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The NUT presents King Krump during presidential election USA

Een adembenemend Shakespeareaans koningsdrama tijdens de 60e presidentsverkiezingen in de Verenigde Staten. Utrecht, 2 september 2024 – In november gaan alle stemgerechtigde Amerikanen naar de stembus en kiezen ze hun nieuwe president. In de weken voorafgaand aan en tijdens de verkiezingen is de voorstelling Koning Krump te zien in de schouwburgen van ons land. Koning Krump is een adembenemend Shakespeareaans… 

TivoliVredenburg presents programme on US election night - Historic election live on 3 November

Op dinsdag 3 november 2020 gaat Amerika naar de stembus. TivoliVredenburg in
Utrecht presenteert een live programma rondom deze spannende verkiezingen. Vanuit
de Grote Zaal worden exitpolls gevolgd, betreden wetenschappers, journalisten en
campaigners het podium en bellen verschillende Amerikanen in. Het programma wordt
‘coronaproof’ geproduceerd.

Down with the veil! Three gutsy girls found Iranian Women Composers Union: 'We want to form a global home front'

Things can change. In 1979, Iran changed from a Western-oriented secular state to a spiritual dictatorship, where Islamic leaders call the shots. Women must henceforth go through life veiled and music is banned as extremely sinful. Four decades later, three women founded the Iranian Female Composers Association. In America, though. 'Music is like a drug, those who feel... 

Divided loyalties, racism and a split house in HBO's The Plot Against America

I had the chance to attend the 500th anniversary - it took place at the beautiful Teatro La Fenice - of the first Jewish ghetto during my visit to Venice in 2016. One of the speakers was historian Simon Schama. During his lecture, I was given a brief history of Jewish suffering in Italy. According to... 

'Millions still watch the BBC' (Lessons from Manchester, episode 1)

Travelling makes you a better person. Everyone thinks so, and it is a great favour to be able to travel. A privilege to be able to do it. If you go to England by train, the last few minutes before you disappear under the Channel at Calais, you see more and more fences appearing. And we are not talking about the average... 

Why Noorderzon's opening performance is a gem

Some critics thought the opening performance of Festival Noorderzon in Groningen was so bad it made you cry. Others were less negative. Those certainly have a point. But then you have to look beyond what you are used to. When Bear, the hero of Noorderzon 2019's opening show, is imprisoned in a tower, he laments his fate through an eloquent yet sad... 

'A woman still cannot write erotic books with impunity'

'Surely the fight for women's rights should have been fought by now, but it doesn't feel that way lately. Men still have a deep-rooted feeling that they should be above women. Where does that come from anyway? Where does someone like rapper Boef get the idea that he should just give women, who were kind enough to give him a lift,... 

De Best Beluisterde Cultuurpers PODCAST! Greg Nottrot bezocht de Datsja van Poetin, waar Halbe Zijlstra niet was.

‘Hoeveel werkelijkheden kunnen we aan? Voor mij is dat het thema van 2018. Die dames van Noord Korea die aan ’t juichen waren, bijvoorbeeld. Maar het zat ook in Halbe Zijlstra die had gelogen over de datsja van Poetin.’ Greg Nottrot, theatermaker uit Utrecht, had zich voor dit jaar voorgenomen een eindejaarsvoorstelling te maken die de tijdgeest goed zou vatten.… 

It's up to us to offer Octavia E. Butler's sower fertile ground in the @hollandfestival

First of all, the chairs have to leave the auditorium of the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Then some discomfort, those two hours that Octavia E. Butler's The Parable of The Sower lasts. At least it would make for some shared sorrow, and possibly some awkward swinging. Because the way things were going, that first night of Toshi Reagon's debut at the Holland... 

Why Italian women struggle with motherhood. Writer Silvia Avallone cuts taboos in new novel

She is young, beautiful and well-spoken. Writer Silvia Avallone, known for her bestseller Staal, does not shy away from sensitive themes in her compelling new novel Levenslichtde either, such as the economic crisis, infertility and unevenly divided parenthood. 'Claiming freedom for yourself is something terrifying for an Italian woman.' Rough edges Poverty, economic malaise, gender inequality...... 

Gesualdo project at @hollandfestival by De Warme Winkel: 'We want to anoint and flog the ears' #HF18

Say 'Carlo Gesualdo' and you say 'heavenly music', and 'cruel disposition'. This Renaissance composer's name is inextricably linked to the gruesome double murder he committed on his wife and lover when he found them in flagrante delicto. Who else but The Warm Shop could make an appealing performance of this thought Tido Visser, artistic director of the Netherlands Chamber Choir. So. 

Podcast: This year, Poetry International explores the role of nationalism in poetry.

Jan Baeke is als programmeur al jaren verbonden aan Poetry International. Ik spreek in deze podcast met hem over het programma en het thema van deze 49ste editie: The Nation of Poetry. Het gaat over nationalisme, natuurlijk, maar ook over identiteit. En over welke rol poëzie daarin speelt. En dan gaat het natuurlijk niet in eerste instantie over volksliederen. We… 

Stef Aerts directs 3D show JR at @hollandfestival: 'To go from 700 pages of real literature to a manageable stage text doesn't just happen.'

Listen to an atmospheric impression and the full interview with Stef Aerts here. Children have the ability to turn adults' worlds upside down. Eleven-year-old JR is really getting into it. On a school trip, he learns how the stock market works and then turns it to his will. In doing so, unhampered by a prefrontal cortex, that part of the brain... 

Jens van Daele: 'The power of women is greater than that of men'

'I admire the strength of women. I experience it as greater than that of men. Women's strength lies in the dedication with which they can deal with things. The courage to push boundaries.' Jens van Daele, in his latest theatre show 'Nighthexen 1: Jeanne', pays tribute to the strength of women and highlights their heroism from... 

Marieke Nijkamp wrote an American bestseller, and her next book is also going like a rocket: 'Young people shy away from not much'

This young writer from Hengelo - she turns 32 in January - sold over a quarter of a million copies of her debut novel This Is Where It Ends in the United States. It spent 64 weeks on The New York Times bestseller list. So Hengelo-based Young Adult writer Marieke Nijkamp did feel slight pressure while writing her second book, Before I... 

Our readers' list. What we should all never forget from 2017.

Well, we're not big on hypes and traditions here, but still. The dark days around Christmas are very dark this year, so why not something with lists. This year, no list of toppers from the editors, but random entries from random readers, in random, if slightly alphabetical order. Motto of the reader question was: which things... 

Mirjam Koen, Adorno, why on earth theatre about Adorno!

Beethoven and Bach brought the true music. Karl-Heinz Stockhausen the future. The rest, from Beatles to hoempa, was 'jazz', commercially capitalist and therefore pernicious. Very briefly, this is what we should know Theodor Adorno from. Paul R. Kooij now plays this art-philosophical sharper in a performance by Mirjam Koen. Just when the division based partly on Adorno's thinking between... 

IDFA 2017: digital pioneer Jonathan Harris switches to analogue

With a 500-million-year-old pebble, Jonathan Harris began his lecture. IDFA presents the first international retrospective of this artist. As IDFA's chief guest, Harris gave the 'Master Talk' on Friday, about his life and work. His remarkably analogue vision was also the common thread during Sunday's well-attended DocLab conference. Fundamentally analogue Harris, who once started out in computer science... 

Celebrate art in times of gloom. #tfboulevard

Openingsspeeches. Elk festival heeft er een. Of twee. Je moet er doorheen. Als gast, maar ook als gastgever. Er zou iets op gevonden moeten worden. Natuurlijk moet er een punt gemaakt worden, een vlag gehesen, een champagneflesknal ingeleid. En ook moeten de sponsoren bedankt worden. In deze tijden van een zich terugtrekkende overheid zijn dat er elk jaar meer. En… 

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