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About directionless hipsters, their parents, and the war in Europe (coming) #HF17

Vincent Macaigne is uncomfortable. He looks around nervously every time the waitresses run past with trays full of clinking glasses and slam the doors. He has hardly slept, and the previous evening he had walloped the audience of the Swiss Theatre Vidy with his brutal, inimitable performance En Manque. Braced, he sat down for the interview. "Sorry, I... 

Grażyna Bacewicz: 'A composer doesn't want to repeat himself'

In Poland, her name appears on street signs and school buildings, and statues of her stand in public parks. Grażyna Bacewicz (1909-1969) was the first Polish woman to achieve international success as a composer. Her work can even be found on one of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra's CD anthologies. Yet she is still virtually unknown here in the country. Unjustly so, as she wrote... 

Drie kilo Raster-Noton over toen, met alvast drie opties voor morgen

Het Duitse platenlabel Raster-Noton bestaat twintig jaar. De verjaardag wordt gevierd met showcases op meerdere festivals en met een drie kilo zware catalogus. Plaatjes voor bij de plaatjes dus en géén boxset met de muzikale hoogtepunten. Een bijzondere aanpak, van een hoogst bijzonder label. Geluid én beeld Een label dat een forse catalogus uitbrengt, dat is geen alledaags verschijnsel. Een… 

Warlikowski's direction of Wozzeck is impressive, but does not grab you by the throat

We have to perform, from an early age. If you don't go along with that, you will be left out. It is the thrust of Alban Berg's opera Wozzeck, now to be seen at De Nationale Opera directed by Krzystof Warlikowski. The Polish theatre innovator has turned one of the most dramatic operas in music history into a fascinating musical... 

Joop Oonk maakt van haar buurt een bühne

Joop Oonk (27) maakt dansvoorstellingen met de Misiconi Dance Company, maar niet van een standaard soort. Ze noemt het ook wel: inclusiedans. Dansen met rolstoelen bijvoorbeeld en dat dan in de openbare ruimte. Tijd voor een gesprek met deze bijzondere choreografe. Gelukkig hoef je geen kunstbarbaar te zijn om het woord inclusiedans niet te kennen. Joop Oonk choreograaf, artistiek leider… 

Topicality overtaken by past (film tip)

Eind 2006 leerde ik de Nederlandse filmmaker Sander Francken kennen. Voor de Groene Amsterdammer had ik zijn film Dealing and wheeling in small arms bekeken. Daarna zocht ik hem op in zijn werkruimte voor een interview. Dat gesprek herinner ik me nog goed: scherper dan vele andere interviews. Het ergste wat je immers kan overkomen is een zwerm PR-mensen die… 

Waarom ik de combi Hildegard von Bingen & Galina Oestvolskaja prachtig vind

Bijna een millennium scheidt de non Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) van de Russische componist Galina Oestvolskaja (1919-2006). De eerste schiep hemelse gezangen, de tweede hamerde op een doodskist. Toch staan zij donderdag 23 februari samen op een concert van de Vlaamse ensembles Het Collectief en Psallentes in het Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ. Twee redenen waarom ik dat een prachtige combi… 

Seks, aureolen en de kunst van Rebecca Linders

Rebecca Linders verafgoodt seks. Ze plaatst in haar nieuw serie tekeningen, Icon Nection, aureolen over sekssituaties. Seksiconen dus. Zo heiligt ze intimiteit. Linders: ‘Ik heb moeten leren seks als heilig te zien.’ Wat heeft sex te maken met iconen? ‘Seks was voor mij altijd verboden terrein geweest. Iets wat je niet doet, waar je niet over praat. Ik kom uit een… 

Pixvae: hot-blooded fusion between French metal and Colombian Currulao

Last summer, French-Colombian collective Pixvae was the sensation of the Haarlemmer Houtfestival. Their debut was recently released through the prestigious French label Buda Musique. This week there are two Dutch shows. You can't start a day better than with Pixvae's first CD. Eight pieces only, but the energy that oozes from it is irresistible. The music of... 

A witty little book about suicide (8 uncomfortable questions to Jente Posthuma and Bas Uterwijk)

Writer Jente Posthuma (1974) and photographer Bas Uterwijk (1968) teamed up to create a booklet about the carefully planned suicide of Uterwijk's father, Henk. Try to think a little good of me is an intimate, searching, resigned and at times hilarious portrait of a loved one who has fallen away. Bas and I met on the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu mat sometime in 2005. We were trying to... 

Ten reasons to go to literary festival Winternachten

Writers Unlimited could hardly have chosen a more appropriate theme for this year's literary festival Winternachten: Is this the real life? That question will be on many a mind when the new president of the United States is inaugurated on Friday. Fortunately, some eighty writers who do have something meaningful to say about the state of... 

Gerard de Kleijn maakt Museum Gouda meer toegankelijk

Gerard de Kleijn vertrekt op 1 februari na zes jaar directeur te zijn geweest bij Museum Gouda. De flamboyante, welbespraakte en erudiete directeur laat een financieel en artistiek gezond Museum achter voor zijn opvolger Marc de Beyer. De Kleijn maakte het museum meer toegankelijk voor Gouwenaars en kunstliefhebbers van buiten de historische  stad. Het museum trok in 2016 ongeveer 40.000… 

Seven shows you wish you had seen in 2016 (but don't give up hope)

In The Hague, they think it's a waste of money. Let them. Here are seven performances that were more than worth 'that sin'. Mona, Ariadne, Mariken, but also breathtaking circus theatre, a secret marriage, genre-transcending satire and the greatest set ever. Mona, NTJong (youth theatre/drama) 1. It is the biggest pitfall of the age indication in theatre performances. Put 6+ and you... 

Garry Feingold and Ger Jager, Dance Makers, 2012. Photo: Jean-Pierre Jans.

Extremely rare landslide possible in contemporary dance in the Netherlands.

In contemporary dance, artistic leaders are often in place for decades, at least in the Netherlands. This week, Leo Spreksel announced his departure from Korzo, as of September 2017. After 29 years, the director and programmer of dance at the theatre and production house in The Hague is calling it a day, because "in the Netherlands, commercialisation is pushing away the voice of artists: procedures and formats are... 

Does anyone know what Hollywood did to his balls?

Before I started studying, I had oceans of time to read. Besides high literature like The World of Sofie by Jostein Gaarder, I also read books from the Bruna Top Ten. This included Dan Brown's Angels & Demons series, the fourth part of which was recently filmed. However, director Ron Howard has addressed the ethical issue with which the book ends... 

De Oogst van de Maand: Grandes, Hulst, Otten, Smith, Winterson, Noorduijn en Vanden Bosch, Van Mersbergen en Van Zomeren

De kosten van de crisis Kleine helden is de titel van de nieuwe roman van Almudena Grandes, een van de grootste schrijvers van Spanje. En om kleine helden gaat het: de roman is eigenlijk een bundeling van verhalen die met elkaar samenhangen en over mensen gaan zoals wij allemaal, alleen wonen deze mensen allemaal in Madrid. Rijk en arm, jong… 

Meg Stuart throws very ordinary bodies into the fray

Meg Stuart's two-hour heroic epic Until Our Hearts Stop, showing at the Rotterdam Schouwburg this week, does not engage in dramatic construction according to the rules of Aristotle's Poetics. We don't know who those people are there on stage. Nor do they seem to have been given any special assignment, although they are clearly being... 

Hall view of Zvizdal. Photo: Frederik Buyckx

Unique theatre documentary 'Zvizdal' to be seen only a few times in the Netherlands

Zvizdal, the documentary theatre portrait of Pétro and Nadia filmed by Berlin between 2011 and 2016, is not only in Paris, Ghent and Athens. This moving story can also be seen in the Netherlands until 11 November 2016. Near the place where an atomic experiment failed in 1986, Berlin and Zvizdal tell a moving story about an old peasant couple. They remained as... 

Herta Müller: 'I like small things'

This week saw the publication of Nobel Prize winner Herta Müller's autobiography, My Homeland, an Apple Pit. A few years ago, A Quattro Mani had an exclusive interview with the Romanian writer, when her first collection of poetry collages was published, The Skirt-chaser and its sly aunt. We spoke to her at her home in Berlin, she revealed how her poetry collages are created, and the making... 

Kristien Hemmerechts: 'I'm good at putting my feelings in the closet'

A year ago, Belgian writer Kristien Hemmerechts was diagnosed with breast cancer. While embarking on a course of surgery, radiotherapy and hormone therapy, she contained the chaos in words. Her new book Er gebeurde dit, er gebeurde dat is the beautiful result of that. A vivid account of the confusion, emotions and thoughts during those first few months, framed by older... 

Herman Brusselmans: 'In my head I am not a bourgeois dick'

With an average of two novels a year, the Flemish writer has built a huge and unique body of work in over thirty-five years - he turns 63 this week, but the number of books he has written far exceeds that number. Interview with the man who writes faster than his shadow, in ten quiz questions. 'Well, I don't appear to be a connoisseur of my own work, do I?'

The Harvest of the Month: Claudel, Baker, Russo, Van der Kwast

The summer period is a fine time for catch-up reading - books from recent times that you still wanted to read but didn't get around to before - but we also got a glimpse of a few upcoming titles. That made for a fine, varied crop this month. Eifel adventures Since The Detour, there hasn't been a new novel... 

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