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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

Culture Press ratings: thick 300,000 minutes of attention

With paper, you never know ('0.3% of newspaper readers read the reviews on the art page'), and with TV it's always a bit of estimating and extrapolating too, but the internet is rock hard. We know how many times you read one of our pieces, and how long you lingered at our videos. Well: we were already proud last year, now we are well over 200,000

Disbanded Tilburg dance innovators go into fitness for parkinson's patients

Sat another note in the post. One of many, these weeks. About a club that had only just been set up by the government. With the accompanying millions, which because of the PVV's vindictiveness have now been dumped in the local ditch. Its creators have already found a new purpose for themselves a few months ago: to improve the well-being of Parkinson's patients. But Dance House Station South is now thus a thing of the past. We quote:

Dutch opening Film Festival Rotterdam 2013, which this year also embraces television

Vijftien jaar na Peter Delpeuts Felice, Felice krijgt het International Film Festival Rotterdam weer een Nederlandse opening. De 42ste editie van dit toonaangevende evenement gaat op 23 januari van start met de wereldpremière van The resurrection of an asshole van Guido van Driel, zo maakte festivaldirecteur Rutger Wolfson vanmiddag bekend.

Another necro. Sort of: Theatre Institute Netherlands to continue as TIN Foundation

We are just reporting the press release in full. For your information. Every now and then, more news like this comes along. We don't post them all, because that would make the world very bleak. The world as many people knew it, and thought it was the pride of the Netherlands, is coming to a squeaking halt to make room for. Well. We will report on that in the years to come. Of what comes in its place.

First post Culture Press at Press Group

Developing new models on the internet takes time. We have found that out with the Cultural Press Agency by now. With more than 7,500 followers on Twitter and 400 visitors a day to our website, we have now become a factor of importance in cultural journalism. But we are also very happy that four years after the first plans took shape and one year after the start-up subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science ended, our first publication can be read on the sites of De Persgroep, publisher of Trouw, Volkskrant and Parool.

Spuiforum: copy of 181 million?

While the city has to make huge cuts in music schools, libraries, a few drama clubs and other nice things for the people, like public transport and healthcare, The Hague does build a new art building. Rather, the municipality is putting 181 million into demolishing and renovating the theatres on the Spui, because the architect who built the complex 20 years ago apparently did not do his job properly.

Jeroen Willems (1962 - 2012)

The Netherlands' greatest artist is dead. Can happen. But can I then also curse heartily? Because Jeroen Willems is irreplaceable. As a journalist, you know the drill: of actors over 60, or of otherwise fragile stature, you have a necrootje ready. If you are well-known and meet the requirements, count on your friends and acquaintances to... 

Boudewijn Koole receives European film award for Kauwboy

Mooi natuurlijk dat Amour van Michael Haneke gisteravond op Malta bij de uitreiking van de European Film Awards niet alleen bekroond werd als beste film, maar ook de regieprijs en prijzen voor beste acteur en actrice kreeg toegeschoven. Maar een beetje saai begint die lofzang op Haneke’s nieuwste wel te worden. Genoeg dus hierover.

Wry-poetic Alzheimer's doc First Cousin Once Removed best of IDFA

Two opposites had emerged. Would the VPRO IDFA Award for best feature-length documentary go to a personally coloured auteur's film, or to a thoughtful account of a major issue? To Alan Berliner's remarkable portrait of Alzheimer's-affected poet Edwin Honig, or to Dror Moreh's fascinating insight into the Israeli secret service?

Jet's letter: 'alas, peanut butter'

The previous Secretary of State for Culture, Halbe Zijlstra, made his draconian cuts cast in concrete. The 35-40 per cent cut in the budgets of orchestras, theatre companies and some museums has become law. The new minister of culture, PvdA star Jet Bussemaker, cannot change that at all an iota. And if she even wanted to: the architect of the cuts she has to allow sits in the chamber as the ruling party's group leader. No chance that he will allow his policies to go down the drain.

Chamber - Medhi Walerski

NDT in motion: on stage, the silver screen and behind it

Being active on social media like Facebook or Twitter is now a must for any dance company. But broadcasting a dance performance (live) via 600 cinemas worldwide is no mean feat either. NDT (The Hague) has been chosen by Pathé theatres to join the illustrious list of The Metropolitan Opera (New York), The National Theatre (London) and the Bolshoi Ballet (Moscow) as a partner in high-level performing arts.

Theatre tour Eefje de Visser: tears, looks of love and seated dancing

The music of Eefje de Visser comes in. In the silence of the theatre even more so than in clubs, where enthusiastic fans sing along to her words out loud. One spotlight and her guitar, that's all this 26-year-old singer-songwriter needs to touch the room. I see tears, gazes of love and attempts at seated dancing during the official premiere of her theatre tour in the Melkweg.

Are we saying 'No' to EU culture money again?

If the Netherlands consistently sticks to previously adopted PVV positions, the second chamber will say 'No' to a European investment in culture, innovation and media on 21 November 2012. However, if the current Rutte government sticks to the pro-European stance included in the coalition agreement, the Netherlands will cease its opposition to the 1.8 billion euro contribution to strengthening culture, which has now been approved by all other European member states.

Germany investing in culture? Not really.

Ook wij hebben het geretweet: “Duitsland verhoogt cultuursubsidie met 100 miljoen”. En we gaven zo voeding aan een halve waarheid. Die halve waarheid is, dat Duitsland een hemel is voor cultuurliefhebbers, een toevluchtsoord voor mensen die de kille bezuinigingen van de regeringen Rutte zat zijn. Duitsland lijkt misschien leuk, maar, zoals Volkskrant-correspondent Merlijn Schoonenboom in maart van dit jaar al opmerkte, er wordt daar minstens even hard bezuinigd als hier.

Death Grips is 20 min of breathtaking frenzy

The experimental hip-hop / noise band Death Grips plays frothy twang noise. But very exciting, interesting branch noise with paranoid, surreal lyrics. Live, it was a breath of fresh air. In their concert in Bittersweet (presented by Paradiso), vocalist MC Ride (Stefan Burnett) and drummer Zach Hill unleash a 20-minute hurricane of breathtaking fury.

Disquiet TV takes classical music out of a straitjacket

Classical music on television always has something boring about it. Often a short introduction by a neat gentleman or lady, followed by the concert itself. Close-ups of the conductor and soloist, a longshot of the entire orchestra and applause afterwards. As if the medium is trying to emulate concert hall etiquette as scrupulously as possible. Even the webstreams that more and more large orchestras are increasingly turning to barely deviate from this formula.

Dance group LeineRoebana breaks boundaries in Cello Biennale

Dance and music belong together. Yet there is always something new to discover in this combination. The Amsterdam Cello Biennale invited dance group LeineRoebana to create a dance and music performance with cellist Jakob Koranyi and CvA Percussion to music by composer Tan Dun: 'Snow in June'. In recent years, LeineRoebana has shown like no other group how enriching unconventional combinations between dance and music can be.

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