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Zijlstra onderzoekt ‘worteling’ buitenlandse kunststudenten

Aan Nederlandse kunstvakopleidingen studeren veel studenten die niet uit Nederland komen. Op verzoek van PVV, gesteund door regeringspartijen VVD en CDA, zoekt staatssecretaris van Cultuur Zijlstra nu uit of er wel genoeg van die studenten na hun studie ook in Nederland aan het werk gaan. Deze toezegging deed Halbe Zijlstra tijdens een algemeen overleg over het sectorplan voor het Kunstvakonderwijs,… 

Fact-free journalism plunges into arts sector.

    According to the Volkskrant, Rick van der Ploeg was state secretary of culture in the early 1990s (in reality, he was at the end of those years), and in Het Parool columnist Gerard Mulder claims that the fact that he "fortunately knows nothing about art subsidies" need not deter him from some wild speculations... 

There it is: the final legislative amendment deciding the future of 16,500 FTEs and thousands of self-employed people

We do not have much to comment on Halbe Zijlstra's explanation. Other than that the state secretary of formerly culture breathes an almost legible sigh of relief now that he can almost close the 'arts' headache file. His "masterpiece", the amendment to the Specific Cultural Policy Act, is before the chamber and if it is approved (hammer piece), the state secretary does not really need to do anything more.

The Broadway visitor: lily-white, woman, loyal and well above the Balkenende norm

These are data that somehow do not make the press here, because they are about America, which is not in the Netherlands. Still, it is interesting to take a closer look at the composition of the audience on Broadway. After all, that is where, in the wet dreams of VVD/PVV celebrities like Bart @deliefde and @halbezijlstra, the future of... 

Small selection of great suffering for Christmas week

There will definitely be no investigation into a corporatisation of the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven. According to the proposal, a council majority wants to have the opportunities to earn more money and save on expenses investigated. A political party earlier suggested that many more visitors and revenue could be brought in with a less elitist programme. At the Money Museum in Utrecht 

A'dam: big loss of art subsidies, fact-free politics at art colleges, sacred museum collections, N-H halts small cultural education, culture in abandoned railway station

'Amsterdam loses 127 million arts subsidy' (...) The 127.1 million euros is a sum of cuts from the state (70 million), the increase in VAT to 19% (45.6 million) and the announced municipal cuts to the 2013-2016 Arts Plan of 8 million annually. In addition, the so-called ID jobs (subsidised jobs) are being phased out more quickly. This will give Amsterdam's arts and cultural institutions another... 

Friday the 25th. Bergen puts extra money into art, while new disasters emerge for the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

Amsterdam - Mayor finds cuts to Rijksakademie "beyond comprehension" During the official opening of RijksakademieOPEN 2011, Mayor of Amsterdam Eberhard van der Laan expressed his concerns about the government's severe cuts to the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten. "Cutbacks are necessary. Capitulating is not necessary. There are limits." The mayor stressed that a healthy art climate is important for... 

Fransche School in jeopardy, blind library closed, nibbling on VAT measure via CJP and Volkenkunde/Tropen Institute merger possible

Arnhem - Scepticism over success of cultural heart Rijnboog Arnhem city council has many doubts about the financial feasibility of the Rijnboog arts cluster. (...) [Alderman] assumes 16 million subsidy from the province and another 4 million in contributions from sponsors for the new arts centre containing the Museum of Modern Art Arnhem, the Schouwburg and Focus Filmtheater.... 

Halbe Zijltra loves his job more than the ministry dares to show

That Martin Bosma, culture spokesman for the PVV, wants to withdraw the subsidy to Toneelgroep Amsterdam because that company plays works by 'enemy of the people' Tom Lanoye, was not even the most bizarre incident of the culture budget debate on 21 November 2011. More bizarre, too, than the PVV's demand for the establishment of a Colonial Museum celebrating the glory of 'Our Indies',... 

Bare-bones news: Give Act turned from monstrosity into monster, Brabant short 30% on performing arts, North Beveland no longer buys art.

Kamer wijzigt giftenaftrek in cultuursector (..) Een meerderheid van de Kamer wil de kabinetsplannen voor fiscale aftrek in de culturele sector beperken. Tegelijkertijd moeten het fiscaal aantrekkelijker worden om giften te doen aan sport- en muziekverenigingen. VVD, CDA en PVV hebben daarvoor dinsdag wijzigingsvoorstellen ingediend op de Geefwet van staatssecretaris Frans Weekers (Financiën). (..) De PVV vond dat veel te… 

Arts Council 020 reacts to alderman for culture's austerity plan: 'don't make cuts!'

Je kunt je kont tegen de krib gooien, als kunstsector, maar je kunt ook iets anders doen, terwijl je met je grote konijnenogen in de koplampen van een aanstormend kaalslagmonster staart. En wat is dat andere dan, vroeg de Amsterdamse kunstraad zich af? Doodknuffelen, was het antwoord. Toen de Amsterdamse wethouder van Cultuur vorige week haar plan ontvouwde voor de… 

Henk and Ingrid screwed again: Dutch tax advisers burn new Giving Act to the ground

The new Giving Act, the cultural palliative with which the Rutte Cabinet claims to be accommodating the art world, is flawed. We don't say this, because we only know about art, but this is what the Dutch tax consultants say. And they know a lot about your taxes, and little about art. Extremely reliable, in other words. And what virtues... 

Mayor Hoes provides proof: for the VVD, art is only about sport anymore

Anyone who was still left wondering what the vision of the governing VVD party on art is now out. For that vision is simple. Art is sport. According to the VVD. So said the alderman of Rotterdam, so said the spouse of top wrestler Albert Verlinde, the as mayor of Maastricht ancillary runner Onno Hoes. During the opening of the Dutch Dance Days, he gave... 

"1 billion loss? There are other figures." Halbe Zijlstra refers Berenschot report to trash.

At the end of August came the figures. And what figures they were. Due to the stacking of extreme cuts by government, provinces and municipalities, the abolition of the successful Work and Income for Artists Act and the equally successful culture card, plus the VAT increase on the arts, the Netherlands' cultural sector would end up missing out on €1 billion in revenue. Berenschot had estimated that in... 

Budget note: We put together the cultural haircut percentages

Let's start again with yet another sloppiness of the Rutte government: that damned VAT measure on the arts, which are the only ones to be bounced to the 'normal' rate of 19%. VVD doesn't like it, CDA isn't happy about it, but, because tolerance specialist Martin Bosma once had to play a red toadstool in the school play, he has eternal... 

Kick off subsidy addiction requires greater government effort than Zijlstra wants

Arts organisations are subsidy-addicted and so we are withdrawing subsidies. The VVD's approach is clear. On the exact how, they appear to need to think longer about that, now that there is so much opposition from the country. Cold Turkey, the treatment proposed by tolerance partner (nice word in this context) PVV, could well result in deaths. To... 

Rutte cabinet answers chamber questions on 'unsupported' VAT measure

That's going to be fodder for chambers exegetes, although the question is whether it will make any difference. But Halbe Zijlstra says he did not say that the VAT measure "was not the most accomplished measure in the coalition agreement. Although that is what that interview with him in NRC Handelsblad of 8 July 2011. At the time, everyone thought that was a funny

Cultural policy Rutte cabinet advised against by patrons and entrepreneurs; PVV absent from hearing on future of Dutch culture

Eigenlijk was er maar één compliment voor het kabinet, dat bezig is om gemiddeld 30% te korten op een sector die werk geeft aan tienduizenden Nederlanders. Tijdens de hoorzitting die de tweede kamer op maandag 20 juni belegde was alleen cultuursocioloog Arjo Klamer positief over de daadkracht die staatssecretaris Zijlstra aan de dag legde. Dat hij vervolgens wel vond dat… 

Dutch ministry of OC&W bases vision 'renewal' cultural funding system on British example

Er zit een interessante ‘drone’ onder, en dat kan iemand als dreigend ervaren. De video aan het eind van dit artikel heeft in ieder geval meer betekenis dan veel cultuurliefhebbers denken. Feit is namelijk dat de ingrijpende bezuinigingen die de Britse regering heeft doorgevoerd via hun ‘Arts Council’ achteraf nauwelijks op protesten zijn gestuit, terwijl de onevenredigheid in de korting… 

Province investigates: 'Utrecht worth 1 billion more thanks to arts sector'

Kunst kost geld. Dat heeft het huidige kabinet Rutte er wel in gehamerd: het is duur, niemand anders dan een klein clubje ingewijden gaat er naartoe en dat zijn hoe dan ook linkse mensen of pseudolinksen die het makkelijk zelf kunnen betalen. Tot zover de mening van de regering. De mening van de kunstwereld laat zich raden: die is het… 

De soep in Den Haag wordt heter gegeten dan die wordt opgediend: ‘geen pas op de plaats in 2013′

Inmiddels is dit bericht op 14 maart bevestigd door de Halbe Zijlstra. We danken onze bron voor het accurate optreden. We gingen weer eens langs bij onze in trenchcoat gestoken kuchende kettingroker in zijn Haagse parkeergarage. Want er was alweer een week geen nieuws uit Den Haag gekomen, en met de verkiezingen zo vlak voor de deur is dat altijd… 

'There are provinces where you can vote VVD or CDA just fine'; new website gives voting tips to art lovers

Het leek wel een feestje. Koffie met vlaai, een Maastrichts liedje, fanfaremuziek en een toespraak van prins carnaval. De lancering van de website is op 21 februari omgeven door optimisme. De schreeuw voor cultuur in november was toch vooral een tegengeluid. Nu is er de kans om toekomstgericht actie te ondernemen. ‘Mobiliseer iedereen die je kent om 2 maart… 

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