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council for culture

Burn letter from festivals: 'It's going wrong with the performing arts in the Netherlands'

A fire letter from the United Performing Arts Festivals. One of more than a hundred lobbying organisations in the arts, but a very important one. After all, the festivals are the place where audiences were introduced to arts and entertainment in its full breadth. That doesn't happen anywhere else. And beautiful: they stand up for all performing arts, because, as loyal readers of this site know: they are quite the hare, and become even more the hare with every half-hearted rescue.

Where did things go wrong between culture decision-makers and the region?

It could have been so beautiful. In a not so grey past, the Council for Culture, then under a different management, initiated a movement that would give more authority to the region outside the Randstad. That was three years ago. Now there is an (entirely justified) angry letter in the newspaper from the culture deputies of 9... 

Soon - Rahi Rezvani

Dutch dance world back on stage in September with these performances

From small dance schools to large dance companies, the Dutch dance world is daring to expose itself on a stage again. Dance lovers can get back into the studios or theatres, or both, thanks to protocols, and bookings are being made enthusiastically as many performances are already sold out. After all, nothing beats dance art in the flesh. In the words of dance dramaturge Jochem Naafs: 'If you... 

Subsidy crisis: if the House comes up with a fix for region and saw line soon, we will be even further home.

That 8.6 million the fund is now minimally short of will probably be found somewhere, so the saw line will be shifted again. Then the sector can - virtually - continue for another four years. Another one and a half million may be added to shape the spread. Pleasing the art world is not that expensive, The Hague will notice.

And what about those codes of conduct? 'The Fund sees the tick marks as a baseline measurement.'

According to the minister, when applying for your grant this year, the Fair Practice Code, the Diversity and Inclusion Code and the Governance Code of Culture would be decisive. In several reviews by the Culture Council in the BIS and also locally, artists have been rejected on the basis of poor substantiation of their following the code of conduct. If not at... 

Raad voor Cultuur past advies marginaal aan, maar blijft bij omstreden besluiten

De Nationale Opera had een foutje gemaakt bij de opstelling van zijn aanvraag. Het met vele miljoenen gedoteerde nationale instituut had volgens de Raad voor Cultuur nagelaten de prestatiegegevens uit te splitsen over dans en muziek. Daardoor moest het gezelschap al voor 1 november met een geheel nieuwe aanvraag komen. Nu blijkt dat mee te vallen. Wat blijkt, de gegevens… 

Council calls minister's plan to let Museum Association audit itself 'questionable' and contrary to 'good governance'

Just over a year ago, Culture Press carried the story that Wim Hupperetz, director of the capital's Allard Pierson, had resigned from his post as chairman of the museums and heritage advisory committee to the Culture Council. The reason was Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven's decision to hand over control of the policy of the national museums to... 

Eurosonic/Noorderslag and Scapino possibly saved. But at the expense of new art acquisitions. #tkculture

Creativity expresses itself in Dutch politics mainly in bookkeeping. On 29 June, just before the start of the three-month summer recess, the Lower House actually found money to save pop festival Noorderslag and dance company Scapino from collapse. That demise would become a reality in the new arts plan, which takes effect in 2021, as the Council for Culture... 

The Lower House will only make the disaster for culture worse. (Unless it chooses to change.)

On Monday 29 June, the Lower House will discuss the advice of the Council for Culture. An advice that, as the Volkskrant rightly noted on Friday 26 June, receives much more criticism than previous advice. In doing so, the newspaper reaffirms what we already wrote down immediately after its release on 4 June: there is a total lack of transparency, a... 

With local rooting of subsidised art, you take the wind out of populism's sails

In recent days, tentative proposals for a new system to fund the arts in the Netherlands have appeared in various places. Tricky pieces, and so far not attesting to very much incisiveness. In Het Parool, a number of prominent figures, including Tinkebel and advertising man Kessels, think that we should think less in pigeonholes, and that, besides quality, we should also... 

The House of Representatives has until Monday 29 June to save the culture (sector).

2.6 billion euros. It is a sum so large that it means nothing to anyone. It is less than the tax support KLM gets, though. Today Kunsten 92, the arts-wide lobbying organisation, in an unprecedented collaboration with all interest groups and industry associations, brought out that that 2.6 billion is the damage to the arts sector caused by the restrictive measures.... 

Improper governance? Looks like it. Holland Festival expresses justified anger at Culture Council's arbitrariness (edited to make criticism of Oerol and lobby insightful)

The Council for Culture acted in violation of all policy agreements, its own advice and rules when it reduced the subsidy for the Holland Festival by over five hundred thousand euros. The Holland Festival, which is in serious trouble as a result, is now expressing its anger in a letter that went to the Lower House today. The organisation even speaks of "improper administration": a... 

That's why concert halls need to reopen as soon as possible. By any means necessary.

What an incredible bucket of guts Lucie Horsch has. Twenty years old. Quite world-famous by now, admittedly. But you just have to dare, in your acceptance speech for the prestigious Dutch Music Prize, to throw the minister's just-expressed words back in her face. Because that is what Lucie Horsch did, with a controlled fury that made a deep impression even from 25 metres away. The... 

When art is offered at such a high level, you can also expect value to be placed on it.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who made it possible for me to receive the Dutch Music Prize here today. Not only all the people who have helped me during the years of my trajectory and given me so much inspiration and motivation, but also everyone who has supported me from an early age in my... 

Culture is good for nothing

4 juni jongstleden bracht de Raad voor Cultuur haar advies uit over de subsidieaanvragen van de culturele instellingen uit de zogeheten basisinfrastructuur. De Raad voor Cultuur is het wettelijke adviesorgaan van de regering en het parlement op het terrein van kunst, cultuur en media. De Raad adviseert over actuele beleidskwesties en subsidieaanvragen, gevraagd en ongevraagd. Het loont zeer de moeite af… 

The BIS is dead, long live the Puppets

Let's just start with the good news: De Staat is a regular fixture in the Netherlands from now on. And so we are talking about the band De Staat. Who make fantastic music videos these days. They have been promoted from a four-year grant with the Performing Arts Fund to a four-year grant according to the Cultural Basic Infrastructure (BIS). With 55 other newcomers. All weighed... 

Het advies is er. Wat gaat er de komende vier jaar gebeuren in de Nederlandse gesubsidieerde cultuur?

Dit is de registratie van de presentatie: En hier is de volledige tekst van het persbericht. Duiding volgt, maar we gaan eerst lezen. Meer ruimte voor vernieuwing en cultuur buiten de Randstadprovincies 04-06-2020 | 14:00 | Den Haag De Raad voor Cultuur adviseert om meer instellingen met vernieuwend cultuuraanbod en instellingen van buiten de Randstadprovincies de kans te geven op… 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Additional funds for cultural sector worked out

The coronavirus outbreak has a major impact on artists, creators and organisations in the cultural and creative field. The cabinet has therefore taken several measures, which institutions and creators in the sector can make use of. These include cabinet-wide generic measures, specific measures for the sector and an additional package of €300 million. Minister van Engelshoven: 'Despite the... 

‘Zet innovatiekracht kunstsector in voor herstel naar het ‘nieuwe normaal.’ Raad voor Cultuur vraagt minister om extra ruimte voor nieuwe plannen.

‘De spontane en creatieve initiatieven en noodoplossingen die door makers en instellingen zijn bedacht tijdens de huidige lockdown laten zien dat de sector uitblinkt in innovatiekracht.’ Volgens de Raad voor Cultuur moeten de oplossingen waar nu al mee wordt geëxperimenteerd voor iedereen beschikbaar komen. Het hoogste culturele adviescollege van Nederland acht dit nodig als we ooit verder willen in het… 

Reintroducing an old support measure would provide a new incentive for creatives.

Het Kabinet trekt driehonderd miljoen euro extra uit om de schade van de coronacrisis in de culturele en creatieve sector te dempen. Dat is een belangrijke stap in de goede richting en zal een aantal instellingen ook echt over de brug helpen. Het kabinet geeft daarmee bovendien een signaal af: dat cultuur er toe doet. Bovendien onderkennen Rutte en zijn… 

OCW vindt berichtgeving ‘voorbarig’: ‘Geen extra Coronageld voor redding culturele sector.’ Ministerie van OCW moet crisis binnen bestaande begroting oplossen.

Binnenkort krijgt de Raad voor Cultuur opdracht voor een plan om de cultuursector de anderhalvemetersamenleving te laten overleven. De inzet van het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap is, om dat binnen de bestaande financiële kaders op te lossen. Dat hebben bronnen in de top van dat ministerie gemeld.

logo council for culture

UPDATE: Kamer neemt motie aan. Minister werkt aan ‘steunpakket’. Raad voor Cultuur slaat alarm. (En kijk eens wat de Oosterburen doen!)

UPDATE vrijdag 13 maart, 9:30 uur: nadat donderdagavond de Raad voor Cultuur alarm sloeg, heeft de Tweede Kamer een motie aangenomen die aandringt op een steunpakket voor de getroffen cultuursector. De tekst van de motie, ingediend door D66, Groen Links, PvdA, Partij van de Dieren, Denk en 50Plus, luidt als volgt: De Kamer, gehoord de beraadslaging, overwegende dat bijeenkomsten met… 

After the budget debate, the performing arts sector will have to be even more patient. Until spring.

The culture sector will have to be patient for a while yet. Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven had no intention of changing any of her policies on Monday 18 November, during the discussion of the culture budget in the Standing Parliamentary Committee on Culture. Despite a fairly widely supported desire, especially from the opposition, to do something about the 8.6 million cut in the... 

If no one comes up with a Plan B... 

On 23 October, website wrote a piece on the future of the performing arts. A future that is black and gloomy when you, as a creator, count on growth, or even survival at all. In short: so much money is going away from the Performing Arts Fund, that from next year only between 50 and 60 applications can be honoured, in... 

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