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Tobias Kokkelmans starts as director of the Dutch Theatre Festival: 'More exchange between different groups in audiences and creators.'

'As for many people, the theatre festival really does mean something. Like the Fringe, it is impossible to imagine without it. I've been able to make artistic friendships there, I've been able to have arguments there, I've met people who I thought were adversaries who turned out to be comrades-in-arms. Because there are not only performances, there is... 

The Golden Coach around Prince's Day. Lectures and evening opening at the Amsterdam Museum

22 Sept: Prinsjesdaglezing - Stalmeester Bert Wassenaar Two special lectures will be held on Wednesday 22 September from 14.00 - 14.45 and at 15.00 - 15.45 by the King's Stalmeester Bert Wassenaar especially for Prinsjesdag. On the rituals and symbols surrounding Prinsjesdag. The Golden Coach is a recognisable part of the Prinsjesdag ceremony. H.M. King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen... 

Back to the primal power of magic, through youth theatre. With thanks to Jetse Batelaan.

Plays often end in chaos. An overturned liquor cabinet, a blood blade among royals, we are used to a few things. Jetse Batelaan's latest play, baroque and sharper than he showed before, also ends in beauty, but then that is actually the beginning. Indeed, the ending is sterile and stripped of any life. But that is where the performance begins. The artistic director of... 

New private museum in Amsterdam: a rather brazen action, seemingly fuelled by resentment.

'A beautiful gift to the city'- this is how the Hartwig Art Foundation describes on its website the plan to initiate a new art museum on the Zuidas. It is a private initiative by entrepreneur, art collector and philanthropist Rob Defares. The Amsterdam Arts Council has advised positively on the plan, with the municipality deciding soon. It sounds promising: an art hall - there will be no... 

Literary festival ILFU adds new festival day on hot topics of our time 

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Lale Gül, Roberto Saviano and Alfred Birney, among others, make their appearance in Utrecht On Saturday 25 September, the first edition of Exploring Stories will take place: a special festival day at ILFU dedicated to the 'hot topics' or topical issues of our time. At Exploring Stories, topics such as climate, inequality, old and new colonialism, feminism and the... 

NTF Pro: professionals look for gripes at Dutch Theatre Festival.

Those who fear - by virtue of being white men or women - that the descendants of enslaved people are coming to punish them for being grossly at fault for the consequences of the now infamous VOC Mentality, can sleep a little more peacefully again. During the first day of the Dutch Theatre Festival, Thursday 2 September in Amsterdam, surprisingly conciliatory noises rang out when it came to... 

Nerd podcast s2a3: Guy Weizman talks to Wijbrand Schaap and Marijn Lems about The State of Theatre.

'We thought it would be a good idea, after a year and a half of misery, not to start immediately with the most critical perspective, but rather to emphasise how good it was to be together again.' In this podcast, Marijn Lems and Wijbrand Schaap look back with Guy Weizman at his 'State of the Theatre', the traditional opening of the... 

Elena Ferrante gives Belle van Zuylen lecture at ILFU - Italian bestselling author receives Belle van Zuylen ring from Utrecht municipality

On Thursday 23 September, Italian writer Elena Ferrante will deliver the thirteenth Belle van Zuylen lecture at the ILFU International Literature Festival Utrecht. She will also receive the Belle van Zuylenring, an international honorary award of the ILFU in cooperation with the municipality of Utrecht. Elena Ferrante is the author of, among others, the four-volume bestseller De geniale vriendin (Edizione e/o; Wereldbibliotheek). Unique event... 

Winnie Sorgdrager leads committee on transgressive behaviour cultural sector

Minister of State and former chairman of the Council for Culture Winnie Sorgdrager is chairing the committee advising on countering cross-border behaviour in the cultural and creative sector. As previously announced, the council is setting up this committee in response to a request for advice from outgoing minister Van Engelshoven (OCW). The advice should provide insight into what is going on at... 

Anne Lise Kjaer, futurologist, special guest at The Dutch Theatre Festival: 'If everyone stays in their bubble nothing will happen.'

If you want to navigate in unfamiliar waters, it is good to take a map with you. My father was a fisherman, he hardly read, but that's what he told me. Now that I come to Amsterdam, that is also the first thing I do: make a map. What museums are there, is there a cool restaurant, is there new architecture? 

To the makers, policymakers and culture lovers of the Netherlands: Statement by Kristel Baele, president of the Council for Culture, at the opening of the cultural season. 

"This weekend marks the opening of the cultural season, but also brings mixed feelings. More and more people are gradually finding their way back to museums, theatres and concert halls. The sounds and colours there grab us, comfort us and bring us together again. We experience culture now perhaps more beautiful than ever. We look forward to it.... 

A tribunal to prosecute intergenerational climate crimes: the Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC)

The Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC) is a collaboration between Indian writer, lawyer and activist Radha D'Souza and Dutch artist Jonas Staal, produced by Framer Framed, Amsterdam. The project consists of a large-scale installation in the form of a tribunal prosecuting intergenerational climate crimes. The tribunal's inauguration will take place on 24 September 2021. From 28... 

Theatre Festival Boulevard provided a stage for the stories we hear too little. #tfboulevard

According to Linde van Schuppen, philosopher and linguist, medics do not really listen to people with psychosis. At least, they do listen to someone suffering from obvious delusions, but that is to establish that the person is indeed off the track. 'But, how then?" is the question a psychiatrist or neurologist is not trained to answer, she argues. That is why she is doing her PhD. 

Angels of Amsterdam convinces with 4 centuries of women's lives

If you get the urge to run your finger through the candle flame for a moment, then a VR installation is already almost successful. Not just because of the technical feat, but also because it convinces as a place to bivouac for half an hour. I am standing at the bar of a seventeenth-century Amsterdam pub. There are murmurs, music, a bartender who is... 

Like the best clowns, Elias de Bruyne knows how to connect humour with existential angst. At Festival Boulevard #tfboulevard

One of the very best things about Festival Boulevard is the variety of programming. Theatre, dance, music, youth performances, mime, comedy, it all mixes together. And the festival offers just as much space to young makers as to the old hands. So you get a good overview of what the up-and-coming generation of theatre makers has to offer.... 


Today, the Supervisory Board announced that Tobias Kokkelmans has been appointed as the new director/manager of Stichting de Theaterdagen, organiser of the Nederlands Theater Festival, Amsterdam Fringe Festival, NTFJong and the in-depth platform for professionals NTF-Pro, as of 1 September. In doing so, he succeeds Jeffrey Meulman, who in May this year left the Foundation after sixteen years for the Verkadefabriek.... 

Writer Henk Pröpper's slow heartbeat

Writer and publicist Henk Pröpper had only just moved to his beloved Paris when the city came to a standstill, and so did his heart almost. Once fitted with a pacemaker, he took to the city in the one hour a day Parisians were allowed. A new world opened up for him. For Henk Pröpper (62), former director... 

This year's Theatre Festival Boulevard feels greener than usual - and you'll notice it in the performances #tfboulevard

The permanent site of Boulevard's festival centre has largely turned into a construction site this year. This forced the organisers to move to Zuiderpark. Although this is a bit outside the city centre, it is much more spacious and green than the Parade square. It gives the festival a nice feeling of air, space and proximity to the... 

Pull free short stories by well-known authors from the vending machine- ILFU Storytelling Machine makes summer tour of Utrecht

This summer, the Netherlands' first Verhalenmachine (Storytelling Machine) will again tour Utrecht hotspots. From the ILFU Verhalenmachine you don't pull out a croquette or a can of soda, but one of hundreds of free short stories. In the coming weeks, the Verhalenmachine will tour busy Utrecht locations, such as the Neude Library, the Uitalage on Steenweg and TivoliVredenburg. This tour is... 

'You don't know where you stand.' Non-visitors of theatre make it clear where art goes wrong

The vast majority of Dutch adults never go to the theatre. Interestingly enough, the question among theatre people is never really about why people don't go to the theatre. After all, our arts sector is a supply market. At an art school, you are not trained to please the public, but to express your most individual emotion. And then preferably... 

For comfort in these dark times, you need John Buijsman. And Kees. #tfboulevard

Bosses start to look like their dogs. Or vice versa. Or owners like dogs who look like them. Or vice versa. Either way. If you want proof of this statement, hurry to Theatre Festival Boulevard where John Buijsman plays the gem 'Cosmic Cowboy', assisted by Kees, a labradoodle. Or something that should pass for that. John Buijsman is one of the... 

Benjamin Verdonck renews, for a moment, your view of the world. At Theatre Festival Boulevard #tfboulevard

One of the things that make Boulevard so special in the Dutch festival landscape is its generous focus on Belgian performances. Where Dutch theatres programme less and less work from across the southern borders, Boulevard continues to offer a stage to a large number of Belgian makers. Learning to live together This produces very varied work again this year. At the heart of the festival is... 

Nerd podcast #s2e1: On the necessary lightness of something heavy. A conversation about reviews and witches with Club Gewalt #tfboulevard

There is a huge amount happening in theatre, this summer, as many summer festivals have special corona editions where they show a lot of what was made in attic rooms last year during the forced closure of theatres. One such show was Die Hexe, by Club Gewalt, a fresh point theatre band/theatre collective that is/was showing at Theatre Festival Boulevard this summer. Nerd... 

The 'weird life' of all-rounder Jef Last is not over

Better to die standing than to live kneeling. The statement is fresh in memory after the murder in the Lange Leidse Dwarsstraat, as a mantra in praise of Peter R de Vries, his fearlessness, non-conformism, straightforwardness and honesty. This same statement jumps out even from the first paragraphs of the introduction to the biography of poet Jef Last, written by Rudi Wester.1.... 

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