themselves be overwhelmed by people searching freely for information, it now seems to be the turn of book publishers.

"RutteLeaks": Prime minister and state secretary don't know their own figures: income requirements for arts institutions already met in 2007 and most subsidy already going to successful institutions

We already thought something was wrong when Mark Rutte, in his much applauded show of strength in Buitenhof, spoke of 'all those empty halls with 10 people in the front row'. Ok, he hadn't been there himself for years, but according to his State Secretary Halbe Zijlstra, at least in The Hague, the emptiness was glaring, Rutte knew.... 

Anything to get amateurs into the stands: money for 'Dance Gardens', local residents and the Concert Hall

About 8 million Dutch people do something with art. They have music lessons, macramé plant pendants, paint plates or put together Christmas cards. But they also play theatre, sing in a choir, are part of a hip-hop crew or death metal band. That these practitioners of amateur art are not automatically also regular visitors to professional art is a mystery to many people. The Fund ... 

Concert hall finds wealthy partner for education and development in Deutsche Bank

The Concertgebouw Amsterdam has found its first 'partner' in the large capital-rich business community. With this, the Dutch world-famous crown jewel fulfils the Rutte Cabinet's desire to get more money 'from the market'. By the way, the capital-rich party found is not from the Netherlands, but from Germany: "With effect from 1 January 2011, Deutsche Bank and Het Concertgebouw NV will enter into a... 

Arts budget debated in second chamber: hardly any discussion on 200 million cut to performing arts

We were at a debate day in The Hague that was as inconspicuous as it was historic on 13 December 2010: it was about the budget of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the (first?) Rutte cabinet, and that was the budget in which, at the request of the supporting party PVV, the amount to be cut in the arts budget was set at 200 million, with heritage and museums having to... 

The arts subsidy system is like a house that changes hands a little too often: new cultural policy Rutte cabinet is capital destruction

The art subsidy system is like a house that changes hands a little too often. In 2008, after long deliberations, the previous owner fitted a new kitchen, replaced the bathroom, installed a new central heating boiler + underfloor heating and freshly painted the exterior. However, he had to move out prematurely, and now the new owner plans to replace the old kitchen... 

Venues can switch to LED light and save money without artistic consequences

Ze hebben het onderzocht. En het blijkt dus waar. Ook op het podium kun je duurzame lampen gebruiken.  En dat bespaart energie. Of we daardoor meteen ook van die idiote wraakbezuiniging van het kabinet afkomen, is nog de vraag. want 200.000.000 euro is best veel spaarlampen. Maar het begin is er. Uit het persbericht van de Vereniging van Podiumtechnologie: Met… 

Conductor Ono does not stand with his boots in the blubber and so does not go home with a passing grade

Rotterdam - That every disadvantage 'hep' its advantage is often apparent with symphony orchestras. A chief conductor, for instance, is usually in charge of his own orchestra for no more than about 12 weeks a year. He divides the rest of his time among the other orchestras he is also already chief of. For instance, Yannick Nézet-Séguin is now chief conductor of the Rotterdam Philharmonic as well as... 

Hou oud nieuws plots actueel wordt. “The Spy who loved Abstract Expressionism: vrije kunst als wapen tegen totalitaire vijand” stamt uit 1995.

Vandaag plaatsten wij dit bericht, en we beseften  snel dat het nieuws al eerder was uitgebracht. Alleen drong pas een paar minuten later tot ons door dat het oorspronkelijke bericht, waar dit een vrije vertaling van is, al op 22 oktober 1995 op de site van The Independent verscheen. Door een aanpassing van de database en een opmerkzame sitebezoeker, die… 

Order of Tax Advisers severely criticises VAT increase for performing arts: 'theatres will be in exceptional position'

The Rutte government is defending the VAT increase on admission tickets to theatres and concerts, claiming that it will straighten out an exemption for the arts. However, this does not appear to be true, according to a response from the Order of Tax Advisers to the proposal. "The Bar Association additionally points out that the explanatory memorandum notes that for the performing arts on... 

Juries TF and VSCD merge

It was actually typically Dutch. After all, we have more awards to give away here in all parts of the creative sector than there are artists. Almost. And so all those awards have their own selection committees, juries, committees and you name it. Not only costs hands full of money, it's also cumbersome. Which is why there is now at least one sensible... 

René Pollesch: cancelled, but maybe too good for the Netherlands anyway

Over the next few days, the show Der perfekte Tag - Ruhrtrilogie Teil 3 by German director René Pollesch was due to play at De Internationale Keuze in Rotterdam. But unfortunately, the main actor, Fabian Hinrichs, broke his leg and the performance had to be cancelled. What are we missing now? In recent years, I saw a number of performances by René in Berlin... 

Kees Hulst en Maria Kraakman winnen Louis d’Or en Theo d’Or op ‘prijzencircus’ Gala van het Nederlands Theater #tf2010

Op het Gala van het Nederlands Theater in de Amsterdamse Stadsschouwburg zijn gisteravond de belangrijkste toneelprijzen uitgereikt. Kees Hulst won de Louis d’Or voor de meest indrukwekkende mannelijke hoofdrol, de rol van Jörgen Hofmeester in’ Tirza’ bij het Nationale Toneel. Maria Kraakman won de Theo d’Or voor de meest indrukwekkende vrouwelijke dragende rol, Orlando in de gelijknamige productie van Toneelgroep Oostpool. Het stuk ‘Oog om Oog’, met onder meer Linda van Dyck en Victor Löw, won de AVRO Toneel Publieksprijs.

Acteurs hebben ambivalente gevoelens bij het ‘prijzencircus’, ofwel het Gala van het Nederlands Theater #tf2010

Een rode loper, veel champagne en nog veel meer geknuffel. Het is een warm weerzien voor theaterland, het Gala van het Nederlands Theater in de Amsterdamse Stadsschouwburg. Een spannend weerzien ook, want de belangrijkste Nederlandse toneelprijzen worden vanavond uitgereikt.

Davis Freemans investeringsshow ironische reflectie op geld, macht, individu en cultuur #dekeuze

De multimedia show ‘Investment’ van de Amerikaan Davis Freeman doet in eerste instantie denken aan de PowerPointshow ‘An Unconvenient Truth’ van Al Gore. Drie performers en een projectiecomputer tonen het publiek zeer routineus en gedetailleerd een heel scala aan mogelijkheden om te beleggen. Aanvankelijk  zinvol en duurzaam, maar als snel spelen hele andere motieven een rol. Pikant detail: iedereen uit het… 

'I am Zutphenian, but also Turkish' actor Sadettin Kirmiziyüz gets jury nomination for Wilders, The Musical

Gijs Scholten van Aschat was so convincing that casting director Hans Kemna was a bit scared of him. Van Aschat did an original wilderness speech and shock went through the audience. Since he now plays the villain of villains with Orkater (Richard III), convincingly delivering a hate speech reasonably is a piece of cake for him. Two true Wilders fans found... 

Russian soul dissected: religion and vodka create moral dilemmas

photo Sl-Ziga

By Willem Jan Keizer

Rotterdam - Thanks to conductor Valeri Gergyev, we get more insight into the huge reservoir of Russian composers. Rodion Shchedrin for example. Last year a piano concerto of his was performed, Sunday night in de Doelen it was his opera for the concert stage 'The Enchanted Wanderer', after the book 'The Enchanted Wanderer' by Nikolai Leskov. The opera is dedicated to conductor Lorin Maazel, who also conducted the premiere in New York in 2002.

Dutch actors relive emotional childhood memories during Shelley Mitchell's Method Acting Masterclass #tf2010

"We are artists. Acting is a vocation. Not everyone understands that. Sometimes it's a lonely existence." Understanding, almost motherly, Shelley Mitchell addresses a group of Dutch actors at De Balie. The American actress and founder of The Actors Centre of San Francisco introduces them to 'method acting' during a three-day master class. Not pretending, but becoming one with your character. A way of acting that has won many famous actors an Oscar. Think of Robert De Niro, Juilette Binoche, Al Pacino and Kate Winslet.

The only governing party with a coherent vision of culture is the PVV, reports the Green Left at the Paradiso Debate.

Sound recording available to listen to here!

You will hear successively Axel Rüger, director of the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, responding to the assertion made by VVD member Mark Harbers that the art world is not entrepreneurial enough. This is followed by responses from former CDA culture spokesperson Nicolien van Vroonhoven (consistently called Nicolien van Vroemhoven by presenter Twan Huys) and former NNT actor Boris van der Ham, now culture spokesperson for D66.

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