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Plein Theater presents the livestream The Lion's Den on 4 May as part of Theatre After Dam - In collaboration with PACT+ (ROCvA)

Young people from Amsterdam East, led by theatre-makers Berith Danse and Isa van Dam, delved into the history of Amsterdam East and ARTIS at the time of World War II. Their research forms the basis for the livestream The lion's den. In Amsterdam Oost, the traces of the Second World War are indelible. Palpable in the trip-stones in the... 

It is not too late to make a European Cultural New Deal central to recovery funds

Recently, US geopolitician Joseph Nye1 drew attention once again to the fact that transnational culture is one of the great forces of the European project. For those looking at the European Union from the outside, this common culture is evident, but we, citizens of the Union, are less and less aware of it. Moreover, we tend to... 

Concordia still continues to show theatre performances

In the coming weeks, you can enjoy the following livestreams at Concordia: Storyteller, Shaffy, Next Generation, Most Beautiful Songs and Cameretten finalists. More information about the performances below. BOI AKIH - Storyteller Theatre programmer Ellen saw this band at Podium Witteman a while back and thought it was so cool that she immediately booked them. Especially for this evening, there will be a... 

HOLLAND FESTIVAL 2021 with associate artists Ryuichi Sakamoto and Gisèle Vienne

From 3 to 27 June 2021, the 74th edition of the Holland Festival will take place in and around Amsterdam. This year's associate artists are American-Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto and French-Austrian theatre-maker Gisèle Vienne - notable artists with broad interests, as evidenced by their collaborations with Hollywood directors, techno artists, visual artists and rock bands. During the... 

logo council for culture

Invest in culture for all

A strong cultural sector has an important economic and social driving function. Culture not only contributes positively to mental health and well-being, but is also an important building block in the recovery from the current corona crisis. To maximise this booster function, almost 500 million extra per year is needed. This is the conclusion of the Council for Culture in a letter to informateur Tjeenk... 

UTRECHTSE PODIA HEROPEN EVEN FOR TRIAL EVENTS - EKKO, De Helling, TivoliVredenburg, Stadsschouwburg Utrecht and Podium Hoge Woerd will present eighteen 'pilots' for live audiences in April

From 19 to 24 April, Utrecht venues will finally - temporarily - open their doors to the public. Pilot events, 'pilots', are taking place all over the Netherlands this month. TivoliVredenburg, De Helling, EKKO, Stadsschouwburg Utrecht and Podium Hoge Woerd are also trying out how testing for access at coronaproof programmes works. Pilots will take place in the cultural sector in April 

Open Call: Living on the Border: Concordia is looking for young inspired creators for a theatre project this summer!

Theatre Concordia is looking for young creators who are inspired and feel like turning a plan or idea into a theatrical product. The theme of this second open call is Living on the Border. The chosen submissions will receive guidance and a Masterclass, a starting budget of 750 euros and a place in our summer programming. During the first Open Call Never... 

Gerardjan Rijnders shines in premiere Dutch Comedy at Concordia

All happy families look alike... But the family we get to know in "Dutch Comedy" is anything but happy. On Thursday 1 April at 20:30, De Gemeenschap's show "Nederlandse Comedie" (try-out) can be seen at Concordia via a live stream. The try-out is an upbeat play that deals with intense topics. An emotional group portrait of people who... 

Viktorien van Hulst is leaving Theatre Festival Boulevard.

After more than six years as director, Viktorien van Hulst is leaving Stichting Theaterfestival Boulevard 's-Hertogenbosch and Stichting Bosse Nova. She will start on 1 July as director-director at the Fonds Podiumkunsten, where she will succeed Henriëtte Post. The Performing Arts Fund supports all forms of professional performing arts on behalf of the central government and has an annual budget of 62 million euros available for this purpose. Peggy Olislaegers... 

TivoliVredenburg and Utrecht University look back on one year of corona in live talk show

Marion Koopmans, Cécile van Els, Maarten Keulemans et al on everything we now know about covid-19 What do we now know about the coronavirus? Are vaccines resistant to the prevailing mutations? What has the corona crisis done to Dutch trust in government and institutions? And what is the damage to the Dutch economy? In an interactive talk show on Monday 15... 

Amsterdam Museum presents exhibition Golden Coach - 18 June 2021 to 27 February 2022 

The exhibition The Golden Coach opens at the Amsterdam Museum on Friday 18 June. After a restoration of more than five years, the Golden Coach is back on public display for the first time. The carriage will be on loan to the Amsterdam Museum until February 2022. With this, the carriage temporarily returns to the city that used it in... 

Ryan van den Akker plays Hiroshima in a child's soul; Voice of Alfred Jodocus Kwak comes to Enschede

At Concordia and the Vestzaktheatre, many performances continue as a live stream. On Saturday 13 March, for instance, Ryan van den Akker (known in musical leading roles such as Cyrano, My Fair Lady, Elisabeth, De Jantjes) will drop by with her performance 'Hiroshima in a child's soul'. A unique, personal narration of a poignant and terrifying story from her childhood. Theatre programmer Ellen Peters: "I find... 

Inkspot battle won by Renée van den Kerkhof

Saturday, March 6, the annual Inkspotbattle took place at Concordia. The theme was "Elections (in Corona time)". 10 Dutch cartoonists participated. The only female participant, Renée van den Kerkhof, walked away with the prize. Online visitors could watch the participating cartoonists translate a topical subject into cartoons. An expert jury chose at the end of the... 

Watching a cartoon being made; Inkspot battle at Concordia to be followed via livestream

The annual Inktspot battle will take place on Saturday 6 March from 2.45pm. The battle, which can normally be followed at Concordia in the Inktspot exhibition, will, like last year, take place from the participating political cartoonists' own drawing tables and be broadcast live via Concordia's website. As an online visitor, you can watch as the participating draughtsmen... 

AM LIVE - International Women's Day

The Amsterdam Museum has started its weekly AM LIVE talk show again! Thursday 11 March's edition is dedicated to International Women's Day (8 March). The episode will be presented by Margriet Schavemaker and Ghanima Kowsoleea. At the table this edition only women: including Raja Felgata (journalist, editor-in-chief of the annual ranking The Colourful Top 100 and founder... 

Intelligente conversaties over Seks en alles wat je misschien nog niet wist, maar wel hoopte!

Plein Theater en Zehra Handan Aydin presenteren vanaf maart 2021 nieuwe edities van de serie Amsterdam Talks Sex!  In de (online) talkshows belicht Handan verschillende kanten van seksualiteit door verschillende experts te interviewen met hun blik op dit onderwerp. Actuele onderwerpen komen aan bod als de menopauze, queer community, Big Pharma en pillen voor vrije seks, vrouwenhandel en de emancipatie van… 

Theatre festival Boulevard spreads in time and space; Festival this year from 5 to 22 August with new festival heart in Zuiderpark.

Theatre festival Boulevard 's-Hertogenbosch is preparing for its 37th edition. An edition in which the organisation is still reckoning with ongoing measures around the corona virus. To better ensure 1.5 metres distance between visitors, Boulevard is making a new festival centre this year. In the Zuiderpark in 's-Hertogenbosch, we will realise a new meeting place with a spacious layout. In addition... 

Loneliness: a live interview with psychiatrist Dirk De Wachter by TV presenter Rachel Rosier

Did you know that one in 10 Dutch people suffer from severe loneliness? The subject is more topical than ever due to the corona crisis and yet we find it hard to talk about it with each other. On Wednesday 31 March at 20:00, TivoliVredenburg and city lab RAUM present a candid interview with Flemish psychiatrist Dirk de Wachter by Rachel Rosier.... 

Movementalist and Plein Theatre present 25, 26 and 27 February Aceleratio Sneak Peek Streams

Movementalist and Plein Theatre present 25, 26 and 27 February Aceleratio Sneak Peek Streams as a sneak peek of the performance installation Aceleratio that will be on show at the NDSM Fuse in May 2021. In the last three of the series of six 'sneak peek' live streams from the Plein Theatre, viewers get a look 'under the skin' of the performers. Intimate, fragile... 

Refresh Symposium - Amsterdam's art climate

On Friday 12 February 2021 from 12:00-17:00, the Amsterdam Museum, together with its various partners, is organising the Refresh Symposium on the Amsterdam art climate. A symposium in which makers such as Bas Kosters, Massih Hutak and Raquel van Haver together with representatives of cultural institutions such as NDSM-werf, AFK and Amerpodia will critically examine the art climate in the city. The symposium... 

Carolien Gehrels new chair of Supervisory Board Holland Festival

De Raad van Toezicht van het Holland Festival stelt Carolien Gehrels aan per 1 maart 2021 als zijn nieuwe voorzitter. Carolien Gehrels (1967) is een goede bekende van het Holland Festival als regelmatige bezoeker van voorstellingen en concerten en door haar rol als wethouder van Amsterdam verantwoordelijk voor kunst en cultuur van 2006 tot 2014.

Theatre of Concordia, at home on the tube 

With the lockdown in full swing and the curfew shackling us to our homes, the theatre performances at Concordia Film | Theatre | Visual Arts in Enschede continue as usual. With no less than three diverse, musical performances in the coming week that can be followed via a livestream, so you can still get your much-needed dose of culture.

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