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Members keep the Cultural Press Office running. Therefore, press releases from members have a special place in our offering. In principle, we post them unchanged. So join us with a Large or Small Membership via this link and we will post your press releases on our site and share them through all our social media channels and newsletters.

CALL: Are you an independent entrepreneurial artist in Amsterdam and have you been (or are you) affected by the consequences of the corona crisis? Then the UvA is looking for you!

A request came in from the University of Amsterdam. After all, they like to get in touch with independent artists. Only from Amsterdam, admittedly, but still. We share the main part of the request here. Research on self-employed artists in times of crisis The corona crisis has (had) a major impact on self-employed artists. The University of Amsterdam is investigating the impact of the corona crisis on... 

Monique Hendriks wins NK Poetry Slam 2021

Jury and audience unanimous on new Dutch Poetry Slam Champion Monique Hendriks has become Dutch Poetry Slam Champion 2021. After preliminary rounds across the country, eleven poetry slammers faced each other in the final on Friday evening 24 September, during the International Literature Festival Utrecht. Monique Hendriks took on Lucas Kloosterboer in the final battle and captured the national... 

Mahat Arab wins ILFU Storytelling Competition 2021: Out of 723 entries, his spoken word recording 'Part-time fathers' was voted best story

Mahat Arab (born 1996) is the winner of the second edition of ILFU's Storytelling Competition. He won with a spoken word recording titled 'Part-time fathers'. During festival day Exploring Stories, he received the grand prize of five thousand euros, from the hands of ILFU's organisation. More than 700 people participated in the ILFU Stories Competition; 723 stories were entered in five categories. Apart from Mahat... 

Plein Theatre and The Market Theatre present FOODCHAINZ: A culinary evening and theatre performance about our food chain.

FOODCHAINZ is een intermediaal project en avondvullend programma bestaande uit een tomatendiner met speciale gasten uit de voedselketen, de expositie HARVEST FROM THE HOOD, de audiotour Van Boer tot Bord en de theatervoorstelling FOODCHAINZ! Te zien op 7, 8, 9, 14 en 15 oktober in Plein Theater in Amsterdam Oost! Tickets zijn inclusief diner en bonusprogrammering en zijn beschikbaar op… 

Olivia Colman, Olga Zuiderhoek and Anna Bonaiuto read Elena Ferrante's Belle van Zuylen lecture - Opening night literary festival ILFU dedicated to women's freedom

The Belle van Zuylen lecture at this year's ILFU literature festival will be written by Italian success author Elena Ferrante and spoken in three languages by Anna Bonaiuto, Olivia Colman and Olga Zuiderhoek. Ferrante herself never appears in public and has kept her true identity a secret for 30 years. Her lecture is titled "A tangle of written words" and promises to follow on from... 

Festival Circolo gets ready for 16-day circus festival in Tilburg

Festival Circolo takes place from 22 to 31 October in Tilburg. With the festival centre in the Leijpark and various satellite locations in the city, it will be one big circus party in Tilburg for ten days. Although, ten days... This year, Festival Circolo has secretly added six days. Because Les Choses de Rien's show L'Absolu - in a towering... 

Meesterprijs voor thrillerauteur René Appel

Thrillerauteur René Appel ontvangt zaterdag 18 september de Meesterprijs uit handen van het bestuur van de Misdaadauteurs van de Auteursbond. Appel is de vierde winnaar van deze prijs voor auteurs die een belangrijke bijdrage hebben geleverd aan de ontwikkeling van het thrillergenre in het Nederlands taalgebied. Appie Baantjer (2003), Saskia Noort (2013) en Tomas Ross (2018) gingen hem voor. Hoge… 

Deurtje Gouden Koets gaat open

Speciaal voor Prinsjesdag zet het Amsterdam Museum de deur wagenwijd open. De deur van de Gouden Koets welteverstaan! De Gouden Koets staat, na een restauratie van ruim 5 jaar, sinds 18 juni in een glazen behuizing op de binnenplaats van het Amsterdam Museum. Bezoekers kunnen hem daar in alle rust bekijken. Het deurtje van de Gouden Koets was tot nu… 

November Music 2021 starts ticket sales and presents the programme.

November Music 2021 starts ticket sales and presents the programme. The festival cuts across musical genres with 90 concerts in 10 days with 20 commissioned works and 25 premieres. November Music takes place from 5 to 14 November 2021 at various venues in 's-Hertogenbosch, including the Bosch Requiem 2021 composed by Hawar Tawfiq, festival composers Rebecca Saunders and Kaija Saariaho, Brad... 

The Golden Coach around Prince's Day. Lectures and evening opening at the Amsterdam Museum

22 sept: Prinsjesdaglezing – Stalmeester Bert Wassenaar Speciaal voor Prinsjesdag worden op woensdag 22 september van 14.00 – 14.45 en om 15.00 – 15.45 uur twee speciale lezingen gehouden door de Stalmeester van de Koning Bert Wassenaar. Over de rituelen en symbolen rondom Prinsjesdag. De Gouden Koets vormt een herkenbaar onderdeel van het Prinsjesdag-ceremonieel. ZM Koning Willem-Alexander en HM Koningin… 

Literary festival ILFU adds new festival day on hot topics of our time 

O.a. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Lale Gül, Roberto Saviano en Alfred Birney maken hun opwachting in Utrecht Op zaterdag 25 september vindt de eerste editie van Exploring Stories plaats: een speciale festivaldag op het ILFU gewijd aan de ‘hete hangijzers’ oftewel actuele thema’s van onze tijd. Op Exploring Stories staan onderwerpen als klimaat, ongelijkheid, oud en nieuw kolonialisme, feminisme en de… 

Elena Ferrante gives Belle van Zuylen lecture at ILFU - Italian bestselling author receives Belle van Zuylen ring from Utrecht municipality

On Thursday 23 September, Italian writer Elena Ferrante will deliver the thirteenth Belle van Zuylen lecture at the ILFU International Literature Festival Utrecht. She will also receive the Belle van Zuylenring, an international honorary award of the ILFU in cooperation with the municipality of Utrecht. Elena Ferrante is the author of, among others, the four-volume bestseller De geniale vriendin (Edizione e/o; Wereldbibliotheek). Unique event... 

Winnie Sorgdrager leads committee on transgressive behaviour cultural sector

Minister van Staat en oud-voorzitter van de Raad voor Cultuur Winnie Sorgdrager zit de commissie voor die adviseert over het tegengaan van grensoverschrijdend gedrag in de culturele en creatieve sector. Zoals eerder bekendgemaakt stelt de raad deze commissie in naar aanleiding van een adviesaanvraag van demissionair minister Van Engelshoven (OCW). Het advies moet zicht geven op wat er speelt op… 

Aan de makers, beleidsmakers en cultuurliefhebbers van Nederland: Statement van Kristel Baele, voorzitter Raad voor Cultuur, bij de opening van het culturele seizoen. 

“Dit weekend markeert de opening van het culturele seizoen, maar levert ook gemengde gevoelens op. Steeds meer mensen vinden de weg naar museum, theater en concertzaal langzamerhand weer terug. De klanken en kleuren daar grijpen ons aan, troosten ons en brengen ons weer samen. We ervaren de cultuur nu misschien wel als mooier dan ooit. We kijken er naar uit.… 

A tribunal to prosecute intergenerational climate crimes: the Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC)

The Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC) is a collaboration between Indian writer, lawyer and activist Radha D'Souza and Dutch artist Jonas Staal, produced by Framer Framed, Amsterdam. The project consists of a large-scale installation in the form of a tribunal prosecuting intergenerational climate crimes. The tribunal's inauguration will take place on 24 September 2021. From 28... 


Today, the Supervisory Board announced that Tobias Kokkelmans has been appointed as the new director/manager of Stichting de Theaterdagen, organiser of the Nederlands Theater Festival, Amsterdam Fringe Festival, NTFJong and the in-depth platform for professionals NTF-Pro, as of 1 September. In doing so, he succeeds Jeffrey Meulman, who in May this year left the Foundation after sixteen years for the Verkadefabriek.... 

Pull free short stories by well-known authors from the vending machine- ILFU Storytelling Machine makes summer tour of Utrecht

This summer, the Netherlands' first Verhalenmachine (Storytelling Machine) will again tour Utrecht hotspots. From the ILFU Verhalenmachine you don't pull out a croquette or a can of soda, but one of hundreds of free short stories. In the coming weeks, the Verhalenmachine will tour busy Utrecht locations, such as the Neude Library, the Uitalage on Steenweg and TivoliVredenburg. This tour is... 

'Jett Rebel, we heard you and the money for the cultural sector you are asking for is ready. In Brussels!'

Young artists, filmmakers, musicians, writers and other new thinkers are drowning in the effects of the Corona crisis, as a cry for help from Jett Rebel in de Volkskrant again showed. Assignments are falling away and there is little room for new initiatives. A whole generation of creative talents seems to be lost in jobs in the hospitality industry or at the GGD. The European Recovery Fund... 

Amsterdam Museum runs conversational campaign for Golden Coach

The Amsterdam Museum is running an innovative campaign for the exhibition The Golden Coach in collaboration with various agencies and creatives. Sharing knowledge and starting a national conversation about the controversial carriage is the goal. Head of Communications & Marketing at the Amsterdam Museum Maurice Seleky explains why this was chosen: ''The exhibition The Golden Coach tells... 

PROUD ALIENS: A colourful exhibition by Framer Framed's Open Atelier

Is it okay to be a proud alien in a world where marginalised people feel alienated? The LGBTQ+ project group at Framer Framed's Open Studio for i-psy participants have created a utopian future where differences and diversity are celebrated and recognised as something beautiful. Proud Aliens is the annual exhibition of the i-psy Arts, Amsterdam, created in collaboration with Framer... 

Lower Germanic Limes third new Dutch world heritage site

The Netherlands has added three new historical world icons. Placement on the World Heritage List adds them to a selection of areas that are unique in the world. For the Netherlands, the Lower Germanic Limes - the former border of the Roman Empire -, the Colonies of Weldadigheid and the Dutch Waterline have been added to the list. During the meeting of the World Heritage Committee, which... 

PRIDE at Plein Theatre with Sappho the Jar Cupboard, a love tragedy between two women!

Plein Theater and Annie Gerretsen present with Pride Amsterdam 2021 the musical theatre performance: Sappho the Pot Cupboard! Sappho the Pot Cupboard is an unmissable operatic musical narrative. It makes one feign whether it is a podcast or a rock opera after all. A love tragedy between two women that is going to crack, sand and flame! After such a dyke of a story, all you want is more.... 

Joint committee considers plans national museum of slavery history

A joint committee of the Amsterdam Arts Council and the Council for Culture will examine plans for a national museum of slavery history in Amsterdam in the coming months. Amsterdam's Municipal Executive and outgoing minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) have asked the advisory councils for a joint opinion. The advice, expected this autumn, will, among other things, address... 

Utrecht literature festival ILFU opens ticket sales for festival week in late September, With Roxane Gay, Angie Thomas, Édouard Louis and Max Porter among others

Despite persistent corona uncertainty in the cultural sector, International Literature Festival Utrecht (ILFU) today announces a large part of its programme. The largest literary festival in the Netherlands will take place from 23 September to 2 October 2021 and will programme a host of international writers, poets, musicians and theatre-makers in TivoliVredenburg. On 25 September, the festival theme #WhyFictionMatters will include the French... 

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