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Of course the thunderstorm is not too bad. But follow developments here in case it does go wrong. #hf12

For the second time this month, the weather gods are threatening to throw a spanner in the works at the Holland Festival. While the storms announced on 21 June were not too bad, for tonight, 28 June, a 'code red' is currently (10:45) threatened to be issued by the emergency services.

Theatre Museum collection to be lost for good

[July update: the 2nd chamber passed a motion instructing the cabinet to save the collection from destruction. Where this is to be paid for, however, is still unclear]

It is now becoming clear where the laissez faire-laissez mourir (let it be done, let it die) policy of Halbe Zijlstra, Martin Bosma and Mark Rutte will lead. Of the dozens of institutions that will close, downsize or die off in the coming months due to vacancy of quality staff, the demise of Theatre Institute of the Netherlands (TIN) is starting to take on very tragic proportions.

Talk to our reporters. Exclusive: spot in the #hf12 hangout for our most loyal followers

Er zijn dagen bij geweest dat we 1500 pageviews hadden. Jullie, 2500 van onze trouwste bezoekers, kwamen tot nu toe zorgen voor 14000 kijkjes op, en jullie bleven gemiddeld drie minuten rondkijken. Gemiddeld. Daar zijn we trots op. Kennelijk wisten we jullie aandacht te trekken en vast te houden. Dat zijn dus goede cijfers voor een online festivaldagkrant als De Dodo, die het moet redden zonder schreeuwlelijks, zonder marketingbudget maar met een overdosis enthousiasme en professionele innovatiedrang.

The Second Detail

Shock and awe ballet in Bill & Mr. B overflows with quality on all sides; there is no stalling

Het Nationale Ballet duikt in de voorstelling Bill & Mr. B thematisch de geschiedenis in met reprises van werk van George Balanchine en William Forsythe. Balanchines Symphony in Three Movements (1972) geldt als voedingsbodem voor Forsythe die vervolgens ‘the extra mile’ ging met Steptext (1985) en The Second Detail (1991). Van protocol naar photocall: dans als een fotosessie. Beweging – klik,… 

'Publicity after the show is more important than before'

Hij is er hoogleraar in, dus als er een probleem speelt in de economie van de cultuur, heeft Arjo Klamer er verstand van. Hij vertelt dat er al jaren een groeiend ressentiment is tegen subsidies. De kunstsector zal er dus aan moeten wennen om voortaan op een andere manier in het bestaan te voorzien.

The Red Kimono: a fine painting but mediocre musical theatre #HF12

It begins beautifully. Prominently displayed on stage is Breitner's painting The Red Kimono. And not a copy, but the real thing, which is further underlined by the Stedelijk Museum's large number of crates, on which the musicians of the Hexagon Ensemble are also placed. Actor and dancer Michael Schumacher casually walks up to it and looks at the painting for about a minute - the average time a museum visitor looks at a painting.

In Accordion Wrestling gaan 10 Finse worstelaars de strijd aan met 1 accordeonspeler. De raarste voorstelling op #hf12

Eén voor één komen de worstelaars van Helsinki Nelson het podium van de stadsschouwburg op rennen. Op de mat ligt de grootste van het stel, op zijn buik, uitgestrekt in defensieve positie. Om en om proberen zijn tegenstander hem te kiepen, en hem met z’n beide schouders plat op de mat te drukken. Tevergeefs. Accordeonpunkrocker Kommi Pohjonen komt op, en… 

Less is more? No, less is FAR too much, by Michael Nyman's Potemkin. #hf12

Two days later... Sometimes you don't quite know what to write: even reviewers have writer's block from time to time. Fortunately, Jenny Diski of London Review of Books published a blog just Friday about the functionality of not being able to write (yet). Apparently, more time was needed. Anyway, at some point you have to tie the knot. ... 

#hf12 Shara Worden speaks about All Things Will Unwind. And sings a new song

Multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter Shara Worden - also known as My Brightest Diamond - is waiting for me, armed with her ukulele. Just before the interview, she wrote a new song. Worden laughs: "There are way too many videos on the internet of me playing the same songs over and over. I thought I should try something new." The Dodo was there... 

Classical musicians: stop thinking in money, think in ideas

Classical music audiences have been declining by 1% a year for 20 years. Structurally. That means that since 1992, 1/5 of the audience has already disappeared, without anything else taking its place. According to Johan Idema, strategist and author of a useful book on new methods for early music, the sector is entirely self-inflicted.

Iván Fischer sets new Wagner standard

That Pierre Audi does not shy away from religious symbolism is well known, but the true miracle in The Netherlands Opera's Parsifal is in the pit. There, in the hands of master conductor Iván Fischer, the Concertgebouw Orchestra sets a new Wagner standard. Despite a gigantic orchestral strength, almost chamber music-like lightness, extraordinarily transparent and, thanks to careful tempo choices, with wonderful dramatic tension. Five hours long.

'I have all of Shakespeare's records in my cupboard'

The press presentation of the open-air opera Orfeo ed Eurydice at Soestdijk at the time attracted just under a hundred people press and sponsors. At the presentation of the performance 'Much ado about nothing', The Utrecht Games attracted only a handful: someone from weblog, two people from the Stadsblad Utrecht and an indeterminate camera crew who had come exclusively for Suzan Visser.... 

How a Martian looks at opera

Or: the familiar becomes utterly alien here. Or: embracing meaninglessness as the first principle. One hundred years after his birth, John Cage takes centre stage in HF weekend.

Ever since Reinbert de Leeuw played it in the fastest talk show on Dutch television, John Cage's 4'33" has been a well-known composition in our country. For exactly four minutes and thirty-three seconds, the musician does not play a single note and the audience hears nothing but the ambient sounds.

No-nonsense audience does not care for tour de force of anti-pale dance in Révolution

Eleven poles are atmospherically lit like a nightclub. Dancers enter and make their way to their work stations. They will walk around their poles in a two-hour shift. They are not the only ones: audience members also start walking, towards the exit. Yet the dizzying repetitions of the hard-working ladies are effective. However, the transcendental minimalism will turn into a... 

Fedja van Huet's lost dinner jacket and other Toneelgroep Amsterdam mysteries #HF12

Anyone who might think that making a stage show is a simple one-two punch of a genius director with a good team of creatives and perfect actors is wrong. Only, as a spectator once attending the performance, you don't notice any of that. And that is just as well. You come for the performance and you won't care if... 

Dodo Holland Festival journal becomes Dodo Holland Festival Hangout #HF12

 We hebben er al een aflevering op zitten, en dat was natuurlijk een enorm succes, maar juist op het hoogtepunt moet je met iets nieuws beginnen. Daarom vanavond om 22:30 uur een nieuw ding: De Dodo Holland Festival Hangout. Live, interactief en online. Innovatief dus, zoals u het van ons kent. U kent ze wel: die reportagewagens met meters spaghetti… 

With Antony Hegarty and the Metropole Orchestra in a fairytale forest #hf12

Antony Hegarty gives away the layered and emotionally charged show Cut the World with his pianist and the Metropole Orchestra. He shows that it need not be an issue to present more of the same. Meanwhile, the audience imagines itself in the fairytale forest, eating out of his hand. It is not the first time the androgynous child-man Antony has... 

Actors' award for Theatre Institute threatened with dissolution

Mail from Actors' Interests, the actors' 'union'. Whether we want to abide by the embargo. Of course we do. We do. Butreh: so the Theatre Institute Netherlands, to be dissolved by Halbe Zijlstra together with the Netherlands Music Centre, is getting an award. And that seems to be a sculpture, which in turn makes us wonder where the thing should be after 1 January 2013.... 

Holland Festival news #HF12: Spectacle and emotion hand in hand in opening weekend

Claron Macfadden deed het in haar eentje, Alain Platel met 150 mensen en Andrea Breth in 54 scenes: raken. En een boodschap overbrengen.   Dodo-reporters Mariska van der Meij, Daniël Bertina en Wijbrand Schaap blikken terug op het eerste weekend van het Holland Ferstival 2012, en recensent Maarten Baanders kijkt vooruit naar de bijzondere voorstelling van Emio Greco/PC. Soort van… 

Zwischenfälle is a breathtaking barrage of 54 hilarious, short scenes about clumsy humans. You rarely see it this virtuoso #hf12

Twee mannen zitten samen aan tafel en eten spaghetti. De één werkt het bord pasta in no time naar binnen, en vertelt tegelijkertijd met volle mond een amusante anekdote – nét niet verstaanbaar – met woeste gebaren en zelfingenomen gebrom. De ander, een bejaarde vent, wordt totaal genegeerd. Ondanks verwoede pogingen slaagt de arme man er maar niet in om… 

Opening Holland Festival on twitter and facebook: tenue de wtf, ns-#fail, sublime dance theatre and mozzarella sticks #hf12

[View the story “Opening Holland Festival 2012” on Storify] Opening Holland Festival 2012 Op 1 juni opende het Holland Festival in Theater Carré. We waren erbij, zagen Platels C(h)oeurs en proefden de sfeer. Al ging het bijna mis. Dit is wat ervan mee te maken was op de sociale media Storified by Cultureel Persbureau · Sat, Jun 02 2012 08:37:18… 

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