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With text, movement, actors, sets.

Romeo and Juliet: loose highlights in the Amsterdam Forest

Huge passenger trunks, like those at the airport, are stacked crosswise on the stage in the Amsterdam Forest. This immense rendition forms the backdrop of Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare in the Amsterdam Bostheater's performance. Director Ingejan Ligthart Schenk stages Shakespeare's classic modern, with acrobatics by the Tent Circustheater group and musical input by De Veenfabriek.

Theatre festival Boulevard

Theatre festival Boulevard: Not the Avignon, but the Berlin of the Netherlands?

There are many reasons not to go on holiday. It costs money, you come back more stressed than you went, the food is no good, it costs tons of CO2 and it doesn't increase mutual understanding between countries either. Reason enough, then, to just stay here and enjoy the free time given to you by the boss, or by yourself if you are self-employed. Without being barked at by airport staff.

Screenshot of Nieuwsuur Geert Wilders,

Oy. @geertwilderspvv sets Richard III as an example to the Netherlands

Finally, it was not quite literal, but he was clearly referring to it: Richard III. Geert Wilders, himself not too culturally savvy, quotes Shakespeare in his umpteenth plea to get the Netherlands out of the EU with pot-covered borders. In the second chamber. I saw it on Nieuwsuur, and you can watch it back. At 39′:49″ minutes into the broadcast he is in debate with his great friend, the VVD's Halbe Zijlstra.

Suburbia's Enemy of the People warns against neoliberalism

Enemy of the People is the summer performance of Theatre group Suburbia, directed by Albert Lubbers. The play taps into current events of corrupt bankers, environmental scandals and government officials covering up whistleblowing issues. This strong performance is sharp in tone, polemical and with vicious humour. Better than in previous Suburbia performances, the familiar dynamic acting fits nicely into the theatrical space. This time, that space is the big open barn at Stadslandgoed de Kemphaan.

Wunderbaum sends you into the night with a smile #HF16

This year's Holland Festival spotlights Rotterdam-based theatre collective Wunderbaum with the revival of 'The Coming of Xia', premieres of 'Privacy' and 'The Future of Sex' and the film 'Stop acting now'. With this film, Wunderbaum concludes their four-year project 'The New Forest', a 'Platform for social change', according to Wunderbaum, "The New Forest depicts transition and casts a... 

Stella actors Oscar Batterham and Richard Cant © Matthew Hargraves

Neil Bartlett's Stella: so perfect it's a bit irritating #HF16

The smallest details speak for themselves. For the second time during this edition of the Holland Festival, the legendary BBC series This Life comes along. Richard Cant, who plays a flawless lead role in Neil Bartlett's play Stella, was previously seen in This Life, the series that set the standard for the modern docusoap in 1996. So now live, up close, in De Brakke Grond's Red Hall, the man who also played a solid role in Midsomer Murders.

Grunberg doesn't come out of his hole in The Future of Sex #HF16

Woody Allen made sure in 1972 that his fans could not watch Star Wars with dry eyes years later. The final scene of his film 'Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex, But Were Afraid To Ask' shows us the male brain as the bridge of a Star Cruiser where the crew is hard at work to bring a date to a successful conclusion. The spermatozoa in the front are a bickering gang of take-off runners, on their way to an uncertain descent towards beating egg.

The Dark Ages: beautiful investigative theatre by Milo Rau. #HF16

When we think of 'The Dark Ages', we think of the rough raw dark Middle Ages, with church and king and no hygiene. However, Swiss director Milo Rau's performance, now at the Holland Festival, refers to a much more recent piece of European history. In a recent interview With the Culture Press, he said:

Though dated, Pina Bausch' Nelken still impresses #HF16

This way from row nine, it is like being knee-deep in carnations yourself. The heads of the audience in front of me merge silently into a forest of stems crowned with pink, through which dancers carefully step back and forth like leggy chickens.

The find is great: Nelken by Pina Bausch depicts paradise as a place where you have to be careful or things will go wrong. The carnations force the dancers to be careful. As a spectator, you go along with them, without all the underlying thoughts immediately coming through to you.

Gardens Speak ©-Tania-El-Khoury-1-

Digging in the earth stays on the surface in Gardens Speak #HF16

Daar lig ik dan. Naast Holland Festival-directeur Ruth Mackenzie, op een graf, als onderdeel van de installatie Gardens Speak op het podium van de grote zaal van Theater Bellevue in Amsterdam. Er is niets te zien, weinig te horen. Toneellampen suggereren na een paar minuten een opkomende zon. Ik kom samen met de tien andere bezoekers overeind. Best jammer, want ik lag daar eigenlijk wel lekker.

The programme booklet sounded promising:

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You can of course member be, or donor, from Culture Press. This has huge advantages: you have access to our premium-stories and may also publish[hints]Anyone who is a member, benefactor or bearer can access the CMS and submit stories for review by the final editors[/hints] on the site. But of course, you don't necessarily have to become a member to support the good cause. Indeed, you can support the charity and just make net money. How can you do that? By recruiting members: if partner of the cooperative. When you recruit members for us through the partner programme, we give you a piece of the proceeds.

How does that work?


All 18 gloomy: Melancholia is concert for sour old men #HF16

We gaan er allemaal aan! Die zekerheid hebben we alvast binnen. En sinds het begin van de mensheid weet iedere nieuwe generatie steevast dat het hun nu gaat overkomen. Immers: hun opvolgers hebben nog nooit zo nergens voor gedeugd als de jeugd van tegenwoordig. Leuk uitgangspunt voor een concert, dacht de Duitse regisseur Sebastian Nübling[hints]Nuling was vorig jaar te gast in het Holland Festival met een bewerking van Hebbels toneelstuk Nibelungen, lees hier de review en een interview.[/hints], goed idee om te programmeren, dacht het Holland Festival. Ik vraag me serieus af, waarom.

We are the forest. Christiane Jatahy achieves maximum impact at #HF16

There are countries in the world, where the boundaries between art disciplines are not as sharply drawn as they are here. The Holland Festival, under the new leadership of Ruth MacKenzie, is catching us up. She is bringing events here where the boundaries between visual art, performance, video, film and performing arts can no longer be drawn. Events that generate meaning in ways that are quite new to us, such as The Encounter, last week, and Gardens Speak, later this week.

'The European is an orphan' - Milo Rau on The Dark Ages #HF16

Swiss playwright Milo Rau created a theatrical trilogy about the demise of the European ideal. The second part The Dark Ages is now at the Holland Festival. Rau combined his actors' painful, personal life stories with themes from the works of Chekhov, Shakespeare and the Greek tragedies. With a Freudian sauce: 'Countless people who are The Dark Ages have seen ask me: 'Milo, is something wrong with your father?'

Ça Ira: political theatre with the allure of House of Cards #HF16

Over four hours long Ça ira (1) Fin de Louis, a performance by French director Joël Pommerat, to be seen this weekend at the Holland Festival. He reconstructed events in France between 1789 and 1794, better known as The French Revolution. What begins as a sometimes hard-to-follow, animated history lesson culminates in an impressive 'whodunnit', balancing between re-enactment and live television.

Tantalising intimacy porn in 'Privacy' raises relevant questions #HF16

Wine Dierickx ( Wunderbaum) and Ward Weemhoff (The Hot Shop) are an artist couple and we will know it. Engaging and with humour, they take us into their private lives or that which we think that is their private life. Know after all, we don't do it.

McBurney's The Encounter points visitor #HF16 to a different way of life

The Encounter, a large-scale solo performance by British multi-talent Simon McBurney, had its Dutch premiere at the Holland Festival on Thursday. The Encounter combines the dramatic power of a Hollywood blockbuster with the polished simplicity of 20th-century, stripped-down, edited - call it Brechtian - theatre.

Thoughts as fuel for space travel

No actor to be seen in the auditorium of Theatre de Veste in Delft. Just a house with walls and roof of transparent cloth. It holds thirty people. On the walls of the hall around it, projected images pass by at whirling speed. This is fascinating: usually, when you are in a house, the walls close you off from the surroundings, but this time they actually give a view of a world as big and beautiful as you never experience in ordinary life.

The Walking Forest is performance you definitely want to watch twice (HF16)

De Braziliaanse Christiane Jatahy was vorig jaar al met het stuk What If they went to Moscow op het Holland Festival. Ze kwam, zag en overwon. Dit jaar komt ze met het laatste deel uit de trilogie van toneeladaptaties, The Walking Forest. De titel verwijst naar de drie heksen in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, die zijn opkomst en ondergang voorspellen. Het stuk vormde het uitgangspunt voor een performance met vier videoschermen, een bar, een actrice, een dode vis en, o ja, publiek.

This is more than a review of the opening of the Holland Festival

On Saturday 4 June 2016, I attended the royal opening of the Holland Festival and was able to attend no review write about, because I was sitting in the front row of the Amsterdam Stadsschouwburg. As the stage was elevated, I was looking against a black wall, above which only the front actors were visible. The back and lower half of the stage were completely eluding me.

Me wrote that on, and the Holland Festival generously offered me the opportunity to go and see the performance again, from a better seat. At the same time, the organisers told me that the first three rows of the Stadsschouwburg would be compensated at this performance. So I went to Amsterdam one more time, on Monday 6 June.

Before the performance, while not eating a blackened hamburger in theatre restaurant Stanislavski, I heard from the neat people at the little table next to me that the front seats were offered at a sharply reduced rate, and that people like them who had already bought tickets had the choice of thus getting a partial refund or going on the waiting list for a seat with better sightlines. Whether they eventually managed to get one of the spots with better visibility, I don't know. The performance


Wunderbaum sows beautiful doubt in Mijke de Jong's 'Stop Acting Now' (HF16)

Wunderbaum. Among lovers of fresh and young theatre, this collective of creators stirred something up at the beginning of this century. They were born and bred under Johan Simons, where they formed the youth team of his legendary theatre group Hollandia. And because back then, every young maker really had to do something with the world, JongHollandia, later Wunderbaum, wanted the same. But because they lived in the post-ideological era and saw every day how the ideals of their teachers, parents and mentors came to nothing, it mainly became a club of doubters. And they were very good at that.

This is not a review of the Holland Festival opening (HF16)

Je kunt dus te dicht bij een kunstwerk komen. Ik weet niet eens of het echt voor schilderijen geldt, dat er giftige dampen uit op kunnen stijgen, zoals sommigen beweren, maar het geldt zeker voor theaterkunst. Tijdens de opening van het Holland Festival 2016 zat ik op de eerste rij van de Amsterdamse Stadsschouwburg. Normaal al niet de beste plek voor wie een beetje overzicht wil houden over wat er op het toneel gebeurt. Voor de gelegenheid van ‘Die Stunde da wir nichts voneinander wussten’ was het toneel ook nog eens een halve meter verhoogd, waardoor ik voor ongeveer vier-vijfde van de tijd naar over een lichtrail stuiterende acteurshoofden heb zitten kijken.

Meg Stuart at Holland Festival: 'The sacred theatre is gone, but the expectations remain.'(HF16)

The show Sketches/Notebook (2013), which has its Dutch premiere at the Holland Festival on 6 June, is virtuosic, radical and extremely gentle. Choreographer Meg Stuart loves small scale, even when she occupies the biggest stages with partners like the Volksbühne (Berlin), Théâtre de la Ville (Paris) or the Münchner Kammerspiele. Details win out over big lines and often play a leading role in pieces that scrutinise human behaviour incredulously.

Sketches/Notebook stands out

Suzanna Jansen on Pauper Paradise: 'Poverty still leads to isolation'

De schreeuwerige bordjes KEUKENHOF blijven maar voorbij deinen langs café Dwaze Zaken, op een zeer plakkerige dinsdagmorgen. Hordes toeristen drommen er achteraan, klaar om geld uit te geven aan pittoreske plaatjes en unieke ervaringen. Mijn interesse gaat vandaag uit naar het tegenovergestelde, de desolate 19the eeuwse koloniën in Drenthe, destijds ‘Hollands Siberië’ genoemd. Bij mij is Drenthe bekend als ‘ een fietsersparadijs’ maar schrijfster Suzanna Jansen schreef er 2008 de bestseller het Pauperparadijs over, waarin ze de geschiedenis van haar familie tot vijf generaties terug nauwkeurig uitploos.

Ze draagt een zomerse blauwe jurk en is op doorreis naar de ‘plaats delict’ van ons gesprek, Veenhuizen, om met RTV Drenthe langs haar ‘lievelingsplekjes’ te rijden. Een tikje ironisch is dat wel, aangezien zij Drenthe voornamelijk kent via haar voorouders, die onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden het leven (ver)sleten in de koloniën.

15 juni 2016 gaat daar in Veenhuizen theaterspektakel Het Pauperparadijs   in premiere op de binnenplaats van het Gevangenismuseum, over ‘een van de meest dramatische verborgen geschiedenissen van Nederland’.

Pauperbeeld zonder tekst

Maar liefst 1 miljoen Nederlanders stammen af van Veenhuizenklanten[hints]Uit de registers blijkt dat onder andere Ruud Lubbers, Geert Mak en Alexander Pechtold, Thea Beckmann, Anton Pieck en Bert Haanstra verwant zijn aan paupers uit de 19de-eeuwse armenkolonies[/hints].

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