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All about politics, policy, society and how those things relate to culture and art.

wu wei

Wu Wei: 'Eastern and Western cultures can enrich each other.'

Chinese musician Wu Wei plays sheng. For him, the four-thousand-year-old instrument encompasses more than just music. 'Sheng means hope and hope is life,' he says during the dress rehearsal on the eve of the Saturday Matinee on 31 January where he performed with the RFO conducted by Edo de Waart. Confucius ' "A human being has two... 

Jury NK Slam 2016, flnr: Stefan Hertmans. Ellen tten Damme and Erik Jan Harmens

Flemish wins legendary NK Poetry Slam final

A female Johnny Cash, powerful, deeply personal and with a political commitment you don't often hear. Flemish poet Stefan Hertmans was full of praise for Carmien Michels' performance at the final of the 2016 NK Poetry Slam. The writer with two novels and a couple of collections to her name was indeed in a class of her own: her poems made the... 

De Vriend leaves Orchestra of the East, former chief Van Zweden new boss New York Philharmonic

It is not often that Norman Lebrecht, author of the globally widely read blog Slipped Disc, covers conductors of the Orchestra of the East two days in a row. First on the departure of principal conductor Jan Willem de Vriend, then on the appointment of former principal conductor Jaap van Zweden to the world-famous New York Philharmonic. Naturally, Lebrecht brought both... 

Upcoming round of grants will be disastrous for artists, but there is a solution

Op 1 maart moet iedere kunstenaar die steun wil hebben van de overheid zijn aanvraag hebben ingediend. Fondsen, gemeentes en rijk gaan daarna in commissies overleggen. De vierjaarlijkse tombola zal dit jaar nog dramatischer uitpakken dan vier jaar geleden, toen de enorme bezuinigingen door CDA, PVV en VVD werden doorgevoerd. Omdat er nu vrijwel geen geld bijkomt, en vaak juist nog… 

'TV has lost touch with reality'

"Let's have a Magna Carta of British Broadcasting." With those words, celebrated actor Idris Elba (Luther, The Wire) began his closing remarks in the British Parliament. For the past half hour, he has been speaking to the Lords and Ladies kindly yet persuasively about the need and opportunities for diversity in British television. The timing of this speech was perfect because... 

Musicians pay to save their orchestra. TV programme Maestro helps a little.

Het Orkest van het Oosten zet de tering naar de nering, richt zich primair op Overijssel en heeft collectief ontslag aangevraagd. Dat – en heel veel meer – is te lezen in het nieuwe businessplan. Het is genoeg voor de provincie om eenmalig 1,1 miljoen euro vrij te geven en voortaan weer jaarlijks 3,5 ton subsidie beschikbaar te stellen. Het… 

Reactie Bussemaker op inkomensalarm kunstsector is totaal verkeerd

De SER heeft vandaag bevestigd wat wij al voorspelden in 2012: de inkomenspositie van werkers in de kunsten is ernstig verzwakt. Tussen alle positieve berichten over stijgende inkomsten en bezoekcijfers door is dit een harde confrontatie met de werkelijkheid achter de cijfers. Vast personeel is in veel grotere mate dan in de rest van het bedrijfsleven vervangen door zzp’ers. En… 


Nominaties Dans Publieksprijs stromen binnen

Het is best een unieke prijs, die Dans Publieksprijs. Je kunt namelijk als toeschouwer en liefhebber zelf een danser of dansstuk voordragen. Dat bepaalt geen jury voor je. Nomineren doe je zelf. En dat kan tot 1 februari. Wat komt er alvast aan nominaties binnen? Dans Publieksprijs 2015 De Dans Publieksprijs is een gewilde prijs onder dansers en gezelschappen en dat levert… 

susan neiman

The Access. Winternachten chief guest Susan Neiman on David Bowie (among others) #wn16

The last bit is always the most exciting. After a nice conversation with festival presenter Francis Broekhuizen, chief guest Susan Neiman suddenly joined us. It was nearing twelve, quite a bit of wine had actually already been poured into presenter and guest, but still. Suddenly you find yourself talking to a great philosopher and writer about David Bowie. This was the last session at Winternachten.... 

connie palms

A Saturday night with Connie Palmen, Adriaan van Dis and Socrates. #wu16, #wn16

Next time, there will be 10 people queuing for a hotseat, 100 online viewers and dozens of live spectators in the foyer. At least I hope so, because only then will experimenting with new forms, apps and devices make sense, of course. At the second Winternachten night, Saturday 16 January at the Theater aan het Spui, we had slightly fewer viewers than... 

Queues to the door for Knausgård at Winternachten #wu16 #wn16

Lots of audience and wonderful stories made the Saturday of the literary festival Winternachten a party. For the visit of Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgård in the afternoon, queues stretched from the auditorium to the front door of the Theater aan het Spui. The festival's evening programming was also well attended. While American-German philosopher Susan Neiman spoke in... 

Storioni Festival: champagnefles waarvan de kurk bijna afknalt

Op donderdag 21 januari start de negende editie van het Storioni Festival, gewijd aan het vijfhonderdste sterfjaar van Jeroen Bosch. Vrij naar diens beroemde triptiek Tuin der lusten kozen de musici van het Storioni Trio en Frank Veenstra, artistiek manager van Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, voor het thema ‘Dromen en Demonen’. Composer in residence is de Pool Krzysztof Penderecki, die beroemd werd…

Forget Jinek. The conversation about art can go to a new dimension: at #wu16

On Friday 15 January, we conducted a first experiment with the platform ''. During festival Winternachten, we reported live, via the internet. We did so in English, because most of the viewers we had were English-speaking. We could see that. That is already the most striking difference between something like, and ordinary television. in the Netherlands is still... 

winter nights opening: debate

'Western writers are part of oppression'

The annual presentation of the International PEN Awards during the opening of Winternachten in The Hague is never a truly convivial affair. After all, every year at least one of the awardees cannot receive the prize herself. Because she has been captured, because he is missing, or ill. This year, Thursday 14 January at the Theater aan het Spui, could... 

Apple was not just messing around

Ten years after his death, Karel Appel turns out to be more timeless than you would think with only Cobra in mind. This can be seen at a large and impressive retrospective at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. It showcases the oeuvre of a highly versatile artist who continued to develop into an old age. An impression of the exhibition under construction. Drawings Next to... 

Winternachten is about something

Hello Darkness is the theme of the international literary festival Winternachten, this coming weekend in The Hague. It takes guts, in a time when everything has to be fun and cosy and we prefer not to spend our free time dealing with misery or 'heavy topics'. That is why we love Winternachten, because that festival really goes... 

Ursula Mamlok: atonal music with heart

With the death of Pierre Boulez on 5 January, modernism seemingly came to an end, but the two-year-old Ursula Mamlok (1923) is still alive and kicking. Although the German-American Mamlok hopes to turn 93 on 1 February, she is steadily composing.# In 2009, she wrote Aphorisms II for two clarinets, in which, as in all her pieces, she manages to couple atonality with a warm-blooded... 


Blackstar: Bowie geeft les in ouder worden

Technisch is hij natuurlijk al een keer opgestaan uit de dood. Immers, bij een open hartoperatie (2004) wordt je hart stilgelegd. Vroeger was je dan dood. Nu kom je met een nieuw leven terug uit narcose. Niet vreemd dus, dat het 69-jarige popcultuurfenomeen David Bowie zijn huidige leven aan Lazarus ophangt: een muziektheaterstuk, een song, genoemd naar de bijbelse zwerver… 

Susan Neiman chief guest at Winternachten 2016: Why the atomic bomb really fell on Hiroshima

Propaganda is not just something that occurs in, say, Russia, but also in the West - more so than we ourselves realise. For example, is it widely believed today that the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force Japan to capitulate and thus end World War II, nothing could be further from the truth. In that respect, Germany goes... 

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