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Leo Bankersen

Leo Bankersen has been writing about film since Chinatown and Night of the Living Dead. Reviewed as a freelance film journalist for the GPD for a long time. Is now, among other things, one of the regular contributors to De Filmkrant. Likes to break a lance for children's films, documentaries and films from non-Western countries. Other specialities: digital issues and film education.

Subtle and playful Ernest et Célestine big winner of Cinekid

It is rare for the same film to receive both jury and (children's) audience awards at the Cinekid festival. But about the subtle and sparkling French animated film Ernest et Célestine everyone agreed this time. This story based on picture books by Belgian illustrator Gabrielle Vincent, who died in 2000, won a double award, making it this year's big winner. Ernest and Célestine are a bear and a mouse who have to face the fact that their friendship is poorly understood in the bear and mouse world.

Cinekid honours French animation filmmaker Michel Ocelot with Lifetime Achievement Award

The feature-length French animated film is on the rise. To emphasise this, Michel Ocelot, one of the pacesetters, has been invited as guest of honour by the Cinekid children's film festival. Tonight, he was also presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award, which he accepted with a modest protest. As an animation filmmaker, Michel Ocelot (1943) considers himself still an adolescent with much to discover.

NFF 2012 - All student awards go to the Film Academy

The Film Academy can be satisfied. The two juries that handed out the three student awards at the Netherlands Film Festival on Monday night had also looked at graduation work from other Dutch academies with a film section. But in the end, all the lucky ones were students from the Netherlands Film and Television Academy, as the Amsterdam programme is called in full. Magnesium again. The Tuschinski Award for best graduation film, this... 

NFF 2012 – Robert Oey maakt opnieuw indruk met Gesneuveld

Iedere avond vindt er op het Nederlands Film Festival een belangrijke première plaats, en zondag was dat de nieuwe documentaire van Robert Oey, over boodschappers en nabestaanden. Gesneuveld laat een kant van onze militaire missie in Afghanistan zien die weinig in beeld kwam. 25 Nederlandse militairen zijn daar gesneuveld. De film is in zekere zin een eerbetoon aan hen, maar… 

NFF 2012: première van George Sluizers onvoltooid-voltooide Dark Blood

Misschien waren de verwachtingen bij de première van George Sluizers negentien jaar geleden opgenomen, en nu alsnog voltooide Dark Blood gewoon te hoog gespannen. Want natuurlijk is het geheel terecht dat het Nederlands Film Festival de gelegenheid heeft aangegrepen voor een mooi retrospectief van Sluizer, een van Nederlands’ meest vooraanstaande filmmakers met de wereld als werkterrein. Maker van de bloedstollende… 

#NFF Opening film Nono sings away from dull realism

What a festive opening film it was! The Dutch Film Festival's choice of Nono, the zigzag child had of course to do with the fact that Dutch family films will be specially put in the festival spotlight this year. But even apart from that theme, it was an unmissable kick-off. After all, we may like to grumble that the weather is not... 

Magnesium van Sam de Jong beste afstudeerfilm Filmacademie (volgens Nederlandse filmpers)

Het is nu officieel. Magnesium, waarmee Sam de Jong als regisseur afstudeerde aan de Filmacademie, werd eerder dit jaar al in diverse publicaties lovend besproken. Helemaal als een verrassing kwam het dus niet dat de Kring van Nederlandse Filmjournalisten gistermiddag tijdens de borrel op het dakterras van de Filmacademie bekend maakte dat Magnesium zich winnaar van de KNF-Prijs voor beste… 

The Promise main theme at 32nd Netherlands Film Festival - audience recruitment stepped up

Next year, the Netherlands Film Festival will have to face extensive budget cuts. Therefore, let's enjoy this year extra, was the recommendation with which festival director Willemien van Aalst closed the press conference presenting the programme of the 32nd Netherlands Film Festival this afternoon. Precisely in this time of economic headwind, the festival has chosen this year's The Promise 

Awards for experimental docu and absurdist fiction

EYE is pulling out all the stops. This year, the final exam papers of the students of the Netherlands Film and Television Academy will get an ideal presentation in the largest auditorium of this new film centre. What is also new is that yesterday, immediately after the screening for press and relations, awards were handed out for best commercial (The End, Soon), best documentary (A Twist in... 

2001 is a film you should see again every 10 years. The sf epic even stands up to live orchestra

Does live accompaniment with choir and orchestra make Kubrick's 2001 a different or better film? Not necessarily, but as an homage and event, it is a wonderful gesture. Even on the hard bucket seats in the Gashouder, it is once again a breathtaking experience. Last night, at the Gashouder on Amsterdam's Westergasfabriek grounds, finally revisiting Kubrick's science fiction epic 2001: A Space Odyssey. This... 

Those who are not already become Kubrick fans now. Exhibition and all films at EYE, kicking off on #HF12 with 2001 plus orchestra

Hear Vera Lynn sing as the atomic bombs explode in Dr Strangelove. Stanley Kubrick did wondrous things with the music in his films. Rightly so, the Holland Festival is making space for a special screening of 2001 with orchestra. Space ships to Strauss' waltzes, prelude to a Kubrick summer. Much has been written and speculated about the films of Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999),... 

EYE on the IJ - a spaceship with allure

Tonight the queen may officially open the new home of the EYE Film Institute Netherlands, last night director Sandra den Hamer did it herself in advance at an opening party for relations. In doing so, she spoke of a historic moment for film culture in the Netherlands. Seen from a distance, the building, conveniently referred to as "the new film museum", is most reminiscent of a... 

Wednesdays winner of Dutch competition Go Short

Last night the awards for best short films were presented at festival Go Short in Nijmegen. Winner of the Dutch competition is Woensdagen by Aaron Rookus, a small feature film that approaches the heavily charged subject of sexual abuse in the most subtle way. What begins as an emotionally stunningly well-struck impression of eight-year-old Kris' weekly outing... 

CineCrowd shows at short film festival Go Short that crowdfunding works

In the short Dutch film Ceci n'est pas un rêve, which premiered at the festival Go Short (Nijmegen, 14-18 March), the cityscape of Paris slowly transforms into a dreamscape. You could call it a surrealist documentary, in which filmmaker Amos Mulder has incorporated influences from early German film pioneer Walter Ruttmann as well as modern computer animation. With further... 

Originaliteit beloond bij Oscars 2012

Je kan moeilijk beweren dat het een verrassende uitslag was, want al wekenlang – wat zeg ik, maanden – werd The Artist genoemd als geheide Oscarfavoriet. Toch is de bekroning van deze grotendeels zwijgende Franse zwartwit-film die een ode brengt aan het einde van het tijdperk van de stomme film in Hollywood het bewijs dat originaliteit nog altijd telt in… 

Berlin 2012 - Dutch debut Hemel wins Critics Award

Dutch film Hemel was chosen as best film in the Forum section for young cinema by the jury of international critics at the Berlin festival. This is a fine success for director Sacha Polak who delivers her first feature-length film with this drama about a young woman who has lost her way in search of love. Heaven, after a... 

Berlin 2012 - Shakespeare knew it all

Would today's revolution makers even study Shakespeare? In Cesare deve morire (Caesar Must Die), the competition entry by the Italian Taviani brothers, we witness the preparation and performance of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Anyone watching this with the world's noise in mind will often feel a shock of recognition. The tragedy about a coup in ancient Rome shows... 

Berlijn 2012: Christian Petzold gooit hoge ogen met beklemmend DDR-drama Barbara

Kan een cineast die in West-Duitsland geboren en getogen is precies de juiste toon treffen in een film die in het voormalige Oost-Duitsland speelt? Ik had daar nog niet zo bij stil gestaan, maar de Berliner Zeitung wierp die vraag op naar aanleiding van Christian Petzolds Barbara, over een Berlijnse kinderarts die na een verzoek naar het westen te mogen… 

Berlijn 2012: Finse SF-komedie en Nazi-parodie Iron Sky met gejuich ontvangen

Timo Vuorensola heeft het hem geflikt. Misschien gaat u bij het lezen van de naam van deze Finse regisseur en videoclipmaker nog geen licht op, maar dan behoort u niet tot de uitgebreide internetfanclub die al enkele jaren de wordingsgeschiedenis van de potentiële culthit Iron Sky op de voet volgt. De wereldpremière op het festival van Berlijn is nu de… 

Berlin Film Festival opens with a messy Versailles

The 62nd Berlinale opened tonight with Benoït Jacquot's Les adieux à la reine, a French costume piece that does not play by the rules. The dresses worn by Queen Marie Antoinette's servants get dirty and one of the main characters stumbles in her haste and passes out twice. As the film begins we write 14 July 1789, and the... 

IFFR 2012: Raw and sensitive Serbian debut awarded twice

Smiling, she lets a boy film her with his mobile phone and she happily wriggles into lascivious curves in the process. But when he really wants to see her breasts she flinches. Yet later she will go much, much further and she gets staggeringly little in return. Jasna, the rebellious protagonist from Cliff (Clip), is a Serbian teen... 

IFFR 2012 - Sobering report from Egypt hit with festival audience

That Martin Scorsese's mesmerising Hugo was number one in the audience rating for a while at the Rotterdam festival is not so surprising. What is surprising, however, is the film that emerged as number two yesterday and has now ousted Hugo from first place: the documentary Back to the Square in which filmmaker Petr Lom looks at how things stand in Egypt after the... 

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