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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

Everyone saved? Only a few festivals suffered heavy damage.

The total of eight festivals that were given a place in the Basic Cultural Infrastructure thanks to vigorous political lobbying are in the clear. They do not benefit from the extra millions released by the Cabinet on Budget Day to rescue the Performing Arts Fund, because they are not (or no longer) covered by it.

There are also problems with the region in Limburg (and people suspect the advisers of being arbitrary and pre-emptive)

The cultural centre of gravity in Limburg has been in the south for years. However, to encourage southern institutions to programme outside the region, only 1 extra point is available. Examples of the problem of geographical spread also exist at the Council of Culture and the Performing Arts Fund.

Burn letter from festivals: 'It's going wrong with the performing arts in the Netherlands'

A fire letter from the United Performing Arts Festivals. One of more than a hundred lobbying organisations in the arts, but a very important one. After all, the festivals are the place where audiences were introduced to arts and entertainment in its full breadth. That doesn't happen anywhere else. And beautiful: they stand up for all performing arts, because, as loyal readers of this site know: they are quite the hare, and become even more the hare with every half-hearted rescue.

Milo Rau bij opening Theaterfestival: ‘Misschien moeten we wat minder leveren en wat meer luisteren.’

Dingen hebben tijd en afstand nodig om een verhaal te worden. Goed dus dat Rau in zijn ‘Staat van het Theater, de traditionele opening van het theaterseizoen, niet zelf het woord nam, maar dat uit handen gaf aan mensen die nu midden in de verwarrende tijd van bezuiniging, coronasteun en politieke onrust staan. Omdat de honderd internationale makers  die hij voor een boek onder de titel ‘Why Theatre?’ om een bijdrage vroeg, wegens de pandemie niet konden komen, waren zes Nederlandse makers uitgenodigd. 

logo authors' union

Aid schemes authors: counter opened

Writers and translators hit by the corona crisis can now apply for three support schemes set up especially for them. They can apply for up to €5,000 for a project grant or income support. The first submission deadline closes on 30 September 2020. Membership of the Authors' Association or affiliation to Lira is not compulsory.

Where did things go wrong between culture decision-makers and the region?

It could have been so beautiful. In a not so grey past, the Council for Culture, then under a different management, initiated a movement that would give more authority to the region outside the Randstad. That was three years ago. Now there is an (entirely justified) angry letter in the newspaper from the culture deputies of 9... 

The city as we knew it is doomed. Long live rural art?

Verontrustende berichten, de afgelopen dagen, in diverse media. Eerst was daar Patrick van IJzendoorn in De Volkskrant, die constateerde dat het leven was weggetrokken uit het Londense zakenhart. Ik zag een paar verward verheugde reacties langskomen van vrienden op mijn culturele tijdlijn. Immers, in het artikel werd een duidelijke relatie gelegd tussen de sluiting van musea en theaters en de… 

Subsidy crisis: if the House comes up with a fix for region and saw line soon, we will be even further home.

That 8.6 million the fund is now minimally short of will probably be found somewhere, so the saw line will be shifted again. Then the sector can - virtually - continue for another four years. Another one and a half million may be added to shape the spread. Pleasing the art world is not that expensive, The Hague will notice.

And what about those codes of conduct? 'The Fund sees the tick marks as a baseline measurement.'

According to the minister, when applying for your grant this year, the Fair Practice Code, the Diversity and Inclusion Code and the Governance Code of Culture would be decisive. In several reviews by the Culture Council in the BIS and also locally, artists have been rejected on the basis of poor substantiation of their following the code of conduct. If not at... 

'It's important for Shai to make something again.' Ka Yan Tang and Shailesh Bahoran on Illusionary Rockaz Company in times of Corona

Illusionary Rockaz Company was due to release a new work by Shailesh Bahoran this spring. A new production for the first time in two years, after a time in which the Utrecht-based choreographer was constantly winning awards. And then Corona broke out. For Shai, reason to pause for a while: 'For Shakti, the performance that is coming up now, we have to... 

Raad voor Cultuur past advies marginaal aan, maar blijft bij omstreden besluiten

De Nationale Opera had een foutje gemaakt bij de opstelling van zijn aanvraag. Het met vele miljoenen gedoteerde nationale instituut had volgens de Raad voor Cultuur nagelaten de prestatiegegevens uit te splitsen over dans en muziek. Daardoor moest het gezelschap al voor 1 november met een geheel nieuwe aanvraag komen. Nu blijkt dat mee te vallen. Wat blijkt, de gegevens… 

Bright Richards blijft strijdbaar in tijden van Corona: ‘Waarom zetten wij kunst niet in om inclusie tot stand te brengen?’

‘Natuurlijk heeft Corona impact op mij, maar de impact van Black Lives Matter is veel groter. Ik wil aan het werk gaan om jongeren te activeren. Zij moeten voelen dat dit ons land is. Ik vind het belangrijk om steeds elk podium te gebruiken om dat duidelijk te maken.’ Bright Richards is twintig jaar na zijn afstuderen aan de Arnhemse… 

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