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Dutch Film Festival

No.10 of the Van Warmerdams: great pleasure, until you start dreaming of it

With Orkater, I grew into theatre as a student. In the house here is the DVD box with Alex van Warmerdam's first seven delightful films, which I still watch back regularly, now together with the youngest generation learning and enjoying. Then daily the spines of his curious books smile at me, such as the fine collection of poetry 'I created the world'.... 

“‘Wel aardig’ is niet goed genoeg, dat valt gelijk af.” Filmcriticus Jan Pieter Ekker over mogelijk het laatste Forum van de Regisseurs op het Nederlands Filmfestival

Het Nederlands Film Festival staat op het punt van losbarsten. Een ruime week met een breed overzicht van alles wat beweegt op de Nederlandse schermen, van publieksfilm tot korte studentenfilm. Het afgelopen jaar was rumoerig: regisseurs, editors en cameramensen toonden zich somber over de kwaliteit en het lef van de vaderlandse film. Bezoekersaantallen lijken ook niet over te houden, hoewel… 

Shout out! The big fill-in for the new arts plan.

The Council for Culture has just proposed the new Basic Infrastructure (BIS), and it has become a very big, in traditional terms 'prosperous', baby. Since the Council is not allowed to name names, and can only list functions, we have already made a fill-in list here, in which we list (very briefly, because little time and not knowing about everything) which existing cultural... 

'Dormant Dutch film world needs kick from Brandend Kalf'

Good news for anyone who also thinks the Dutch film world could use a bit more spice. On 29 September, film theatre Springhaver in Utrecht will host the Evening of the Burning Calf organised. Rounded off with the presentation of the Brandend Kalf, the new film award for the most sensational, daring, cheeky or inspired Dutch film initiative. At least, if enough crowdfunders are those who want to support this project by film journalist Karin Wolfs and writer A.H.J. Dautzenberg.

Yes, you see, this event takes place, not entirely coincidentally, on the evening preceding the presentation of the Golden Calf awards. And no, the Brandend Kalf is not a side programme of the Dutch Film Festival. When we ask Karin Wolfs to explain, she first of all wants to emphasise that it is an entirely independent project. Nor a private party of Wolfs and Dautzenberg. Hence also that crowdfunding. If it succeeds

Utrechts postkantoor grote verliezer bij ‘ligconcert’ Canto Ostinato

Begin dit jaar leek het er nog op dat het monumentale en markante Hoofdpostkantoor aan de Utrechtse Neude voorgoed dicht zou blijven. Er was zelfs sprake van een verkoop aan een particulier die er luxe appartementen in zou gaan bouwen, en op die manier de hal van het volk, waar menig Utrechter ooit haar kascheques verzilverde, voorgoed aan het oog… 

They are going to pay. Cable operators on their knees for screenwriters

Tonight many drunk screenwriters on the streets, and in Leiden a few very happy older journalists. Lira, the organisation that has to collect money for them from the big, wealthy, and non-paying guys, has won twice. They already had, of course, but the cable companies didn't want to get rid of the gold plating on their luxury yachts. So they ignored the judge's ruling and... 

Rowwen Heze was not among them. The funniest tweets about the calves in a row

There was, of course, that ceremony on TV. But there was also a ceremony on Twitter. Which started much earlier than that ceremony on TV. The calves were already falling from the sky while we were still watching the news. We listed the celebration. From half past two, Friday afternoon. [View the story " Calvert tweets from Utrecht.... 

Beat the jury: decide who wins the Golden Calves

About the curious omissions from the nominations has already been one and other said. And it does clean up, of course: so many films, and then so few really good ones. Or so. Anyway. Friday 3 October is almost Animal Day and Feast of Sacrifice and therefore a great time for the Golden Calfs. Choose your favourites below. Let's see if it matches the results.

'My advice: make the joke earlier.' The speech doctor reviews 3 speech actors

(In Harry Potter, True Detective and Juno, they were better) Actors are like people when they go on a stage as themselves. And just like with ordinary people, I occasionally think 'that could really be better'. Soon we can check it out with the Dutch actors at the Gala of the Dutch Film Festival. With those calves. But first the... 

Het zware weer in harde cijfers – economisch onderzoek Nederlandse filmindustrie

Zijn dit de cijfers waarmee minister Kamp duidelijk kan worden gemaakt dat stimuleringsmaatregelen voor de filmindustrie er echt moeten komen? Die hoop viel wel te beluisteren tijdens de bespreking van een door Oxford Economics uitgevoerd research naar de economische positie van de Nederlandse film- en av-industrie.

Dutch Academy For Film - for a good story about Dutch cinema

The Dutch film world has a new club. Dutch filmmakers can join the Dutch Academy For Film (DAFF). With the aim, in short, of raising the profile of Dutch cinema. The DAFF was founded on 24 June this year following the example of similar academies in, for example, England, Sweden, Denmark and Germany. A press conference at the Netherlands Film Festival

Nude is main theme at 33rd edition Netherlands Film Festival, Hoe Duur was de Suiker opening film

Paul Verhoeven, Dick Maas, Katja Schuurman, Monique van de Ven en Kim van Kooten zijn allemaal speciale gast op de komende editie van het Dutch Film Festival. Niets bijzonders, denkt u, maar als u ze op de festivalposters ziet zult u ze waarschijnlijk niet herkennen. Het zijn namelijk naamgenoten van bekende filmpersoonlijkheden die dit jaar

NFF 2012 - All student awards go to the Film Academy

The Film Academy can be satisfied. The two juries that handed out the three student awards at the Netherlands Film Festival on Monday night had also looked at graduation work from other Dutch academies with a film section. But in the end, all the lucky ones were students from the Netherlands Film and Television Academy, as the Amsterdam programme is called in full. Magnesium again. The Tuschinski Award for best graduation film, this... 

NFF – ‘De regels van Matthijs’ verplichte lesstof voor hulpverleners

De oogst aan lange documentaires die op het Nederlands Film Festival worden vertoond, is goed. Het zijn bijzondere verhalen, soms opzienbarend, soms indringend, soms voer voor veel discussie, en vrijwel allemaal heel mooi gefilmd. We wensen de jury veel wijsheid toe. De genomineerde documentaire ‘De regels van Matthijs’ is voor iedereen interessant, maar zou verplichte kost moeten zijn voor hulpverleners,… 

#NFF Opening film Nono sings away from dull realism

What a festive opening film it was! The Dutch Film Festival's choice of Nono, the zigzag child had of course to do with the fact that Dutch family films will be specially put in the festival spotlight this year. But even apart from that theme, it was an unmissable kick-off. After all, we may like to grumble that the weather is not... 

The Promise main theme at 32nd Netherlands Film Festival - audience recruitment stepped up

Next year, the Netherlands Film Festival will have to face extensive budget cuts. Therefore, let's enjoy this year extra, was the recommendation with which festival director Willemien van Aalst closed the press conference presenting the programme of the 32nd Netherlands Film Festival this afternoon. Precisely in this time of economic headwind, the festival has chosen this year's The Promise 

Mayor Hoes provides proof: for the VVD, art is only about sport anymore

Anyone who was still left wondering what the vision of the governing VVD party on art is now out. For that vision is simple. Art is sport. According to the VVD. So said the alderman of Rotterdam, so said the spouse of top wrestler Albert Verlinde, the as mayor of Maastricht ancillary runner Onno Hoes. During the opening of the Dutch Dance Days, he gave... 

Also at the Imagine festival: film fans become film financiers

In 1945 kon een groep Nazi’s dankzij gevorderde rakettechnologie naar de maan vluchten. Daar hebben ze zich schuilgehouden en binnenkort komen ze terug om de macht weer over te nemen. Op Imagine, het Amsterdamse festival voor de fantastische film, was daarvan alvast een voorproefje te zien. Als de voortekenen niet bedriegen belooft Iron Sky, zoals deze Finse productie heet, een… 

Un Prophète, Toy Story 3 en Schemer beste films van 2010

Volgens de Nederlandse filmpers waren het Franse gevangenisdrama Un Prophète en de Pixar-animatiefilm Toy Story 3 de beste films die dit jaar in de Nederlandse bioscoop te zien waren. Nederlandse winnaar is het grimmige tienerdrama Schemer van Hanro Smitsman, zo maakte de Kring van Nederlandse Filmjournalisten bekend. Deze uitslag is het resultaat van een enquête onder 54 filmjournalisten die ieder… 

Tirza opens 30th edition Dutch Film Festival - actors in the spotlight

By Leo Bankersen

Film acting is in the special spotlight during the 30th edition of the Netherlands Film Festival. So that's convenient that the Festival opens tonight with Tirza, a story that is too gruesome to be true, but which, thanks to the acting of Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Sylvia Hoeks and Johanna ter Steege, among others, you have to believe anyway.

Rudolf van den Berg single-handedly reworked Arnon Grunberg's book, about Jörgen Hofmeester, his failed life and his adored daughter, into a haunting road movie, a journey to the end of the night. Scholten van Aschat, who had long been working towards the role, allows the contained bitterness and anger to slowly turn into despair. Hoeks plays her best role so far here and Ter Steege saw enough in this script to put aside her dislike of Grunberg. And don't forget nine-year-old Keitumetse Matlabo from South Africa, as Hofmeester's conscience and guardian angel. The result is a film that wrings and chafes, but also has the allure of a great and bitter tragedy. Tirza is now the Dutch entry for the Oscars.

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