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The Cultural Press Bureau goes full on for ten days with The Dodo at Springdance

 It may be a crisis and the cultural winds may also be blowing from the wrong right corner, but that doesn't stop The Dodo from flying. The festival day newspaper we launched two years ago as a new commercial product is ready for another 10 days of Springdance. We're going to review a lot of performances, and compare even more. And we're going to make a journal. It... 

'It felt a bit like the first time sex: way too direct, rushed, overactive and largely based on insecurity': Ivo Dimchev in battle with Franz West's wearable art

"What the fuck should I do with this?" was choreographer and performance artist Ivo Dimchev's (1976) first thought when confronted with the artworks of Austrian artist Franz West. After Dimchev's solo performance Some Faves (2010) in Vienna, West, a multi-awarded creator of bizarre sculptures and objects, sought contact with the choreographer. He asked him to make an improvised video based on his... 

Increase in 'wish headlines' in arts news around grant applications

De laatste mogelijkheden voor subsidieaanvragen voor de periode van 2013 en verder zijn vandaag gesloten. Er zijn talloze fusies aangekondigd, nieuwe samenwerkingen, opvallende verhuizingen (vooral Amsterdam loopt leeg). Veel kunstmedia brengen inmiddels ook nieuws over die plannen. Nieuws dat vaak als feit wordt gepresenteerd, terwijl het in bijna alle gevallen gaat om wensen. De aanvragen zijn nog minder dan ooit… 

Gratis: Festivaldagboek Writers Unlimited 2012

Het waren mooie dagen, de vier dagen dat we verslag deden van Writers Unlimited (v/h Winternachten) in Den Haag. We zagen een nieuwe zelfbewuste generatie schrijvers uit Afrika, maakten debatten mee en speelden – in de foyer van het Haagse Theater a/h Spui – voor VJ tijdens de salsadansles. Daniël Bertina en Wijbrand Schaap deden hun best om zoveel mogelijk… 

Holland Festival: diary of the 2011 edition

Op 28 februari presenteert Pierre Audi in de stadsschouwburg het programma van het Holland Festival 2012. Wij zullen dat festival, net als in 2010 en 2011, op de voet volgen met onze online festivaldagkrant op  Die dagkrant heeft inmiddels zijn bestaanrecht bewezen, nu steeds meer festivals met het Cultureel Persbureau willen samenwerken aan dit unieke initiatief. Aan de ‘product-range’… 

We hebben ebooks in de aanbieding

Een website is leuk, maar vaak minder geschikt voor rustig lezen. En hoewel onze mobiele thema’s inmiddels goed lijken te werken, is  het vaak nog en heel geklik en gezoek voor je de boel een beetje vlot achter elkaar kunt lezen. Daar hebben we nu wat op gevonden: ebooks. Een handige manier om allerlei samenhangende artikelen te kunnen lezen: op… 

Veelzijdig en ongrijpbaar Writers Unlimited sluit af met eerbetoon aan Hella S Haasse en prijzenregen

Opvallend toch, hoe de zinnen van een schrijver, eenmaal uitgelicht, na diens dood kunnen worden voorzien van galmende vertolkingen. Vooral Gustaaf Peek moet, wil hij echt recht doen aan Haasse, iets doen aan zijn nogal borstklopperig overkomende vroomheid, maar ook een doorgewinterd kunstenaar als Kees ’t Hart mag al citerend de toon matigen.

From insane Moroccan drum 'n bass to alienating dream sounds: Dakka al Marrakchia, Zoumana Diarra & Basile Maneka #WU12

It is incredible what an energy the men of Manar can generate. These six - dressed in djellabas - percussionists play Dekka al Marrakchia: an insanely rousing form of traditional Moroccan drum 'n bass party music and religious Gnawa. After a solemn, almost ritualistic beginning - in which the band comes jogging onto the stage of the Theater aan het Spui in a goose-step, accompanied by the menacing sounds of two huge horns - the drums erupt and the dance floor is full of swinging visitors.

Writers Unlimited laat een nieuwe generatie Afrikaanse auteurs zien #wu12

Er is iets bijzonders aan de hand met Afrika. De nieuwe generatie schrijvers uit Nigeria, Ghana en Zuid Afrika die rondloopt op Writers Unlimited staat anders in de wereld dan hun ouders. Of, sterker nog, het feit dat ze daar op een heel andere manier mee omgaan, met die voorouders, definieert hen als iets volkomen nieuws. Ze presenteren zich zelfbewuste, moderne wereldburgers.

Hearing sober prophet of doom John Gray speak is always a relief #WU12

In the late 1980s, John N. Gray (South Shields, 1948) adviser to Margaret Thatcher - Gray: "I was just a small mote of dust in her administration" - now he is a fierce critic of all things neoconservative. On Writers Unlimited, publicist Bas Heijne felt him out.

Big plus for the writer who can also narrate #wu12

His voice is low, and when he talks, he does so calmly and thoughtfully. He regards his humour - very British - as a side effect that is more accidental than intended. This makes Helon Habila a perfect guest for the opening night of Writers Unlimited, The Hague's literature festival better known as 'Winternachten'. The Nigerian can tell stories, but... 

Henk Pröpper: 'Writers Unlimited has always opposed panting and short-term ambition.'

He is now a publisher, and the man who was director of the Dutch Foundation for Literature until last year will be quite happy with that. As director of the Bezige Bij, one of the country's largest publishing houses, he will surely never again have to submissively toast the sarcastic State Secretary for Culture Halbe Zijlstra. At least the relief was audible in Pröpper's... 

PEN Award voor Iraanse oprichtster ‘Stop Stenigen voor Altijd’-campagne #wu12

Ze woont inmiddels in Noorwegen, nadat ze haar vaderland Iran moest verlaten wegens eigen mening. Ze zat vijf dagen vast, en in de beruchte Evin-gevangenis in Teheran is dat een eeuwigheid. Nu is Asieh Amini vrij in een vreemd land, en krijgt ze van Oxfam-Novib de PEN-Award uitgereikt. Een mooie opening voor het Writers Unlimited Winternachtenfestival, dat met deze uitreiking… 

We will follow the world's writers into their hotel rooms

Writers Unlimited The Dodo is coming back to life. On 19 January already. Then we plunge into the Hague writer's life. The four-day festival Writers Unlimited, formerly known as Winternachten, but thus changed its name because of the weather (not, but nice joke) will have a real dodo, but then again differently. We will LIVE BLOG. That means we'll be there.... 

One hundred and thirty thousand visitors for the Cultural Press Office in 2011. The bar for 2012 is high.

That frightens us quite a bit ourselves. We knew that the Cultural Press Agency was doing quite well, but we didn't really think a reach of more than 100,000 people was possible. After all, we had done nothing in the way of marketing. Just posting content and not giving away free tickets. And only once something with a bare female breast in it. Enfin.... 

"The city's leading free spirits have discovered and embraced classical music, but on their own terms"

An alternative scene for classical events outside the ice palaces of classical music is growing. Last month you could 'classical clubbing' at the Yellow Lounge at the Westergasfabriek venue. The club was sold out, indeed with a large

Neutral Hero: Like a steam locomotive tugging slowly over you #dekeuze

'I will never go to anything undergrounds again,' sighs a lady as she leaves the auditorium. She looks pained, after more than an hour and a half of Neutral Hero by director Richard Maxwell and the New York City Players. The paper description of the show may therefore lead a potential visitor astray. A 'country opera' sounds far too... 

Sarah Moeremans camps out at the theatre and shows young actors all over it during #dekeuze

Regisseur, actrice en theatervormgeefster Sarah Moeremans houdt een jaar lang kantoor in de hal van de Rotterdamse Schouwburg. Onder de  titel “My First Camp” heeft zij haar intrek genomen in het voorhuis, om meer in contact te staan met de verschillende gebruikers en bezoekers in het gebouw en de wereld daar omheen. Is de publieke ruimte een wildernis geworden, die… 

Can a piece of plastic be sad? Well in the theatre by Lotte van den Berg #dekeuze

Can a plastic rag be sad? It does in the hands of a puppeteer in a performance by Lotte van den Berg. With a few pieces of tape and a lot of well-aimed buttons, the plastic rag has been transformed into something with four limbs and a head. And the plastic rag mourns in its performer's hands dozens of similarly knotted... 

The International Choice does, what The International Choice has been doing for years: divide opinion and loosen tongues.

"We are blind to the big changes in the world and meanwhile we are arguing with one-liners on Radio One." These words, chronicled by reporter Robbert van Heuven from the mouth of writer Abdelkader Benali during the Choice Debate on Tuesday 20 September perhaps best sums up what The International Choice was all about. Artistic director Annemie Vanackere... 

Seeing, building and tasting the future during an exciting bike ride through Rotterdam with Parfum de BoemBoem #dekeuze

A procession of bright red and green bicycles snakes along the Meuse, ridden by people looking around curiously, conferring with each other and wondering at every moment if 'this is part of it'. The Parfum de BoemBoem ticket in their pocket is proof: this is not an ordinary bike ride, but one with theatrical surprises. Guide Sereh enjoys the questioning looks and leads the group to the first location: the waste incinerator in Rotterdam-South.

Future food of nuisance beasts scrambled with talk on energy #dekeuze

Listen here to the podcast/work in progress by Jowi Schmitz who attended the event with chef Natasja Postma: Fantasising about 2020 in International Choice 2011 Liposuction fat. Blood. Vomit. 'You can look at it that way too!' says the Appetitheque's food designer excitedly. It doesn't bother her that her thin-walled jelly pudding, processed cola and her yellow-white lumps of beef salad are still... 

We talk endlessly about climate change and then the lights go out. #decision

It is the most frequently asked question to actresses: whether it is difficult, crying on command. And invariably Carice van Houten or Halina Reijn then replies to Matthijs van Nieuwkerk or Jeroen Pauw that there are all kinds of tricks for that. For crying. Just think of something nasty, tiger balm, onions, and Vaseline. Now, however, it turns out there is something where even... 

15,000 burger buns set a fitting stage for typically Spanish Golgotha Picnic #International Choice

  Spain and God. The two have had something in common for a long time. And to outsiders, not always in a positive sense. Spaniards invented the Inquisition and converted the entire native population of South America to the eternal hunting grounds. When artists delve into the relationship between supreme being and Spaniard, it also quite often produces confrontational works. Take... 

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