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With text, movement, actors, sets.

Golden theatre formula attracts unreachable audience - Hundreds of students at Huize Enschede theatre series

How do you get young people into your auditorium? Almost every theatre struggles with that question. Bran Remie (35), programmer and theatre maker at Wilminktheatre and Muziekcentrum Enschede, succeeds. With the online and offline theatre series Huize Enschede, about student life in that city. Students are hard to get to the theatre. Theatres do their best, with targeted marketing and special promotions... 

Zéro: from slapstick to Zen ritual - First edition Zéro Mime & Performance Festival 15 & 16 December

Experience mime at the Zéro - Mime & Performance Festival: the first two-day festival in the Netherlands entirely devoted to physical and visual theatre. Expect new and established makers, location performance alongside large hall productions, comforting alongside abrasive, inside and outside de Meervaart 15 and 16 December 2022. Including turboslapstick performance Knock-Out and Erosion, winner of the BNG Bank Theatre Prize. The... 

We are all fluid. Alum makes tangible in Metamorphoses II how comforting that is

Marietje d'Hane Scheltema, her name be praised. How corny I used to think she was with her neat little rhymes with which she managed to transform classical Greek and Roman drinking bouts into Kralings-judged bake sale parties. And how wrong I could be. Because how well her translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses works in the hands of the people at Alum. Yesterday was the premiere... 

Time flows through you; The Years of Eline Arbo at HNT as poignant as it is stunning

Squeezing village society and family, escape with harsh deflowering, student pleasures crushed by bloody abortion, inescapable marriage and childbearing, scorching relationships with men, fierce longing with loneliness, and finally resignation with grandchild; against the backdrop of war, reconstruction, stifled revolution, years of hope and finally in prosperity and cynicism extinguished idealism. Time flows through Annie, Annie flows through the... 

Talking about gender identity with grandma - Twelfth Night by Theatre Group Alum | Premiere on 23 December 2022

In this bleak everyday reality, Theatre Group Alum gives you the opportunity to escape to Ilyria, where audiences will be immersed in a world of romance, music and gender fluidity. From 21 to 30 December, this sneaky queer party takes over Theatre Kikker. Shakespeare Twelfth Night was written by William Shakespeare as a sneaky Queer party within the norms of the seventeenth... 

4 Reasons why theatre performance Light in Leidsche Rijn is not all that nice by chance

Light is the name of the latest production by NUT, a theatre company with close ties to Utrecht's Leidsche Rijn district. It is theatre in a bubble in Utrecht's largest city park, and it starts with good food and drink. I went to see it, and again became even more of a fan than I already was. A few reasons, why that came about.

Jeroen Spitzenberger lets New Rotterdam Jazz Orchestra shine

Jeroen Spitzenberger lets New Rotterdam Jazz Orchestra shine So typically Rotterdam is this performance, just right, because of the space the lauded actor grants to a rather unknown 11-member male orchestra. For weeks, we happily watch Spitzenberger as Tim in the excellent TV series Oogappels, just as we intensely enjoyed The Year of Fortuyn at the same NPO in which he (also)... 

Genevieve Murphy, composer and theatrical performer: 'I like music with rhythm, feeling and drive. Music that makes me dance.' #novembermusic

'I have a special relationship with my stuff. It has to do with certain emotional experiences in my life.' With "The Spot Where I Find Myself", Genevieve Murphy (Scotland, 1988) breaks new ground in exploring her potential as a composer, musician, but above all, a theatrical performer. Those who have been following Murphy for a few years have already noticed her versatility,... 

We need to handle our last days differently, that much is made clear by POW-WOW by Minou Bosua. 

We die too late. Most of the time. After all, nobody wants to spend the last years of life leaking in a nursing home, cared for by ever-changing staff who do their stinking best but are incapable of the love that children, or close friends for want of it, could give. Better a pill than dementia, we say, but then you have to say 'Yes! 

Night of Poetry already two-thirds borne by receipts

On 8 October 2022, ILFU will organise the Night of Poetry in Utrecht for the 39th time already. It is almost sold out which means that two-thirds of the cost is borne by visitors. "The night costs roughly 100,000 euros. If we sell out, the vast majority of the revenue already comes from tickets and about a third... 

Lighting designer Uri Rapaport on stage for the first time, in self-designed, dazzling theatre experience

Light design central in new performance by the NUT | Di 4 October 2022 - Utrecht In collaboration with SHIFFT, the NUT presents the visual theatre spectacle Light, in which light design is central. Light is the extraordinary story of lighting designer Uri Rapaport who goes through life blind for a fortnight after surgery on a tumour on his eye. Theatre-maker Greg Nottrot takes him... 

Trapeze Annemieke van der Togt

Circus forms perfect backdrop for Kees Prins' tragicomic 'Trapeze'

Stop or keep going until you drop dead? And can you build on the other? Serious life questions that the occasional duo Peter Blok and Bas Hoeflaak will answer from a trapeze on the ridge of their circus, joking and snarking. The dry humour and mugshots of Peter Blok (experienced stage, film and TV actor) and actor-cabaret artist Bas Hoeflaak (Snipers) are... 

'I Say Sorry' masterfully makes tangible what a madness our slavery past is.  

Saying sorry seems to be difficult, if the songs about it are to be believed, and if we measure the time it takes Dutch governments to do it. But sorry is also very easy, if you consider how often you are not pushed aside in the queue for something or other, after the word 'sorry' has sounded behind you, or -... 

'I say sorry anyway' theatre production by Theatre Group Alum and Raymi Sambo Makes about Keti Koti and slavery past on tour from the end of September

Ik zeg toch sorry a theatre production by Theatre Group Aluin and Raymi Sambo Makes about Keti Koti, the day celebrating the (official) abolition of slavery, will be shown in Dutch theatres from the end of September. At a time when more and more municipalities and organisations are openly apologising for the slavery past or letting their own role in this period be... 

Shabnam Baqhiri (born 1996) studies Writing for Performance at the Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU). She wrote the autobiographical text Kankerthee, which she is developing through this summer in residency with Theatre Group Aluin.

Shabnam and Theatre Group Aluin meet as part of her directorial internship on the performance I say sorry. Aluin considers it important to give young people with an interest in text theatre the opportunity to develop as autonomous creators. Being able to create alongside your writing can be a great added value. This residency gives Shabnam... 

Three hours of vogue in Harrell's Porca Miseria might be a little too much of a good thing. #HF22

There is at least one reason to go see Porca Miseria, Trajal Harrell's latest work. The Holland Festival hosts the American choreographer best known for his Vogueing work this weekend, and the soundtrack to his trilogy is nothing short of stunning. Starting with Willie Nelson and ending with the Lamento della Nimfa with which Claudio Monteverdi... 

Turning against the dying of the light at the direction of Katie Mitchell #HF22

If humanity goes extinct, there has been a woman somewhere who was the last not to have a child. To whom does that honour belong? At the Holland Festival, an ensemble of 12 performers now perform a requiem for that last non-mother. Actress and singer Joy Wielkens is the extraordinarily disarming high priestess in this at times quite heavy evening, in which the end of... 

Yemandja, in setless version, is very much neatly American though.

It shows either enormous guts, or boundless naivety, to make a musical in which a slave trader in Africa is converted by a song to a life of love and respect for fellow human beings. Yet Yemandja, the play that was performed in a setless performance at the Holland Festival, is actually just that. I could also explain... 

Official Jury selection 2022 has been announced!

From Thursday 1 to Sunday 11 September 2022, the Nederlands Theater Festival will show the finest productions of the past theatre season. The Netherlands Theatre Jury, headed by jury president Hadassah de Boer, selected the 12 most impressive theatre productions of the moment. Today, the jury announced its selection. Ten of the twelve productions from the selection can be seen during the upcoming edition of the festival.... 

A new look at Nobel Prize-winning masterpiece may not use a word from that masterpiece.

In the French-speaking world, everyone has read l'Étranger (The Foreigner) by Albert Camus. The 1942 book, which many Dutch people have also read, if only because it is nice and thin for the French reading list, tells the story of a white French resident of Algeria, a so-called pied-noir, who is so convinced of the absurdity of life that he becomes a... 

There is a deep crisis in Flemish theatre. Toneelhuis is in dire straits.

In Flanders, or rather in its cultural capital, Antwerp, the theatre sector is faltering. The Toneelhuis, founded in the late 1990s as a merger between the legendary Blauwe Maandag Compagnie and city company KNS, is in crisis after the departure of Guy Cassiers. It is now losing more than half of its grant after a scathing opinion. The Flemish government is stopping... 

NRC asked when Wagner would be cancelled. At the Holland Festival, we get an answer to that question, via Schauspielhaus Zurich #HF22

'For me, the world of Wotan equals the world of Putin.' Christopher Ruping, director of Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen to be shown in Amsterdam in June, makes no bones about it: 'Siegfried [central character of Wagner's monster production, ws] is a very problematic character. He kills the dragon without asking questions. We give the dragon... 

(Update) Nicolas Stemann on his version of 'der Besuch' at the Holland Festival: 'We do take such women very seriously these days.' #HF22

Update 11 May 2022

The comparison with the Derksen affair cited in this article no longer holds true as of this date, as the TV personality has been restored to full glory by the television station that previously 'cancelled' him. From Monday 16 May, he will return to his old role as a 'grumpy old man' in Today Inside. See the link here.

Yara Piekema, Earth star in disarming play about Bob, who invented the world. 

Ok. One time I will say it. That Yara Piekema is the daughter of Harry Piekema. You know: that man who single-handedly gave that Zaanse Grootgrutter a human face. Harry was already a big one in Utrecht, and now it turns out he secretly, years ago, gave birth to an even bigger one: Yara Piekema, no longer the daughter of,... 

Playing for God in Solomon's Judgement by Ilay den Boer

Playing for God in Solomon's Judgement by Ilay den Boer

On Good Friday, I, working for the Immigration and Naturalisation Service IND, attended the 100th performance of Solomon's Judgement at the Lourdes Church in Scheveningen. Wijbrand Schaap visited the confrontational theatre production in July 2021 and wrote back then about the perils of an asylum procedure at the IND. Where does the performance stand now? Just in a nutshell: in Salomon's Judgement, three actors do... 

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