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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

Photo of presentation with participants Cathelijne Broers, Renée Steenbergen and Rien van Gendt.

4 coming revolutions involving art and money.

The Dutch government distrusts citizens. And that stands in the way of a healthy art sector. This emerged on 17 January during a well-attended symposium at Amsterdam's Veem House. The occasion was the essay published in book form by Renée Steenbergen, who also published articles on this site. At the event, co-organised by Veem and Platform Beeldende Kunst, many makers were... 

Unesco logo

UNESCO: Killings of journalists increased by 50% by 2022, half targeted outside working hours

Eighty-six journalists and media workers were murdered worldwide in 2022 - one every four days, according to UNESCO data, highlighting the serious risks and vulnerabilities journalists continue to face in the course of their work. "After several years of consecutive decreases, the sharp rise in the number of journalists killed in 2022 is alarming. Authorities must step up their efforts... 

Podium Gift Card 2023

Podium gift card sales in Corona year 2022 already back to 2013 level.

Nice message from the Theatre and Concert Visit Promotion Foundation: last year, we went out again quite often after the lockdowns, and also gave each other a unique experience as a gift quite often. 138,000 stage visits were gifted. That earned the SPTC a nice 6.6 million. That means the Pokadoka (Podium Gift Card) included an average gift of 48 euros.... 

logo Netherlands Association for Performing Arts

CLA retraining scheme for dancers declared universally binding

The collective labour agreement social fund Omscholing Dansers Nederland (CAO ODN) has been declared universally binding by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment with effect from 1 January 2023. This means that all dance companies based in the Netherlands that employ dancers are obliged to participate in the omscholing scheme. Since 1986, Stichting Omscholing Dansers Nederland (hereinafter: omscholingsregeling) has played an important role in... 

Created with Midjourney AI, via the prompt: dog staring picasso style

Beware the new myths of anti-woke

Scored a new bullshit bingo card, today. 'Art must no longer tingle, I quit'. Big headline in a quality newspaper, with below it the terrible story of gallery owner Jeanette Dekeukeleires of Gallery Art Kitchen. The 60-year-old says she is quitting her job because nothing more is allowed. (Read the story here) For instance, she received complaints from young people about the famous PSP poster with that naked woman.... 

Book cover The Art of Different

6 proposals for cultural innovation

This is a pre-publication from the book The Art of Different, which will be available from 17 January 2023 via the author's site The arts sector is vulnerable, as was unmistakably demonstrated during the pandemic years. It is also clear that these are not just temporary setbacks, but problems of a structural nature. These were already in play before Corona but were anticipated... 

In Perspective #13 - A GOOD COUNCIL FOR ROTTERDAM? (II) - New version.

The Rotterdam Council for Arts and Culture (RRKC) has been disbanded from 1 January 2023. I wrote about this in June this year2, and earlier the editor-in-chief did3. At that time, formal decision-making in Rotterdam had yet to take place. Given the question marks in the city council, it is safe to say that the college finally pushed through the dissolution. The... 

Stray elephant is kindly welcomed by the herd

Culture Press now has its own server on Mastodon. Read why here.

This site became big thanks to Twitter and Facebook. We were also created at roughly the same time. In 2009, Twitter was just getting off the ground, and the Netherlands still thought Hyves was going to be the be-all and end-all, while Belgium was already on Facebook. Anyway, tl;dr: social media was still fun. Only in the years that followed did... 

What is left of love in the midst of the everyday grind? Perfect Days is a novel about the power of imagination

A story about love, but above all an ode to imagination. Perfect Days by Spanish writer Jacobo Bergareche is a passionate novel. Deadly marriage With the excuse that it is necessary for his work, Spanish journalist Luis visits a conference in Austin, Texas. But actually, the trip is mostly an excuse for his dead-blooded marriage to Paula... 

Paolo Giordano ©Marc

Where to find solace and safety in a shaky world? Bestselling author Paolo Giordano searches for a Tasmania

What do you hold on to when not only the world is tottering, but also your own life? Where then can you find a safe place, a future? That is what Tasmania, Paolo Giordano's new book, is about. Crisis What came first: the worries about climate change and other world crises, or the crisis in his own life? The first-person narrator in Tasmania, a... 

Amsterdam Museum - photo by Gert-Jan van Rooij

Amsterdam Museum books successful year 2022

The Amsterdam Museum - despite the impact of the corona pandemic and the move to a new temporary main location - had a successful year in 2022. The museum's exhibitions and public programmes attracted many visitors at various locations. The museum's pop-up exhibition at the National Monument on Dam Square was visited from mid-June to... 

Midjourney AI makes this at the prompt 'people giving donations to a journalist'

These 28 unique stories generated the most donations in 2022!

As you know, Culture Press is an important voice in cultural news coverage. We were founded in 2009, at a time when all newspapers and broadcasters were reducing their arts editorships, and many zzp arts journalists were on the street. Publishers no longer wanted to pay for what they called 'low-hanging fruit' (reviews, interviews, announcements). Culture Press jumped into that gap, and in the nearly 14... 

logo council for culture

Culture Council seeks young people and students for Youth Platform

Is art and culture of and for everyone? Is it also there for young people? What do they find important about art, culture and media? To answer these questions, the Culture Council is setting up a Youth Platform. The council is looking for young people aged between 15 and 20 who want to share their views on art, culture and... 

Cinedans WEB Special: Inevitable Dances.

From 16 to 18 December, Cinedans WEB presents WEB Special: Inevitable Dances. Available online at Cinedans WEB, the programme consists of the documentary When Arabs Danced by director Jawad Rhalib and four dance shorts by makers from Iran, Lebanon and Egypt. The programme is offered free of charge at A donation is appreciated and benefits filmmakers in need. With. 

Advice sought on application and assessment process BIS 25-28

The Culture Council is expected to issue an advice to state secretary Uslu (OCW) in March 2023 on the application and assessment process for the Cultural Basic Infrastructure for the period 2025-2028 (BIS 25-28). This was requested by the state secretary. To arrive at the advice, the council has, among other things, appointed a temporary committee for the part of its advice request that... 

created by Midjourney AI with the prompt: black female artist exposition

The art world is still white and male.

The website where the Dutch umbrella organisation of museums, the Museum Association, keeps track of audience and number of people employed by its members was unreachable today. Perhaps that is because today the leading website Artnet also came out with revealing figures on the arts sector in the US. The report, titled The Burns Halperin Report, includes an overview of the... 

'Someday I will allow myself to cry.' Roberto Saviano made a graphic novel about his devastated life after 'Gomorrah'

Since Roberto Saviano published his book Gomorrah and incurred the hatred of the Italian mafia, he has been living in hiding. What that is like, the graphic novel I'm still alive shows and feels razor-sharp. Roberto Saviano is 12 when he witnesses at first hand the murder of a man in his neighbourhood by the mafia. Fifteen years later,... 

'Don't shoot the rapper!' - The 3 things I learnt from No Man's Land 2022 #nml22

1: The artificial distinction between pros and amateurs encourages exploitation. In the Netherlands, 115 writers can live off the sale of their books. The rest of the people who call themselves writers do so as a side income. In pop music, the figures won't be much different. Writers with a few euros earning on their Lira statement will not... 

'Versace broke the traditional male-female image' - exhibition on fashion designer and 'kitsch king' Gianni Versace at Groninger Museum 

Why is the largest retrospective on Italian designer Gianni Versace yet on show in Groningen? "Why not?" jokes Andreas Blühm, general director of the Groninger Museum. Indeed, it seems like a bizarre choice, but if you look a little closer, you will discover a few commonalities between the museum in the down-to-earth north and the maximalism of Gianni Versace, who on 2... 

IN PERSPECTIVE #12: Matthijs' Sizes - Lessons in leadership.

The first 10 years of leadership were over. It seemed high time for refresher training: take a breath, stand back, acquire new skills and knowledge. But what and where? There were no specific offers for leadership in the arts. There was the option of going to Banff, Canada, for a then unique culture-focused management course. A single cultural manager... 

Nerd podcast Live: Marijn Lems, Erik Snel and Bran Remie on the value of audience and the need for criticism

Culture Press' new series of geek podcasts is about how to make theatre connect with your audience, and what happens when professional viewers continue to watch in their own way. And it's about the ambitions of 'the region'. So we also talk to Bran Remie, author and creator of the successful Enschede theatre series 'Huize Enschede', elsewhere on... 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

More cultural cooperation with Ukraine

The cabinet is making Ukraine a so-called focus country in the field of international cultural policy. State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) announced this during a consultation with European culture ministers in Brussels. This status will increase opportunities for cultural cooperation, investment and exchange. State Secretary Uslu: 'Especially now, it is important to cooperate on cultural matters as well. Everything from... 

Amsterdam Museum acquires artwork Aukje Dekker about first female mayor

The Amsterdam Museum has acquired the work Woman on top (2022) by artist Aukje Dekker. The work, which Dekker uses to highlight the fact that Femke Halsema is Amsterdam's first female mayor, was officially unveiled on Tuesday in Mayor Halsema's office at City Hall. The work Woman on top (2022) by Aukje Dekker (visual artist, co-founder Sociëteit Sexyland) consists... 

Comfort Birds

Grieving well for the loss of a loved one does not lead to Prozac or a shrink. On the contrary, a little life skill helps, as in 'Grief is the thing with feathers' by Max Porter, Jacob Derwig and Erik Whien. Once, after tragedy struck my family, I used to console myself by reading aloud the picture book Frog and the Little Bird by Max... 

First names Holland Festival 2023

American singer, composer and choreographer Meredith Monk presents the world premiere of her new work Indras Net in the 76th edition of the Holland Festival. Belgian director Lisaboa Houbrechts stages a family epic that spans three generations: Vake Poes; or how God disappeared. With performance EXÓTICA, Mexican-Chilean choreographer Amanda Piña breathes new life into works by the forgotten... 

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