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Illustration Mart Veldhuis

From start: Andermans schuld - Art project on debt by NUT in collaboration with Mart Veldhuis, De Buurtwerkkamer and Poverty Coalition Utrecht

The NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) presents, in collaboration with illustrator Mart Veldhuis, Andermans schuld: a social project at the intersection of visual art, podcast & language aimed at making the world of debt visible. From autumn 2023, various artists will engage with people with debt, a debt story or people working in the world of debt. The... 


November Music 2023 presents FAQ Festival from 2 to 4 November 2023

FAQ Festival of Electronic Music is part of November Music for the third time in a row. From 2 to 4 November, FAQ will again showcase a broad palette of electronic sounds with this year's focus on the adventurous Japanese music scene. November Music 2023 will take place from 1 to 12 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch. Since its inception,... 


ROTTERDAM - On Wednesday 18 October at 16:30, the kids of the Maaspodium can be followed via livestream as they give a look before and behind the scenes at various theatres throughout the Netherlands, kicking off the first ever National Children's Theatre Week. Together with presenter Tirsa With, they will show how much fun theatre is! As a new initiative of the National Theatre Fund,... 

Asko|Schönberg in the NTR Saturday matinee - Around Unsuk Chin

World premiere by young composer Thomas van Dun commissioned by Asko|Schönberg, master pianist Pierre-Laurent Aimard in György Ligeti's Piano Concerto and Unsuk Chin finds her inspiration on the streets. In 2008 and 2009, Korean composer Unsuk Chin visited Hong Kong and Guangzhou. The atmosphere of the old residential areas with their narrow, winding alleys, marketplaces and food vendors reminded her... 

FILTER TRANSLATION AWARDS 2023: Two major translation awards for as many as four translators

Filter pakt flink uit: de twee Filter Vertaalprijzen 2023, waaronder de spiksplinternieuwe voor kinder- en jeugdboeken, zijn toegekend aan maar liefst vier vertalers! De reguliere prijs gaat naar Yond Boeke & Patty Krone voor Geluksvogels van Luigi Pirandello (Van Oorschot). De prijs voor de meest bijzondere vertaling van een kinder- en jeugdboek is toegekend aan Lies Lavrijsen en Els Dumez-Blocken… 

Source website circolo

Festival Circolo 2023 programme complete: Large number of Dutch premieres during ten-day circus celebration in Tilburg

Due to sudden injuries, there were some last-minute changes, but today Festival Circolo has unveiled its complete programme. From 13 to 22 October, the Netherlands' biggest circus festival will once again descend on Tilburg for ten days of contemporary circus of the highest quality. Following the announcement of, among others, Circus Baobab's acclaimed "Yé!" and audience favourite "En Attendant... 

Matzer campaign image

Lot Vekemans directs Blind with Helmert Woudenberg and José Kuijpers

Can you love someone whose ideas you reject? From 19 October to 15 December, Blind tours the country. In the directorial debut of internationally lauded playwright Lot Vekemans, Helmert Woudenberg and José Kuijpers play a father and daughter who are diametrically opposed in everything. The premiere of this MATZER Theatre production is Saturday 21 October in... 

Christiane Jatahi - Photo: Leo Aversa

Holland Festival 2024: Christiane Jatahy associate artist

De associate artist voor het 77e Holland Festival in 2024 is de Braziliaanse theaterregisseur, filmmaker en schrijver Christiane Jatahy (Rio de Janeiro, 1968). Christiane Jatahy zal onder andere Hamlet presenteren, een coproductie met Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe uit Parijs. Shakespeares toneelstuk krijgt een vrouwelijke titelrol en vormt het uitgangspunt om na te denken over de wereld waarin we leven, en hoe… 

Nicole Kaandorp with the other finalists. Photo: Ilfu.

Nicole Kaandorp wins NK Poetry Slam 2023

Nicole Kaandorp is Nederlands Kampioen Poetry Slam 2023 geworden. Na voorrondes in het hele land stonden acht poetry slammers op zaterdagavond 23 september op de 21e editie van het NK Poetry Slam, tijdens het International Literature Festival Utrecht. Nicole nam het in de finale battle op tegen Eelco Couvreur en veroverde de nationale titel. De nieuwe nationale slampion heeft de… 

Urmie Square by Johan Horst

Urmie Plein wins Colombina for her role in I Say Sorry Anyway 

At the Gala of Dutch Theatre on Sunday 17 September, it was announced that Urmie Plein has won the Colombina for her role in Ik zeg toch sorry. The Colombina is a theatre award given annually to the actress who, in the opinion of the Dutch Theatre jury, has performed the most impressive female contributing role. The jury about... 

logo matzer

MATZER Theatre Productions enters new theatre season with new corporate identity

MATZER Theatre Productions kicks off the new theatre season with a completely new corporate identity and website. The new identity reflects the company's development over the past four years. Since its foundation in 2007, MATZER, under the direction of Madeleine Matzer, has been creating theatre performances that are characterised by their stratification, social commitment and musicality. Starting with Nobody is Waiting for You in 2018, current events will get... 

Refresh Amsterdam campaign image

Second edition Refresh Amsterdam shows work by 20 artists around war and conflict

Art manifestation on urban culture with work by contemporary makers From 7 October 2023 to 25 February 2024, the second edition of Refresh Amsterdam will take place at the Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel and at various locations around the city. Refresh Amsterdam is a biennial event on Amsterdam's urban culture with work by contemporary makers. The theme of this edition is... 

logo ilfu

Utrecht authors Koos, Mari and Urai receive C.C.S. Cronestipendia 2023

Falun Ellie Koos, Arja Mari en Max Urai ontvangen dit jaar een C.C.S. Cronestipendium. Dit is een beurs van de gemeente Utrecht voor veelbelovende Utrechtse auteurs. Zij krijgen ieder 3.000 euro om een volgende publicatie mogelijk te maken. “Een aantal inzendingen sprong er meteen uit vanwege de verrassende toevoeging die de auteurs vormen op de actuele Nederlandse fictie: in vertelstem,… 

Jameszoo, photo by Marcel Veldman

'Blind' for non-existent soloist and ensemble Asko|Schönberg, Slagwerk Den Haag & Jameszoo: Premiere 4 Oct, tour until 9 Nov

Jameszoo wanted to disappear from his music. That failed completely, he tells himself. But what a glorious failure. He developed an instrument that is not only self-playing, but also improvises and communicates with musicians playing live. They let the non-existent soloist challenge them to unpredictable musical playing. Electroacoustic wrestling Asko|Schönberg and Slagwerk Den Haag enter into a collaboration ... 

Babs Gons, Photo by Anneleen Louwes

Poet Laureate Babs Gons on tour with 1,000 poets

On Sunday 24 September, Babs Gons will be installed as Poet Laureate in Utrecht. This is also the starting signal for a two-week tour of Gons through the Netherlands and Flanders, together with a thousand other poets. The poetry caravan '1000 Dichters' will travel by tour bus to a different city every day, to return to Utrecht on 7 October..... 

Salman Rushdie - Foto: Rachel Eliza Griffiths

Salman Rushdie spreekt op ILFU

Salman Rushdie geeft op 30 september tijdens het ILFU (Internationaal Literatuur Festival Utrecht) zijn eerste interview in Nederland na de aanslag op zijn leven, vorig jaar. Journalist Chris Keulemans en schrijver Abdelkader Benali spreken Rushdie in TivoliVredenburg via een livestreamverbinding over zijn nieuwe roman Victoriestad en zijn uitgebreide oeuvre. In 2018 stond Rushdie voor het laatst live op het podium… 

logo Netherlands Association for Performing Arts

Dutch version Theatre Green Book in the works

The VPT (Vereniging voor Podiumtechnologie), VSCD (Vereniging van Schouwburg- en Concertgebouwdirecties) and NAPK (Nederlandse Associatie voor Podiumkunsten) are joining forces to publish a Dutch version of the Theatre Green Book. The reference work is being used in more and more countries within Europe to structurally shape the achievement of sustainability goals. In our sector, too, the... 

PR-beeld Yara's Wedding door HALIE

Asko|Schönberg opens season with full programme at home and abroad

Concerten en voorstellingen september 2023 Opening Gaudeamus Festival 2023 – 6 september Het programma van Asko|Schönberg staat deze avond in het teken van dwarse geesten, componisten die zich los weten te maken van conventies en verwachtingen. Ze spelen met onze tijdwaarneming, dagen ons uit om microtonale intervallen te omarmen en integreren niet-muzikale klanken in hun dramaturgie. Er klinkt muziek van… 

De ingang van theater Kikker. PR-beeld Theater Kikker

Nog éénmaal te zien in Theater Kikker – Theatrale hoogtepunten herbeleven tijdens Kikker Kiest

Kikker Kiest het beste theater van nu Utrecht – Dinsdag 12 t/m donderdag 21 september opent Theater Kikker het nieuwe theaterseizoen met Kikker Kiest. De beste voorstellingen van het afgelopen seizoen keren terug naar het theater aan de Ganzenmarkt in Utrecht. Een mix van belangrijke voorstellingen die je kijk op de wereld verrijken. Thema’s als kracht en kwetsbaarheid, huiselijk geweld,… 

Impressive collectives adorn Festival Circolo 2023 programme

Het grootste hedendaagse circusfestival van Nederland met meer dan 100 voorstellingen naar Tilburg Open monden, samengeknepen billen en gesperde ogen. Van 13 tot en met 22 oktober 2023 strijkt Festival Circolo neer in Tilburg voor ontroering, waaghalzerij en grensverleggende performances. Op het grootste hedendaags circusfestival van Nederland zijn tien dagen lang meer dan 100 voorstellingen te zien op het snijvlak… 

boulevard poster

Boulevard puts in the light and connects

The 39th edition of Theaterfestval has concluded successfully. The 11-day festival in 's-Hertogenbosch attracted around 90,000 visitors. This Boulevard was a celebration of what binds us as human beings: our desires, our bodies, our emotions. This Boulevard was about radical empathy. About learning to live together, understanding wordlessly, caring for each other and enjoying ourselves together. Strikingly frequent in this was the relationship between generations... 


Festival Circolo celebrates differences in 10-day circus festival

Grootste festival voor hedendaags circus strijkt neer in Tilburg van 13 tot en met 22 oktober Van 13 tot en met 22 oktober 2023 staat Tilburg in het teken van Festival Circolo, het grootste festival voor hedendaags circus in Nederland. Hier zie je grensverleggers, doorbijters en artistieke topsporters die onze verschillen uitlichten en vieren in performances waar iedereen zich in… 

Ajax shorts

Daily Paper donates football kits to Amsterdam Museum

From Thursday 10 August, the Amsterdam Museum will display the 'third jersey' and pre-match wear that Amsterdam-based fashion brand Daily Paper designed together with adidas for football club Ajax last season. As part of this, the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel will be open free of charge to wearers of Daily Paper items from Thursday 10 to Sunday 13 August. Daily... 

boulevard poster

European apotheosis at Theatre Festival Boulevard: Two international networks celebrate highlight during festival

In recent years, Boulevard worked intensively within two networks with 20 European partner institutions on international cooperation within the performing arts, supported by 'Creative Europe'. Both projects are guests during this edition of Theatre Festival Boulevard, which can be called unique! Performing Gender - Dancing in Your Shoes celebrates its finale with the presentation of a number of community projects and a... 

image from the trailer of The Utility's performance Good Keep Money

Theatre maker exposes inequality: performance raises €101,332.80 in surplus capital

Utrecht - With the performance Good Gold Money, theatre maker Greg Nottrot (artistic director of the NUT) managed to raise €101,332.80 from his audience this spring. This production was received with high praise by both the press and the audience and responds to that strong feeling that ''something has to change'' from both the creator and the audience... 

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