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Dingen die we doen voor leden en partners.

Jameszoo, photo by Marcel Veldman

'Blind' for non-existent soloist and ensemble Asko|Schönberg, Slagwerk Den Haag & Jameszoo: Premiere 4 Oct, tour until 9 Nov

Jameszoo wanted to disappear from his music. That failed completely, he tells himself. But what a glorious failure. He developed an instrument that is not only self-playing, but also improvises and communicates with musicians playing live. They let the non-existent soloist challenge them to unpredictable musical playing. Electroacoustic wrestling Asko|Schönberg and Slagwerk Den Haag enter into a collaboration ... 

Babs Gons, Photo by Anneleen Louwes

Poet Laureate Babs Gons on tour with 1,000 poets

On Sunday 24 September, Babs Gons will be installed as Poet Laureate in Utrecht. This is also the starting signal for a two-week tour of Gons through the Netherlands and Flanders, together with a thousand other poets. The poetry caravan '1000 Dichters' will travel by tour bus to a different city every day, to return to Utrecht on 7 October..... 

Salman Rushdie - Foto: Rachel Eliza Griffiths

Salman Rushdie spreekt op ILFU

Salman Rushdie geeft op 30 september tijdens het ILFU (Internationaal Literatuur Festival Utrecht) zijn eerste interview in Nederland na de aanslag op zijn leven, vorig jaar. Journalist Chris Keulemans en schrijver Abdelkader Benali spreken Rushdie in TivoliVredenburg via een livestreamverbinding over zijn nieuwe roman Victoriestad en zijn uitgebreide oeuvre. In 2018 stond Rushdie voor het laatst live op het podium… 

logo Netherlands Association for Performing Arts

Dutch version Theatre Green Book in the works

The VPT (Vereniging voor Podiumtechnologie), VSCD (Vereniging van Schouwburg- en Concertgebouwdirecties) and NAPK (Nederlandse Associatie voor Podiumkunsten) are joining forces to publish a Dutch version of the Theatre Green Book. The reference work is being used in more and more countries within Europe to structurally shape the achievement of sustainability goals. In our sector, too, the... 

PR-beeld Yara's Wedding door HALIE

Asko|Schönberg opens season with full programme at home and abroad

Concerten en voorstellingen september 2023 Opening Gaudeamus Festival 2023 – 6 september Het programma van Asko|Schönberg staat deze avond in het teken van dwarse geesten, componisten die zich los weten te maken van conventies en verwachtingen. Ze spelen met onze tijdwaarneming, dagen ons uit om microtonale intervallen te omarmen en integreren niet-muzikale klanken in hun dramaturgie. Er klinkt muziek van… 

De ingang van theater Kikker. PR-beeld Theater Kikker

Nog éénmaal te zien in Theater Kikker – Theatrale hoogtepunten herbeleven tijdens Kikker Kiest

Kikker Kiest het beste theater van nu Utrecht – Dinsdag 12 t/m donderdag 21 september opent Theater Kikker het nieuwe theaterseizoen met Kikker Kiest. De beste voorstellingen van het afgelopen seizoen keren terug naar het theater aan de Ganzenmarkt in Utrecht. Een mix van belangrijke voorstellingen die je kijk op de wereld verrijken. Thema’s als kracht en kwetsbaarheid, huiselijk geweld,… 

Impressive collectives adorn Festival Circolo 2023 programme

Het grootste hedendaagse circusfestival van Nederland met meer dan 100 voorstellingen naar Tilburg Open monden, samengeknepen billen en gesperde ogen. Van 13 tot en met 22 oktober 2023 strijkt Festival Circolo neer in Tilburg voor ontroering, waaghalzerij en grensverleggende performances. Op het grootste hedendaags circusfestival van Nederland zijn tien dagen lang meer dan 100 voorstellingen te zien op het snijvlak… 

boulevard poster

Boulevard puts in the light and connects

The 39th edition of Theaterfestval has concluded successfully. The 11-day festival in 's-Hertogenbosch attracted around 90,000 visitors. This Boulevard was a celebration of what binds us as human beings: our desires, our bodies, our emotions. This Boulevard was about radical empathy. About learning to live together, understanding wordlessly, caring for each other and enjoying ourselves together. Strikingly frequent in this was the relationship between generations... 


Festival Circolo celebrates differences in 10-day circus festival

Grootste festival voor hedendaags circus strijkt neer in Tilburg van 13 tot en met 22 oktober Van 13 tot en met 22 oktober 2023 staat Tilburg in het teken van Festival Circolo, het grootste festival voor hedendaags circus in Nederland. Hier zie je grensverleggers, doorbijters en artistieke topsporters die onze verschillen uitlichten en vieren in performances waar iedereen zich in… 

PR image by David van Delden

Faizah Grootens: Corpus Criolla enriches modern dance with essential Caribbean vibes on #TFBoulevard

"I select dancers very carefully. I don't do auditions. I don't believe in anyone having to prove themselves in front of the others. So that's why I take quite a long time to choose who I want to work with. If I choose that person, we go for it 100%. No matter what." Corpus Criolla is a fascinating dance performance in which Caribbean... 

It Takes A Child To Raise A Village, scene image by author.

Theatre festival #Boulevard pushes boundaries in an unexpected way

A festival is still the best way to get acquainted with new art. Yesterday, after six days of persistent drizzle and torrential rain, the sun finally broke through over Bossche Zuiderpark. Bartenders who had spent the first few days getting used to quietly serving those few customers who braved the rain for a white wine (because it was summer... 

Scenic photo by Kurt van der Elst

Life is wonderfully absurd, and Elias de Bruyne makes fine theatre about it.

In preparing my coverage of Theatre Festival Boulevard, I had also put 'interview with Elias de Bruyne' on my wish list. It didn't materialise, which is fortunate in retrospect, because Cornald Maas beat me to it. At least, Cornald Maas interviewed Elias de Bruyne during his performance 'Euhm... In 5 Acts', which premiered on Saturday 5 August. Well... 

Desire. Photo by Sofie Knijf

'Desire' is highlight of telling opening weekend of Theatre Festival Boulevard

"You can't say anything anymore either" is the title of a show by theatre friends George and Eran from Amsterdam-West. They have previously presented sensitive themes in a theatre form close to stand-up comedy, and so this programme is about the language battle. A language battle about which words are still appropriate, which stereotypes are still 'allowed' and... 

Yves Degryse by Koen Broos

Yves Degryse (Berlin) on the return of the legendary show 'Zvizdal' at #Theaterfestival Boulevard: "This really took me by my jacket"

Yves Degryse is one of the people behind the extraordinary Flemish company Berlin. Between 2011 and 2015, Berlin worked on the performance Zvizdal, largely shot in the 'forbidden zone' around the exploded Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine. I saw the performance in 2016 in Den Bosch, during Festival Boulevard, and was 'blown away'. This year, it returns to Boulevard 

Ajax shorts

Daily Paper donates football kits to Amsterdam Museum

From Thursday 10 August, the Amsterdam Museum will display the 'third jersey' and pre-match wear that Amsterdam-based fashion brand Daily Paper designed together with adidas for football club Ajax last season. As part of this, the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel will be open free of charge to wearers of Daily Paper items from Thursday 10 to Sunday 13 August. Daily... 

PR image Desire

Podcast! Louis Janssens on 'Desire': 'It's nice to be personal, but I don't want to make a diary play, so I also lie quite often.' #TFBOULEVARD

Louis Janssens is a young, ambitious theatre-maker from Flanders. With a string of rave reviews behind his name, he seems to have effortlessly found his place in the theatre world. This year, he is a prominent guest at Theatre Festival Boulevard in Den Bosch. His latest play, 'Desire', will premiere at the Verkadefabriek on 3 August. The play highlights the delicate... 

boulevard poster

European apotheosis at Theatre Festival Boulevard: Two international networks celebrate highlight during festival

In recent years, Boulevard worked intensively within two networks with 20 European partner institutions on international cooperation within the performing arts, supported by 'Creative Europe'. Both projects are guests during this edition of Theatre Festival Boulevard, which can be called unique! Performing Gender - Dancing in Your Shoes celebrates its finale with the presentation of a number of community projects and a... 

image from the trailer of The Utility's performance Good Keep Money

Theatre maker exposes inequality: performance raises €101,332.80 in surplus capital

Utrecht - With the performance Good Gold Money, theatre maker Greg Nottrot (artistic director of the NUT) managed to raise €101,332.80 from his audience this spring. This production was received with high praise by both the press and the audience and responds to that strong feeling that ''something has to change'' from both the creator and the audience... 

campaign image alum

Theatre Group Alum: BOUDICA - Iron Age Warrior Queen premiering 29 September 2023

The latest Aluin production Boudica will premiere at Theatre Kikker in Utrecht on 29 September 2023. In this production, actor Jilles Flinterman tells the story of Boudica, the Celtic queen and Iron Age Warrior Queen, who to this day is seen as a symbol of female rage. If anything is written about women in... 

Festival Circolo presents the free street theatre festival Porto Circolo during the Tilburg Fair!

Programma Op Porto Circolo zijn iedere dag meerdere gratis voorstellingen te bezoeken. Het programma bestaat uit voorstellingen van Close Act, Lapso Cirk, Zinzi en Evertjan, EAEO, Skypunch Collective, Fabuloka, Hendrick Jan ontmoet Merel Kamp en House of Circus. Wil je meer weten over het programma en de speeltijden? Check de website! Locaties Porto Circolo speelt zich af in en rondom de Piushaven. Zowel… 

The Silence: A festival, premiere, dernière and summer

During the 7th edition of the Brabants International Children's Festival (BRIK), our latest performance Voor de Draad Ermee premiered and we presented Mankind with Paul van Kemenade and Stevko Busch for the last time. For the Wire With It premiered On Saturday 24 June, For the Wire With It premiered to a full house in the Chassé Theatre!.... 

Photo: Thomas, Sacha and Jos | Edit: Guy Vording

Theatre show 'Two old ladies' by Toon Tellegen at Boulevard Theatre Festival 

Theatre collective Thomas, Sacha and Jos creates performance about universal love After years of fruitful cooperation with master storyteller Toon Tellegen and several performances based on his work, theatre collective Thomas, Sacha and Jos will perform Two Little Old Ladies at this summer's Theatre Festival Boulevard. Tellegen's book consists of 43 love stories, each starring two little old ladies. Thomas, Sacha and Jos made a... 

Sammie Tells. Photo: Francoise Bolechowski

Events at the Amsterdam Museum - August 2023

Besides the permanent collection presentations at Amstel 51 and at Huis Willet-Holthuysen on Herengracht and changing exhibitions, the Amsterdam Museum offers a public programme - at various locations and for a diverse audience. The following events are scheduled for August 2023. Visit for the latest information. Download all images from this news brief here. 25 years of Gay Games!... 

Photo by Marleen Annema

Tryater's Snack Gelok tours the country - A fat installation of life-size snack trays

Snackgelok, een audio-installatie in levensgrote patatbakjes ontwikkeld door Fries  theatergezelschap Tryater, slaat aan in het land. Na het succes van 2022 op noordelijke festivals als Oerol en Welcome to the Village, neemt het dit jaar vooral gretig aftrek op evenementen buiten de Friese grenzen.     Deventer, Zwolle, Dordrecht en meer ​ Eerder dit jaar stonden de vervreemdende werken van… 

logo ilfu

Nieuwe namen voor ILFU – ILFU vindt dit jaar plaats van 23 september t/m 7 oktober.

Het openingsweekeinde van het International Literature Festival Utrecht bestaat uit een optreden van Maggie Nelson, het NK Poetry Slam, de Utrechtse Boekenmarkt, de start van de 1000-Dichtersmarathon en de inauguratie van Babs Gons als Dichter des Vaderlands. In de twee weken daarna vinden optredens plaats van o.a. Philippe Claudel, Jeanette Winterson, Amitav Gosh en David van Reybrouck. Twee weken later… 

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