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Conny Janssen Danst could turn the whole world into a dance set

I actually experienced it once! In the middle of a theatre performance, an elderly lady, who had nothing to do with the story, walked onto the stage. She must have got lost in the interval and ended up behind the wings through a door that was accidentally open. While the actors were engaged in a deeply serious Hamlet, she came laconic 

Scenic photo Rishi. Photo: Joris Jan Bos

The sharpest theatre of 2017 comes from The Hague: Rishi of Firma Mes

If theatre can do anything, it is to put us outside reality. Not even to make you dream away, but to stop that reality for a moment and look at it in a different way. Call it the Ti-Ta-Wizard moment. To stop the action at the dramatic climax, to take the sting out of the wasp, or the fuse out of the powder keg.... 

How intimate can choreography be? - Conny Janssen Danst celebrates anniversary with exhibition at Kunsthal

Conny Janssen Danst celebrates its 25th anniversary. To mark the occasion, the Kunsthal in Rotterdam will be stage and laboratory for Conny Janssen, her dancers and her team for three weeks. A video installation, performance, live rehearsals and an exhibition will portray the point at which the group has arrived on its development journey. Unorthodox "My start with the group 25 years ago was... 

Tourbus Beatles (replica) Foto: Chris Samson CC.BY 2.0

Je had één kans om de kunstsubsidies duurzaam te verbeteren…

Half september valt de beslissing officieel, maar achter de schermen is zij al genomen. Nederland krijgt een hele kleine culturele basisinfrastructuur voor de podiumkunsten, en een heel erg groot fonds waar iedereen die toneel, dans, mime of muziek wil maken bij moet aankloppen. Ik heb de afgelopen tijd wat rondgevraagd, en dat wordt het dus. Zo kan de politiek geen… 

The Apocalypse is something to look forward to at Theatre Festival Boulevard

Het mooiste einde van de wereld zit in Melancholia van Lars von Trier. Zwevende populieren, een wollige planeet die ons opeet in een golf van sfeervolle mist. Ik zou ervoor tekenen. Alles beter dan de klotsende aardplaten vol gillende poppetjes in de mislukte rampenfilm 2012. Maar ook weer niet zo leuk als het einde der tijden in The Hitchhikers Guide… 

Thinking won't make you a hero. Artful Flemish musical theatre on Boulevard

Helden zijn niet altijd de slimste mensen. Sterker nog, de meeste daden die als heldendaad de geschiedenis in gingen, zijn ondoordachte acties geweest. Die toevallig lukten. Pure mazzel. Tegenover elke heldendaad staat dus een onbekend, maar niet te verwaarlozen aantal zinloze overlijdensgevallen van would-be helden. De hoofdfiguur van het theaterstuk De Helden, dat ik op 4 augustus in Den Bosch… 

Celebrating Kylian

Everyone is celebrating Jiri Kylian's 70th birthday in full. Except NDT.

Even abroad, it is noticeable that Jiří Kylián's work is not showing at NDT. Even though the so-called embargo is expiring and this is his anniversary year. No Kylián past three years The Financial Times reported. Laura Cappelle describes a fine performance by Nederlands Dans Theater in Paris and concludes that Kylián's work is not among the... 

MIRROR MIRROR van Conny Janssen Danst

Voor dit ene moment wil je MIRROR MIRROR van Conny Janssen Danst niet missen

Je kunt meerdere redenen bedenken om MIRROR MIRROR van Conny Janssen Danst in de RDM Onderzeebootloods te gaan zien. Maar er is er vooral een. Conny Janssen Danst is met MIRROR MIRROR terug in een voormalige onderzeebootloods in Rotterdam. Die loods ligt aan het water vlakbij de Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst én een Innovatielab. Een industriële setting die ook terugkeert… 

Jussen piano brothers step out of their comfort zone at Holland Festival #hf17

Among classical music-loving audiences, the two young pianists Lucas (1993) and Arthur (1996) Jussen need little introduction. For many years, the talented piano brothers have been filling halls like the Concertgebouw with four-handed or otherwise, interpretations of classics such as Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert. With the avant-garde piece Mantra by Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007), to be performed as part of the Holland Festival,... 

Sheila Hicks, Escalade Beyond Chromatic Lands -2016-2017- Arsenal-End-wall

Venice Biennale emphasises soft forces in art

The 57th Venice Biennale brings the world together and the art world to Venice. This year, the biennial art event is bigger than ever. Here you will find out what is 'trending' in contemporary art. Everyone thinks something of this event and we live in a time when everything and everyone is held up against the yardstick: 'Have you been there?.... 

Your city's future hangs by a steel thread

Does your town suffer from vacancy? Is the city centre poorly accessible? Are you looking for a tourist attraction or a unique logo? A cable car solves all your problems. Your municipality can still benefit despite the great interest from all over the Netherlands in this new means of transport. But above all, don't listen to me, but to everyone before me. Clean and sustainable alternative In Groningen... 

You won't want to miss these three operas by women during Operadagen Rotterdam

Friday 12 May kicks off the twelfth edition of Operadagen Rotterdam. Titled Lost & Found, the ten-day festival is dedicated to current refugee issues. I selected three operas by Calliope Tsoupaki, Annelies van Parys and Claron McFadden, strong women whose work deserves to be heard (and seen). The fear of the unknown is as old as the... 

Match for five lemonade with a straw. (It's not called that but that's what it sounds like)

It is dark. Basses thump. An intoxicatingly sweet female perfume hangs in the air, a child cries. AquaSonic has just started, and already I want to leave. What possesses a musician to go head-to-head? Our Danish correspondent went to find out. AquaSonic is an ode to water, played by Between Music, a collective of five Danish musicians. They make... 

Don't leave respect to the free market

The SER report published on Friday 21 April rubs it in nicely: the cultural sector is on the verge of collapse. It is even worse than a year ago. This shows that the patience of a PvdA culture minister over the past four years has not helped. Indeed, Halbe Zijlstra's multiplier of misery is doing its job entirely as expected.... 

Baudet's art vision blamed for old battle between Rotterdam and Leiden

For those who like to be around art, politics has become a bit more fun again, since 15 March. Since the 2017 elections, Thierry Baudet has been in the House of Representatives. Thierry Baudet knows a lot about art, he thinks, and we will come to know it, too. In fact, Thierry Baudet is the best thing about art these days... 

Entree van het Gemeentemuseum. Foto Studio Vollaerszwart

Hoe de citydresser alles Mondriaankleuren geeft, en waarom het museum dat prima vindt

Op de verjaardag van Piet Mondriaan, 7 maart, bood de gemeente Den Haag haar inwoners een kolossale gedecoreerde taart aan. Het past in een zeer actieve campagne rondom 100 jaar De Stijl. Terwijl het Gemeentemuseum dit jaar drie inhoudelijke Stijl-tentoonstellingen presenteert, gaat Den Haag helemaal los met Stijl-imitaties en beplakte winkelruiten. Een tegenstelling? Minder dan het lijkt, want deze citydressing… 

At Boijmans, pay special attention to Leonora Carrington (and go crazy for surrealism)

Museum Boymans van Beuningen in Rotterdam hosts the largest exhibition in Europe of Surrealists. Famous names like Salvador Dali, René Magritte, Max Ernst, Man Ray, Paul Delvaux and Roland Penrose. But also lesser-known gods like the outstanding Leonora Carrington and Francis Picabia. In 1970, the world-famous surrealist Salvador Dali visited the Boymans museum in person.... 

Geen reden voor leedvermaak bij het einde van de North Sea Jazz Club

Vandaag werd bekend dat de North Sea Jazz Club op het Amsterdamse Westergasterrein failliet is. Dit is nooit goed nieuws, voor niemand. Ook niet voor die zuurkousen die graag mogen klagen over North Sea Jazz, de naamgever van de club. Vijf jaar geleden was het groot nieuws: het Rotterdamse North Sea Jazz Festival zou een club openen in Amsterdam. Dat lag… 

Pixvae: hot-blooded fusion between French metal and Colombian Currulao

Last summer, French-Colombian collective Pixvae was the sensation of the Haarlemmer Houtfestival. Their debut was recently released through the prestigious French label Buda Musique. This week there are two Dutch shows. You can't start a day better than with Pixvae's first CD. Eight pieces only, but the energy that oozes from it is irresistible. The music of... 

Director Olivier Assayas: 'Filmmaking can be learned in a few weeks' #iffr2017

The Jurriaanse zaal in de Doelen is the setting for a Masterclass by French filmmaker Olivier Assayas (1955), an old friend of the International Film Festival Rotterdam. His is the following typical quote: 'Filming the face of an actor is, in my opinion, the most powerful thing cinema is capable of. If the frame is right, if... 

Gerrit Rietveld's Red and Blue Chair in original and later condition (source:

The Rietveld chair was brown - 10 things you didn't know about De Stijl #MTDD

Something with straight lines and planes and primary colours. We all get that far with De Stijl. But did you know that there was also Style music and that a mechanical figure danced to that, er, Style? Let's get things straight before the Mondrian to Dutch Design exhibition season begins. 1. Mondrian was not the big man of De Stijl Piet... 

Artists, get out into nature, before it's too late (and other reasons for hope)

There are those, including in the arts, who still think the world has not changed for good. Who suspect that a vote for a culture-friendly party will at a stroke turn back the clock eight years. Those people will wake up after 15 March to a new world, even if the Netherlands has suddenly chosen whether or not... 

Jim Jarmusch with Paterson already one of the toppers of 'Rotterdam' #iffr

The International Film Festival Rotterdam(IFFR)'s famous Tiger logo has been changed into a colourful IFFR Planet, in which, with a little effort, the tiger can still be found. That colourful is also reflected in the programming. I am looking for the finest gems from the programme. From the USA comes 'Paterson', vintage Jim Jarmusch. But there... 

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