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PROUD ALIENS: A colourful exhibition by Framer Framed's Open Atelier

Is it okay to be a proud alien in a world where marginalised people feel alienated? The LGBTQ+ project group at Framer Framed's Open Studio for i-psy participants have created a utopian future where differences and diversity are celebrated and recognised as something beautiful. Proud Aliens is the annual exhibition of the i-psy Arts, Amsterdam, created in collaboration with Framer... 

Lower Germanic Limes third new Dutch world heritage site

The Netherlands has added three new historical world icons. Placement on the World Heritage List adds them to a selection of areas that are unique in the world. For the Netherlands, the Lower Germanic Limes - the former border of the Roman Empire -, the Colonies of Weldadigheid and the Dutch Waterline have been added to the list. During the meeting of the World Heritage Committee, which... 

PRIDE at Plein Theatre with Sappho the Jar Cupboard, a love tragedy between two women!

Plein Theater and Annie Gerretsen present with Pride Amsterdam 2021 the musical theatre performance: Sappho the Pot Cupboard! Sappho the Pot Cupboard is an unmissable operatic musical narrative. It makes one feign whether it is a podcast or a rock opera after all. A love tragedy between two women that is going to crack, sand and flame! After such a dyke of a story, all you want is more.... 

Joint committee considers plans national museum of slavery history

A joint committee of the Amsterdam Arts Council and the Council for Culture will examine plans for a national museum of slavery history in Amsterdam in the coming months. Amsterdam's Municipal Executive and outgoing minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) have asked the advisory councils for a joint opinion. The advice, expected this autumn, will, among other things, address... 


From Thursday 2 to Sunday 12 September 2021, the Netherlands Theatre Festival will show the best productions of the past theatre season. The Netherlands Theatre Jury, headed by jury president Hadassah de Boer, selected the eight best theatre productions of the moment. Today, the jury announced its selection. The full selection can be seen during the upcoming edition of the festival 

FUNERAL FOR STREET CULTURE - A Critical Celebration and Mourning of Counter Culture A group project by Metro54 and Rita Ouédraogo and hosted by Framer Framed

Over the past year, the global pandemic and reignited Black Lives Matter protests have had a huge impact on our daily reality. A Funeral for Street Culture seeks to explore and make visible the sense of loss and other consequences of these events within art and culture. The group project, curated and initiated by Metro54 and curator Rita Ouédraogo,... 

The bizarre world of Euripides Laskaridis - Julidans opens with guts

After a year of forced inactivity, Julidans kicked off yesterday under the slogan Never Stop Dancing. And so do the wondrous creatures that populate Elenit, the opening night in the hands of Euripides Laskaridis. His Elenit is a universe of grotesque and sometimes endearing characters held hostage by a huge windmill on stage. Against their will, they carry on, or... 

Rijksmuseum puts names to our slavery past and the effect is stunning

It is very easy not to dwell on things. For instance, I learned at school that we sailed to the East to get nutmeg and pepper. Stuff that just rolled off the trees into the boats there and that we could sell very expensively here. Sugar, another thing. That came to us from plantations just like that,... 

ITA leaves exactly the wrong things to the imagination in Age of Rage. #HF21

In Electra, one of the finest tragedies handed down to us by the ancient Greeks, there is at least one piece of text that made history. It is the account of a horse race. You see nothing, but the language puts your imagination to work. 25 centuries later, they tried to turn the images described into real images for the... 

TIME by Ryuichi Sakomoto: how five quarters can flash by in a thousand years. #HF12

In een voor fans zoals ik legendarische aflevering van de SF-serie Star Trek, The Next Generation, wordt kapitein Picard geraakt door een vreemd lichtsignaal uit een lege sonde. Daarna schakelen we naar een dorp waar de kapitein heen schijnt te zijn geteleporteerd en zien we hoe hij een heel leven leidt als dorpswijze en begenadigd fluitspeler. Aan het eind sterft… 

Mailles remains in the Holland Festival a closed oyster that does not reveal its pearl.

Something about roots, and that they are cut off and that this is inconvenient. Or not, because it gives freedom. Something about men and women, but what exactly didn't quite become clear in Mailles, which I got to experience at the Holland Festival on Thursday 10 June, after another curious test-for-access episode. The great hall of the building that I just don't... 

Theatre festival Boulevard changed the DNA of Den Bosch, even the Netherlands

Whether we want to speak only of 's-Hertogenbosch from now on. Apparently, a last vestige of decency has bravely survived in the provincial capital of Brabant. Nazmiye Oral, master of ceremonies at a party at Den Bosch's citadel on 9 June, forgot right the first time. City marketers and old nobility fight hand in hand for a respected name to trump the vernacular.... 

Golden coach hoisted over Amsterdam Museum

In the dead of night on 9-10 June, the restored Golden Coach was hoisted over the roof of the Amsterdam Museum in a wooden box. A special and spectacular moment that took place in the middle of the night because the tram lines had to be shut down for this major operation. Everything went well and the Golden Coach was lifted last night.... 

Theatrical installation looking at current events from the Maroons' perspective, this summer at Plein Theatre

Swart Gat/ Golden Age (Dunguu olo - katibo-ten) is a theatrical installation about Amsterdam's slavery past and Maroon culture from Suriname. The concept is by Tolin Erwin Alexander, Berith Danse and designer Bartel Meyburg. The theatrical installation, which has lost none of its urgency, has been further finished and will start again in summer 2021! From 17 June (19 June... 

At Giselle Vienne's L'Etang, I feel again what I have been missing all this time.

England is closed. The culture minister happily reports that artists can tour Europe again, as long as they do not go outside Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. We've always taken an ambitious approach in negotiations on touring artists, including in my meeting with @AbidRaja last month. Delighted that our new trade deal with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein will allow musicians, performers... 

Choreographer Ernst Meisner: 'What works for me is an empty studio where I turn on the music at night and walk around for a hundred hours'

Choreographer Ernst Meisner (1982) is artistic coordinator of the Dutch National Ballet's Junior Company and artistic director of the National Ballet Academy. As a former dancer, he knows that you have to get out of the rehearsal studio, onto the stage. That's why he makes sure his dancers and dancers-in-training keep dancing in front of an audience as much as possible, even if the performances are online because of corona. 'I... 

Amsterdam Museum reopens doors: visitors welcome for Refresh Amsterdam and The Golden Coach 

The Amsterdam Museum will open its doors on Saturday 5 June after a closure of more than six months. From Saturday, visitors can revisit the museum at its primary location on Kalverstraat and the Amsterdam Museum wing of the Hermitage. On 1 July, Museum Willet-Holthuysen will also open after major maintenance. Visitors can visit the Amsterdam Museum in addition to its permanent offerings... 

The 74th edition of the Holland Festival kicks off on 3 June

The Holland Festival kicks off on 3 June with Rudi Stephan's performance Die ersten Menschen by De Nationale Opera, a stream of async at the Park Avenue Armory by Ryuichi Sakamoto and Stephen Nomura Schible, and the first episode of the podcast Soft Valkyrie by David Kanaga. State government permission Last week, the Holland Festival received permission from... 

Matteo Myderwyk nieuwe artist in residence van TivoliVredenburg

De Nederlandse pianist/componist Matteo Myderwyk is in juni en juli 2021 artist in residence in TivoliVredenburg. In drie weken tijd speelt hij vier verschillende concerten in vier verschillende zalen.* Matteo Myderwyk is opgeleid als klassiek pianist, maar besloot na het conservatorium alle muzikale regels en wetten van zich af te gooien. Zijn doel: muziek maken in het moment. Zo belandde… 

Maartje Wortel lives through the Oosterpark

'The book is a declaration of love to Niña, I dedicated it to her unborn child.' Writer Maartje Wortel (38) lived right by Amsterdam's Oosterpark until recently. Her friend and fellow writer Niña Weijers lived on the other side. For five years, they walked laps of the park together, sometimes several times a day. In The Groove, Carrot tells about... 

Dance & theatre collective Movementalist, in collaboration with Plein Theater, presents the Movement Expo Aceleratio at the NDSM Fuse from 27 May (premiere) to 30 May.

The art of slowing down in times of pandemic. Aceleratio is an interdisciplinary performance installation that aims to confront online and offline audiences with struggle, freedom, courage and comfort, from the need to embody these times. Artistic directors Dayna Martinez Morales & Vincent Verburg are the initiators of Movement Expo Aceleratio. Ten experienced and very different performers in... 

Rarely have I experienced a historical book that is so accessible and so imaginative

With journalist Bianca Stigter's book Atlas of an occupied city, you walk through today's reality, as it were, with historical virtual reality glasses on. An extra layer appears over the familiar backdrop of Amsterdam's streets: of World War II occupation. What wartime past is hidden in the streets and behind the facades? Atlas... 

1 year of Corona in the City - Outdoor exhibition and online relay broadcast

Saturday 15 May 2021 marks exactly one year since Mayor Femke Halsema opened the Amsterdam Museum's digital exhibition Corona in de Stad. A digital exhibition about the effects of the corona virus on the city of Amsterdam and its inhabitants. To commemorate 1 year of Corona in the City, the Amsterdam Museum will be showing from 15... 

'This new law means even more hurdles and restrictions for visiting culture.'

Honourable members of the House of Representatives, It is with great concern that we look at the Temporary Test Act that will be voted on in your House on Tuesday 11 May. This new law means even more hurdles and restrictions for visiting culture. Restrictions that will be introduced but where the end date is not given. This new testing law could be a godsend for... 

Museum directors: is their role as figureheads and media artists becoming more important than as art history experts?

Dutch museums, partly due to the recent digital Museum Week, have been able to retain a large part of their audience. There is - reports the Museum Association on its website - a slight turnover though. And the hitherto loyal public will not find their way to museums automatically and to the same extent. But the picture is that the... 

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