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Alles waarvoor mensen een podium betreden.

New at Festival Circolo: The stage is at least as exciting when you can only hear it.

During Tilburg circus festival Circolo, you can experience it, if you want to, and certainly if you can't help it: audio description. Especially for the blind and visually impaired, the festival offers the services of Komt Het Zien, a company specialising in live description of what is on stage in front of you. Founder Arlette Hanson, is one such... 

Hawar Tawfiq composes Bosch Requiem 2021 - To be heard exclusively during November Music 2021 and in Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ

Geen standaard dodenmis, maar een lofzang op het leven. De Iraaks-Nederlandse componist Hawar Tawfiq componeert in opdracht van festival November Music en Ammodo Fonds een gloednieuwe Bosch Requiem waarin hij kiest voor een heel eigen muzikale benadering. Met zijn Requiem des fleurs et des nuages voegt Tawfiq zich in het rijtje met eerdere Bosch Requiem-componisten als Kate Moore, Calliope Tsoupaki en Seung-Won… 

New Maas Theatre and Dance management sets high stakes with peppery game show

We spend much of our lives saving our asses. You'd better be a bit cheerful about that, because life is not manufacturable anyway. These are no small life lessons that René Geerlings, the new boss of Rotterdam-based Maas Theatre and Dance, deploys in his first play as artistic director. Still... 

Great, scintillating Trojan Wars from National Theatre

Dance and ballet, theatre with gory atrocities and clattering emotions, imaginative lighting, set and costume effects and, above all, enthusiasm bursting forth. HNTjong's 'biggest production ever' with 30 actors for 50 roles is overwhelming. Thanks also to the corona crisis: the National Theatre had to postpone the performance for a year and a half and lift it over two summer holidays, with all the misery... 

Theatre innovators in the museum: a journey through the minds of Ivo van Hove and Jan Versweyveld

Theatre and film have close ties. Many classic plays have been filmed. One of the merits of Ivo van Hove and Jan Versweyveld is that they have reversed that relationship. Film as the starting point for their performances. Their radically innovative work is the starting point for the exhibitions - designed by themselves - about theatre about film about theatre. In 13 venues... 

From 'artistic director' to 'deputy artistic director': what is Josef Fuchs' position at the Netherlands Reisopera?

Last Monday, 20 September, the Nederlandse Reisopera presented its programme for the upcoming season. The speaker was Josef Fuchs, who was introduced as the company's new artistic director by its general director a.i. Nina Hiddema. A festive occasion, which caused slight surprise in the small gathering (a few journalists and some colleagues). In an interview (below... 

Watching Toer van Schayk's 7th Symphony during a pandemic does wonders for your spirits

Hope for liberation during a dark period of war threat and political oppression; a masterpiece by Beethoven sublimely expressed in dance by Toer van Schayk. Everything gets into an uproar Creating an abstract and layered classical ballet for a large ensemble of a top company to a Beethoven symphony: few can do it and Toer is one of them. His ballet stems... 

Night-time silence walk with Schiphol hatred to close Holland Festival 2021

Admittedly, I was never a fan, but how I hated those planes last night. I was walking through a dark, nocturnal forest between Lage Vuursche and Hilversum. Where, in the silence, I could have listened extra carefully to creaking twigs, shuffling insects, whispering trees and the occasional owl, I heard above all how happy we all are that after corona we have another... 

Plein Theatre and The Market Theatre present FOODCHAINZ: A culinary evening and theatre performance about our food chain.

FOODCHAINZ is een intermediaal project en avondvullend programma bestaande uit een tomatendiner met speciale gasten uit de voedselketen, de expositie HARVEST FROM THE HOOD, de audiotour Van Boer tot Bord en de theatervoorstelling FOODCHAINZ! Te zien op 7, 8, 9, 14 en 15 oktober in Plein Theater in Amsterdam Oost! Tickets zijn inclusief diner en bonusprogrammering en zijn beschikbaar op… 

Festival Circolo gets ready for 16-day circus festival in Tilburg

Festival Circolo takes place from 22 to 31 October in Tilburg. With the festival centre in the Leijpark and various satellite locations in the city, it will be one big circus party in Tilburg for ten days. Although, ten days... This year, Festival Circolo has secretly added six days. Because Les Choses de Rien's show L'Absolu - in a towering... 

Performania: mini-computers in balloons and a real electric oboe in cheerful craft theatre

There are some people, who would prefer to tinker all day with soldering irons and circuit boards. I once had such an uncle who sometimes did not entirely safe things with a 220-volt electric train, so I limited myself to battery-powered Lego. That you can also do something with electronics and music was, of course, already known, but what I saw in... 

November Music 2021 starts ticket sales and presents the programme.

November Music 2021 starts ticket sales and presents the programme. The festival cuts across musical genres with 90 concerts in 10 days with 20 commissioned works and 25 premieres. November Music takes place from 5 to 14 November 2021 at various venues in 's-Hertogenbosch, including the Bosch Requiem 2021 composed by Hawar Tawfiq, festival composers Rebecca Saunders and Kaija Saariaho, Brad... 

Tobias Kokkelmans starts as director of the Dutch Theatre Festival: 'More exchange between different groups in audiences and creators.'

‘Zoals voor veel mensen betekent het theaterfestival echt wel wat. Net als de Fringe is het niet meer weg te denken. Ik heb er artistieke vriendschappen mogen sluiten, ik heb er ruzies kunnen maken, ik heb er mensen ontmoet van wie ik dacht dat het tegenstanders waren, die medestrijders bleken te zijn. Want er zijn niet alleen voorstellingen, er wordt… 

Back to the primal power of magic, through youth theatre. With thanks to Jetse Batelaan.

Plays often end in chaos. An overturned liquor cabinet, a blood blade among royals, we're used to a few things. Jetse Batelaan's latest play, baroque and sharper than he showed before, also ends in beauty, but then that is actually the beginning. Indeed, the ending is sterile and stripped of any life. But that is where the performance begins. The artistic director of... 

NTF Pro: professionals zoeken naar houvast op Nederlands Theaterfestival.

Wie bang is – wegens het zijn van witte man of vrouw – dat de nazaten van slaafgemaakten hen komen bestraffen wegens grove schuld aan de gevolgen van de inmiddels beruchte VOC Mentaliteit, kan weer een beetje rustiger gaan slapen. Tijdens de eerste dag van het Nederlands Theaterfestival, donderdag 2 september in Amsterdam, klonken verrassend verzoenende geluiden toen het over… 

Nerdpodcast s2a3: Guy Weizman praat met Wijbrand Schaap en Marijn Lems na over De Staat van het Theater.

‘We dachten dat het een goed idee was om na anderhalf jaar ellende niet meteen te beginnen met het meest kritische perspectief, maar juist te benadrukken hoe goed het was om weer bij elkaar te zijn.’ In deze podcast blikken Marijn Lems en Wijbrand Schaap met Guy Weizman terug op zijn ‘Staat van het Theater’, de traditionele opening van het… 

Anne Lise Kjaer, futuroloog, speciale gast op Het Nederlands Theaterfestival: ‘Als iedereen in zijn bubbel blijft zitten gebeurt er niets.’

Als je in onbekende wateren wilt navigeren is het goed om een kaart mee te nemen. Mijn vader was een visser, hij las nauwelijks, maar dat is wat hij me vertelde. Nu ik naar Amsterdam kom is dat ook het eerste wat ik doe: een kaart maken. Welke musea zijn er, is er een cool restaurant, is er nieuwe architectuur?… 

Nerd podcast with Jan Veldman, Marijn Lems and Wijbrand Schaap on theatre refusers and cabaret.

We're talking about the non-attending theatre. Because it was all about it last week at Theatre Festival Boulevard and then on social media following this post. One who spoke out very strongly about it was theatre and screenwriter Jan Veldman (including Theatre Group Jan Vos). 'I think thinking theatre is an elitist idea, and at least... 

Theatre Festival Boulevard provided a stage for the stories we hear too little. #tfboulevard

According to Linde van Schuppen, philosopher and linguist, medics do not really listen to people with psychosis. At least, they do listen to someone suffering from obvious delusions, but that is to establish that the person is indeed off the track. 'But, how then?" is the question a psychiatrist or neurologist is not trained to answer, she argues. That is why she is doing her PhD. 

Like the best clowns, Elias de Bruyne knows how to connect humour with existential angst. At Festival Boulevard #tfboulevard

One of the very best things about Festival Boulevard is the variety of programming. Theatre, dance, music, youth performances, mime, comedy, it all mixes together. And the festival offers just as much space to young makers as to the old hands. So you get a good overview of what the up-and-coming generation of theatre makers has to offer.... 

This year's Theatre Festival Boulevard feels greener than usual - and you'll notice it in the performances #tfboulevard

The permanent site of Boulevard's festival centre has largely turned into a construction site this year. This forced the organisers to move to Zuiderpark. Although this is a bit outside the city centre, it is much more spacious and green than the Parade square. It gives the festival a nice feeling of air, space and proximity to the... 

'You don't know where you stand.' Non-visitors of theatre make it clear where art goes wrong

The vast majority of Dutch adults never go to the theatre. Interestingly enough, the question among theatre people is never really about why people don't go to the theatre. After all, our arts sector is a supply market. At an art school, you are not trained to please the public, but to express your most individual emotion. And then preferably... 

For comfort in these dark times, you need John Buijsman. And Kees. #tfboulevard

Bosses start to look like their dogs. Or vice versa. Or owners like dogs who look like them. Or vice versa. Either way. If you want proof of this statement, rush to Theatre Festival Boulevard where John Buijsman plays the gem 'Cosmic Cowboy', assisted by Kees, a labradoodle. Or something that should pass for that. John Buijsman is one of the... 

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