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PROUD ALIENS: A colourful exhibition by Framer Framed's Open Atelier

Is het oké om een trotse alien te zijn in een wereld waar gemarginaliseerden zich vervreemd voelen? De LGBTQ+-projectgroep van Framer Framed’s Open Atelier voor i-psy deelnemers hebben een utopische toekomst gecreëerd waarin verschillen en diversiteit worden gevierd en worden erkend als iets moois. Proud Aliens is de jaarlijkse tentoonstelling van de i-psy Arts, Amsterdam, gemaakt in samenwerking met Framer… 

Dans- & theatercollectief Movementalist presenteert in samenwerking met Plein Theater de Movement Expo Aceleratio in de NDSM Fuse van 27 mei (première) t/m 30 mei.

De kunst van het vertragen in tijden van een pandemie. Aceleratio is een interdisciplinaire performance installatie, die het on- en offline publiek beoogt te confronteren met strijd, vrijheid, moed en troost, vanuit de noodzaak deze tijd te belichamen. Artistieke leiders Dayna Martinez Morales & Vincent Verburg zijn de initiatiefnemers van Movement Expo Aceleratio. Tien ervaren en zeer verschillende performers in… 

It is not too late to make a European Cultural New Deal central to recovery funds

Recently, US geopolitician Joseph Nye1 drew attention once again to the fact that transnational culture is one of the great forces of the European project. For those looking at the European Union from the outside, this common culture is evident, but we, citizens of the Union, are less and less aware of it. Moreover, we tend to... 

Two unique (dance) productions created in pandemic Tears of Peter and the National New Year's Blessing

Two unique (dance) productions created in a pandemic: Tears of Peter and the National New Year's Blessing

It is remarkable to see two productions bringing together dance and faith in a short time. Dancer Marijn Rademaker (former soloist Het Nationale Ballet) portrays the suffering of the apostle in Di Lasso's Tears of Petrus by Nederlands Kamerkoor and Dance Company Nanine Linning, dancer and recently assistant artistic director of The Dutch Don't Dance Division Kiran Bonnema portrays the change in the life of the still-young patriarch Jacob in EO's National New Year's Blessing.

Making our own music and singing are essential to our sense of security

It is not only healthier but also more effective if, in our social institutions, we start making the transition from rigid control to learning processes and training sensitivity to the signals of the autonomic nervous system, the signals of safety and danger. It is relevant to embed this socially, for instance in educational and care institutions.

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Aid schemes authors: counter opened

Writers and translators hit by the corona crisis can now apply for three support schemes set up especially for them. They can apply for up to €5,000 for a project grant or income support. The first submission deadline closes on 30 September 2020. Membership of the Authors' Association or affiliation to Lira is not compulsory.

NPO brings a debate about a debate. Let that sink in.

I have long put myself on the 'listen first, talk later' mode when it came to how we all deal with the festering sore of racism in the Netherlands. There's so much we don't know about each other, and there's especially so much I can't know about my fellow Black people, because for a long time I didn't care enough to... 

Cultuur Opstart Lening vanaf 29 juni beschikbaar voor culturele en creatieve sector via Cultuur+Ondernemen.

Het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur & Wetenschap stelt via Cultuur+Ondernemen € 30 miljoen beschikbaar voor de Cultuur Opstart Lening. Deze lening maakt deel uit van het pakket van € 300 miljoen aanvullende ondersteuning voor cultuur van het ministerie van OCW. De lening stelt culturele en creatieve organisaties in staat te investeren in de opstart van het nieuwe seizoen. Aanvragen voor… 

photo by karin jonker

Minister van Engelshoven visits Brabant performing arts sector

Minister van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap Ingrid van Engelshoven sprak vandaag op uitnodiging van Theaterfestival Boulevard met Brabantse organisaties en individuele makers over de gevolgen van COVID-19. In aanwezigheid van de cultuurwethouders van de grote steden en de nieuwe gedeputeerde Vrije Tijd, Cultuur en Sport werd de impact van het virus op de podiumkunstensector in kaart gebracht. Én er werd… 

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Rights Sector Support Fund established for creators in culture and creative industries

Creators in the cultural and creative industries affected by the Corona crisis will soon be able to appeal to the Rights Sector Support Fund. Agreement was reached on Wednesday 27 May on the establishment of the support fund, which has a budget of 10 million euros available. Members of the Authors' Union can also start appealing to the fund. Where will the support fund... 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Additional funds for cultural sector worked out

The coronavirus outbreak has a major impact on artists, creators and organisations in the cultural and creative field. The cabinet has therefore taken several measures, which institutions and creators in the sector can make use of. These include cabinet-wide generic measures, specific measures for the sector and an additional package of €300 million. Minister van Engelshoven: 'Despite the... 

Eindelijk een volwassen debat over cultuur. VVD benadrukt belang van cultuur voor lokaal vestigingsklimaat. #tkcultuur

De cultuursector moet beter luisteren naar de moeder van de minister. Die zei: ‘Je kunt lang treurig zijn over wat je niet hebt gekregen, wees ook blij met wat je wél hebt gekregen.’ Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven haalde haar moeder erbij in de slotfase van het ingelaste begrotingsoverleg over de incidentele steun aan de sector, die vorige week werd afgekondigd.… 

Culture podcorocastnapers (22): Surely some form of gathering should be possible again in the autumn? ISH will be awarded Holland's biggest culture prize on 23 November.

'We would have actually been presented with the award last week at the premiere of Grimm. That was our big production this season that was to play 30 times. But after the second rehearsal, we were able to stop. It seriously looks like we won't be seen in theatres this year. When in autumn the... 

Netflix helps Dutch Film Fund support film makers affected by corona crisis

Netflix and the Netherlands Film Fund today announced the establishment of a new support fund. This is to provide help to collaborators on film and TV productions that have come to a standstill due to corona. Netflix is making €1 million available for this purpose. An amount comparable to the budget of a small Dutch feature film. This is part of a broader package of... 

OCW vindt berichtgeving ‘voorbarig’: ‘Geen extra Coronageld voor redding culturele sector.’ Ministerie van OCW moet crisis binnen bestaande begroting oplossen.

Binnenkort krijgt de Raad voor Cultuur opdracht voor een plan om de cultuursector de anderhalvemetersamenleving te laten overleven. De inzet van het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap is, om dat binnen de bestaande financiële kaders op te lossen. Dat hebben bronnen in de top van dat ministerie gemeld.

Er heerst chaos bij de procedure voor subsidieaanvragen voor de Culturele Basisinfrastructuur. Daarom laten we u de mail even lezen. 

Dat in Nederland het wantrouwen van de overheid jegens de burger bizarre vormen heeft aangenomen, bewijst het gedoe met de toeslagen bij de belastingdienst en de toestanden bij het UWV. Of je gemiddelde verhuurder van woningen waar je een lekke kraan wilt melden. Dankzij een politiek die onder invloed van vals ondernemersdenken en rabiaat populisme de burger als fraudeur behandelt… 

When was the last time I hopped? Eye impresses with Francis Alÿs' expo on the world as child's play

An exhibition with only children playing, doesn't that quickly become too tacky or cosy? Not if the artist is Francis Alÿs. Although it is hard not to smile at the sight of a sandcastle, I left the room with a head full of questions about the nature of humanity. No small feat of hopscotching kids and girls 

Culture Council advisory committee chairman steps down: 'Nobody checks state museums anymore'

Wim Hupperetz, director of Amsterdam's Allard Pierson, has resigned his position as chairman of the museums and heritage advisory committee to the Council for Culture. In protest, he says, against the irresponsible way in which the minister is now implementing the Culture Council's advice. 'If this continues, we will soon be giving millions of euros to a few... 

'We have become spectators rather than actors'; Philipp Blom tells performing artists on SPOT-Live what is at stake.

'We are on the brink of a new cultural revolution. We need to move away from our paradigm and art can play a role in this. Art can show us images of a different future, a different thought. Artists can help bring that realisation in.' Speaking is writer and journalist Philipp Blom. In 2017, his... 

How a small riot in Eindhoven could have major consequences for all subsidies (But for now, it's just a blunder)

Dankzij een tip van een lezer zagen we dat in Eindhoven gedoe is rond subsidies. Nu gebeurt dat wel vaker, maar hier was iets speciaals aan de hand. Het Eindhovens Dagblad meldde (Blendle link €) dat de voltallige Raad van Toezicht van de Stichting Cultuur Eindhoven was opgestapt. Er was stront aan de knikker omdat, zo schrijft het ED, de… 

'I now understand how complex "guilt" actually is': Takis Würger wrote novel about Jewish betrayer (and put his email address in it).

'That I have perpetrators in my family gives me the responsibility to keep remembering. Many of my contemporaries say we should never forget and that it should never happen again, but do nothing else. Being a writer gives me the opportunity to do something. To write about it, make readers feel... 

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