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With text, movement, actors, sets.

The figures are in. And they don't say anything at all.

We had already announced it. This period is all about positive framing by the arts sector. Good news has to be spread, although people don't really know why. After all, there are no shareholders to be kept happy, only concerned art lovers. Anyway. On Wednesday 9 September, NRC journalist Daan van Lent presented the result of an investigation into the... 

Regulatory greed from distrustful government hits creative sector in the heart

It is most visible in the performing arts. Recently, a striking number of vacancies for 'business leader' have been appearing in the cultural sector. We put on some ears during the theatre festival, and then you hear something. Nobody wants to respond openly, the interests are too big and the reputations too vulnerable. We therefore sum it up here only roughly... 

And the 10,000 euros goes to... my brother!

It is prize season again in the cultural sector and that always brings fuss. Suspicions of rigging, favouritism, bribery. It's part of it, as is everyone doing their best to tell you that the jury chose completely objectively and independently. There is also a Cultural Governance Code for a reason, to prevent the small art world from having too little... 

Trench warfare between the Castellums of Utrecht and Alphen?

Today we reported on the opening in Utrecht Leidsche Rijn of the cultural park Castellum Hoge Woerd. In that Castellum is a new theatre: Podium Hoge Woerd. Explicitly, the theatre is not called Castellum. After all, there is already a Theatre Castellum in Alphen aan de Rijn that has existed for 10 years. Doesn't that bite? Yes, they do bite. Because the first visitors for... 

Castellum culture park in Leidsche Rijn opens doors

Het was wereldnieuws in 1997. In een van de eerste bouwplaatsen van Vinexwijk Leidsche Rijn vonden archeologen overblijfselen van een Romeinse grenslijn, muren van forten, een vrachtschip en allerlei gebruiksvoorwerpen. Dichtgraven en huizen neerzetten was geen optie meer. In 2007 werd besloten een cultuurpark te bouwen: een castellum. Een moderne versie van een Romeins fort met daarin diverse functies samengebracht.… 

Ola Mafaalani turns opening Theatre Festival on its head.

Ola Mafaalani and relatability. They don't go together. On Thursday 3 September 2015, the artistic director of the Noord Nederlands Toneel was allowed to open the theatre season with a speech, the State of the Theatre. She did so in a way we could have actually expected from her, but which nevertheless struck like a bomb. It will hopefully be talked about for years to come... 

The five shows you must see in September

Nederlandse Reisopera, Madama Butterfly (opera), 3 September to 10 October Dutch sopranos are like footballers. They fly halfway around the world, but are only rarely seen in their own country. Take Annemarie Kremer, nominated in Germany as 'Sängerin des Jahres'. The Nederlandse Reisopera is taking her all over the Netherlands in the role that brought her world fame: the title role of Madama ... 

Minister is grumpy: culture budget more miserable than three years ago

There is turmoil in the performing arts. This is because Culture Minister Jet Bussemaker has implemented a couple of motions from the opposition. The minister has also ignored the advice of the Council for Culture for a more balanced budget distribution. So, after much agitation on social media, we received a letter on Friday 28 August 2015. From the festivals, addressed to the minister,... 

Heartbreak does not lead to great theatre - Volksoperahuis presents a rather long and winding road

She welcomes the audience to her small wedding chapel in juicy American. 'My name is Joe,' she says with a mischievous smile, 'I can't help it, my father was having a good time when he chose my name.' Today, in The Long and Winding Road by the Volksoperahuis, Manoushka Zeegelaar Breeveld will play a couple plucked from the audience 'in the... 

The 5 performances you should definitely see at @noorderzonnl

Groningen, that part of the Netherlands where the earth moves. I should know, with family in epicentre Loppersum. But nothing beats Groningen, especially during Noorderzon, the festival that combines theatre, music, literature and much more for ten days. Here are our five tips. Do you have any other tips of your own? Report them in the comments! Employee of the Year,... 

Den Bosch delivered great encounters with @TFBoulevard

It was cold in Den Bosch on Sunday 16 August and it rained as if it were not August but November. Not the ideal weather for the closing night of festival Boulevard. It was, however, an atmospheric setting for some installations and the performance 'Hello fear' that were on my programme. The installations were hidden behind the Mariapavilion (Tramkade's emergency location) and despite the... 

FC Bergman geeft letterlijk en figuurlijk (de) ruimte

de sfeer Het is 30 graden in Den Bosch. Mensen met koptelefoons op klappen voor iets dat wij, de voorbijgangers, niet zien.  Bij een winkelcentrum rollen meisjes met maskers over de grond. Overal is reuring. Festival Boulevard is in volle gang en de hele stad lijkt mee te doen. De terrassen zijn vol en de stemming is opperbest. Ik baan mij… 

No art without sacrifice! @TFBoulevard shows 2 faces of youth theatre

Last year, theatre festival Boulevard launched a competition giving young creators the chance to create a performance. Requirements: the target audience (young people aged six and over), the length of the performance (roughly 20 minutes) and the theme (Vincent Van Gogh). This weekend the first two winners could be seen, next weekend the other two. Above all, the first performances showed the two faces ... 

Which eurosceptic dares to go to Het Zuidelijk Toneel at @TFBoulevard?

  Whether a TED talk catches on is often largely down to the speaker. This global craze of pimped-up powerpoints could become a global craze because these 'talks' are delivered by heart in front of an audience. So they are theatrical things, these TED Talks, and that makes them interesting to watch even on a screen. Lucas De Man, director,... 

Learned on @TFBoulevard: Young creators, please, fail big!

  That you wake up at night and there is a full-blooded hipster sitting at the foot of your bed. One of those whose beard has two points of rap, whose hair is in a messy bun and who has a tuft of hair bulging out of his right ear. This pretty much sums up my worst nightmare. Well struck, then, by Lisah makes Roozemoes, to... 

awaiting the start of rimini Protokoll

The five of us against the rest of Den Bosch. Renewed Boulevard Theatre Festival opens in style

Festival Boulevard in Den Bosch, which started on 6 August, has a new boss. This woman, Viktorien van Hulst, had a hard time even before the start of her first festival. Someone had suddenly found a tiny asbestos fibre in a drainpipe at the special new festival site on the Bossche Tramkade, a day before the opening, and so had to... 

The 5 performances you should definitely see at Theatre Festival Boulevard

From today, it is not Leeuwarden, Amsterdam, Utrecht or The Hague that is our country's cultural capital, but Den Bosch. For eleven days during Theatre Festival Boulevard, there will be more to see in that city than all to follow. Lots of new and unique work for Den Bosch, but also some performances that have already played in other places. Herewith our five recommendations. Have... 

Marjolijn van Kooten's 'Schijtluis' is honest and disconcerting

Cabaret artist Marjolijn van Kooten (43) has an anxiety disorder. With her book 'Schijtluis', she wants to break a taboo: if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you should not be ashamed of it. Van Kooten writes extensively about her fears in 'Schijtluis'. It makes for a quirky and disconcerting book. Schijtluis is a diary. Openly and honestly, Van Kooten describes... 

Photo: Viktor Vassiliev

Russian Cherry Garden in Amsterdam: 5 important things learned #HF15

There was an air of more expensive perfume in the foyers than at a Dutch gala premiere. The women were younger and smoother, or had a better botox doctor than usual. The jewellery looked very expensive, as did the dresses. Russian sounded everywhere. It seemed as if Amsterdam's Stadsschouwburg had been moved for a while to PC Hooftstraat, a few hundred metres away.... 

The great Jihad or tearful dying: "Mom, are you ready?"

Last night, Nazmiye Oral, together with a large group of Turkish colleagues, played the performance Niet Meer Zonder Jou for the third and, for now, last time. It is an intimate and overwhelming theatre production by Adelheid Roosen, Female Economy & Zina, co-produced by and performed during the Holland Festival at Broedplaats De Vlugt, far west in Amsterdam-Slotermeer. Tearing die Nazmiye Oral calls... 

'Oh my sweet land', a calm tale with blood-curdling content

Theatre maker Corinne Jaber received nothing from her father about his roots, except his passion for cooking and good food -she says in an interview. The outbreak of the Syrian civil war made her curious about her father's background. Together with Palestinian author Amir Nizar Zuabi, Jaber interviewed Syrian refugees in refugee camps. The result is this monologue, in which a fictional, half-Syrian-half... 

passions humaines, guy cassiers, photo Kurt van der Elst

Hidden lusts of Belgians lead to great art on #HF15

2014 was the year of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead, award-winning stage adaptation by Ivo van Hove. This year, that performance has been outstripped by 'Passions Humaines', written by Erwin Mortier, magisterially designed by Guy Cassiers. Again at the Holland Festival, confirming its place as a stage for the great debate on art. Two plays in which architecture, artistry and... 

Van Hove's 'Kings of War' is an intriguing trip

Power and leadership, can one exist without the other? Toneelgroep Amsterdam presented a sampling of three types of leaders on Sunday 14 June at the Holland Festival with 'Kings of War'. Three historical plays by Shakespeare about the struggle for power between the Houses of Lancaster and York together provided the fuel for this performance. With large black letters on a white... 

Bussemaker doesn't invest in youth theatre: she cuts a company out permanently

Every company 50,000 euros more. Youth theatre in the Netherlands should be very happy with the letter culture minister Bussemaker sent to the chamber last Monday. After years of squeezing under Halbe Zijlstra, finally more air for the makers. But the investment of 4 tonnes a year turns out to be a cutback. In fact, Bussemaker is only giving a gift to eight companies. Company... 

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