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Verdwaalde oloifant wordt vriendelijk onthaald door de kudde

Cultuurpers heeft vanaf nu een eigen server op Mastodon. Lees hier waarom.

Deze site is groot geworden  dankzij Twitter en Facebook. We zijn ongeveer ook in dezelfde tijd ontstaan. In 2009 was Twitter net een beetje van de grond aan het komen, en Nederland dacht nog dat Hyves het helemaal zou worden, terwijl België al op Facebook zat. Enfin, tl;dr: de sociale media waren nog leuk. Pas in de jaren daarna werd… 

Dear Hans Teeuwen, art has nothing to fear from boring men.

It is a great thing that there are comedians who keep a finger on the pulse of society. Hans Teeuwen, for instance, has once again made himself angry. He has joined the small chorus of (mostly) men who see the end of the world coming because of a rebuttal. That is the rebuttal that now comes via social media 

On citation law, De Wereld Draait Door and John de Mol's claim robot (Angry Spirits Podcast with Ewout Jansen)

In 2014 publiceerde De snijtafel een bespreking van De Wereld Draait Door. Wat niet veel mensen zullen weten is dat voorafgaand aan dat moment achter de schermen een wekenlange strijd werd gevoerd over deze publicatie. De Wereld Draait Door probeerde de aflevering met alle macht tegen te houden door geen toestemming te geven om de beelden te citeren. Aanvankelijk besloot… 

Bij Giselle Vienne’s L’Etang voel ik weer wat ik al die tijd gemist heb.

Engeland is gesloten. De minister van cultuur meldt blij dat artiesten weer op tournee kunnen in Europa, zolang ze niet buiten Noorwegen, IJsland en Liechtenstein komen. We’ve always taken an ambitious approach in negotiations on touring artists, including in my meeting with @AbidRaja last month. Delighted that our new trade deal with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein will allow musicians, performers… 

Commercial interest in test events hurts confidence. That test result is already in.

Rather unexpectedly, it was announced this week that cultural and entertainment venues will be test sites for reopening society next month. It came rather out of the blue, as everyone was still working on petitions and other pleas to reopen cultural buildings. After all, they have their corona protocols in place there better than the Albert Heijn on my corner.... 

Janice Deul over ‘translationgate’: ‘Je mag van mensen in de literaire wereld toch wel verwachten dat ze kunnen lezen?’ Nerdpodcast #10

Podiumpoëzie wordt doorgaans minder hoog geacht dan geschreven poëzie. Terwijl podiumdichters juist zo sterk kunnen raken. Alleen tijdens de Nacht van de Poëzie, elk jaar in Utrecht, eren we de performers onder de poëten. Daarna zijn het weer de ‘grapjassen’ die kunnen rijmen, zoals onlangs over Ingmar Heytze werd geschreven in een aankondiging van een podcast. Spoken Word, de… 

ITAlive bereikt via stream #romantragedies toch mooi 871.000 twitteraars. En bijzonder was het.

Dat Shakespeare na vier eeuwen nog steeds actueel is, daarvoor hoef je hem niet eens in moderne kleren te steken, maar het helpt natuurlijk wel. Het wereldwijde succes van Ivo van Hove en zijn ‘Internationaal Theater Amsterdam’ is dan ook mede te danken aan zijn Shakespearebewerkingen ‘Kings of War’ en ‘Romeinse Tragedies’. Marathons, urenlang theater met eten tussendoor. Valentijnsdag 2021… 

Alaa al Aswani: 'Literature doesn't change politics, it changes people'

Four years ago at the Winternachten Festival in The Hague, we spoke about it with Egyptian writer Alaa al Aswani, who was disarmingly upbeat despite the fact that he can barely publish in his own country. On lack of freedom of expression and fiction in times of fake, this year's theme, Al Aswani could have a word. 'Freedom of expression is even worse now than under dictator Mubarak.'

Down with the veil! Three gutsy girls found Iranian Women Composers Union: 'We want to form a global home front'

Things can change. In 1979, Iran changed from a Western-oriented secular state to a spiritual dictatorship, where Islamic leaders call the shots. Women must henceforth go through life veiled and music is banned as extremely sinful. Four decades later, three women founded the Iranian Female Composers Association. In America, though. 'Music is like a drug, those who feel... 

NPO brings a debate about a debate. Let that sink in.

I have long put myself on the 'listen first, talk later' mode when it came to how we all deal with the festering sore of racism in the Netherlands. There's so much we don't know about each other, and there's especially so much I can't know about my fellow Black people, because for a long time I didn't care enough to... 

Culture Press podcastcorona (21) - Oscar Kocken: 'Not being allowed to perform your work for six months is pretty gross.'

'Yes, of course it was something we already saw coming in every way. That made me mentally prepared. But then when you actually hear about it... It's just SO sour. It's every time - I don't blame anyone, to be clear - but every time you get bad news, you try... 

Divided loyalties, racism and a split house in HBO's The Plot Against America

I had the chance to attend the 500th anniversary - it took place at the beautiful Teatro La Fenice - of the first Jewish ghetto during my visit to Venice in 2016. One of the speakers was historian Simon Schama. During his lecture, I was given a brief history of Jewish suffering in Italy. According to... 

Into the bookstore with a shopping basket. Booksellers are grasping at the straw called behavioural change.

Last December, we had no internet and no TV/netflix for a week. The Customer Disconnection Department of KPN, formerly XS4All, had not understood that a broken cable in our neighbourhood could have had anything to do with it. One of the funny effects of these fibre-less days was, I finished reading four books. Something I normally do only on... 

After the budget debate, the performing arts sector will have to be even more patient. Until spring.

The culture sector will have to be patient for a while yet. Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven had no intention of changing any of her policies on Monday 18 November, during the discussion of the culture budget in the Standing Parliamentary Committee on Culture. Despite a fairly widely supported desire, especially from the opposition, to do something about the 8.6 million cut in the... 

At Leiden University, the end of patriarchy is shining. 

This weekend, there was some fuss on Twitter. Something about a Nazi comparison that didn't quite work out. Now there is quite often a fuss on Twitter because of a Nazi comparison that doesn't quite work out, but this time it concerned one of our cultural figureheads. Kees Vlaardingerbroek, artistic director of the NTR Saturday matinee and former head of programming at the Rotterdam... 

Art cannot be exclusive enough. At Festival Noorderzon, everyone can experience it for themselves 

In Groningen klinken minder vaak politiesirenes dan in een stad als Amsterdam. Toen ze afgelopen woensdagavond klonken, was dat omdat inwoners van de panden achter de lokale kunstacademie, Minerva, alarm sloegen. Op het dak stond geen uil, maar een vrijwel naakte man te schreeuwen dat hij de Coop zou gaan overvallen. Mads Wittermans, de acteur in kwestie, was vergeten de… 

The Book Ball. Everything you must have done once in your life

There I stood. Next to THE RED LOPER. In THE PRESS box. Everything you must have done once in your life and this was MY MOMENT. THE BOOKBALL at THE CITY BURY which was renamed ITA because of the boss' career. To my left TEAM VOLKSKRANT, to my right a cute KRULLENBOL from the LINDA and in between them a journalist.... 

*With sound!* Why the Holland Festival show doesn't have to stop for now

'Please stop the show!", shouted an 83-year-old former reviewer from the back row. Theatre Frascati fell silent for a moment. There had never really been such an interruption at the Holland Festival's traditionally festive press conference. And that while Faustin Linyekula had just got into his stride, telling about the projects he is carrying out with his Studio Kanako in Kisangani. They provided... 

PODCAST! Govert Schilling en Leoni Jansen vinden via Twitter troost in totale nietigheid. (Waarom ook Joni Mitchell onsterfelijk is)

Het begon allemaal met een tweet. Leoni Jansen, zangeres, stapte na een optreden in Winsum in de auto, en keek nog even om zich heen. Ze zag dat de sterrenlucht, ver van de grote lichten in de Randstad, mooi was. ‘Net aan de terugreis begonnen uit Winsum, mist laag bij de grond, heldere hemel. Op rechts denk ik Castor en… 

Fred Wondergem: 'There is always more that you don't see than what you do see.'

'When I look in the auditorium at a classical concert now, I do think: it's full now, but in 20 years eighty per cent will be dead. So the bottom has to be fed, and TivoliVredenburg does that well. They do it, for example, with Out of the Blue, which is a programme where you get great food and by a special host 

Forty times a year to TivoliVredenburg: 'You get everywhere if you love music, eh.'

Peter Vossen says he experiences a live concert twice a week on average. Not just in TivoliVredenburg, although he visited there almost 40 times last year. 'I also see a lot of free concerts on the streets and in cafés, of course.' Jazz is his great love, but he also attends soul, funk, Latin or pop concerts. Regularly, he can be found 

The Culture Index goes regional. Cherry-picking season has begun

It took about a day for the PVV Enschede branch to discover the message. Quite fast for a club that is usually not very interested in art. Anyway, this one detail at the presentation of the regional culture index was of course grist to the mill of the far-right local party: Region Enschede has the biggest mismatch between amount of subsidy and... 

Demise of VVD culture spokesman during budget debate in St Nicholas mood, with surprise for PvdD

A little pity was in order during the debate on the culture budget in the Lower House. Thierry Aartsen, the VVD's brand-new culture spokesperson, still hadn't done his homework and therefore got terrible on his mitre from fellow culture spokesmen in the Lower House. And then also from the minister. Was he allowed to speak around 11... 

Launch community platform 'Workshop Waterlines'

The province of Utrecht has launched the community platform 'Werkplaats Waterlinies'. This initiative of the Pact of Ruigenhoek is open to anyone working on the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie, Stelling van Amsterdam and other waterlinies. It is a place where you can exchange inspiration, knowledge and ideas, as well as present projects, collaborate and experiment. In short, a place where new connections arise and collectively... 

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