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The child without a father became a father without a child. Auke Hulst wrote a novel about mourning an unborn child

Het is misschien wel zijn meest ambitieuze roman tot nu toe, en tegelijk de eerste waarover hij eigenlijk liever niet wil praten. In De Mitsukoshi Troostbaby Company snijdt schrijver Auke Hulst (46) namelijk een gevoelig en persoonlijk thema aan: de rouw om een ongeboren kind. Nabije toekomst  De Mitsukoshi Troostbaby Company is een roman zoals alleen Auke Hulst die schrijft.… 

Podcast KunstZINnig #2: Hanne Hagenaars: 'Art has deepened and in a way saved my life.'

In de tweede aflevering van de podcast KunstZINnig ga ik met kunstcurator en schrijver Hanne Hagenaars in gesprek over de manier waarop kunst zin geeft aan haar leven: ‘Kunst heeft mijn leven verdiept en in zekere zin ook gered.’ Hanne Hagenaars schreef in 2016 het boek ‘Geen Wolk: Hoe kunst mijn leven redde’. In dit boek bespreekt ze kunstwerken die… 

Sandra Kramerová shows in 'Majka' that much fight is still needed for women's emancipation: how a good performance can still make you feel like you're missing something

Creating a character you really feel involved with as an audience is what dance maker Sandra Kramerová is rock solid at. Her solo performance Majka drags me along from the start. But precisely because she performs her choreography so strongly, I am left with the feeling afterwards that I am missing something. That's a wonderful experience. It's not going well... 

During Ingrid van Engelshoven culture regained some respect from the Chamber. How next? #culture debate

He will not be thanked, the headline above this article. After all, if there is one thing you don't want, it is to give a minister of a Rutte cabinet a compliment. And certainly not one of culture, the sector that, under Rutte's 10-year premiership, suffered the heaviest blows in post-war history. Rutte is the... 

Museum of Austerity shows the bitter face of austerity cuts

Whenever a technology is presented that I am not yet familiar with, I like to explore. A museum with holographic glasses? Do it! However, it turned out to be the content that will stay with me for a long time. The Museum of Austerity by Sarah Wares and John Pring is no easy read. But essential for understanding the impact of austerity on disabled people... 

Symbiosis, or how I wanted to become a butterfly - Symbiosis VR by Polymorph at the IDFA DocLab

DocLab has been the most exciting part of IDFA for 15 years. This is the place for experimentation in form, technology and content; pushing and stretching the boundaries of the medium. I like to plunge in, sometimes with skin and hair. The VR installation Symbiosis gives that opportunity quite literally. You get to enter a post-apocalyptic world, where people are forced to make connections... 

'My housemates teach me to feel and listen' Teun Toebes (22) lives in a nursing home to change the care of people with a faltering brain from within

Teun Toebes (22) deelt keuken, badkamer en wc niet met medestudenten maar met mensen met dementie. Hij schreef er een boek over: VerpleegThuis. Het boek kwam afgelopen week binnen op nummer 1 in de Bestseller 60. Tot zijn grote vreugde, want Toebes wil zoveel mogelijk mensen bereiken met zijn missie: de zorg voor mensen met een haperend brein veranderen. ‘Het… 

Pearl Diving with radio creator Stef Visjager - Pearl Radio is the Canon of the Lower Belgium podcast

We are approaching episode 200 of Pearl Radio, a series of audio material that matters. Face of the cultural podcast is independent radio maker Stefanie Visjager. Delving into listening archives, interviewing creators and carrying the audience along in calm storytelling voice are all part of her remit. Since the birth of the term podcast in a 2004 Guardian article, it has been running wild... 

Schrijver en natuurkundige Paolo Giordano: ‘Ik wil niet vergeten dat er zoveel mensen zijn gestorven.’

Als natuurkundige maakte Paolo Giordano zich grote zorgen over de ontwikkeling van Covid-19. Als schrijver kon hij die gevoelens van verontrusting duiden en delen met het publiek. In Wat ik niet wil vergeten zijn Giordano’s artikelen gebundeld. ‘Het zou een zonde zijn als al dit lijden en al die doden voor niets zijn geweest.’ Bewust van het gevaar Toen hij… 

De les die we moeten leren van de verkoop van Primephonic – en wat de Raad voor Cultuur daarmee te maken heeft

The Every (Het Alles) is de naam van een succesvol en alom geliefd bedrijf, de grootste combinatie ter wereld van een tech-reus en een commerciële gigant. Dave Eggers beschrijft dit in zijn nieuwste roman “The Every”, opvolger van bestseller The Circle. Vanaf half november 2021 te koop bij de Amazons en de Bol.Coms, maar wie het eerder wilde kon al… 

'I'm much happier than I was three years ago.' Singer Sam Bettens on his transition and new, 'revealing' music video

Vrienden noemen hem brother. Zijn kinderen zeggen papa. Ooit hoop hij opa te worden. Sam Bettens (49) was wereldwijd bekend als zangeres van de Belgische band K’s Choice toen hij besloot in transitie te gaan. En nu loopt hij in zwembroek over het strand: ‘Ik wil mezelf nooit meer verbergen.’ Tomboy Als jong meisje was Sam Bettens een tomboy en droeg hij de… 

Nerd podcast S2A3: With Cees Debets (National Theatre) and Marijn Lems (NRC) on the uncertain times in theatres

The theatres are struggling to fill up, technicians have hung up their lights, but tickets are not on sale for Het Nationale Theater's Trojan Wars. So in this long-awaited Nerd podcast (the AVROTROS thinks the tune is really terrible), we talk to Cees Debets, the director of that great theatre company from The Hague. Marijn Lems also happens to have a few... 

Diepenheim's theatre workshop undermined by 'rules and codes' And Corona.

Er is opschudding in de wereld van het circus en openluchttheater, nu een belangrijke werkplaats annex festival in het beroemde kunstenaarsstadje Diepenheim zijn directie verliest. Ruth Semmekrot, sinds 2013 directeur van Kunsten op Straat Overijssel, legde afgelopen vrijdag plotseling haar functie neer. In een verklaring op Facebook stelde ze: ‘Ik heb gestreden. De bestuurlijke en politieke dynamiek waar ik in… 

Festival Circolo pushes boundaries between art and tricks - BNG prize for handstand talent Nolan

The difference between tricks and art is the transformation. From a two-dimensional canvas into a form with three dimensions, from moving air into emotional music, on a stage from man into woman or vice versa and from a handstand into a liquid abstraction. Transformation where you are live, so it can be done very well in the circus, I experienced last... 

'A big iconic building with a park around it'. Culture Councils Amsterdam and Empire set high bar for Slavery Museum

The Dutch Slavery Museum has moved a step closer, now that the Arts Council (Amsterdam) and the Council for Culture (Rijk) have issued an opinion on the exploration of a direction group presented earlier this year. This satisfies official procedural due diligence, although establishing the necessary museum in this way seems likely to take at least as much time.... 

Review Hebriana: Dead-end lives

Put three neurotic sisters with their mother hen and errant brothers-in-law together in a parental holiday villa with beautifully translated text by Las Norén and you're bound to get some nasty Scandinavian family stuff. But luckily there is the wafting acquaintance Axel, a convincing role by Mark Rietman. Already at the start of the performance with the tableau de la troupe alongside... 

Podcast on the accordion's orchestral power: Blood Chorale by Toeac at November Music 2021.

The link between the Orpheus myth and Arnhem potenrammers is more obvious than you might think. At least, if your name is Peer Wittenbols and you are one of the country's best playwrights. That you can also think of accordions as part of that is, in turn, extraordinary. Still, Blood Coral, a performance by accordion duo Toeac, with a lead role for Jack Wouterse on a text that promises... 

Podcast artZINnig #1: comedian Thjum Arts on humour, social work and the meaning of life.

'The contact you make with your audience as a comedian is the highest thing for me.' When comedian Thjum Arts (1993) started breaking through as a comedian around 2018, he wondered if this was what he really wanted. As a human being, should he really want to talk about himself so much? Studying social work would... 

'Think about your life before something bad happens to you'. The latest interview with Ruud ten Wolde

For RTL-Boulevard reporter Ruud ten Wolde (29), these weeks would be dominated by his book Ill Happy, which comes in at number 1 in the Bestseller 60 this week, in which he writes about his illness and the insights it has brought him. Although he had been ill for six years, he still died suddenly recently. We spoke to him five... 

Festival Circolo: relaxed and sunny festival celebrates circus innovation without glitz

A campfire, primeval hamburgers and flammkuchen with bacon and cream, as well as coffee with oat milk and remarkably many loose buns in Tilburg's Leijpark. White wine, kombucha and speciality beer. Some people get pimples from such combinations, but it felt remarkably good, last Monday at Festival Circolo. The hipster folk, considered super sustainable, mixed effortlessly with the burgundian Brabanter, so in... 

Jan-Bas Bollen on November Music: 'I experience music as a purely sonic event. I can enjoy a metal band immensely, but also drum 'n bass.'

His life is a strange journey through time, a giant leap forward from one musical culture to another. His mother was a composer and singer, his father accompanied a relay of famous song singers as a pianist. And Jan-Bas Bollen (1961) took to the stage early on as a promising violin talent. In 1970, a child of nine, he played at the Oscar Back Violin Competition, and... 

Betrayal as an act of love. Review of 'A friendship' by Silvia Avallone

'And then I had to realise that too: that you cannot live, cannot grow, without experiencing a wrong friendship.' That is the conclusion drawn by Elisa, the protagonist of Silvia Avallone's new novel A Friendship. Many people will probably recognise it, that attraction to a friend or girlfriend who is not actually right for you or right for you, but... 

Too divided for unity. How a booklet on yoga nearly brought writer Emmanuel Carrère to the brink of collapse

A light-hearted and delicate little book on yoga is what French author Emmanuel Carrère intends to write. By this he does not mean the glorified form of gymnastics that so many practise, no, he is talking about the sacred yoga that leads to calming the mind, to serenity and pure perception of what is. Al also goes after... 

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