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Nieuwe jury Filter Vertaalprijs 2023 bekend

Met het nieuwe jaar is ook de nieuwe jury van de Filter Vertaalprijs aan de slag gegaan. Dankzij de GAU (Groep Algemene Uitgevers) en in samenwerking met het ILFU (Internationaal Literatuur Festival Utrecht) zal de Filter Vertaalprijs 2023 tijdens het ILFU festival (22 sept – 7 okt 2023) worden uitgereikt. Er verschenen verrassend veel interessante vertalingen in 2022. De nominaties… 

Little eyes and a filled heart after brilliant 39th Night of Poetry

The night of the sweet-soft child's voice of Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, of course; but also the night of Joke van Leeuwen; of Maria Farantouri and Mikis Theodorakis; of 'illusory poet' Hans Klok even; and of the families of Nisrine Mbarki and Ivo de Wijs. I will try to explain the latter in a moment, in my unpoetic style, forgive me. On my... 

Night of Poetry already two-thirds borne by receipts

On 8 October 2022, ILFU will organise the Night of Poetry in Utrecht for the 39th time already. It is almost sold out which means that two-thirds of the cost is borne by visitors. "The night costs roughly 100,000 euros. If we sell out, the vast majority of the revenue already comes from tickets and about a third... 

logo authors' union

ILFU and Authors' Union: In prose and poetry, every word and comma is translated, but it is different in theatre and stage adaptations.

What is the difference between a translation and an adaptation? In prose and poetry, every word and comma is translated, but it is different in theatre and stage adaptations. What freedoms do director and translator dare to take when adapting Shakespeare, for instance? These questions are at the heart of the latest edition of the illustrious programme on translation and all things... 

Schrijvers over Oekraïne, seksisme, kolonialisme en kansenongelijkheid op ILFU Exploring Stories

Exploring Stories is dé grote festivaldag van het International Literature Festival Utrecht (ILFU), met meer dan dertig internationale schrijvers en denkers over de actuele en urgente thema’s van onze tijd. Exploring Stories toont aan dat literatuur thuishoort in het hart van het maatschappelijke debat. Literatuur begint immers waar het nieuws ophoudt. Wie de wereld beter wil begrijpen, kan niet zonder… 

Vrouwkje Tuinman receives C.C.S. Crone prize from the municipality of Utrecht  

Dichter, schrijver en columnist Vrouwkje Tuinman krijgt dit jaar de C.C.S. Croneprijs. Daarmee wordt haar naam opgetekend in een eervolle lijst van Utrechtse auteurs die deze literatuurprijs voor haar ontvingen, onder meer Manon Uphoff, Arthur Japin en Maxim Februari. “De C.C.S. Croneprijs is een bijzondere waardering voor een talentvol schrijver”, zegt cultuurwethouder Eva Oosters. “Utrecht staat wereldwijd bekend als literatuurstad.… 

Artwork 10,000 illuminated books in Minrebroederstraat, Utrecht city centre: 23 September 2022 Opening ILFU festival and presentation Woord900

On 23 September, ILFU, in collaboration with Spanish art collective Luzinterruptus, will open the festival with a river of books that will fill the Minrebroederstraat in the centre of Utrecht for one day. On the same day, the 10 writers scattered across 10 districts of Utrecht in recent months for Woord900 and organisation Mooie Woorden will present their stories. Literature vs.... 

Walking: about walking and literature with Midas Dekkers, Henk Schiffmacher, Jeroen Theunissen, Marjoleine de Vos and Bente van de Wouw

Zondagmiddag 25 september International Literature Festival Utrecht – TivoliVredenburg Wanderlust! Op 25 september, tijdens een geheel aan het wandelen gewijd programma, vertellen Midas Dekkers, Henk Schiffmacher, Jeroen Theunissen, Marjoleine de Vos en Bente van der Wouw over hun onbedwingbare wandeldrift. Het wordt een middag vol wandel-literatuur, met en voor wandelaars, natuurliefhebbers, pelgrims en mijmeraars. De aanwezige auteurs zullen vertellen over… 

Storytellers wanted for ILFU Storytelling Competition 2022

Deze zomer wordt voor de derde keer de ILFU Verhalenwedstrijd georganiseerd. De enige interdisciplinaire verhalenwedstrijd van Nederland staat open voor verhalen in alle vormen. Proza, films, poëzie, fotografie, non-fictie, columns, strips, spoken word, muziek of TikToks: alle verhalen zijn welkom. Want bij ILFU vinden we dat goede verhalen op allerlei manieren verteld kunnen worden. Er zijn vijf categorieën om in… 

Jonathan Franzen opens ILFU 2022:

American writer Jonathan Franzen will give a Book Talk on the opening day of the International Literature Festival Utrecht (ILFU). Also present live in Utrecht will be Olivia Laing, Sharon Dodua Otoo, Ayelet Gundar Goshen, Doireann Ní Ghríofa and Tash Aw. ILFU takes place from 23 September to 8 October. Jonathan Franzen broke through internationally in 2001 with his masterpiece The Corrections, for which... 

Filter Translation Prize 2022, the nominations: A wide & utterly surprising choice

Various continents, at least three world languages and some seven centuries cover the unexpected nominations for the Filter Translation Prize 2022, which will be awarded on 28 September during the International Literature Festival Utrecht (ILFU). They are all striking and exceptional achievements, according to the jury, which also scoured the world for scents and forgotten languages. And it hangs... 

ILFU on the theme of fiction to the facts

This year's International Literature Festival Utrecht (ILFU) will take place from 23 September to 8 October, under the motto 'fiction to the facts'. The theme ties in with the online platform ILFU launched in April, for which 856 of the intended 1,000 members have now joined. The festival kicks off on the opening weekend with the NK Poetry Slam and... 

Writers draft reading list for Rutte IV cabinet

Ministers of the Rutte IV cabinet will be given a list of novels that will be helpful in the performance of their duties. The list will be compiled by readers of the new online literature platform and a 'literary shadow cabinet' of writers who will each write an open letter to the ministers. Among others, Philip Huff, Manon Uphoff, Özcan Akyol, Ester Naomi Perquin and Abdelkader... 

Authors Jennifer Egan and Douglas Stuart visiting Utrecht

ILFU welcomes award-winning author Jennifer Egan and Booker Prize winner Douglas Stuart to Utrecht on 20 May 2020 for a unique double Book Talk. Both authors published new novels in early April, each commenting on (Western) society in its own way. In doing so, the novels align with the mission of the online platform for stories that ILFU also launched in early April,... 

ILFU launches new online medium for literature

ILFU lanceert 12 april een online platform voor fictie die reageert op de actualiteit. Fictie is volgens de initiatiefnemers minstens zo belangrijk om de wereld te begrijpen als de feiten die we horen in het nieuws. Het platform wil met bijdragen van schrijvers, denkers en dichters tegenwicht bieden aan de BN’ers, influencers en opiniemakers die de media domineren. Schrijvers als… 

Monique Hendriks wins NK Poetry Slam 2021

Jury and audience unanimous on new Dutch Poetry Slam Champion Monique Hendriks has become Dutch Poetry Slam Champion 2021. After preliminary rounds across the country, eleven poetry slammers faced each other in the final on Friday evening 24 September, during the International Literature Festival Utrecht. Monique Hendriks took on Lucas Kloosterboer in the final battle and captured the national... 

Mahat Arab wins ILFU Storytelling Competition 2021: Out of 723 entries, his spoken word recording 'Part-time fathers' was voted best story

Mahat Arab (born 1996) is the winner of the second edition of ILFU's Storytelling Competition. He won with a spoken word recording titled 'Part-time fathers'. During festival day Exploring Stories, he received the grand prize of five thousand euros, from the hands of ILFU's organisation. More than 700 people participated in the ILFU Stories Competition; 723 stories were entered in five categories. Apart from Mahat... 

Olivia Colman, Olga Zuiderhoek and Anna Bonaiuto read Elena Ferrante's Belle van Zuylen lecture - Opening night literary festival ILFU dedicated to women's freedom

The Belle van Zuylen lecture at this year's ILFU literature festival will be written by Italian success author Elena Ferrante and spoken in three languages by Anna Bonaiuto, Olivia Colman and Olga Zuiderhoek. Ferrante herself never appears in public and has kept her true identity a secret for 30 years. Her lecture is titled "A tangle of written words" and promises to follow on from... 

Literary festival ILFU adds new festival day on hot topics of our time 

O.a. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Lale Gül, Roberto Saviano en Alfred Birney maken hun opwachting in Utrecht Op zaterdag 25 september vindt de eerste editie van Exploring Stories plaats: een speciale festivaldag op het ILFU gewijd aan de ‘hete hangijzers’ oftewel actuele thema’s van onze tijd. Op Exploring Stories staan onderwerpen als klimaat, ongelijkheid, oud en nieuw kolonialisme, feminisme en de… 

Elena Ferrante gives Belle van Zuylen lecture at ILFU - Italian bestselling author receives Belle van Zuylen ring from Utrecht municipality

On Thursday 23 September, Italian writer Elena Ferrante will deliver the thirteenth Belle van Zuylen lecture at the ILFU International Literature Festival Utrecht. She will also receive the Belle van Zuylenring, an international honorary award of the ILFU in cooperation with the municipality of Utrecht. Elena Ferrante is the author of, among others, the four-volume bestseller De geniale vriendin (Edizione e/o; Wereldbibliotheek). Unique event... 

Pull free short stories by well-known authors from the vending machine- ILFU Storytelling Machine makes summer tour of Utrecht

This summer, the Netherlands' first Verhalenmachine (Storytelling Machine) will again tour Utrecht hotspots. From the ILFU Verhalenmachine you don't pull out a croquette or a can of soda, but one of hundreds of free short stories. In the coming weeks, the Verhalenmachine will tour busy Utrecht locations, such as the Neude Library, the Uitalage on Steenweg and TivoliVredenburg. This tour is... 

Utrecht literature festival ILFU opens ticket sales for festival week in late September, With Roxane Gay, Angie Thomas, Édouard Louis and Max Porter among others

Despite persistent corona uncertainty in the cultural sector, International Literature Festival Utrecht (ILFU) today announces a large part of its programme. The largest literary festival in the Netherlands will take place from 23 September to 2 October 2021 and will programme a host of international writers, poets, musicians and theatre-makers in TivoliVredenburg. On 25 September, the festival theme #WhyFictionMatters will include the French... 

Literary festival ILFU launches storytelling competition for all forms of storytelling - From prose to film, music to TikTok videos

ILFU (International Literary Festival Utrecht) is launching a national storytelling competition for the second time - in which stories in all possible forms are welcome. The ILFU Verhalenwedstrijd is the first interdisciplinary story contest in the Netherlands, organised on the belief that good stories can and should be told in all conceivable forms. The theme of this year's contest is What matters... 

Bazart on Night of Poetry

The 38th Night of Poetry continues.

The Night is back! Last year, unfortunately, we had to skip because of untidy corona developments, but this year the 38th edition of the illustrious Night will still take place. For now, still in a modified form, as there is no green light to sit in a full house again on 2 October at the moment. During this 'limited edition' in... 

Deelder is Dead. Nadeche Pyka lives. Why People Say Things is the best literary festival in the Netherlands.

Jules Deelder instilled in me a love of poetry. He was there when I was in need of something other than the big-people poems that weren't about me, as a would-be punk. That was almost forty years ago now. He's just died, and heaven is also going jazz-ish. Last night, while the night mayor of Rotterdam... 

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