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“Op je knieën, gouverneurtje!” David Byrne wint rechtszaak tegen misbruik ‘Road to nowhere’

Het was zo fijn, het nummer ‘Road to nowhere’ van de jaren tachtig-band Talking Heads gebruiken om je politieke boodschap over te brengen.  Nu ja. Ex-Senator en Gouverneur van Florida Charlie Crist dacht ermee weg te komen, en dat is hem in politieke zin misschien gelukt, financieel gaat hij er flink op achteruit. Het schadevergoedingsbedrag is niet bekend gemaakt, maar… 

Je gelooft met je ogen niet, wat je met je oren hoort bij drummachine Savion Glover

“I don’t care about the body, I make music,” zei Savion Glover gisteravond, geleund tegen de deurpost van zijn kleedkamer na afloop van de voorstelling Bare Soundz. Het danspubliek in de Utrechtse Stadsschouwburg had moeite zich de mores van een jazzpubliek eigen te maken.  Naarmate het concert vorderde, produceerde het steeds vaker aanmoedigende yels wanneer de drie tapdansers los gingen… 

"It would be very weird if you weren't allowed to laugh at a performance"

A shy, unassuming man, who transforms on stage into a brilliant clown and artist at the same time. You can't get more typically British than choreographer and dancer Jonathan Burrows. He has achieved cult status in the dance world, and it is actually strange that his performances do not reach a wider audience. Although he himself says he has no shortage of audience members... 

Dancers of Busy Rocks combine rigour with lightness and humour in 'Studium'

Studium by Busy Rocks - photo Teodora Mihai

It is nothing new that simple movements, close to the everyday, are given a place in dance performances. But the particular way they are constructed and highlighted in 'Studium' by Belgian group Busy Rocks makes you look at them with fresh wonder.
Three of the four dancers, darkly dressed, lie down on the floor against each other in carefully crafted poses. On this construction of bodies, a dancer, dressed bright white, takes her place in a horizontal position. The lighting makes the body lying above seem to float. The underlying figures push up the limbs in such a way that the white figure moves as if she is walking. The manipulation is done with great precision. Looking at it with tilted head, one sees perfectly natural steps.

How do you bring a river on stage?

The opening of Springdance was a beautiful, continuous movement, from left to right across the stage of Utrecht's Stadsschouwburg theatre. Before the performance, Wijbrand Schaap spoke to choreographer Guilherme Botelho about this special dance piece.

“Dat van de ander die de hel is. Daar kan ik me zo over opwinden”: Laura van Dolron maakt theatraal gehakt van Sartre.

Ze is ‘stand-up filosofe’. Met die zelfbedachte term schiep ze een nieuwe vorm van theater, die het midden houdt tussen cabaret, een lezing en theater. Ze speelt met haar eigen rol, zet acteurs in of het marionetten zijn, maar blijkt uiteindelijk hun speelbal, zo goed als die van het noodlot. Kortom: Laura van Dolron is een geval apart. Ze maakt… 

So up close, and so small occupied as at La Petite Bande, Bach's St John Passion comes in in a very distinctive way.

Ik ben geen kenner van de uitvoeringspraktijk van Bachs Johannes Passion en ken dat andere stuk, de Mattaheus Passion, vooral van een paar tv-fragmenten en verregaande bewerkingen zoals die bij Platels Pitié. Verwacht van mij dus geen oordeel over hoe goed de versie was, die op 5 april 2011 in het Concertgebouw te zien en te horen was, in verhouding… 

Current 93 survives music industry malaise on a diet of lots of love and dog-eared fans

Reports of the collapsing music industry have been rife. Apparently, as a musician, you no longer survive on the basis of record sales (alone). In niche genres, however, it is easy to survive. So proves the band Current 93, which performed in Stadtgarten, Cologne, last week. Playing live a lot and selling merchandise seems to be the golden rule for... 

In het Rijks schrijft een man altijd hetzelfde boek en hebben anderen hetzelfde overhemd aan

We waren even diep in de Amsterdamse grachtengordel. Immers, prominent inwoner van deze stad Rudi Fuchs kreeg een nieuw boekje aangeboden, door hemzelf bij elkaar geschreven op de pagina’s van De Groene Amsterdammer. Dit weekblad, in alle opzichten het oudste van het land, biedt de kunstkenner en voormalig museumdirecteur onderdak op de pagina’s. Hij maag daarop schrijven over kunstwerken die… 

Death Horse puts on bold shoes and waves goodbye to Shakespeare in 'Bye Bye'

Amsterdam-based company Dood Paard itself translated Shakespeare's 'Othello' and waves goodbye to the bard with 'Bye Bye'. The quirky collective performs a one-and-a-half-hour topical comedy of manners and soul mirror, in which pointing at 'The Other' is central. Shakespeare's plays are quite often performed quite reverently. . Moreover, the adored 'bard' from Stratford-upon-Avon has bestowed on the English language countless expressions that have come to... 

From Broadway musical to Lebanese Nightingale: Pierre Audi proudly shows the programme of the 2011 edition

Zijn Nederlands is nooit zijn sterkste punt geweest, en hij houdt ook al niet van speechen. Toch is een persconferentie van het Holland Festival iets om bij te zijn, dus nemen we Pierre Audi’s mindere performerskwaliteiten voor lief. in februari presenteerde hij het programma van de editie 2011, die een hele mooie belooft te worden, en die hopelijk niet de… 

Taboo perpetuates health problems in music industry

Trouble with your voice? You don't talk about that. Because competition is so high in the music industry, there is a taboo on showing weaknesses. While the consequences would be much smaller if attention was given to it sooner. Time for the Muziek Centrum Nederland to ask the question at its music café on 3 March where... 

Bettina Masuch on 'her' Springdance: 'Sometimes you wonder if you want to watch it, but then you watch it anyway....

Bettina Masuch (1964) has been artistic director of Springdance since 2008 and presents its third festival programme this year. We asked the woman behind this leading festival for innovative dance about this season's highlights. One of the performances she describes already makes us very curious: the Japanese street fighters of Contact Gonzo. Could just happen that somewhere between 14 and... 

The soup in The Hague is being eaten hotter than it is being served: 'no pass in 2013′

This message has since been confirmed by the Halbe Zijlstra on 14 March. We thank our source for being accurate. We once again visited our trench-coat-clad coughing chain-smoker in his Hague car park. Because there had been no news from The Hague for another week, and with the elections so close to the door, that's always... 

'There are provinces where you can vote VVD or CDA just fine'; new website gives voting tips to art lovers

It looked like a party. Coffee and flan, a Maastricht song, brass band music and a speech by Prince Carnival. Optimism surrounded the launch of the website on 21 February. Surely the cry for culture in November was mainly a voice of dissent. Now there is a chance to take forward-looking action. 'Mobilise everyone you know to join the March 2... 

Yannick spurs his orchestra to a memorable and historic performance of Prokofiev's fifth symphony

The Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra is rated differently by conductors. Either you can get along with it and then it's a party, or it never becomes anything and then it stays at the occasional conducting session. Moreover, the musicians' enormous responsiveness is feared.

Reviewers on the fortieth Rotterdam International Film Festival: lots of Chinese loneliness and that Russian needs to hit the cinemas

OK. A pilot. When Jeroen Stout lost his Wednesday film fork in Radio Kunststof on Radio 1 in December 2010, we made him an offer he could easily refuse: to do something like that with us. But that we would then look for a way that suits The Dodo. After all, audio online may be the... 

The deeper caverns of an adult film festival. Sven Schlijper on safari during IFFR 2011

The International Film Festival Rotterdam celebrates its fortieth edition with a fitting XL programme. That Roman numeral XL not only indicates respectable age. It also says something about size: this fortieth also bursts with the intiguing programme, with screenings at no less than forty locations throughout the inner city of Rotterdam. Inside the festival walls is... 

Call: It's not that bad everywhere, is it? We want hard figures culture budgets municipalities and provinces plz RT

If you work at a municipality or province and/or know the exact measures your government organisation will take in the coming years in the field of culture, we would like to have those figures. It can be anonymous, of course, if you don't want your exact cuts or investments to be out on the street, and it saves us a lot of wob... 

IFFR 2011 - Tiger Eyes is beautiful ode to personal cinema

Those who did not attend the first cinema screening of Tiger Eyes yesterday would do well to still tune in to Nederland 2 on Tuesday night. That is the television premiere of this Frank Scheffer-directed anniversary film with which the Rotterdam Film Festival celebrates its fortieth edition. In Tiger Eyes, seven directors who together represent the kind of cinema that Rotterdam strongly... 

"Characteristic of the book trade remains the endless chatter, but this evening I wouldn't have wanted to miss." All tweets from #evdu, with video.

Interesting things are happening these days. The digital revolution is beginning to have traces of a real revolution. No one has yet set themselves on fire, as in Tunisia, but more and more people are taking to the virtual streets to overthrow the old powers: after the record companies, which let themselves be overwhelmed by people downloading, and the newspapers, which let themselves be overwhelmed by people searching freely for information, it now seems to be the turn of book publishers.

Diego del Morao does himself a great disservice at Flamenco Biennale with unprofessional stage presentation

Between 21 and 30 January 2011, Amsterdam, Utrecht and Rotterdam will host the Flamenco Biennial, a music and dance fest around that mythical Spanish primal music that leaves no one untouched. A style of music, moreover, that developed in parallel with the history of the Iberian peninsula, where the culture of the Indian Roma gypsies came together with that of the... 

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