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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

Suddenly controversial photo project on Sotchi gets alternative opening in Moscow

The photo documentary made by photographer Rob Hornstra on the preparations for the Sotchi Olympics will be shown in Moscow after all. At least we hope so, now that after an earlier sudden cancellation a venue has been found at the Sakharov House in Moscow. Next Friday, Dutch fans can watch the opening from Amsterdam's Stadsschouwburg (bring your own beer) attend. Unless

Hospitality and art: not a natural marriage

The Amsterdam City Theatre is looking for a manager for its restaurant. Happens more often, but this time it is news. You see, the Amsterdam City Theatre has a place to reclaim. On the restaurant. When that restaurant opened a few years ago after a major renovation of the 19th-century building on Leidseplein, the Stadsschouwburg had suddenly become sort of untraceable.

'Content creators' will unite globally

Er wordt op internet veel geld verdiend met de verspreiding van tekst en muziek, nieuws, foto’s en films. Dat geld komt binnen bij internetproviders, diensten als Apple, Amazon, Netflix en Spotify en bij de grote platenmaatschappijen en filmproducenten, die vrijwel altijd ook aandeelhouder zijn van eerdergenoemde organisaties. Zo goed als niets van dat geld komt terecht bij de mensen die al die films, composities en boeken of artikelen maken.

Collection shuffling, Rutte II's new hobby

The Money Museum will close in a month, but its collection (as far as important) will go to De Nederlandsche Bank. The Tropenmuseum has been disbanded, but the collection will be housed elsewhere. However, only half of the library will be saved: everything from after 1950 is not interesting enough to preserve, according to minister Bussemaker. This is evident from the answers given by Culture Minister Bussemaker to questions by the SP.

Audience performing arts to low point

Goed nieuws van de VSCD: dit jaar zijn er meer theater- en concertkaarten in de voorverkoop verkocht dan vorig jaar. Het persbericht dat dit meldt, raadt nijvere journalisten echter aan om niet bij het lokale theater te gaan checken of dat klopt. Het gaat volgens de propaganda van de schouwburgdirecties immers om een landelijk gemiddelde, en om ‘dingen die ze horen van hun leden’.

'Museum sector buzzing with collaborative initiatives' but keen to keep doing it themselves

An enthusiastic press release in times of severe headwinds. It calls for further reflection. Last Friday, a survey on the state of cooperation in the Dutch museum world was presented. After all, cooperation should be from Minister Bussemaker and kind of the Council for Culture. So it's nice that things are already going ok. Can we get back to fun things.

Bonnie Doets (photo: Antoinette Mooy)

Modern dance wins prizes at Dutch Dance Days

During the 16th edition of the Dutch Dance Days, several dance awards were presented: the 2013 Dutch Dance Days Prize, the Swans and the Dioraphte Dance Award. Respective winners are choreographer Giulio D'Anna, dancer Medhi Walerski, Club Guy & Roni for Midnight Rising, dancer Bonnie Doets of Scapino Ballet Rotterdam and Keren Levi with The Dry Piece.

The tough weather in hard numbers - economic research Dutch film industry

Are these the figures that will make it clear to Minister Kamp that incentives for the film industry really need to happen? That hope could be heard during the discussion of a report by Oxford Economics implemented research to the economic position of the Dutch film and av industry.

Dutch Academy For Film - for a good story about Dutch cinema

The Dutch film world has a new club. Dutch filmmakers can join the Dutch Academy For Film (DAFF). With the aim, in short, of raising the profile of Dutch cinema. The DAFF was founded on 24 June this year following the example of similar academies in, for example, England, Sweden, Denmark and Germany. A press conference at the Netherlands Film Festival

BPP Kaputt (6): All theatre awards and collective marketing discontinued

Not a cent more goes to the annual theatre awards and all other collective marketing activities, such as the performing arts congress, also go to 0 euros or very little. Says one chairman to another director, who is also chairman, and is actually the same. Because that's how it goes at the Association of Theatre and Concert Hall Directors:


Happy jerk or depressed bacteria? Biodesign is the future, according to William Myers

What idiot could come up with that, one of the attendees wondered: that you can make electrical circuits by combining the DNA of an algae with that of a hamster? Just a question that comes to mind when walking around the exhibition Biodesign, on show in Rotterdam from 27 September to 5 January (2014). And then there's... 

Bookseller continues to discourage ebooks

Did we report here earlier how the patriotic booksellers are doing their best to bring you to haunt the gates of hell if you 'purchase' an ebook, the reading itself also turns out to be a minefield. One of our followers recently purchased an ebook from the largest online bookseller in the Netherlands (at least until That club from America entered). Her brand new Kobo reader however, proved to be no match for this book. Whereas with all other digital books the device effortlessly refreshed the epaper, turning a page in the book took ''Forgive us' by A.M. Homes well over half an hour, and that was a bit too much slow reading for this lady.

Subtle but dull Fokine fine lead to Van Manen's 'Corps' and promising premiere of EGPC at the Dutch National Ballet

The bodies of Fokine, Van Manen and EGPC in the Dutch National Ballet's new programme 'Corps' are vastly different, though they all dance a form of ballet. It is the differences in stakes (decorative or expressive, stylised control or individual surrender, full of symbolism or stripped of it) and the key role for the ensemble that make the programme extremely interesting. Besides the fact that EGPC seems to be on its way to an artistic breakthrough.

Les Nabis from Hermitage Petersburg on display in full glory on the Amstel

In the main hall of the Hermitage Amsterdam, the music room of businessman and art collector Ivan Morozov has been recreated. The hall, where normally the top pieces of the exhibitions hang on the Amstel, now shows what the music room of Morozov's Moscow city palace looked like. With grand piano and all. But above all: with wall decorations by Maurice Denis, who was specially commissioned for this purpose. For once, these paintings have left the Hermitage so that St Petersburg can also work on a similar reconstruction. There is little chance of them leaving St Petersburg after that. 

NRC doesn't count right: not 11, but at least 34 groups gone due to cuts

According to NRC Handelsblad Culture cuts became fatal for 'only' 11 theatre institutions. In doing so, they assume groups that actually dissolved themselves. In their overview, however, they overlook the companies that voluntarily dissolved themselves by merging with another company. In addition, there are a number of institutions that disbanded before the new round because it was already clear that they would not receive any money. If we do count those, we come to at least 34 companies. That is already 25% of what was on offer before the cuts.

Oudolf's sturdy sprites replace floating trestles in Rotterdam harbour

Piet Oudolf, the Dutch garden artist who changed the face of New York changed, is best known in the Netherlands as an ennobled plant book author. After many big cities worldwide, Rotterdam is the first city in the Netherlands to have a public garden designed by the now 69-year-old designer. And it immediately becomes clear what we have been missing in our 'public green space' for all these years. Quite right, then, that Oudolf received the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund Prize gets awarded.

Mondrian, Verhoeven and human rights in Netherlands-Russia year

With all the critical coverage of Russia that Putin and his supporters are provoking, we would almost forget that we are in the middle of the Netherlands-Russia year sitting. A screening of Paul Verhoeven's war film will take place tonight at the Pioner Gorky Park in Moscow Black Book, as a kick-off to

Armando Navarro (1930-2013): Scapino Ballet for more than just children

Armando Navarro (Argentina, 1930 - Amsterdam 2013), former artistic director of Scapino Ballet, passed away last Sunday. Together with his wife Marian Sarstädt formed Navarro one of the Netherlands' best-known dance couples, alongside Han Ebbelaar and Alexandra Radius (Het Nationale Ballet) and Jiří Kylián and Sabine Kupferberg (Nederlands Dans Theater).

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