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Anything for which people enter a stage.

Asko|Schönberg opens cultural season 2022/2023 with festival Words & Music

  cut-ups & fuck-ups, Berio & Burroughs Saturday 3 September With Words & Music, Asko|Schönberg serves you an afternoon and evening full of cut-ups & fuck-ups. A rush of sensations; fantastic, grim, absurd, disruptive and with humour. A festival full of cut-up, cut-up and brand-new performances, installations, film and more, inspired by the cut-up techniques of composer Berio and writer Burroughs. After the... 

Yara Piekema, Earth star in disarming play about Bob, who invented the world. 

Ok. One time I will say it. That Yara Piekema is the daughter of Harry Piekema. You know: that man who single-handedly gave that Zaanse Grootgrutter a human face. Harry was already a big one in Utrecht, and now it turns out he secretly, years ago, gave birth to an even bigger one: Yara Piekema, no longer the daughter of,... 

Playing for God in Solomon's Judgement by Ilay den Boer

Playing for God in Solomon's Judgement by Ilay den Boer

On Good Friday, I, working for the Immigration and Naturalisation Service IND, attended the 100th performance of Solomon's Judgement at the Lourdes Church in Scheveningen. Wijbrand Schaap visited the confrontational theatre production in July 2021 and wrote back then about the perils of an asylum procedure at the IND. Where does the performance stand now? Just in a nutshell: in Salomon's Judgement, three actors do... 

Farewell performance 'I'm not here for a while' by Moniek Merkx must be seen

How beautiful art for children can be when a real artist is involved. When themes like death, falling in love, loneliness and exclusion are made palpable in such a beautiful way that you step outside with a deeper feeling about life? With theatre-maker Moniek Merkx, you can. A year ago, she stepped down as artistic director of... 

Tamar van den Dop legendary in slightly over-explained version of Judith Herzberg's Passion Trilogy 

That you are suddenly back in 1996 at Black Snow, the television series in which actress Tamar van den Dop managed to hook an entire generation of viewers at the time. Since then, her raven-black curls have turned into a dazzling cloud of silver, but those who go to the National Theatre's Distress trilogy suddenly see that young Tamar again. A miracle of talent in... 

Ksenia with theatre performance on the trail of the liberator.

So that we never forget that the Netherlands also needed help to become free. Ksenia tours the Netherlands with her theatre show 'They Saw War' and plays on liberation commemorations. Or on days when a town, village or hamlet was liberated in 1945. She follows the trail of the liberators. In 75 minutes, Ksenia takes the audience into the lives of... 

Despite closed doors, Wilminktheatre produced more than ever 

Now that the cultural sector can slowly but surely put the corona crisis and lockdowns behind it, it is time to look back. How have they done, the theatres, the clubs? Earlier, this site discussed the book TivoliVredenburg wrote about its first year (Off/On). Now it's time to look at how a theatre in 'the region' managed the... 

De Dansers receives the first Harm Lambers Building Block for Special Art in Utrecht

Utrecht - Utrecht dance company De Dansers received the first Harm Lambers Building Stone for Special Art in Utrecht on 10 April. During a festive evening in Theater Kikker, one of the initiators, Paul Feld, presented this challenge trophy to De Dansers. Jury report De Dansers, led by choreographer Josephine van Rheenen and composer Guy Corneille is... 

Stairway to Music: Double Dutch | World premiere Robin de Raaff

Saturday 23 April, 2.15pm and 4pm: Stairway to Music by Asko|Schönberg and the Muziekgebouw is an intimate 40-minute listening experience on the steps of Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Stairway to Music is inspired by a story told at the farewell gathering of conductor/pianist Reinbert de Leeuw, who died in 2020. When Reinbert played the piano in his flat, people would take... 

Asko|Schönberg presents overview of programmes first half new season

The programming for next season is largely known and ticket sales have started. Below is the overview of the programmes from September to December 2022. Asko|Schönberg opens season 2022/2023 on Saturday 3 September with festival Words & Music, a day full of cut-ups and fuck-ups inspired by Berio and Burroughs. Also many new works by Richard Ayres, Jan van de Putte, Arnold... 

Spoorpark new festival heart of Festival Circolo

A super big park in the middle of the city. Festival Circolo will move to Tilburg's Spoorpark in October 2022. With the festival heart in the Spoorpark and various satellite locations in the city centre, it will be one big circus party in Tilburg for ten days. With this move, Festival Circolo opts for a location in the middle of the city. The Spoorpark is the largest civic initiative in... 

Tiago Rodrigues directs Isabelle Huppert in The Cherry Garden at the Holland Festival: 'From Chekhov, the best friend of all actors in the world, we play every note.'

'For the first time in my life, I had the opportunity to play all the notes written by Chekhov. It was an intellectual and artistic challenge to really work with Chekhov. I could really let Chekhov be one of the authors of the play, which is very unusual for me. After all, I'm used to writing plays to... 

Stunning OustFaust tribute by and for Theu Boermans

What magnificent beauty of Dutch language from Tom Lanoye! What greatness of stage by Theu Boermans! What great acting by Romana Vrede, Mark Rietman and Myrthe Huber! Three hours of enjoyment at the very highest level that culture has to offer. And then the Koninklijke Schouwburg in The Hague is not even sold out on a Saturday night. Did the big... 

Cinedans FEST '22 takes place from 22 to 26 June at Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam, the A-Lab and online.

Cinedans presents an interdisciplinary programme where the two movement arts, dance and film, are pre-eminently linked. Connection, innovation and polyphony are at the heart of this 18th international edition. For five days, we present the state of the art of international dance film. Together with dancescreen - IMZ International Music + Media Centre, we will organise this year's international dance film competition. Dancecreen... 

I'm not here for a while (8-108): The performance that literally wasn't there for a moment

On Thursday 7 April 2022, family performance Ik ben er even niet (8-108) will premiere at the Maaspodium, Rotterdam. The show turned out to be aptly titled, as Ik ben er even niet was actually supposed to premiere in December 2021. But due to corona lockdown, both the premiere and the rest of the tour could not go ahead. Now... 

New theatre incubator De Dapper in Amsterdam Oost

In Amsterdam East, the new theatre breeding ground De Dapper will be located in the former Muiderpoort Theatre, which was established as a dance theatre in the 1980s. The development of Broedplaats De Dapper will be carried out by Stichting PodiumPartners and supported by Bureau Broedplaatsen of the City of Amsterdam. Stichting PodiumPartners/ Plein Theater is thus fulfilling a long-held dream to create available space for experimentation, crossovers... 

Plein Theater and Puppetry Workspace present the first edition of the QUEERING PUPPETS FESTIVAL AMSTERDAM from 23 to 27 March 2022!

QUEERING PUPPETS FESTIVAL AMSTERDAM gives the stage to genre-transcending forms of visual theatre and puppetry. A fusion of craft and technology, where traditional categories are dissolved before the eye of the beholder. During this multi-day festival, for once the focus is not on people, but on things. With what characters and objects are we surrounded? How does the imagination awaken them? 

theatre group Amsterdam revives thanks to De Warme Winkel (so not an April fool after all)

Update April 2022: Turns out it's not an April fool's joke, so all the beats we were holding back at first turned out to be unnecessary. Since 2018, Toneelgroep Amsterdam no longer exists, as does the Capital's Stadsschouwburg. Together they have since formed 'Internationaal Theater Amsterdam', because that better suits the global ambitions of Ivo van Hove's Amsterdam city theatre. It was thus... 

Kwatta bids impressive farewell with beautiful 'Metamorphoses'

We always want to do the best, but usually fail horribly. Whether this is our habitual way of thinking, or whether we owe that idea to Ovid, we will never know. We can, however, say that the literary work 'Metamorphoses', published by Roman Ovid in the first year of our era, is the single most influential book of the... 

TivoliVredenburg and Rabobank revamp Rabo Open Stage - Stage for up-and-coming talent reopens on Saturday 19 March

With admittedly the smallest number of square metres of all stages in TivoliVredenburg, the Rabo Open Stage in the central hall is not inferior to the rest: since 2014, over 300 local artists have taken to the stage every year, destined for up-and-coming talent. After eight years of intensive use, the stage has been completely renovated. Rabo Open Stage provides a stage for the future. More times per... 

Midshipman hit by a snip. SMART by Matzer learns what driving apps are doing

Which sentence stuck with us? The question to the audience comes from Madeleine Matzer after the performance of 'Smart'. It is a rather loaded question, as the play is about very direct loss. When a child has just died in a stupid accident, every sentence you remember is worth gold. The blunt accident that the subject... 

Beautiful ode to shyness by Treurdier

Few actors can portray timidity as aptly as Jan-Paul Buijs. With his wonderful Circus Treurdier, he made a catchy performance that anyone who has something against big mouths should enjoy. Especially at chattering show tables and on Twitter, but also with the incessant smattering of columns in the Volkskrant; the big mouths of the betwetervolk exert a power you... 

'We need art to talk to lunatics' - Holland Festival presents anniversary programme

We can already chalk up Angélique Kidjo as one of the most disarming appearances at the 2022 Holland Festival. The Benin-born singer is this year's associate artist, together with German director Nicolas Stemann. On Wednesday 9 March, she performed as a commanding speaker at the press conference with which the Holland Festival opens its public relations offensive each year. It was a... 

Culture sector takes action for residents of Ukraine #♥rtforUkraine

The cultural field, like everyone else, is deeply shocked by developments in Ukraine. We are deeply concerned about the impact of the large-scale hostilities in Ukraine on the people of the country. To show solidarity and to express sympathy and support, the cultural field is organising the #♥rtforUkraine campaign next weekend 4, 5 and 6 March 2022 with... 

The Utrechtichting is coming! Corona-time theatre graduates present themselves.

During the upcoming Makersdag on 7 March in Het Huis Utrecht, the Utrechtse Lichting will present themselves, a group of Utrecht theatre makers who graduated during the pandemic. The circumstances in which these makers had to take their first steps in the field were tough during corona time. HKU Theatre, Theater Kikker and Het Huis Utrecht are therefore jointly offering these theatre makers the opportunity to... 

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