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What exactly does Mark Rutte say about the arts? It fits in 1 minute and it's not quite right.

We zijn politiek neutraal en zelfs in de subsidiediscussie proberen we dat vol te houden. Immers, iedere medaille heeft een keerzijde en het is niet de taak van de media om altijd en eeuwig partij te kiezen. Maar nu dit. Mark Rutte werd zondag 16 januari 2011 geinterviewd door Clairy Polak in Buitenhof en zij spraken een minuut lang over… 

Tamer who! Haifa what! Some mega concerts are totally ignored by the media, like that of Tamer Hosny and Haifa Wehbe

Of course, we sometimes miss one. And of course Caro Emerald is cool and Graffity 6 is new. But there is more culture in the Netherlands than many users of mainstream media realise. Deep into the 1980s, sports halls were already full for Rai musicians, and that was years before Cheb Khaled penetrated the charts with Aïsha. The Cape Verdean community in Rotterdam... 

Moma shows video artwork previously barred from Smithsonian by American Christians

In november verwijderde de door het Smithonian-mecenaat gefinancierde National Portait Gallery het werk nog, na protesten van Amerikaanse katholieken en Republikeinen. Zij vonden de video, getiteld ‘A fire in my belly’ van de in 1992 overleden New Yorkse kunstenaar David Wojnarowicz aanstootgevend. Gisteren maakte het Metroplitan Museum of Modern Art (Moma) in New York bekend het werk dat ze het… 

Ambachtelijke ‘blob’ van Atelier van Lieshout wacht op koper tussen ‘landhuizen’

Er komen  landhuizen omheen, maar in het midden komt er dus iets heel anders: een echte ‘sculpturale woning’ van Atelier van Lieshout.  Met een prijskaartje van een miljoen euro is het woonhuis overigens ook geen goedkoop kunstwerkje, maar dan heb je dus wel iets waar de hele wereld naar komt kijken. Minder origineel dan zijn onlangs nog in Rotterdam opgestelde… 

Arts budget debated in second chamber: hardly any discussion on 200 million cut to performing arts

We were at a debate day in The Hague that was as inconspicuous as it was historic on 13 December 2010: it was about the budget of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the (first?) Rutte cabinet, and that was the budget in which, at the request of the supporting party PVV, the amount to be cut in the arts budget was set at 200 million, with heritage and museums having to... 

Anne Sofie von Otter in De Doelen: 'classical' Bach comes off worst, triumph for 'populist' Handel

Onder liefhebbers van de muziek van leeftijdgenoten Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) en George Frederic Handel (1685-1759) is het gekissebis goed vergelijkbaar met dat tussen de aanhangers van Beatles en Rolling Stones. Bach is klassiek, Handel populistisch, Bach schreef verheven muziek, Handel platvloerse , Bach was (zijn Matthäus Passion uitgezonderd) beknopt in zijn muzikale statements, Handel emmerde oeverloos door. En zo… 

Sometimes a story is beautiful enough when told: Autoroute du Soleil by Leen Verheyen demonstrates that

Ooit, heel lang geleden in een ander land dan vandaag, was er een toneeltekst over een jongen uit Bosnië die mensenmassa’s aan het huilen bracht. Ad de Bont had met Mirad, een jongen uit Bosnië niet alleen een gevoelig verhaal geschreven, maar hij vond ook de perfecte manier om dat verhaal te brengen. Het uit brieven van en aan een… 

GDMW: Seven learning moments about literature, Rotterdam, Utrecht and partying

GDMW festival comes from the tube of the only literary magazine still doing a bit in the Netherlands: Passionate Magazine. A bit contrary, youthful but not juvenile and with an open eye to the many cultures in the city where it was founded: Rotterdam. The festival is a happy combo of literary content, happy poets, embarrassing displays and beer,... 

Art world via Facebook in action against culture cut even before Rutte-Verhagen cabinet installed

It was a pleasantly out-of-control flashmob: according to the police, there were around 3,000 people on The Hague's Malieveld at around noon. Young people, mostly: students from The Hague Art Academy and the Consevatorium. But that is not enough to make the Malieveld feel crowded. From all corners of the country, young art students were... 

French theatre nerds do droll version of the Big Bang at reopening Rotterdam Schouwburg

Ok, a few people might have been a tad disappointed. Who had hoped that Rotterdam's theatre would reopen with real bang, after the extremely successful upgrade of the interior by scrap artist Jan Versweyveld (suspended ceiling, marble and carpet on the stairs). But that, of course, cannot happen. After all, the Rotterdam Schouwburg only does bangers when International Choice boss Annemie Vanackere is there... 

Getting a whiff of Lotte van den Berg's special approach, fresh back from Africa

What she does is vulnerable to the point of confrontation. Theatre-maker Lotte van den Berg has such a personal view of the world that, outside the safe context of theatre, it can come across as absurd. Or alienating. On Sunday 26 September, she returned with the members of her Dordrecht-based location theatre company OMSK back from a four-month stay in the Congo capital Kinshasa. A full house at Rotterdam's Gouvernestraat then got to be there when they unpacked their bags a few hours after landing.

'I like beer' in C'est du Chinois sounds quite nice #dekeuze.

The teachers recite it, a whistle sounds. The audience mimics it, like wax in the hands of the five Chinese on stage. Anyone who walks into the performance C'est du Chinois walks into a Mandarin language lesson. An effective language lesson besides, you understand the two small families-they have only been in the country for four months but plan to... 

‘House without a maid’ in Huis Sonneveld inspirerende microkosmos van licht en ruimte #dekeuze

Een intiem huiskamercongres tussen levende kunstwerken. Zo kun je ‘House without a maid, een  ‘gesprekken-, performances- en installatieproject’ van Jorge León en Simone Aughterlony in Huis Sonneveld het best omschrijven. In de voormalige garage van de modernistische villa uit 1932 is een select vrouwelijk gezelschap twee dagen bijeen om te discussiëren over het fenomeen dienstmeid. In andere vertrekken van het imponerende… 

Veelstemmig ‘Deserve’ verbluffend diepgravende compositie over dienstbaarheid #dekeuze

‘Dus, dokter Lacan, zijn vrouwen gevoeliger voor gekte? … Is de man vatbaar voor hysterie?’ In ‘Deserve’, onderdeel van het drieluik over de dienstmeid van Jorge León en Simone Aughterlony, graven de makers diep, heel diep.  Ze volgen de intrigerende lijn van de grote ontmaskeraars in onze denkgeschiedenis: van Hegels meester-slaaf analyse via Marx en Freud naar de Franse psychoanalyticus Jacques Lacan. Kern van… 

Raw 'Hard to be a God' by Mundruczó lingers on the surface #dekeuze

In places like this, things happen that cannot bear the light of day. We are deep in Rotterdam's container port, among the neon-lit transhipment yards and dark warehouses. In one of those raw warehouses are two truck trailers. One is set up as an illegal sewing workshop, the other is filled with earth and rubber tyres. They form the backdrop for Hungarian theatre-maker Kornél Mundruczó's performance 'Hard to be a god'.

The show tells the fairly inimitable story of Karoly, who wants to make symbolic torture porn to blackmail his father with it. That father once raped his sister and is now an MEP. Three women are lured to this sewing studio under false pretences to participate in those videos. Things do not end well for them, partly because the foreign film director has rather sadistic tendencies, damaging the ladies to the point of rendering them useless.

Zestien persoonlijke verhalen geven een ontroerend beeld van Rotterdams veelkleurigheid. #dekeuze

Ze heeft 14 voornamen, omdat haar vader graag zijn hele familie wilde vernoemen en zij enigst kind was. Ze is een veelgevraagd actrice, maar Gonny Gaakeer is ook een meisje met een oma geweest. Een mooie oma, die in de laatste jaren van haar 95-jarige leven steeds vaker omviel en daar de lelijke wonden van droeg. Gonny vertelt haar verhaal, en… 

'Stardust' by Pete Rogie is great stream of little stories about encounters, confrontations, disappointments and lonely moments #dekeuze

Anyone who walks into the venue where choreographer/visual artist Piet Rogie's performance 'Stardust' is to take place is immediately astonished. In the vacant exhibition hall of the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam, ropes are stretched, it is teeming with seemingly carelessly scattered props and four cement mixers stand along the side like implacable sentinels. The whole space radiates that things are getting exciting. And the viewer is not disappointed with that.

Too much humour and not enough shuddering at De Warme Winkel's 'Poets and bandits' at Theatre Festival The International Choice #dekeuze

Snow has fallen, a thick layer of fresh snow. Fake snow admittedly, but real enough to imagine yourself in the middle of Russia. There, in the city of Sverdlovsk, or Yekaterinburg, once lived the man about whom the show 'Poets and bandits' is about. Boris Ryzhy (1974-2001) turned the raw realities of his hometown into poems. He left more than a thousand poems to the world. His breakthrough came at the Poetry International festival in Rotterdam, in the year 2000. A year later, he was dead. Boris Ryzhy, 26, had hanged himself.

Theatre group De Warme Winkel makes that link with Rotterdam if only because 'Poëten en bandieten' is played there. An old factory hall serves as a backdrop for the run-down working-class neighbourhood in which Ryzhy grew up. From behind a work table, actress Mara van Vlijmen calls Rotterdam residents. None of them are at home. But on their answering machine is now one of Ryzhy's poems, which must be a wondrous experience for the listeners. The Warm Shop does not show how the professor's son Boris ended up in that poor neighbourhood. Whereas he himself talks about an environment full of drab flats in his poems, the stage setting is more reminiscent of the outdoors, with all that vast snow. The atmosphere is cosy and warm. On a float decorated with candles, a folk ensemble comes on, singing Russian songs. Old-fashioned songs, and nothing pop or punk.

'One hour listening and half an hour talking to Clinton for 100,000 euros. Or new breasts.' Concrete questions on The International Choice. #hechoice

Het Dodo Internationale Keuze-journaal, aflevering 3: Hans van Dam zag ‘Investment’ en sprak met maker Davis Freeman, over wat je allemaal met een ton kunt doen. Het roept associaties op met de fameuze TED-talks en doet denken aan de powerpointdocumentaire ‘An Inconvenient Truth‘, waarmee Al Gore de wereld trachtte wakker te schudden over de klimaatverandering. Wat Davis Freeman doet is kleiner, maar… 

Impressive confrontations in humorous 'K, A Society' by Kris Verdonck #decision

The Dodo International Choice journal, episode 2: Wijbrand Schaap came, saw and was overcome by Kris Verdonck's seven installations about plighted people. It should have ended with terrible bangs, a canned fireworks display a few metres from the spectators. But that's not allowed in the Netherlands since Enschede. And certainly not with Belgian fireworks. Theatre-maker, installation artist and video jockey Kris Verdonck ended up... 

We will be there every day at The International Choice. With text. With video. With news and reviews

Tomorrow begins The International Choice of The Rotterdam Theatre. A festival that for years has presented remarkable theatre from all over the world at the Maasstad's theatre in September. Except this year, that is, because the 'chest of quist' is being rebuilt and that will take some time. Not something with Amsterdam metro builders, but whether the official reopening on 2 October 2010 will be... 

Russian soul dissected: religion and vodka create moral dilemmas

photo Sl-Ziga

By Willem Jan Keizer

Rotterdam - Thanks to conductor Valeri Gergyev, we get more insight into the huge reservoir of Russian composers. Rodion Shchedrin for example. Last year a piano concerto of his was performed, Sunday night in de Doelen it was his opera for the concert stage 'The Enchanted Wanderer', after the book 'The Enchanted Wanderer' by Nikolai Leskov. The opera is dedicated to conductor Lorin Maazel, who also conducted the premiere in New York in 2002.

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