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New exhibition: To those who have no time to play

Framer Framed presents To those who have no time to play, Amsterdam-based artist Gluklya's (Natalia Pershina-Yakimanskaya) largest solo exhibition to date, curated by Charles Esche. The artist develops her work with numerous others, including Kyrgyz textile workers, newcomers, musicians and writers. The exhibition includes four objects in space, each with... 

Marte Boneschansker presents: ROUW - Walk through Amsterdam East past places of loss

On Friday 4 November, ROUW, the latest work by theatre-maker Marte Boneschansker, will premiere at Plein Theater in Amsterdam-Oost. ROUW is a walk along places of loss. With headphones on, you follow a carefully mapped out route through the neighbourhood to listen to stories of mourning that correspond to the locations in question. ROUW is about loss. About that... 

ANOHNI associate artist Holland Festival 2023

The associate artist for the 2023 Holland Festival is singer, composer and visual artist ANOHNI. The festival will feature new and existing work by her. Among other things, ANOHNI and the festival are working on a new, large-scale project involving multimedia and movement in the Gashouder in Amsterdam. About her role as associate artist herself taking the stage 

Four performances in Tilburg of acrobat with cystic fibrosis

Festival Circolo presents a special performance at four special locations in Tilburg in the run-up to the largest festival for contemporary circus in the Netherlands. 'Circus is my way of dreaming and giving hope. To live fully, whatever the conditions'. Jesse Huygh is a circus performer and suffers from cystic fibrosis, or cystic fibrosis, a genetic lung disease. Despite his illness,... 

Little eyes and a filled heart after brilliant 39th Night of Poetry

The night of the sweet-soft child's voice of Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, of course; but also the night of Joke van Leeuwen; of Maria Farantouri and Mikis Theodorakis; of 'illusory poet' Hans Klok even; and of the families of Nisrine Mbarki and Ivo de Wijs. I will try to explain the latter in a moment, in my unpoetic style, forgive me. On my... 

Lighting designer Uri Rapaport on stage for the first time, in self-designed, dazzling theatre experience

Light design central in new performance by the NUT | Di 4 October 2022 - Utrecht In collaboration with SHIFFT, the NUT presents the visual theatre spectacle Light, in which light design is central. Light is the extraordinary story of lighting designer Uri Rapaport who goes through life blind for a fortnight after surgery on a tumour on his eye. Theatre-maker Greg Nottrot takes him... 

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ILFU and Authors' Union: In prose and poetry, every word and comma is translated, but it is different in theatre and stage adaptations.

What is the difference between a translation and an adaptation? In prose and poetry, every word and comma is translated, but it is different in theatre and stage adaptations. What freedoms do director and translator dare to take when adapting Shakespeare, for instance? These questions are at the heart of the latest edition of the illustrious programme on translation and all things... 

Festive unveiling of Monika Dahlberg's sculptures by councillor Touria Meliani at Framer Framed

Artist Monika Dahlberg has been commissioned by Framer Framed to create two sculptures that will have a permanent place at the entrance of the Framer Framed building. On Thursday 29 September, at 15:45, the work, titled Gatekeepers will be unveiled by Arts and Culture alderman Touria Meliani and district councilor Oost and art and culture portfolio holder Jan-Bert Vroege. During the opening... 

Writers on Ukraine, sexism, colonialism and opportunity inequality at ILFU Exploring Stories

Exploring Stories is the big festival day of the International Literature Festival Utrecht (ILFU), featuring more than 30 international writers and thinkers on the current and urgent themes of our time. Exploring Stories shows that literature belongs at the heart of social debate. After all, literature begins where the news ends. Anyone who wants to understand the world better cannot do without... 

'Sprouting dance on a bed of grass and sedum' - Carefull Art puts Utrecht artists on a very special map

"Over the past two-and-a-half years, I have started making choices. Where ten years ago I thought of going into life as a dance teacher, now the question is: do I really want to? What makes me happy, what do I want to share with the people around me?" For Lotte Willemsma, the first two years of the Corona pandemic were... 

Vrouwkje Tuinman receives C.C.S. Crone prize from the municipality of Utrecht  

Poet, writer and columnist Vrouwkje Tuinman will receive this year's C.C.S. Crone Prize. This will add her name to an honourable list of Utrecht authors who received this literature prize before her, including Manon Uphoff, Arthur Japin and Maxim Februari. "The C.C.S. Crone Prize is a special appreciation for a talented writer," said culture councillor Eva Oosters. "Utrecht is known worldwide as a city of literature.... 

Gold from the Golden Coach originating in Suriname; Unknown provenance investigated by Amsterdam Museum, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and NICAS

The Amsterdam Museum, together with VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands Institute for Conservation+Art+Science+ (NICAS) and Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, has conducted research into the origin of the gold of the Golden Coach. For a long time, it was unknown where the gold leaf used to gild the carriage came from. An extensive study compared the composition of the gold with samples from Suriname and South Africa.... 

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Digital transformation cultural sector big opportunity for the Netherlands

Further digitalisation of the cultural and creative sector offers opportunities for creative innovation and to reach more people and inspire them culturally. It also contributes to the social relevance and economic strengthening of the sector. But there is also a great opportunity for the Netherlands to be a leader in Europe as a creative hub. This is the right time 

'I say sorry anyway' theatre production by Theatre Group Alum and Raymi Sambo Makes about Keti Koti and slavery past on tour from the end of September

Ik zeg toch sorry a theatre production by Theatre Group Aluin and Raymi Sambo Makes about Keti Koti, the day celebrating the (official) abolition of slavery, will be shown in Dutch theatres from the end of September. At a time when more and more municipalities and organisations are openly apologising for the slavery past or letting their own role in this period be... 

Artwork 10,000 illuminated books in Minrebroederstraat, Utrecht city centre: 23 September 2022 Opening ILFU festival and presentation Woord900

On 23 September, ILFU, in collaboration with Spanish art collective Luzinterruptus, will open the festival with a river of books that will fill the Minrebroederstraat in the centre of Utrecht for one day. On the same day, the 10 writers scattered across 10 districts of Utrecht in recent months for Woord900 and organisation Mooie Woorden will present their stories. Literature vs.... 

Square Theatre loses facebook page over nipple in poster image

Social media censors on woman's nipple and Plein Theatre loses facebook page over nipple in poster image of Cat Smits Company's performance Nouveau Fuck. This digital prudishness and sexist inequality goes way too far, Berith Danse and Cat Smits think. Facebook is known for a strict 'no nudity' policy, at least not for men, as naked male torsos are no problem at all. Photos that... 

Kasia Tórz new theatre and dance programme manager Holland Festival 

Kasia Tórz joins the Holland Festival from 1 September as programme manager Theatre and Dance. Together with director Emily Ansenk and programme manager Music and Music Theatre Jochem Valkenburg and programmer Katinka Enkhuizen, who joins on 1 October, she will form the new artistic team of the Holland Festival. Emily Ansenk on Kasia's appointment: "Her broad experience with... 

Asko|Schönberg in Gaudeamus Opening night and concert in honour of Reinbert de Leeuw in Muziekgebouw

Gaudeamus 2022 Opening Festival Energising programme with a.o. sheng grandmaster Wu Wei During the opening night of this annual festival, Gaudeamus shows the many faces of new music: surprising, moving and who knows, frustrating. Asko|Schönberg, a regular guest at this festival, is part of the festive opening night and presents a programme that spans generations and continents. Including the wacky... 

Walking: about walking and literature with Midas Dekkers, Henk Schiffmacher, Jeroen Theunissen, Marjoleine de Vos and Bente van de Wouw

Sunday afternoon 25 September International Literature Festival Utrecht - TivoliVredenburg Wanderlust! On 25 September, during a programme entirely devoted to walking, Midas Dekkers, Henk Schiffmacher, Jeroen Theunissen, Marjoleine de Vos and Bente van der Wouw will talk about their irrepressible wanderlust. It will be an afternoon of walking literature, with and for walkers, nature lovers, pilgrims and reveries. The featured authors will talk about... 

Asko|Schönberg opens 2022/2023 season with festival Words & Music

After the successful first edition in 2020, Asko|Schönberg presents Words & Music, a festival full of cut-ups & f*ck-ups, on 3 September. In unexpected ways, various art disciplines come together in an adventurous programme that plays with the relationships between music and language. This time, Words & Music is inspired by composer Luciano Berio (1926-2003) and literary enfant terrible of the sixties.... 

30 years of Bijlmervliegramp, Club RoXY and Amsterdam's housing crisis - Second edition Collecting the City opens 25 September at Amsterdam Museum

On Sunday 25 September 2022, the second exhibition from the Collecting the City project will open at the Amsterdam Museum. In the Collecting the City project (2021-2025), the Amsterdam Museum 'collects' and presents the stories and objects of the city of today together with communities, individuals and institutions from Amsterdam. In this second exhibition of the programme line, the Amsterdam Museum brings... 

The most revealing summer festival: theatre festival Boulevard 2022 in Den Bosch

It could be because of the weather, or my mood, but 2022 was one of the best editions of Theatre Festival Boulevard I have experienced in decades. From the interesting, and also a little disruptive opening to the final night, which I experienced yesterday, I saw guts, passion and pushed boundaries. Not everywhere all at once, but... 

Two Rotterdammers who made a deep impression at Theatre Festival Boulevard #tfboulevard

John Buijsman and Helmert Woudenberg make a very funny duo. Buijsman the archetypal Rotterdammer, certainly also in terms of tone of voice, but also the actor who is role-steady, playing distinct characters. In De Recreanten, a play he made for and about his own holiday resort in Hoek van Holland, he plays together with Helmert Woudenberg. The creator of continuous improvisation has a... 

Events at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel

Month September 2022 In addition to a permanent collection presentation at Amstel 51 and in Huis Willet-Holthuysen and changing exhibitions, the Amsterdam Museum offers a rich public programme. At various locations and for a diverse audience. The following events are scheduled for September 2022. Visit for the latest information. Smell Tour From 1 September Explore the bygone... 

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