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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

Karl Ove Knausgard opens Writers Unlimited with strong appeal to individualism #wu15

"Everyone who writes will sooner or later run into a wall, a limit of what cannot, should not and should not be written. And almost everyone will flinch at that moment and refrain from writing it. Because that wall is there to protect us from what we don't want." Karl Ove Knausgård, already compared by some to Marcel Proust,... 

And the 2014 Dance Photo nominees are...

The Official Nominations for the first Dance Photo of the Year election have been announced. From 43 entries, Hans van Manen (choreographer) and Thomas Cott (Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater) compiled a top six. We couldn't think of a better jury for a preselection. Now we are curious to hear your vote. The Dance Photo of the Year election puts dance photographers and their work in the spotlight. Because. 

Masha Bijlsma’s come-back verandert Zeister Bovenkamer in zwoele jazz-club

Een bovenzaaltje op een verlaten bedrijventerrein wordt een knusse jazzclub, een meisje van 43 uit de Achterhoek wordt een zwarte jazzdiva en haar band maakt een comeback na het verscheiden van de muzikaal leider. Bij Masha Bijlsma zijn de wonderen de wereld nog niet uit. Muziek kan de tijd doen stil staan. Dat gebeurt héél soms maar; ik maak het… 

Vote now! Nominations Dance Audience Award 2014 announced

The Official Nominations for the 2014 Dance Audience Award have been announced. Check out the 10 favourite dance performances and 10 favourite dancers of 2014. You can also vote for them. Varied entries For the Dance Audience Award, nearly 800 dance performance visitors sent in nominations of no fewer than 105 dancers and 65 dance performances. From Igone de Jongh of the Dutch National Ballet to the young Carlos Puts in... 

De scene die filmgeschiedenis schreef

Vanochtend is Anita Ekberg gestorven in een ziekenhuis in Italië. Ze is 83 jaar geworden. Maar voor ons is ze eigenlijk altijd 28 gebleven en stond ze eeuwig in de Trevifontein. Ekberg begon haar carriëre als Miss Zweden en is gewapend met die titel naar de VS vertrokken. Daar heeft ze een aantal kleine filmrollen gespeeld waarin ze voornamelijk mooi… 

DUS is now called Theatre Utrecht. Not to be confused with Stadsschouwburg Utrecht

Toneelgroep Centrum, Utrechtse Theater Inititatieven, Jeugdtheaterplatform Utrecht, Theaterplatform Utrecht, De Paardenkathedraal, De Nieuwe Paardenkathedraal, De Utrechtse Spelen. The ostentatious names for Utrecht theatre companies had run out of steam over the past 30 years. Not entirely unexpected, then, that the city theatre company of the Netherlands' fourth city opts for sobriety and clarity. Since Sunday 11 January, 5pm, De Utrechtse Spelen has been called... 

Citymarketing maakt een stad van Nederland

Ze waren altijd een beetje het afvoerputje van marketingland: stadspromotiemensen of citymarketeers. Vooral kunst- en cultuurmarketeers zagen ze liever gaan dan komen, want het kost hun alleen maar geld. Leuk idee dus van Cultuurpers-partner ACMC om ze eens samen te brengen. Inmiddels heeft Citymarketing namelijk de wind mee. Stadspromotie is hot, en heeft ontdekt waar de kracht ligt: buiten de… 

Another black day for independent journalism

After the brutal attack on the staff of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris yesterday, journalists, cartoonists, politicians and the general public rallied worldwide to defend the freedom of speech. Many a front page of today’s newspapers showed the cartoons for which chief editor Charb (Stéphane Charbonnier) and 11 other were brutally murdered by Said and Cherif Kouachi,… 

Zwarte dag voor onafhankelijke journalistiek

Ik ben in shock: twaalf doden bij gruwelijke aanslag op Frans satirisch tijdschrift Charlie Hebdo. – Vlak voor de aanslag twitterde het zijn nieuwste cartoon: een spotprent waarop de leider van IS een nieuwjaarswens uitspreekt. Humor verbindt, humor verbroedert, humor helpt taboes doorbreken, humor relativeert pijnlijke levensthema’s…. Althans, dat heb ik mijn leven lang gedacht, tot in 2005 mijn wereldbeeld kantelde.… 

Gooische Vrouwen beat Hobbit. Cinematic year 2014, eerily stable, with five caveats

Stable, stable, stable. That refrain sounded again and again at the announcement of the cinema industry's annual figures at the New Year meeting in Tuschinski. Hajo Binsbergen, vice-chairman of the Netherlands Association of Film Distributors, informed that in 2014, with the high number of 30.8 million visitors, the passage to the cinema was almost the same as 2013. The Dutch market share was with again... 

Bicycle shed gives way to redundant office of The Symphony Orchestra

650,000 euros. The municipality of Enschede is prepared to lend that amount to HET Symfonieorkest. Not for a special cultural project in the city, no, for a renovation. Not surprising, since municipalities, after all, prefer to invest in bricks and mortar rather than culture. But in this case, we are talking about very special bricks. According to director Harm Mannak, the barely used bicycle shed needs to be converted into a... 

Copyright: Erik Bindervoet

The five theatrical performances you want to see in January 2015, and you already have to head back to the province

After the annual lists, the recommendations for the new year. All dailies participate in it. Problem: much is not yet known. Festivals and companies present their programmes sometime in February, March. So we cannot yet give the tips for the whole of 2015. But we do have the tips for the coming month, in chronological order, because ranking performances we still have to... 

2015 is not left: 5 reasons why art is becoming more exclusive

Art ends its 70th anniversary as a 'Leftist Hobby' in 2015. There is not much more to predict for this year. Art goes back to the bourgeois status it held since the start of the industrial revolution. 1: Art was never left Art, of course, has never been 'left'. Subsidy may have come from the thinking tubes of social and Christian democrats, but art an sich... 

Les 1 voor 2015: maak je jaarlijstjes niet te vroeg

Vorig weekend dachten we wel aan de veilige kant te zitten met ons lijstje van best gelezen verhalen op Cultuurpers. Geheel volgens oude mediawetten dachten we dat de dagen tussen kerst en oud en nieuw rustig zouden verlopen. Aber nein. Er bleek nog een lijstje onderweg, dat de hele boel overhoop heeft gegooid. In plaats van 235 duizend geinteresseerde lezers… 

NTR Podium

Not just Kunststof TV, NTR Podium is also ending. Long live Podium Witteman.

NTR Podium: the television programme about music and dance, is calling it quits. Tonight is the last broadcast with the Harmonium by John Adams by the Residentie Orkest. In 2015, NTR Podium gives way to the new Podium Witteman. This will be mainly about classical music and jazz.

10 viral stories from Culture Press for 235,000 real readers

Always start with the good news. The Information Department of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science did a very good job in 2014. They sent one jubilant press release after another into the world. While there was actually hardly any good news to report. About culture. But because there are a lot of lazy journalists, good news often goes in a... 

Photo: Monique van de Wijdeven

The 10 theatre performances you actually wanted to see in 2014, even if you had to leave Amsterdam for half of them

It's raining annual lists and we're merrily joining in. As subjective as anyone, after all, no one sees everything, and opinions on taste can always differ. Of course, also in this list many performances in or from the Randstad, but half of them were not yet shown there. And all genres mixed together. As long as it is theatre. With the only limitation: no repeats, apologies Ring and Lohengrin (DNO), St John Passion (NRO). And no dance, because for that our partner dance audience

Director Wolfson bids farewell to Film Festival Rotterdam - three puzzles in advance for successor

Today, the International Film Festival Rotterdam announced that director Rutger Wolfson is handing over the baton after the 2015 edition. About his decision, Wolfson says in the press release: "Eight years is a long time to lead an important film festival and with the 44th edition, which is going to be very strong, I have achieved everything I wanted to achieve. Together with my family, I have... 

Cocker's secret: booze and total absence of irony

'With a little help form my friends' may be his biggest hit. My eternal favourite Joe Cocker song is and remains The Letter. Not Cocker's vocal acrobatics here, turning the rather side-splitting Beatles song into a screaming victim's plea. In The Letter, the man who did mostly brilliant covers actually changes bitterly little to... 

They are going to pay. Cable operators on their knees for screenwriters

Tonight many drunk screenwriters on the streets, and in Leiden a few very happy older journalists. Lira, the organisation that has to collect money for them from the big, wealthy, and non-paying guys, has won twice. They already had, of course, but the cable companies didn't want to get rid of the gold plating on their luxury yachts. So they ignored the judge's ruling and... 

At last: National Theatre examines 'German Model'

Good going, over there in The Hague. After the company announced earlier this week that it would take a young creator into its artistic leadership before his death, today follows the announcement that Het Nationale Toneel wants to merge with the Koninklijke Schouwburg. This would mean that, for the first time in a long time in the Netherlands, the performer of a city theatre would again be... 

Klucht rond The Interview wordt thriller – Sony zwicht voor dreigement uit onbekende bron

Het wordt steeds gekker met The Interview, de Amerikaanse komedie waarin de CIA twee televisiejournalisten wil inschakelen bij een moordaanslag op de leider van Noord-Korea.

Je zou bijna zeggen dat film weer eens door de werkelijkheid is ingehaald.

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Brian Eno during rehearsals for Golden Hours, 12 December 2014, photo © Anne Van Aerschot

Rosas away from Brussels? The political game has begun.

Choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker sends out an alarming press release. Following the decision by the Brussels theatre De Munt/La Monnaie to stop programming dance, she wonders whether Rosas is still welcome in Brussels. "The news that the management of La Monnaie is scrapping all dance fills me with disbelief. Historically, ... 

Should Halbe Zijlstra apologise only to Overijssel?

Ten per cent fewer performances and ten per cent fewer visitors in Overijssel headlines RTV Oost. Bam! That chops it. Into the bin, that jubilant press release by Jet Bussemaker. And if there is one province that does not need to apologise to Halbe Zijlstra, it is Overijssel. Well, we reported earlier that apologies are not necessary anyway, but as a province... 

Amsterdam art is doing great. Unless you are a (young) artist.

Two corpses. Despairing bystanders. A blood-red photo. The cover of the Exploration, released by the Amsterdam Arts Council, makes one fear the worst. A massacre has been committed. Even if it is a scenic photo of a performance by Toneelgroep Amsterdam. Or is it all different? Are only two dead, and the rest live on? Something about shows that on must go?.... 

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