'The hero': shaky book adaptation opens Dutch Film Festival #NFF2016
Book adaptations set the tone at the Netherlands Film Festival 2016. The Hero after Jessica Durlacher's novel opened the Utrecht film festival.
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Book adaptations set the tone at the Netherlands Film Festival 2016. The Hero after Jessica Durlacher's novel opened the Utrecht film festival.
At the Magazine Media Café at the Amsterdam debating centre De Balie, journalists, publishers and freelancers discussed the phenomenon of distributed content. What is it and what can you do with it? Distributed content: a new online phenomenon Distributed content is actually reverse publishing. You offer content (stories, photos, video) where the reader is, instead of the reader...
Festival Musica Sacra concluded on Sunday 18 September with a riveting performance of Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel's Brockes-Passion. Conductor Peter van Heyghen led the Flemish ensemble Il Gardellino through the colourful work of this relatively unknown contemporary of Bach with great dedication and precision. With his lively rhythms, glowing arias and wonderfully beautiful chorales, Stölzel stabs his contemporary to the...
'Have you really been listening to poems for three hours?' Asaf Avidan had not yet experienced anything like that. The musical headliner of the 34th Night of Poetry has yet another story to take with him on his tour. In the Netherlands, you can quiet a full hall by reading a poem. This year, that even succeeded ...
The jury of the ECI Literature Prize has brought criticism upon itself with an idiosyncratic choice for the shortlist. In choosing Connie Palmen with Jij zegt het [You say it], Bert Natter with Golberg, Marja Pruis with Zachte riten [Gentle rites], Tonnus Oosterhoff with Op de rok van het universum [On the skirt of the universe], Arnon Grunberg with Moedervlekken [Mother stains] and Martin Michael Driessen with Rivieren [Rivers], the jury ignored...
TING! is a pitch-black anniversary spectacle by Scapino Ballet Rotterdam. But the NITS give the evening luster. Large billboards along the entrance to the Ferro Dome in Rotterdam still hint at the colourful history of the 70-year-old Scapino Ballet. Once inside the round gas holder, however, choreographer Ed Wubbe cuts straight to the chase with a world dipped in sombre tones. A...
In 2013, production group Diamantfabriek and ensemble Nieuw Amsterdams Peil presented the full-length performance Conversations with my Mother. Director Matthias Mooij (1976-2014) and composer Benedict Weisser (1967) asked seven male authors to write a fictional telephone conversation with their mother. At the heart of the piece is the fundamental inequality of communication between mother and son. 'I advise all mothers and...
The 70th audition of the Gaudeamus Music Week ended Sunday 11 September in TivoliVredenburg with the presentation of the Gaudeamus Award. Director Henk Heuvelmans presented the prize for composers under thirty to American Anthony Vine (1988). The prize money of five thousand euros is intended for a new composition, to be performed during a subsequent edition. The jury, consisting of...
A creak. A squeak. A plop. A cough. Genuflection. In Utrecht's Pieterskerk, the singers of Silbersee surround us with almost inaudible, mysterious sounds. The fragmentation evokes an atmosphere of a restless nocturnal forest. Does an owl screech there? The fabric condenses and the sound shifts colour as the singers buzz through cardboard tubes, blow mini harmonicas and shrill...
Het is een verademing dat de Duitse regisseur David Bösch het libretto van Le nozze di Figaro van Mozart geen postmoderne draai heeft gegeven, om zo nodig zijn eigen genialiteit te etaleren. Dit keer geen verslaafden, mannen in gevechtstenue of auto’s die met een rotvaart het podium opscheuren, maar gewoon een rechttoe rechtaan verteld verhaal. De plot van Lorenzo da…
Vacancy: Advisors one-off grants - Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) From 1 March 2017 The Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) invests in art that enriches life in the city. The AFK provides grants to artists and cultural organisations, drives innovation and stimulates the quality, dynamism and pluriformity of Amsterdam art. The AFK supports both experiment...
Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) seeks a member for the Supervisory Board from 1-1-2017 The AFK invests in art that enriches life in the city. The AFK provides subsidies to artists and cultural organisations, drives innovation and stimulates the quality, dynamism and pluriformity of Amsterdam art. The AFK supports both experimentation and proven quality,...
September, de maand van het Nederlands Theaterfestival en het Fringe Festival vol met oude en nieuwe voorstellingen die je moet zien. Maar ook in de rest van het land gebeurt aan het begin van het nieuwe theaterseizoen erg veel. Vijf aanraders. Toneelgroep Maastricht, Eyes wide shut (toneel) ‘De nieuwe Shakespeare’ is hij al genoemd, ik noemde hem al ‘duivelskunstenaar’. Feit…
Recently, Lidy Blijdorp (* 1986) took over the cello of well-known cellist Anner Bijlsma (* 1934). It was his wish for the instrument to be played by her from now on. Via the Netherlands Music Instruments Fund (NMF), the instrument came to her. The maker of this cello is not known. However, it is certain that it originated from...
The summer period is a fine time for catch-up reading - books from recent times that you still wanted to read but didn't get around to before - but we also got a glimpse of a few upcoming titles. That made for a fine, varied crop this month. Eifel adventures Since The Detour, there hasn't been a new novel...
In these election times, it is just how you put it and calculate it. That 24 million extra for culture, which Pechtold triumphantly mentioned with the addition that 'the journey through the desert is over after 2016', has, for the time being, as much value as Rutte's illustrious 1,000 euros: first see, then believe. And since Pechtold gave no further explanation,...
When you go to a concert, you think about the music, the ensemble, the soloist and/or the conductor. Maybe you look up something about the composer but you never think about the programmer who made the concert possible. Astrid in 't Veld is someone who thinks about the range of concerts on offer years in advance in order to help you with...
Door Brexit hebben veel programma’s op de Fringe een extra lading gekregen. Maar wat is Brits eigenlijk, en waar hoor je thuis?
'At the time, under the influence of the populists, we perhaps went too far in our attack on art subsidies.' So declared Jeroen Hatenboer, VVD member and culture alderman of the municipality of Enschede, during the annual Paradiso debate at the end of the Uitmarkt 2016. In the context of the current cabinet's sorry campaign, quite an interesting footnote, and entirely appropriate in the upcoming...
In Dance Around The World trekken ex-dansers Jan Kooijman en Ish Ait Hamou de wereld over. Want dans verbindt. Dat levert televisie op die leuker is dan je denkt. Het programma, dat nu uitgeprobeerd wordt in 3Lab, is een soort kruising tussen Top Gear en Op zoek naar God. Werd je al doodgegooid met bekendheden die op zoek zijn naar religie…
Eerst was er het boek van Arthur Schnitzler. Toen de film van Stanley Kubrick. En nu dan het toneelstuk. Vanaf 27 augustus speelt Toneelgroep Maastricht Eyes wide shut. Nadat zijn vrouw haar seksuele fantasieën heeft opgebiecht, zoekt een man tegen de achtergrond van het carnavalsfeest koortsachtig naar zijn eigen diepst verborgen verlangens. “Ik wilde altijd al een keer gepsychologiseerd drama maken,” vertelt Servé Hermans, artistiek leider van…
What is a memory worth? A first kiss, for instance: how much poorer are you if it is forgotten? In hard euros. Such questions Greg Nottrot likes to ask his audience, and we, his grateful listeners, gladly join in his money thought experiments. The man who, with Oscar Kocken, came up with the revolutionary concept of the live talk show Order of the Day, now makes,...
Retrospectively, I proclaim last Monday night, 15/8, as the opening of my cultural season. Viavia I ended up, in fine company, at the Crazy Goat. A music cafe that might as well have been in New York, Paris or Berlin. This is in The Hague: an ini-mini stage in a building where the money is not spent on chipped-up old school benches,...
10 dagen festival Boulevard. Ik heb me erin gestort. Ik heb 14 voorstellingen gezien, een boel hoeken van Den Bosch (en Tilburg) van dichtbij gezien en meer verschillend theater meegemaakt dan gewoonlijk in een half jaar. Ik heb ook meer friet gegeten dan goed voor me is, meer bier gedronken dan doorgaans en genoten van het afluisteren van gesprekken van…
Tim Honnef is one of the few Dutch with a performance at the Fringe. How did he end up here?
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