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De Oogst van de Maand: Grandes, Hulst, Otten, Smith, Winterson, Noorduijn en Vanden Bosch, Van Mersbergen en Van Zomeren

De kosten van de crisis Kleine helden is de titel van de nieuwe roman van Almudena Grandes, een van de grootste schrijvers van Spanje. En om kleine helden gaat het: de roman is eigenlijk een bundeling van verhalen die met elkaar samenhangen en over mensen gaan zoals wij allemaal, alleen wonen deze mensen allemaal in Madrid. Rijk en arm, jong… 

Down with that leftist art elite

Yesterday, the chamber made €10 million available for the arts. This brings the tally of government cuts to at least €190,000,000 still. This hard-won extra is the last that could be asked for. Everyone agrees, the new system has been definitively embraced. The protest has made itself redundant now that the compromise has been made. And what have we got... 

Early music pioneer Marijke Ferguson: A lifetime of ears on stalks

This month, early music pioneer Marijke Ferguson turned 89. She led the adventurous ensemble Studio Laren for 30 years and has been making radio for over 50 years, the last 23 for the Concertzender. Time and again, she manages to intertwine old and new music with pop and world music in an appealing way. On Sunday 11 December, the Concertzender puts her centre stage during... 

Hugh Aldersey-Williams: ‘Onwetendheid over het getij brengt ons in gevaar’

Zeemonsters, verslindende draaikolken en verleidende sirenen – de oerkracht van de zee is voor de mens al eeuwenlang een bron van ontzag, angst, fascinatie en mythes. Over miljoenen jaren bestaat het getij niet meer, maar tot die tijd hebben we nog volop te maken met de schoonheid en de gevaren ervan. In Het getij, dat afgelopen maand verscheen, neemt de Britse… 

(On)gehoord in November: ‘A doubled-headed debut dildo’

In de serie (On)gehoord presenteer ik elke maand buitengewoon geluid dat niet onopgemerkt en onbesproken blijft. In deze November-editie: Jacob Kirkegaard, Oren Ambarchi, Glice en N.M.O. Jacob Kirkegaard – Munk (Cassette, Phinery Tapes) De Deense geluidkunstenaar Jacob Kirkegaard onderzoekt de impact van geluidsresonantie op onze oren én de rest van het lichaam. In Kirkegaard’s werk staat direct, intiem contact via… 

Jan Terlouw: 'We are digging holes on Mars. And clean energy can't?'

Hij heeft meer dan vijfentwintig boeken geschreven, waarvan de helft voor de jeugd, maar eigenlijk wilde Jan Terlouw helemaal niet schrijven. Hij was wis- en natuurkundige, deed kernfusieonderzoek en werd later ook nog politicus – dat was meer dan genoeg. Bovendien was rechtshandig schrijven (zoals het op school werd aangeleerd) voor iemand die linkshandig is, een kwelling. Het had dan… 

'Holy F': nimble grappling with feminism is overpowering

The show Holy F opens with an audition. Two young women present themselves to a director - a man. They pronounce their phrases impeccably simultaneous, with the sweet tone men like to hear. Their confusion grows. Do they really understand what the director wants from them? Can they handle the role they aspire to? Playing a strong woman: is... 

Theoloog wil constructiever vloeken

Is er nog niet genoeg woede en agressie in onze wereld? Je zou denken van wel, maar toch vindt Rikko Voorberg (36)[hints]Theoloog Rikko Voorberg (1980) is oprichter van de PopUpKerk, organiseert kunst-installaties en is publicist; hij is gastcorrespondent Woede bij De Correspondent en heeft een vaste column in het Nederlands Dagblad. De PopUpKerk is hij begonnen op uitnodiging van de… 

Sounding moths, ink drops and string mists in Cello Biennale

'He likes a joke,' says Fedor Teunisse of Slagwerk Den Haag, calling composer Brendan Faegre (1985) onto the Bimhuis stage. The young composer explains how the percussionists and the Biennale Cello Band should perform his Magical Quest for the Enchanted Armor. 'It's a game piece,' he says enthusiastically. 'The four percussionists and four cellists... 

Stefan Hertmans: 'I raised this convert from the dead'

The last lavender fields have been harvested, and Haute-Provence is preparing for autumn. The white mists come earlier and start to rise later. As the village of Monieux basks in the sun, which still shines warm and bright, the tree-lined river Nesque meanders through the valley stretching out at our feet. Sanctifying silence.... 

napk petition

Petition! NAPK wants to go to the barricades for the performing arts

The NAPK (Dutch Association for the Performing Arts) is sounding the alarm bell for the performing arts. The association of employers in the performing arts is launching a petition today and submitting a second fire letter to the Lower House on 1 November. Earlier this year, NAPK already sent a letter to the Lower House. And that was then written about here. Now, in preparation for the Lower House debate on the culture budget, a second... 

Herta Müller: 'I like small things'

This week saw the publication of Nobel Prize winner Herta Müller's autobiography, My Homeland, an Apple Pit. A few years ago, A Quattro Mani had an exclusive interview with the Romanian writer, when her first collection of poetry collages was published, The Skirt-chaser and its sly aunt. We spoke to her at her home in Berlin, she revealed how her poetry collages are created, and the making... 

The Harvest of the Month: Carrasco, Cline, Hemmerechts, Hertmans, Hofstede and Japke-d.

Back to the 11th century His previous novel Oorlog en terpentijn (War and turpentine) brought Belgian writer Stefan Hertmans world success. The book became a bestseller and was showered with praise and awards. It gave Hertmans a whole new readership. His new novel De bekeerlinge was therefore eagerly awaited. Hertmans came up with the subject for his new novel... 

Kristien Hemmerechts: 'I'm good at putting my feelings in the closet'

A year ago, Belgian writer Kristien Hemmerechts was diagnosed with breast cancer. While embarking on a course of surgery, radiotherapy and hormone therapy, she contained the chaos in words. Her new book Er gebeurde dit, er gebeurde dat is the beautiful result of that. A vivid account of the confusion, emotions and thoughts during those first few months, framed by older... 

Due to success re-runs: Conversations with my Mother

In 2013, production group Diamantfabriek and ensemble Nieuw Amsterdams Peil presented the full-length performance Conversations with my Mother. Director Matthias Mooij (1976-2014) and composer Benedict Weisser (1967) asked seven male authors to write a fictional telephone conversation with their mother. At the heart of the piece is the fundamental inequality of communication between mother and son. 'I advise all mothers and... 

Rechttoe rechtaan Nozze di Figaro bij De Nationale Opera

Het is een verademing dat de Duitse regisseur David Bösch het libretto van Le nozze di Figaro van Mozart geen postmoderne draai heeft gegeven, om zo nodig zijn eigen genialiteit te etaleren. Dit keer geen verslaafden, mannen in gevechtstenue of auto’s die met een rotvaart het podium opscheuren, maar gewoon een rechttoe rechtaan verteld verhaal. De plot van Lorenzo da… 

Herman Brusselmans: 'In my head I am not a bourgeois dick'

With an average of two novels a year, the Flemish writer has built a huge and unique body of work in over thirty-five years - he turns 63 this week, but the number of books he has written far exceeds that number. Interview with the man who writes faster than his shadow, in ten quiz questions. 'Well, I don't appear to be a connoisseur of my own work, do I?'

Catherine Millet: 'As soon as something is on paper, I am relieved of it'

Her book The Sexual Life of Catherine M. took the world by surprise and made her world-famous overnight. Since then, Catherine Millet has been one of France's most widely read writers. In her most recent novel A Dream Life, she returns to her childhood in Bois-Colombes. A Quattro Mani went with her to the seeds of her authorship. Back to... 

The Harvest of the Month: Claudel, Baker, Russo, Van der Kwast

The summer period is a fine time for catch-up reading - books from recent times that you still wanted to read but didn't get around to before - but we also got a glimpse of a few upcoming titles. That made for a fine, varied crop this month. Eifel adventures Since The Detour, there hasn't been a new novel... 

Servé Hermans: 'This version of "Eyes wide shut" is a modern-day Odyssey'

First there was Arthur Schnitzler's book. Then Stanley Kubrick's film. And now the play. From 27 August, Toneelgroep Maastricht plays Eyes wide shut. After his wife confesses her sexual fantasies, a man searches feverishly for his own deepest hidden desires against the backdrop of carnival celebrations. "I always wanted to make psychologised drama once," says Servé Hermans, artistic director of... 

Piet Piryns: 'TivoliVredenburg is main character of The Night of Poetry'

It has been eagerly awaited for weeks: the Night of Poetry. For the thirty-fourth time next month, poets and audience gather around the stage for a night of verses and music. Regular presenter Piet Piryns, now fused with the event, looks back and ahead. He remembers it well, his first... 

Griet Op de Beeck's MONA will blow you away at Festival Boulevard #TFBoulevard

No, these sentences are not in Griet Op de Beeck's theatre monologue Mona, but nicely sum up the bestseller Come Here That I Kiss You (28 printings in just under two years). Op de Beeck adapted the first part into one of Festival Boulevard's most impressive performances. We do see nine-year-old Mona's sentence as a backdrop, complete... 

Zvizdal - Chernobyl so far so close, by Berlin/The Zuidelijk Toneel

If you have nothing but love - Zvizdal is stunning highlight of Festival Boulevard #tfboulevard

I experienced by far one of the most impressive theatre experiences of my life on Friday 5 August 2016. I was a guest at 'Zvizdal - Chernobyl so far, so close' by the Flemish company Berlin, in co-production with Het Zuidelijk Toneel. I saw this 'documentary installation' in an empty factory hall in Den Bosch, where the work is a beautiful resting point in... 

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