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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

Actors' award for Theatre Institute threatened with dissolution

Mail from Actors' Interests, the actors' 'union'. Whether we want to abide by the embargo. Of course we do. We do. Butreh: so the Theatre Institute Netherlands, to be dissolved by Halbe Zijlstra together with the Netherlands Music Centre, is getting an award. And that seems to be a sculpture, which in turn makes us wonder where the thing should be after 1 January 2013.... 

The Dodo goes out of its way to tell you all about the Holland Festival 2012 #hf12

 Top theatre from all corners of the world, big names we had never dared hope for, and a newsreel that we will broadcast at unexpected times. Festival day newspaper The Dodo, now a household name in festival land, is going all out at this year's Holland Festival. Of course. It is the dream of every blogger, professional or amateur, to be at the performances of the... 

Cultural Press Agency reinvents itself

What Rabobank can do, we can do too, thought the journalists at the Cultural Press Agency: working together in a cooperative association. In June, the new form for the news agency will become a reality. This will increase our clout and boost our innovative capacity. The Cultural Press Agency Foundation received time and money from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in 2010 and 2011 to... 

Discussing the value of reviews in the night

We at culture press have nuanced views on reviewing. Once upon a time when there were only newspapers, reviews were fairly unique pieces of writing by people appointed by the newspaper to proclaim The View to its so many hundred thousand readers. Since then, those so many hundred thousand readers have become newspapers themselves, and so have about as many reviewers.

Soul Seek is the world's first internet opera. With a nod to Mulholland Drive.

"For me, opera is much more than just music," says Israeli director Sjaron Minailo. "It may sound a bit pompous, but my internet opera is completely in the tradition of Richard Wagner. Soul Seek is really a multimedia gesamtkunstwerk, in which fashion, web design and digital media, play, cinema, theatre, dance and experimental music merge into one. Without one element... 

Still 8.5 million needed to get Culture Card back to old level

The culture card has been saved. This is wonderful news, so soon after the rock-hard slap in the face of the schoolgoing youth of the Netherlands that the now outgoing cabinet dealt in 2011. On improper grounds, as the Court of Audit revealed, the negotiators of PVV, CDA and VVD already scrapped during the formation this opportunity for schoolchildren to learn about... at steep discounts. 

Fragmentary first choreography by artist Martin Creed is non-committal, sketchy and lacks tension

"We've been working on some songs and dances," says visual artist Martin Creed, assisted by his five-piece band and five ballet dancers. In his fragmentary performance, Creed explores the relationships between the five basic positions from classical ballet, the bouncy off-beat rhythms of his post-rock band, and Creed's own video art. This is his first choreography and it shows. "Works No.... 

Portuguese Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz make language move and their movements speak

Je hebt van die voorstellingen die je opmerkelijk eenvoudig en onnadrukkelijk een compleet eigen wereld binnenslepen. Voorstellingen waarin alles herkenbaar is. Woorden, beweging, decor. Alles even vertrouwd en huiselijk. Maar dan wordt er een tikje tegen gegeven. Patronen vervloeien. De taal staat op losse schroeven. Alles rammelt en raakt op drift. En toch klopt het. Voor je ogen en oren… 

In volatile and agonisingly slow "Untried Untested", childlike wonder at the laws of nature remains too distant

Wat is zwaartekracht? Wat is lucht? Wat is adem? In Untried Untested van choreograaf Kate McIntosh onderzoeken vier vrouwen met simpele middelen de magische werking van de natuur. Ze zijn gewapend met tientallen zwarte ballonnen, een kluwen scheepstouw, een handjevol veren, een paar zakken aardappels, windmachines en tl-lampen, een speelvloer van pakpapier. En hun eigen lichamen. Helaas blijft die verwondering… 

'More room for proven talent'

Historical material, shall we call it. The letter from Halbe Zijlstra, outgoing State Secretary for Culture, and Uri Rosenthal, the equally outgoing Foreign Minister on the international cultural policy of populist Holland. As cold and matter-of-fact as the fallen Rutte government dealt with culture, so is the formulation of cultural policy in an international perspective, according to the... 

Pure camp with tremendous theatrical intelligence in (M)IMOSA, in which four flamboyant drag queens vie for attention

Maniacally, she gallops across the stage, stomping like Michael Flatley on crack. Gravely thin and bare-chested, Marlene Monteiro Freitas tap-dances around. She squeezes her tits and pulls handfuls of (fake) hair from her scalp. "My name is Mimosa Ferrara," she panted menacingly, as her black leggings sag off her ass and linger just above the pubic area.... 

The Cultural Press Bureau goes full on for ten days with The Dodo at Springdance

 It may be a crisis and the cultural winds may also be blowing from the wrong right corner, but that doesn't stop The Dodo from flying. The festival day newspaper we launched two years ago as a new commercial product is ready for another 10 days of Springdance. We're going to review a lot of performances, and compare even more. And we're going to make a journal. It... 

‘Soms slaat het verlangen niet gezien te worden om in een overdaad aan exhibitionisme.’ – Yasmeen Godder over The Toxic Exotic Disappearance Act

Ze heeft het druk gehad. Hoogzwanger werkte Yasmeen Godder (Jeruzalem, 1973) aan haar eerste choreografie voor Batsheva Dance Company. In een maand tijd stampte ze onder de vleugels van Batsheva haar nieuwe voorstelling The Toxic Exotic Disappearance Act uit te grond, en beviel tussendoor van een gezonde dochter. Voor de derde keer presenteert de Israëlische choreografe Yasmeen Godder haar werk… 

EYE on the IJ - a spaceship with allure

Tonight the queen may officially open the new home of the EYE Film Institute Netherlands, last night director Sandra den Hamer did it herself in advance at an opening party for relations. In doing so, she spoke of a historic moment for film culture in the Netherlands. Seen from a distance, the building, conveniently referred to as "the new film museum", is most reminiscent of a... 

Too full or not too full at subsidy theatre

Hein Janssen (Volkskrant) wrote a column in response to a couple of performances with BN stars in the subsidised circuit in which he argued that subsidy was not meant for that. The association for actors thought this was reason enough for a debate. We made a short film to go with it. We formatted it in storify, a feature that allows you to put tweets and other social media messages together and... 

Their carnival is already more fun, too. Brazilian arts budget grows by 10% a year.

Brazil has 10% more every year for arts, sports and entertainment, plus an extra 600 million this year. If we in the Netherlands ever start growing the economy again, we can choose between the Chinese and Brazilian models. In China, growth goes mainly to puissant wealthy entrepreneurs, and wealthier citizens buy mass-produced luxury goods. For... 

‘Theaterclub’ uit VS gaat het web op.

 Eigenlijk zit je er na 1 keer klikken al helemaal in. Het nieuwste project van New Paradise Laboratories (NPL) uit Philadelphia (VS) neemt de internet-ervaring mee naar een nieuw level. De makers doen niet zomaar iets met een website, maar ze scheppen een virtueel bestaan, dat ze minstens een jaar volhouden. In hun laatste project Extremely Public Displays of Privacy… 

Tjitske Reidinga launched as star of new summer programming Amsterdam's Delamartheater

Het grote publiek kent haar als de keiharde advocate Claire uit Gooise Vrouwen. Toneelliefhebbers kennen haar al langer als die actrice met die markante stem. Een diplomatendochter, geboren in Afrika, later opgegroeid in Bussum. Tjitske Reidinga durft er nu wel voor uit te komen:

Wednesdays winner of Dutch competition Go Short

Last night the awards for best short films were presented at festival Go Short in Nijmegen. Winner of the Dutch competition is Woensdagen by Aaron Rookus, a small feature film that approaches the heavily charged subject of sexual abuse in the most subtle way. What begins as an emotionally stunningly well-struck impression of eight-year-old Kris' weekly outing... 

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