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The five shows you must see in May

Toneelschuur, Don Carlos (stage) Nina Spijkers brings Friedrich Schiller's classic play back to its essence. No lavish scenery depicting the Spanish court, but canvases peeled off layer by layer. playlist M31 Foundation, Nederlandse Reisopera, Theater na de Dam, Der Kaiser von Atlantis (opera) Forty years after its world premiere at Theater Bellevue, Victor Ullmann's Der Kaiser von Atlantis will be re... 

Cultural governance code needs maintenance: who monitors supervisor?

'Ultimately, of course, it ends up on my plate,' sighed Jet Bussemaker, minister of culture in cabinet Rutte II, the other day. She was speaking at the presentation of a research report into the functioning of supervisors in the cultural sector, in Amstelveen at the end of April. Because, she summed up: if supervision fails, there is no one but the minister to repair the damage.

The Muse of South - What does a street name sound like?

Some time ago, I discussed with broadcaster MAX the idea of phoning random residents in music districts to ask what they thought of 'their' composer. Would they spontaneously burst into an ode to, say, Carolus Hacquart, Cornelis Schuyt or Henriëtte Bosmans? Unfortunately, this playful plan never materialised, but lo and behold: a number of musicians joined hands.... 

New avenues for fantasy and horror: nostalgia, nihilism and quirky malevolence

Imagine is al een aantal jaar aan het transformeren. Toen dit festival nog onder de naam Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival door de wereld ging, lag de nadruk vooral op genrecinema. Het Fantatstic-genre is een verraderlijke term die als vergaarbak wordt gebruikt voor sciencefiction, fantasy en horror. In deze postmoderne tijden is fantatstic moeilijker af te bakenen. Het festival veranderde daarom al in 2009 van… 

Nell Zink: 'Writing is only good when it sounds good and doesn't... hurt'

She came, saw and conquered. Until recently, Nell Zink was almost the embodiment of the cliché image of the poor writer, alone in an attic room. But when American writer Jonathan Frantzen touted her work, she grew into literary hype in no time. Her publisher gave her a six-figure advance. From nobody to 'Her Nellness' -... 

With George Pieterson, music life loses another coryphée

Last Sunday, 24 April, clarinetist George Pieterson died at his home in Amsterdam, aged 74. 'George was an iconic player with a big musical heart,' says his former student Frank van den Brink. 'He invariably went full steam ahead and whichever recording you listen to, his playing is always remarkable. You didn't necessarily have to put up with his... 

Modern panoramas at Mesdag don't make the old fade away

Although Panorama Mesdag always focuses on one painting, it is not a static museum. Changing exhibitions sometimes highlight Mesdag and his time, sometimes more modern artistic expressions. This time, the museum has approached artists to develop new visions on the concept of the panorama. A laudable decision. Whether the new panoramas are all equally convincing is a second. The main work in the exhibition is... 

Sensorium: see, hear, feel, smell and dance!

Hoe breng je kinderen in beweging? Hoe stimuleer je hun creativiteit? Hoe leren kinderen dansen als ze weinig ervaring hebben met dans, of andere expressieve kunstzinnige uitingen? ICKamsterdam ontwikkelt hiervoor een toolkit voor dansdocenten in het basisonderwijs: Sensorium. Door de verschillende zintuigen te prikkelen – ogen, oren, tast en neus – wordt het lichaam uitgenodigd te reageren met beweging.  Ik ben in een… 

New image for the King with some help from music & Ottolenghi

Majesty, Dear Willem Alexander, Last year at the Koningsdag concert, one of my favourite musicians played: violinist and composer Oene van Geel. On that occasion, his band zapp4 played together with a musician from my old world: recorder player Walter van Hauwe. In addition, surprising programming with David Kweksilber Big Band, leading lady Claron McFadden, tap dancer Peter Kuit and more. Great musicians... 

Princess Christina Competition 2016: varied repertoire at a high level

Even before the welcome applause has died down at the Zuiderstrand Theatre on Saturday 23 April, pianist Manuel Sanguino begins Bach's Partita BWV 826. Crystal-clear runs sound in his right hand, while his left hand shapes the contrapuntal counterpoints just as smoothly. Even the faster passages are beautifully phrased and distinguishable note by note. Sanguino is one of the... 

The Linda. but about beheadings and suicide bombings

That there is an extremist magazine about burnings and beheadings, and that rich Britons have four-storey basements built under their houses for a private cinema or bowling alley - we learned a lot last night at the International Literature Festival Utrecht (ILFU). The programme of the Saturday night of the ILFU was as richly varied as that of the first evening. The... 

Filter Translation Award 2016 to translator Günter Grass

Jan Gielkens has won the Filter Translation Prize 2016 for his translation of The Words of Grimm by Günter Grass. The prize of ten thousand euros rewards the most exceptional translation achievement of the past year. Grass's novel, published last year by Meulenhoff, places high demands on the reader and the translator, the jury felt. 'Deftly navigates Gielkens'... 

Harvey's hand only half full

Visitors either thought it was 'very cool' or they thought it was 'absolutely nothing' - PJ Harvey's reading, the opening act at tonight's International Literature Festival Utrecht, evoked totally opposite reactions. Rock diva PJ Harvey is not only a musician, but also a visual artist and poet. At ILFU, as the festival has been called since this year, she read from her... 

Roméo et Juliette proves: synthesis of opera and ballet exists

Most impressive is the moment when the orchestra falls silent and Romeo tries desperately to storm the white wall behind which his sweetheart Juliet has disappeared. Time after time, he runs up the steep slope, only to slide down defeated each time. His wild jumps and trotting make his black coat tails flutter high, as if he were a tipsy bird in... 


Once sold for a guilder: now everyone out of the Doelenzaal

The historic Doelenzaal in Amsterdam, home to Internationaal Danstheater, will have flats. Those currently sitting there will have to leave. Doelenzaal sold The users of the Doelenzaal can all leave: International Dance Theatre, Omscholingsfonds Dansers, Dancing on the Edge, Musicians without Borders and Windmill Film. Because the building's new owner wants flats. The Doelenzaal, a design by architects Beirer and Bekkers who... 

Böhmermann: Turkey is the place to be

'No barbaric act can ever erase press freedom,' French President Hollande tweeted immediately after the bloody attack on the editors of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in January 2015. German Chancellor Angela Merkel walked side by side with him in a mass demonstration for freedom of expression. But that was the reality of the time. Now she stands ... 

Down with the novel pessimism

In times of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, what power does the novel still have? Every so often, fiction is declared dead, but the International Literature Fesitval Utrecht (formerly City2Cities), which takes place this coming weekend in the former post office on the Neude, wants to show that novel pessimists are completely wrong. Nine highlights from the programme. PJ Harvey The Literature House, like last... 

Shortlist Man Booker International Prize-new style announced

José Eduardo Agualusa, Elena Ferrante, Han Kang, Orhan Pamuk, Robert Seethaler and Yan Lianke have a chance to win the Man Booker International Prize 2016. The shortlist of six authors and titles was announced today. And, coincidence or not, we already interviewed one of the major contenders. Read that interview with José Eduardo Agualusa here, take in what he says about... 

Andalusia is Amsterdam and Amsterdam is Andalusia at Podium Mozaïek

‘Dit was eigenlijk een mixtape,’ zegt Yassine Boussaid, zaterdag 9 april 2016 na afloop van zijn concert, ‘zoals mijn neef me vroeger meegaf, voor de lange terugweg van Marokko naar Amsterdam.’  Yassine is de zakelijk leider van het Amsterdams Andalusisch Orkest (AAO). Samen met artistiek leider Mohamed Chairi en regisseur-schrijver Mohamed Aadroun zet hij in moordend tempo concerten in elkaar… 

Composer Julia Wolfe: 'John Henry symbolises the struggle of man versus machine'

Vorig jaar won Julia Wolfe (1958) de Pulitzer Prize met haar oratorium Anthracite Fields. In dit aangrijpende stuk over de benarde arbeidsomstandigheden van mijnwerkers, haakt ze aan bij Amerikaanse folkmuziek. Ze componeerde het voor de mede door haar opgerichte Bang on a Can All-Stars, een New Yorks ensemble dat bekend werd met een opzwepende mix van rock, mimal music en… 

Monsieur Doumani

This write-up may begin somewhat strangely, but the end is going to evoke very different images: All sorts of things are set in motion internally when I find myself in the smallest room of my house. That's because - besides nice, sweet cards from friends and family - there are clippings hanging on the door, theatre guides, newspaper sections and smart magazines lying around. So... 


Stagehands, stay away from that theatre!

The longer I walk around in the theatre industry, the more I find out that these so-called crisis in the performing arts is not down to the people who make theatre, nor to the people who may or may not come to watch it. Good will is omnipresent. The only real cause for a breach of trust between actors and audiences that I can point to is the nineteenth-century invention we call 'theatre'. Let me explain.

Bob Dylan vindt de videoclip opnieuw uit

De videoclip trok ooit beroemde regisseurs naar muziek en andersom bleken videoclipregisseurs later ook grote filmmakers. Maar ondanks youtube en vimeo, heeft de videoclip het laatste decennium aan impact en belang verloren. Verwonderlijk is dat niet, want waar eens MTV bepaalde welke (muziek)beelden we te zien kregen, bepalen we dat nu zelf. MTV zendt alleen nog maar op themakanalen muziek… 

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