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Alles wat in musea, galeries, op rotondes en dorpspleienen staat, en boven bankstellen hangt. En Marina Abramovic

‘Ontkiemende dans op een bedje van gras en sedum’ – Carefull Art zet Utrechtse kunstenaars op een heel bijzondere kaart

“De afgelopen tweeënhalf jaar ben ik keuzes gaan maken. Waar ik tien jaar geleden bedacht om als dansdocent het leven in te gaan, is het nu de vraag: wil ik dat eigenlijk wel? Waar word ik blij van, wat wil ik graag delen met de mensen om mij heen?” Voor Lotte Willemsma waren de eerste twee jaar van de Corona-pandemie… 

Playing with shapes in first Dutch solo exhibition by Andrea Canepa (Peru)

Voor haar eerste solotentoonstelling in Nederland heeft de Peruaanse kunstenaar Andrea Canepa (Lima, 1980) de Aula-ruimte van de Appel tot haar beschikking als de locatie voor haar voortdurende onderzoek naar de organisatie van de fysieke en sociale structuren, ofwel organisatiesystemen, die ons dagelijkse leven vormgeven. Canepa laat zien dat hoewel de ruimtelijke en architecturale parameters van deze organisatiesystemen duidelijk gemarkeerd kunnen lijken,… 

New exhibitions Amsterdam Museum 

Since March 2022, the main location of the Amsterdam Museum on Kalverstraat has been closed due to a large-scale renovation of the museum building, the former civilian orphanage. In the new temporary main location of the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel (Amstel 51, Hermitage building), the museum will show a new permanent collection presentation Panorama Amsterdam and three changing exhibitions since March 2021. In... 

IN PERSPECTIVE 7: Artists and providence

In the series In Perspective, Erik Akkermans looks back and ahead at developments in cultural policy and practice. Today: providence for artists. The office at Noordeinde in The Hague. At the meeting table, all board members had a fixed place. At that spot was a packet of cigarettes of the right brand ready for everyone. The meetings started at the stroke of two o'clock. Around half past... 

IN PERSPECTIVE 6: The meter case and media art

In the series In Perspective, Erik Akkermans looks back and ahead at developments in cultural policy and practice. Today: media art. Aan het Haagse Spui It were tough negotiations. The battle for the meter cupboard symbolised that. The chairman of the Hague Filmhuis, a former alderman, went hard at it. And the board of the World Wide Video Centre & Festival... 

Isaac Israels painting to Amsterdam Museum

Chamber of Commerce donates 'Factory Girls on the Prinsengracht' from 1894 The Amsterdam Museum's collection is being expanded with a special donation. The Chamber of Commerce donated the museum the painting 'Fabrieksmeisjes op de Prinsengracht te Amsterdam' (ca. 1894) by the famous Amsterdam impressionist Isaac Israels. Israels' painting hung for many years in the meeting room of the General Administration 

IN PERSPECTIVE 5 - From order and power to student and power - On mergers and discomfort in arts education

"Miss, please give me the minister!". Henk Vonhoff's voice sounded as commanding as it was eloquent as he addressed his secretary over the intercom. Vonhoff was commissioner of the Queen in Groningen, but also chairman of the supervisory committee of the Groningen State University of Applied Sciences, the only college still directly under the minister. We, faculty directors, were at... for the umpteenth time. 

In Perspective #1: Art lending, new opportunities for old ideals

In the beautiful but overcrowded office of the director of Kunstuitleen SBK Amsterdam, on the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, paintings, etchings, gouaches, photographs were everywhere against the wall. And ceramics too. At the meeting table, the entire board of the Federatie Kunst Uitleen (FKU) with whom I had come to meet as intended external chairman. I walked, enthusiastically shaking everyone's hand, around the... 


Bosch Parade 2022 is de 9e editie van deze buitengewone kunstmanifestatie te water met Jheronimus Bosch als inspiratiebron. Het thema dit jaar is ‘verleiding’. Het belooft van 16 tot en met 19 juni opnieuw een inspirerende vaartocht van het ongerijmde te worden door het historisch centrum van ’s-Hertogenbosch, met negentien eigenzinnige kunstwerken in en op het water. Voor Bosch Parade… 

The Silence of Tired Tongues at Framer Framed

The Silence of Tired Tongues, samengesteld door Raphael Fonseca, toont het werk van dertien opkomende kunstenaars die geboren zijn in Brazilië. De kunstwerken in deze groepstentoonstelling brengen een gevoel van ‘saudade’ met zich mee, dat vertaald kan worden als een mengeling van melancholie en verlangen. De titel van de tentoonstelling is ontleend aan een populair lied uit 1972 van de… 

'Visual arts and the Dutch media' election

Met ingang van dit jaar peilt Jakunst in de vorm van een verkiezing de meningen van kunstenaars en kunstliefhebbers over de Nederlandse media, waar het de aandacht voor beeldende kunst betreft. Daarvoor vragen we jou om je mening kenbaar te maken door beantwoording van enkele vragen. Het meedoen kost je twee minuten of nog minder, want om mee te doen,… 

Johannes Vermeer Prize 2021 awarded to visual artist Natasja Kensmil

Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven of Education, Culture and Science today presented the Johannes Vermeer Prize 2021, the Dutch state prize for the arts, to visual artist Natasja Kensmil. At Het HEM in Zaandam, Minister Van Engelshoven handed over the trophy to Kensmil. Natasja Kensmil was praised by the jury for her work that is healing, edifying and critical at the same time. Minister ... 


Why never say, 'Botero, that's that fat-woman painter, isn't it?

Mons (Mons), a Walloon pinhead on the French border, became European Capital of Culture in 2015. To everyone's surprise. The city presents its umpteenth major exhibition this autumn and winter: Fernando Botero, beyond the forms. 3 questions are addressed in this story: 1) How does a small city like Mons get all that done? 2) Why never say:... 

'We're not going to talk about Jiskefet, are we?' For Michiel Romeyn, all of life is theatre

Even though the satirical programme Jiskefet has not existed for more than 15 years, Michiel Romeyn (66) is still recognised on the street as 'lullo' Van Binsbergen, 'the white nigger' Oboema or office clerk Storm. In Romeyn's existence, the dividing line between life and theatre is fluid. 'I like to disrupt things,' he says. 'We're hopefully not going to talk about Jiskefet after all.... 

New private museum in Amsterdam: a rather brazen action, seemingly fuelled by resentment.

‘Een mooi cadeau aan de stad’- zo omschrijft de Hartwig Art Foundation op zijn website het plan om een nieuw kunstmuseum op de Zuidas te initiëren. Het is een particulier initiatief van ondernemer, kunstverzamelaar en filantroop Rob Defares. De Amsterdamse Kunstraad heeft positief geadviseerd over het plan, de gemeente beslist er binnenkort over. Het klinkt veelbelovend: een kunsthal – er komt geen… 

Museum directors: is their role as figureheads and media artists becoming more important than as art history experts?

Dutch museums, partly due to the recent digital Museum Week, have been able to retain a large part of their audience. There is - reports the Museum Association on its website - a slight turnover though. And the hitherto loyal public will not find their way to museums automatically and to the same extent. But the picture is that the... 

Platform BK: Deferred work means deferred money. The artist cannot buy food from that.

What we feared at the beginning of the coronasteun appears to have become reality. The generous support money for culture should also reach the small self-employed in the arts via the institutions, but that is now happening too little. Of course, there are fine examples, such as the large subsidised arts institutions in Groningen and festivals like Boulevard and Holland Festival that have self-employed... 

Wijbrand says sorry to Lot Vekemans (Nerd podcast #8 with Marijn Lems on how personal the arts journalist can be)

Can anything general be said about a work of art? Do we see the same thing, and isn't a journalist giving a meaning also an act of exclusion for those who think differently? Questions that you actually have to deal with every day in the art journalism profession. Marijn Lems (NRC/Theaterkrant) and Wijbrand Schaap... 

Inkspot battle won by Renée van den Kerkhof

Saturday, March 6, the annual Inkspotbattle took place at Concordia. The theme was "Elections (in Corona time)". 10 Dutch cartoonists participated. The only female participant, Renée van den Kerkhof, walked away with the prize. Online visitors could watch the participating cartoonists translate a topical subject into cartoons. An expert jury chose at the end of the... 

'Monument to BKR' shows how well an income scheme for artists can work

With 'A monument to the BKR', Fransje Kuyvenhoven has indeed written a tribute in her "history of a high-profile artists' scheme (1949-1987 )". If only because the first hundred pages contain no text, but a chronological showcase of artworks from the BKR. By Karel Appel, Corneille, Constant, Lucebert, Jan Wolkers, Kees van Bohemen, Ger Lataster, Armando, among others. And because there are... 

Watching a cartoon being made; Inkspot battle at Concordia to be followed via livestream

The annual Inktspot battle will take place on Saturday 6 March from 2.45pm. The battle, which can normally be followed at Concordia in the Inktspot exhibition, will, like last year, take place from the participating political cartoonists' own drawing tables and be broadcast live via Concordia's website. As an online visitor, you can watch as the participating draughtsmen... 


For a week or two, the word uncollect has been in my head. An Amsterdam politician suggested selling Roy Lichtenstein's As I opened Fire. Estimated proceeds: 40 to 50 million. With that money, Amsterdam's art sector could be saved and, if there was some left over, work by new artists could also be bought. The politician himself holds... 

Renzo Martens on White Cube: 'From now on, the Stedelijk should devote its entire acquisitions budget to art by plantation workers.'

A sleek, snow-white art temple in the middle of the Congolese interior. What does that mean? Renzo Martens talks about his new documentary White Cube, and the art project that allows plantation workers to buy back their land. Premiering at IDFA and in Lusanga, Congo.

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