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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

Pascal Schut. Photo: Hans Gerritsen

The audience speaks: Pascal Schut and Davide Cocchiara best dancers of 2013

The winners of the Dans Publieksprijs 2013 have been announced. On Friday 14 February, the prizes, divided into seven categories, will be awarded at The Hague's Theater aan het Spui. Besides winners Pascal Schut (Introdans) and Davide Cocchiara (The Red Piece), they are choreographers Conny Jansen Danst for the performance 'How Long is Now' and Isabelle Beernaert for the performance 'Red, Yellow & Blue'.

World premiere in Berlin of Dutch 3D experiment Above Us All by Eugenie Jansen

In tegenstelling tot wat sommigen een paar jaar geleden verwachtten is 3D in de artistieke film nog steeds een zeldzaamheid. Dus als er dan in deze hoek weer eens iets opduikt maakt dat direct nieuwsgierig. En dan bedoel ik dus niet Cathedrals of Culture, het 3D-filmproject van Wim Wenders en vijf andere filmmakers met gebouwen in de hoofdrol. Dat Wenders een 3D-gelover is wisten we al.

Ik bedoel die andere 3D-première op het Berlijnse festival: Above Us All van de Nederlandse

Breaking: Rotterdam art fair changes name for fear of trousers factory

You can still eat a raw egg in English, but you can no longer use the word RAW for almost anything to do with style. Therefore, the RAW Art Fair is to be renamed next year. Sources at the organisers of the Rotterdam Art Week Art Fair confirm that this may have avoided a dragging court case.

Peter Eötvös writes DoReMi for violinist Midori

For years he was a conductor who also composed, but after operas such as Le balcon and Angels in America Hungarian Peter Eötvös (1944) is now a composer who also conducts. On Friday 21 February, he leads the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra in Vredenburg Leidsche Rijn in the Dutch premiere of his Violin Concerto No 2, DoReMi, which he composed in 2012 for Japanese violinist Midori. - I spoke to him last week.

Art Rotterdam Van Nellefabriek

The 15 toppers of contemporary art in Rotterdam, for those who missed it

Art Rotterdam is the leading contemporary art fair in the Netherlands. This year, as many as 96 galleries presented artworks by many more artists. Added to this, the same fair featured a video art section under the title Art Rotterdam Projections, a section of affordable art at WeLikeArt! and a section that featured as many as 92 artists featured in 2012 were honoured with a start-up grant from the Mondriaan Fund. The Van Nelle factory was bursting at the seams from it.

Nymphomaniac Vol. I in Berlin: half an hour longer, still the same film, still just as good

Lars von Trier is present at the Berlinale, wearing a T-shirt with the Cannes logo and the text 'persona non grata'. This refers to the riot at Cannes after his failed joke about Hitler. Since then, he has said nothing to the press. So we see on the monitor in the press room on Sunday afternoon

64th Berlin Film Festival opens with Wes Anderson's eccentric tragicomedy Grand Budapest Hotel

Stel je een ouderwets gedistingeerde komedie voor, maar dan gefilmd met moderne vaart, in de kleurrijke en barokke stijl van een rijk gedetailleerd stripverhaal vol complotten en ontsnappingen, afgerond met een parfum van melancholie. Dan kom je in de buurt van The Grand Budapest Hotel, de nieuwe film van

4 reasons why the arts are going to lose a lot more. Municipal culture congress wrongly optimistic

It was ball in Rotterdam on Thursday, 30 January. At the Municipal Culture Congress, a few hundred officials, local politicians and arts organisations gathered to talk about where they could help each other. It was supposed to be a positive day. There had been long enough complaining and arguing: look ahead, hopeful into the future. Even if the worst is yet to come.

5 lessons from a Tilburg riot: superficial newspaper determines superficial cultural politics

Regional newspapers hardly do any real cultural journalism anymore. We know this, because it was the reason why we Culture Press once founded have. How bad things are now, five years later, with art in the region and the way the newspaper handles it, was evident this month in Tilburg.

Municipalities pass on most cuts to the arts

Culture cuts have now reached 450 million euros. The Lower House earlier decided on cuts of 200 million. The cut in the municipal budget by the same House of Representatives now leads to a further cut of 250 million euros. This is calculated by research firm Berenschot in a report which will be presented on Thursday 30 January in Rotterdam.

Reinbert de Leeuw defies limits of orchestra in Saturday Matinee

Reinbert de Leeuw turned seventy-five last September, but already in May the VPRO honoured him with three full-length broadcasts on Radio 4. Together with Aad van Nieuwkerk, I made a selection from his best recordings of Kagel, Ustvolskaya and Louis Andriessen, among others, about which I also let him speak. This was followed in September by a real Reinbert festival and his own magazine. The magazine not only highlighted him... 

Video: why women don't play a role in art history, and how to (not) fix it

A sitcom they already have. Women. Girls is a resounding success, so who better than slightly snobby Girls star Jemima Kirke to explain why women have been kept out of art? Indeed. No one, they thought at the rather innovative Tate, and so they had her explain in a cheerful but also aptly-named way where things went wrong between the art world... 

Research shows: music taste is a matter of appointment and habituation

That we have a scale the way we do, and that we perceive certain chords as beautiful, is because we have learned it. And what we have learned is the result of agreements. In music, as in fine art or theatre, there is no absolute ideal to which artists should aspire. No absolute beauty, no divine spark, no heaven to which we all long to return, just a set of agreements.

43rd Rotterdam Film Festival celebrates 25 years of Hubert Bals Fund with opening film Qissa

9,000 euros was the amount with which Indian director Anup Singh's Qissa got off the ground a decade ago. That money came from the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) affiliated Hubert Bals Fund (HBF), which has been supporting filmmakers in developing countries for 25 years now. Last night, Qissa opened the 43rd edition of the Rotterdam festival. This makes the port city world capital for independent film for ten days, as business director Janneke Starink stated at the opening in the Doelen.

Video: 3 times swearing and ranting for the good cause and Heleen Mees

Omdat Writers Unlimited samenwerkt met een van de laatste literaire tijdschriften van Nederland, en omdat dat tijdschrijft ‘Tirade’ heet, was er tijdens het laatste festival in Den Haag een plek ingeruimd voor tirades. En wat dat dan zijn? Het online woordenboek zegt: 

To hear Andrès Neuman speak is to want to buy his book #WU14

During Writers Unlimited, writers often mingle clandestinely among the common folk. And especially younger, international authors, unlike the Adriaan van Dissen of this world who cannot take a step without being buried in a scrum of literary groupies. So it can happen that you find yourself drinking beer several times with someone who suddenly, completely unexpectedly, turns out to be a genius author. Like Andrès Neuman.

Show with substance is like good sex with a storyteller

 “Een goed boek is een man die me verleidt, is als seks met een onbekende.” Anne Provoost, de secuur Vlaams pratende essayiste slaagde erin om P.F. Thomése en Hermamn Koch even aan het wankelen te brengen. In een debat tijdens Writers Unlimited hield zij een pleidooi voor het niet-waargebeurde verhaal, en deed dat in een beeldspraak die de fantasie nogal in beweging zette. Ze citeerde haar eigen werk “Fictie en Macht” waarin het lezen inderdaad een nogal fysieke aangelegenheid wordt:

Antjie Krog and Andries Samuel drive a tractor over your heart #WU14

"Of course she can write!" seems the mother of the award-winning South African poet Antjie Krog ever having exclaimed. "Because I can do it too, right? There's nothing special about that."

Blood creeps, even for Krog. After a ten-year career as a successful architect - and secretly grinding on words - her own son debuted Andries Samuel with the crushing, heartbreaking collection of poetry Wanpraktyk (2011). 

Writers Unlimited brought mother and son together on stage. Late at night. For the first time ever. And Wende sang to them. And god almighty how beautiful that was. By the way, you have to take it from us, because on pain of caning, pitch & feathers and fines from here to Siberia, it turned out that it was forbidden to film Wende singing (but we did, and the film was online for a while, but has now been removed from the internet).

Through Facebook, writers return to origins #wu14

Het komt door Facebook. Zegt Ton van de Langkruis, artistiek directeur van schrijversfestival Writers Unlimited: “Je kunt niet langer die anonieme figuur zijn die de wereld met hermetische teksten bestookt vanuit een afgesloten zolderkamer. De markt is er niet meer naar. Je belangrijkste communicatiemiddel is facebook. Daar moet je open staan voor vragen, je communiceert met je lezers. We zijn weer terug op het dorpsplein waar ooit  de eerste verhalen verteld werden.”  

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