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Taking Stock examines Egypt's cultural scene

The exhibition Taking Stock shows the results of an artistic research project that took place from January to March 2020 in Cairo, Egypt. The project is a response to the closure of the Townhouse Gallery of Contemporary Art. The closure prompted an examination of a series of events in central Cairo and Egypt's cultural scene. Taking Stock is... 

November Music 2021 receives international summit - November 5 to 14 in 's-Hertogenbosch

With the contemporary composers Kaija Saariaho and Rebecca Saunders, jazz pianists Brad Mehldau and Vijay Iyer, the groups Musikfabrik, The Gurdjeff Ensemble and Ensemble Modern and guitarist Julian Lage, festival November Music rolls out the red carpet for a great diversity of top international composers. There is also another Bosch Requiem, this time composed by Hawar Tawfiq and performed by philharmonie zuidnederland.... 


From Thursday 2 to Sunday 12 September 2021, the Netherlands Theatre Festival will show the best productions of the past theatre season. The Netherlands Theatre Jury, headed by jury president Hadassah de Boer, selected the eight best theatre productions of the moment. Today, the jury announced its selection. The full selection can be seen during the upcoming edition of the festival 

FUNERAL FOR STREET CULTURE - A Critical Celebration and Mourning of Counter Culture A group project by Metro54 and Rita Ouédraogo and hosted by Framer Framed

Over the past year, the global pandemic and reignited Black Lives Matter protests have had a huge impact on our daily reality. A Funeral for Street Culture seeks to explore and make visible the sense of loss and other consequences of these events within art and culture. The group project, curated and initiated by Metro54 and curator Rita Ouédraogo,... 

Holland Festival celebrated the live arts in corona time

The 74th edition of the Holland Festival closed last weekend with the performances Transverse Orientation by Dimitris Papaioannou, Age of Rage by ITA-Ensemble and Pierrot Lunaire by Marlene Monteiro Freitas. The festival collaborated with two associate artists, Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto and French-Austrian theatre maker Gisèle Vienne. Twenty-three companies played one hundred and eleven performances in twenty-five days. The festival presented seven world premieres and co-produced 11 international... 

Literary festival ILFU launches storytelling competition for all forms of storytelling - From prose to film, music to TikTok videos

ILFU (International Literary Festival Utrecht) is launching a national storytelling competition for the second time - in which stories in all possible forms are welcome. The ILFU Verhalenwedstrijd is the first interdisciplinary story contest in the Netherlands, organised on the belief that good stories can and should be told in all conceivable forms. The theme of this year's contest is What matters... 

Marjolijn Vencken new chair of supervisory board Culture+Enterprise

Marjolijn Vencken will become the new chair of the supervisory board of Cultuur+Ondernemen, the knowledge platform for entrepreneurship in the cultural sector, from 1 July. She succeeds Steven de Waal, who is stepping down from his chairmanship after the full eight-year term. Marjolijn Vencken has been a member of the supervisory board since 2015. An experienced public affairs adviser, she... 

On a world tour at Square Theatre with video installation Street Vendors: Medellín, Tirana, Johannesburg, Yogyakarta by Su Tomesen

Plein Theatre presents from 13 July to 30 July the extraordinary four-channel video installation Street Vendors: Medellín, Tirana, Johannesburg, Yogyakarta by artist Su Tomesen. The video installation shows the daily life of street vendors on four different continents. Street Vendors: Medellín, Tirana, Johannesburg, Yogyakarta Street Vendors: Medellín, Tirana, Johannesburg, Yogyakarta is about how private companies occupy urban public space every day and... 

Ticket sales Theatre Festival Boulevard started today

Last week, Theatre Festival Boulevard announced the first performances as well as the theme 'Hack the horizon'. Today at noon, online ticket sales start for a large part of the programming. The programme is still under development and will be announced through online channels in the coming weeks. Fans can buy tickets for Jan Martens/GRIP, Nastaran Razawi Khorasani,... 

Charlotte Köhler Translation Prize for Lisa Thunnissen

The Charlotte Köhler Stipend 2021, an incentive grant for literary talent, was awarded to translator Lisa Thunnissen on Wednesday 16 June. In the Van Deysselhuis, she received a certificate and cheque worth €5,000. Lisa Thunnissen receives the stipend for her translations of the work of South American authors such as Eduardo Halfon, Aura Xilonen and Raúl Zurita. The jury,... 

Bazart on Night of Poetry

The 38th Night of Poetry continues.

The Night is back! Last year, unfortunately, we had to skip because of untidy corona developments, but this year the 38th edition of the illustrious Night will still take place. For now, still in a modified form, as there is no green light to sit in a full house again on 2 October at the moment. During this 'limited edition' in... 

Golden coach hoisted over Amsterdam Museum

In the dead of night on 9-10 June, the restored Golden Coach was hoisted over the roof of the Amsterdam Museum in a wooden box. A special and spectacular moment that took place in the middle of the night because the tram lines had to be shut down for this major operation. Everything went well and the Golden Coach was lifted last night.... 

Theatrical installation looking at current events from the Maroons' perspective, this summer at Plein Theatre

Swart Gat/ Golden Age (Dunguu olo - katibo-ten) is a theatrical installation about Amsterdam's slavery past and Maroon culture from Suriname. The concept is by Tolin Erwin Alexander, Berith Danse and designer Bartel Meyburg. The theatrical installation, which has lost none of its urgency, has been further finished and will start again in summer 2021! From 17 June (19 June... 

First titles Theatre Festival Boulevard 2021 announced; Theme Theatre Festival Boulevard 2021: Hack the horizon

Theatre Festival Boulevard 's-Hertogenbosch will take place from Thursday 5 to Sunday 22 August 2021. The 37th festival edition features over 120 different performances, concerts, performances and installations in theatres, at unique locations and in the Zuiderpark. We also move into the night with Fomo Fatale, club nights with steaming sounds. The Zuiderpark serves as the new, spacious festival centre, including the... 

Open call Theatre On Tour #5: Call for location theatre makers: Become part of our festival!

For the fifth edition of Theatre on Tour, Concordia and Wilminktheatre and Muziekcentrum Enschede are looking for location theatre makers. In the festival programme, we have reserved two special locations: the Redemptorist Park, on the border between the Netherlands and Germany, and the quay of the Enschede Rowing Association Thyro. On 18 and 19 September, Concordia and Wilminktheatre and Muziekcentrum Enschede will organise for the fifth... 

Amsterdam Museum reopens doors: visitors welcome for Refresh Amsterdam and The Golden Coach 

The Amsterdam Museum will open its doors on Saturday 5 June after a closure of more than six months. From Saturday, visitors can revisit the museum at its primary location on Kalverstraat and the Amsterdam Museum wing of the Hermitage. On 1 July, Museum Willet-Holthuysen will also open after major maintenance. Visitors can visit the Amsterdam Museum in addition to its permanent offerings... 

Thomas Azier in August artist in residence at TivoliVredenburg

Dutch composer, producer, singer and performer Thomas Azier will be artist in residence at TivoliVredenburg in August 2021. Over four days, he will play four different concerts in four different venues. The talent of Dutch composer, producer, singer and performer Thomas Azier is actually too big for our little country - which is why, from the age of 19, he also bivouacked a lot in... 

The 74th edition of the Holland Festival kicks off on 3 June

The Holland Festival kicks off on 3 June with Rudi Stephan's performance Die ersten Menschen by De Nationale Opera, a stream of async at the Park Avenue Armory by Ryuichi Sakamoto and Stephen Nomura Schible, and the first episode of the podcast Soft Valkyrie by David Kanaga. State government permission Last week, the Holland Festival received permission from... 

A mis-election of tears - This week's livestream at Concordia! 

An ode to grief. If pain is made into something superficial, can sadness still exist as a connection between people? Spread the sadness - a miss election of tears is an ode to sadness. A tear-jerking performance about shaping your own pain and appropriating someone else's. About how suffering affects your identity and sadness leads to... 

Matteo Myderwyk nieuwe artist in residence van TivoliVredenburg

De Nederlandse pianist/componist Matteo Myderwyk is in juni en juli 2021 artist in residence in TivoliVredenburg. In drie weken tijd speelt hij vier verschillende concerten in vier verschillende zalen.* Matteo Myderwyk is opgeleid als klassiek pianist, maar besloot na het conservatorium alle muzikale regels en wetten van zich af te gooien. Zijn doel: muziek maken in het moment. Zo belandde… 


Five authors have a chance to win the 2021 Golden Noose, the award for the best suspense book. The nominees are: René Appel - Overschot (Ambo|Anthos) Bernice Berkleef - Bloedsteen (The House of Books) Toni Coppers - De moord op Arno Linter (Manteau) Hugo Luijten - Undercover. All or nothing (Lannoo) Saskia Noort - Bonus child (The House of Books) The five nominees... 

Dance & theatre collective Movementalist, in collaboration with Plein Theater, presents the Movement Expo Aceleratio at the NDSM Fuse from 27 May (premiere) to 30 May.

The art of slowing down in times of pandemic. Aceleratio is an interdisciplinary performance installation that aims to confront online and offline audiences with struggle, freedom, courage and comfort, from the need to embody these times. Artistic directors Dayna Martinez Morales & Vincent Verburg are the initiators of Movement Expo Aceleratio. Ten experienced and very different performers in... 

Problems in Utrecht housing market take centre stage in free livestream 

Those looking for a reasonably priced house to buy in Utrecht often come home with a cold shoulder. Prices of houses for sale are rising to record highs (in Utrecht by 9.4% in the past year) and houses are more often sold far above the asking price. Tenants are also having a lot of trouble finding affordable housing, facing usurious rents, shadowy contracts and... 

New stage for Dutch thriller at Utrecht Library

Under the title 'The Dutch thriller awards 2021', the four most important thriller awards (Gouden Strop, Hebban Thrillerprijs, Schaduwprijs and Zilveren Strop) will be presented from the Utrecht Library on Saturday 5 June. The ceremony will mark the start of 'The Week of the Exciting Book', which begins on Monday 7 June. With 'The Dutch thriller awards 2021', the Utrecht Library, readers' platform and the... 

Live muziek fleurt vaccinatielocatie Jaarbeurs op 

De XL vaccinatielocatie in de Jaarbeurs Utrecht wordt vanaf 5 mei een aantal keer per week  opgevrolijkt door optredens van Utrechtse muziekensembles. Utrecht heeft een zeer divers muziekleven dat zich graag ten dienste stelt van de stad. De Nederlandse Bachvereniging trapt woensdag 5 mei af. Utrechters die een vaccinatie krijgen moeten na de prik nog 15 minuten wachten. GGD regio Utrecht… 

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