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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

Mondrian, Verhoeven and human rights in Netherlands-Russia year

With all the critical coverage of Russia that Putin and his supporters provoke, we would almost forget that we are in the middle of the Netherlands-Russia year sitting. A screening of Paul Verhoeven's war film will take place tonight at the Pioner Gorky Park in Moscow Black Book, as a kick-off to

Armando Navarro (1930-2013): Scapino Ballet for more than just children

Armando Navarro (Argentina, 1930 - Amsterdam 2013), former artistic director of Scapino Ballet, passed away last Sunday. Together with his wife Marian Sarstädt formed Navarro one of the Netherlands' best-known dance couples, alongside Han Ebbelaar and Alexandra Radius (Het Nationale Ballet) and Jiří Kylián and Sabine Kupferberg (Nederlands Dans Theater).

Daan Roosegaarde for president? Alderman? Councillor?

Jet Bussemaker believes in Daan Roosegaarde. She confessed this on Sunday 1 September during the traditional Paradiso debate. She admired his courage to imagine the unthinkable and his drive to come up not with opinions but with proposals. Her message to the arts sector, again almost fully present in Paradiso, was clear: stop complaining, start doing something.

EAR at the Fringe Festival: its own little world of music, dance and needle & thread

"I have no theatre background, but I know what I like." These words from Cammy Mai Tran are typical of a trend among young theatre-makers. They find the walls between different art disciplines to be oppressive. Increasingly, we see them walking right through those walls. And when the blow is over, new inspiration swirls richly over them.

BPP Kaputt (4): 1.7 million available for international performing arts promotion: who has plans?

Het Fonds Podiumkunsten neemt de internationale promotie van de podiumkunsten over van het Bureau Promotie Podiumkunsten, dat binnenkort wegens wanbeheer geldgebrek wordt opgeheven. Dat blijft het fonds doen tot 1 juni 2014. In de tussentijd zoekt men daar naar een nieuwe partij die de boel kan overnemen. Ook het programma waarmee belangrijke bezoekers uit het buitenland kunnen worden uitgenodigd, zal… 

Kunstproject ‘Ruilen met Robinson’ in trek bij hardcore koopjesjagers

Pet van de Luijtgaarden heeft iets met verzamelingen. Hij verzamelt ze dan ook. Maar omdat hij kunstenaar is wil hij ook iets met die verzamelingen zeggen: ‘Ik ben vooral bezig met de maatschappij. Ik vind dat we ten onder gaan aan overproductie en om dat te laten zien wil ik juist over de top gaan.’

Money: the biggest threat to our cultural heritage

Update: According to the Film Newspaper, it's not all that bad:

It was announced today that a large archive containing almost all raw film material from the Netherlands in the shredder threatens to disappear. Since film laboratory Cineco is bankrupt due to the vanished demand for oldskool celluloid, the vault containing unique historical material must also go. Unless someone comes forward who wants to store the material. And that costs quite a bit of money. Even though we no longer work with the highly flammable nitrate films, all that plastic does need to be kept safe.

Nude is main theme at 33rd edition Netherlands Film Festival, Hoe Duur was de Suiker opening film

Paul Verhoeven, Dick Maas, Katja Schuurman, Monique van de Ven and Kim van Kooten are all special guests at the upcoming edition of the Dutch Film Festival. Nothing special, you might think, but if you see them on the festival posters you probably won't recognise them. After all, they are namesakes of well-known film personalities who this year

Kevin Spacey: 'Television will be fundamentally changed by arrival of Netflix'

Three-quarters of pilot episodes for series in the US do not lead to a sequel. For House of Cards, the series with which the on-demand and streaming video channel Netflix final breakthrough in America, no pilot episode was made. Major broadcasters refused the series without pilot to make, but Netflix immediately saw that there would be a large enough audience for it. That was

Bureau Promotie Podiumkunsten kaputt (3): een lijk van anderhalf miljoen in de kast

De Theaterbon is populairder geweest dan de uitgever vermoedde. Theaterbezoekers hebben zeker de laatste tien jaar meer van deze boekenbon voor podiumkunsten gebruik gemaakt dan verwacht. Anderhalf miljoen euro meer. Gevolg is dat de Stichting voor de Promotie van het Theater en Concertbezoek SPTC sinds 2011 te maken heeft met een negatief vermogen.

10 per cent less ticket sales, but Festival Boulevard is still satisfied.

Festival Boulevard in Den Bosch sold 55,000 tickets this year, 5,000 less than in 2012. The festival, which this year was held from 1 to 11 August, did attract more crowds for the free offerings on the festival square. This brought the total number of visitors to the festival this year to 145,000, 5,000 more than in 2012. As the venue occupancy is still nice at 85%, the drop in ticket sales will mainly be due to a smaller offer of performances.

Bureau Promotie Podiumkunsten kaputt (2): how 3 per cent turned into 3 x 33 per cent

The Performing Arts Promotion Office which will be disbanded from 1 October, has not fallen victim to cultural cuts or the economic crisis. The Stichting Promotie Theater- en Concertbezoek (SPTC), the BPP's backer, has turned off the money tap for other, unclear reasons.

Performing arts promotion office kaputt

We are far from having all the info, but we have enough by now: the Bureau Promotie Podiumkunsten (BPP), funded by the Association of Theatre and Concert Hall Managements, is quitting as of 1 October. Reason unknown, but surely the malaise in the cultural sector, and especially the performing arts, will have something to do with it.

Departure of business leader Nederlands Dans Theater Van Leer for personal reasons

On the day that a vote was to be held in The Hague on the new Spui Forum, it has been announced that Robert van Leer is leaving as business director of Nederlands Dans Theater. Van Leer is resigning for purely "personal reasons", according to the press officer of the renowned dance company.

Music school @uckutrecht spots trend: parents invest more in music education

Despite the crisis, parents invest eagerly and heavily in their offspring's musical development. This is the finding of the Utrecht Centre for the Arts (UCK). Their talent development programmes are running well. "Parents now choose to spend money on this more consciously than ever. They also come along to lessons more often and let their children start at an increasingly younger age," says cello teacher Floris Dercksen.

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