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#Corona-classics I: Le Dernier sorcier Pauline Viardot

Toen donderdag 12 maart de coronamaatregelen werden afgekondigd voelde dat eerst nog onwerkelijk. De volgende dag viel de wereldpremière van de opera Ritratto van Willem Jeths in het water. Ik had me hier enorm op verheugd, net als op al die andere producties in het Opera Forward Festival. Bovendien zat ik volop in de voorbereidingen voor talloze inleidingen de komende… 

Buigen, beton en bruine suiker: waarom Paulien Cornelisse niet uitgekeken raakt op Japan

Lang voordat bloemschikken, bosbaden en opruimen op z’n Japans een hype werden, was Paulien Cornelisse al een groot fan van het land. Haar nieuwe boek Japan in honderd kleine stukjes is als een handleiding Japan voor beginners. Haar liefde voor Japan begon ooit met het kleurige, mierzoet ruikende gummetje van Bobby & Kate – vergelijkbaar met Hello Kitty – dat… 

Virtual life after death does have a price tag in Amazon Prime's Upload

With amazement, I become aware of the 'sacrificing your elderly fellow man' attitude of many here in the Netherlands. Dor wood. Not money, but the love for it is the root of evil. Right now, I wish a virtual heaven were possible - so that those who have lost someone and may not be able to say goodbye to them either... 

And so the chain falls over. Why the interdependence of the arts creates long-term cultural barrenness.

Utrecht-based theatre group Aluin is in dire straits. Like all other theatre companies, they cannot do their work, and performances have been postponed or cancelled. That it does not only apply to ongoing tours is now apparent. Performances scheduled for autumn and next spring have also been cancelled. The company reports this in a press release. Alum would... 


Artists show Albania the way to EU accession

An artists' protest in Albania deserves extra attention. Especially as EU accession negotiations resume. Indeed, the protest action is impressive and offers a view of EU accession from an interesting perspective. That of a people who are committed to democratic values, who value their own history and culture, who do not want to give way to... 

Comfort in times of corona. Or the other way around? A top five disaster books. (Why you should read Quarantine. Or not).

Need to escape from all the misery in reality? Of course, you can binge-watch endless feel-good movies or exciting series, but opening a good book about a disaster in the outside world is just as effective - look, it's actually not that bad with us! You might also pick up a few valuable do's and dont's for emergencies; a warned person counts.... 

Podcast in times of Corona (2): Oscar Kocken on the bible of an anonymous war victim. And what his grandfather has to do with it me.

When he started for himself in 2006, the CoC's question was not, how Oscar Kocken would later deal with a global pandemic of apocalyptic proportions, income-wise. This is just to point out what a stooge our minister of economic affairs is, and how we can yet gain some understanding of the wall of misunderstanding where the... 

A morale boost for when you're feeling down. Top 5 indie film streams from a true fan

Last week, my in-box and my social media feed were full of cancellations. Screenings, film festivals and museums: everything I was looking forward to or contributing to was cancelled or shelved. Understandable and sensible. But also maddening, and a loss of income for me and many others in the cultural sector. Still, there are things that... 

Comfort in times of Corona - Why adult animated films are so effective. (With Podcast)

Last year it was suddenly buzzing around: Dutch animation film is going to break through, a real animation industry has emerged. The occasion was the premiere of Heinz, Piet Kroon's whimsical and out-of-print film version of Windig and De Jong's comics. Not a children's film. And certainly not a Disney clone. We are talking about feature-length animated films, and there are many of those in the Netherlands.... 

That's how you give your city a real vision. (How Manchester became a leader in international arts in just a few years)

I have often resisted thinking of the Netherlands as a business. After all, a country cannot lay off people, or divest unprofitable sectors to make more profit. So anyone who speaks of the BV Nederland has not understood it. There are no competitors that you can fight out of the market while being entrepreneurial on those few square kilometres of polder land,... 

Anfield's best pasties work against degradation. (Lessons from Manchester, episode 4, the Liverpool edition)

Het heeft iets ongelooflijk kneuterigs. Terwijl buiten de storm door verlaten, dichtgespijkerde winkelstraten vol slooprijpe minihuisjes giert, pasteitjes bakken tegen de malheur. Maar het werkt dus wel. Aan de kant van The Kop, de beroemdste tribune van het Anfield stadion aan de Oakfield Road in Liverpool, vestigde de Nederlandse kunstenares Jeanne van Heeswijk in 2012 een buurtcoöperatie, toen megalomane stadsvernieuwingsplannen… 

Divided loyalties, racism and a split house in HBO's The Plot Against America

I had the chance to attend the 500th anniversary - it took place at the beautiful Teatro La Fenice - of the first Jewish ghetto during my visit to Venice in 2016. One of the speakers was historian Simon Schama. During his lecture, I was given a brief history of Jewish suffering in Italy. According to... 

Investing in culture is pointless if you can't think ten years ahead. (Lessons from Manchester, episode 3)

Wanneer een Nederlander over kunst denkt, denkt hij aan gebouwen die zichzelf niet kunnen bedruipen, bespeeld door, of volgehangen met werk van, mensen die zichzelf niet in stand kunnen houden. Dus moet er geld bij, en dat noemen we dan subsidie. Op die manier wordt kunstsubsidie een verdachte vorm van bijstand, suspecter nog dan de miljarden aan inkomenssteun die schatrijke… 

Hide the books, if you want people in the library. (Lessons from Manchester, episode 2)

Een makelaar vertrouwde mij ooit toe dat een boekenkast in de woonkamer duizenden euro’s scheelt in de verkoopwaarde van een huis. In negatieve zin. Dit weetje doet het altijd goed op feestjes, en boekenliefhebbers (mijn netwerk zit er vol mee) gruwen ervan. Bij een rondleiding in de Centrale Bibliotheek van Manchester vertelde de hoofdbibliothecaris ons vol trots dat het café… 

Eva’s Klage in TivoliVredenburg: Lera Auerbach neemt het op voor de gesmoorde vrouwenstem

De Russische Lera Auerbach (1973) schrikt niet terug voor grote uitdagingen. En dat is een understatement. Onlangs nog maakte ze grote indruk met haar cyclus Goetia 72: in umbra lucis. Ze componeerde deze toonzetting van de namen van 72 demonen voor het Nederlands Kamerkoor en het strijkkwartet Quatuor Danel. Tegelijkertijd verscheen een cd met 72 Angels: in splendore lucis, waarin… 

Into the bookstore with a shopping basket. Booksellers are grasping at the straw called behavioural change.

Last December, we had no internet and no TV/netflix for a week. The Customer Disconnection Department of KPN, formerly XS4All, had not understood that a broken cable in our neighbourhood could have had anything to do with it. One of the funny effects of these fibre-less days was, I finished reading four books. Something I normally do only on... 

‘Naakte viool op zoek naar een strijkstok’ – Maarten van Rossem opent ‘Moesmania’ in stijl. (met geluidsopname)

‘Rest mij niets anders te zeggen dan dat ik het een fantastisch schilderij vindt en dat ik het ronduit crimineel vind dat de familie Heineken niet bereid is om het schilderij op een openbare plek te vertonen. Het geeft aan wat een ongelooflijk geboefte de familie Heineken is.’ Dixit Maarten van Rossem aan het eind van zijn toespraak bij de… 

Netflix's The Witcher is having an identity crisis. But if you make it to episode five, you'll want to know how it ends.

With much fanfare, Netflix's The Witcher was announced. Except for some comments about Superman in a white wig, there was and is a lot of interest in the film adaptation of Andrzej Sapkowski's fantasy book series. Successor to Game of Thrones. With the way that one ended? No thanks! I'm not familiar with the books or the games myself, but Netflix's description... 

Promotie kritisch interview met Amersfoortse wethouder belemmerd door Facebook.

In de doorlopende serie interviews met kopstukken uit de Amersfoortse cultuursector interviewde ik D66-wethouder Fatma Koser Kaya. Het werd een geanimeerd gesprek. Vreemd genoeg mag De Stadsbron, de lokale journalistieke site van Amersfoort, het interview niet promoten van Facebook, zo liet de redactie gisteren weten. Onduidelijk is waarom. Hier een fragment, het hele verhaal uiteraard op De Stadsbron: ‘Ik geloof… 

The masked truth in HBO's Watchmen

At a time when comic book movies, superheroes and alternative dystopian realities reign supreme, I feared the worst when HBO announced Damon Lindelof's Watchmen. Not having extensive knowledge of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' comic book Watchmen myself, I found the 2009 film a disappointment. Lindelof is the man behind the infamous series Lost. Where with Lost, the viewer... 

'Congo' is another highlight of one of the most meaningful Holland Festivals in years.

'I think they understood.' Faustin Linyekula says it, very quietly, a little apologetically almost, to his fellow actor at the end of the performance Congo. A slightly relieved laugh can be heard in the main auditorium of Frascati, where Princess Beatrix is also seated. Shortly before, Daddy Moanda Kamono had erupted in an increasingly desperate tirade against our shared past.... 

The most important animation festival takes place in Annecy - and the Netherlands participates

I described here earlier that Dutch animation film is on the rise. And as I look around the animation festival in Annecy, France, this week, it seems nice to see how our animation filmmakers and producers are presenting themselves here. Especially since Annecy is considered the most important event worldwide in this sector. 'The Cannes of animation' I hear... 

13 years later, this legendary series does get a fitting finale. Welcome to f-cking Deadwood; where the fight against modernity reigns supreme

Deadwood was one of the best television series ever. Despite its many awards, HBO pulled the plug after only three seasons. After the abrupt stop, HBO promised to end Deadwood in an appropriate way through two TV movies. However, despite fan requests and actor insistence, the promises never materialised. Until... 

Laundry is still hanging on the line and food is still on the tables in restaurants. The doomsday scenario of Chernobyl, now as an HBO TV series.

On 26 April 1986, an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine. To this day, it is one of the most catastrophic disasters caused by man. The effects of the nuclear disaster are felt even today. For many, Chernobyl represents a long-forgotten memory. Places with a macabre history have always drawn people and... 

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