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Full line-up Holland Festival programmes at Melkweg and Lofi known! 

For its 75th edition, the Holland Festival is teaming up with the Melkweg and club Lofi for some exciting evening and night programmes. On 3 and 24 June, the unpolished atmosphere of Lofi in the Westelijk Havengebied will allow for late-night partying, while on 20 June the Melkweg will be the place to be. During these three nights, co... 

Plein Theater and Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam present a new season of contemporary chamber music concerts from May to December 2022!

Plein Theater and Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam present a new season of contemporary chamber music concerts from May to December 2022! The next concert at Plein Theater on Sunday 29 May will feature Greek violinist Tania Sikelianou in honour of the 100th birthday of Greek composer Iannis Xenakis. On Sunday 19 June, Trio Napolov, Fridman, Sandee will play on the piano,... 

A photo exhibition on the 1969 Kazal massacre in Haiti, on view at Framer Framed.

KAZAL - Narrating Haitian Memories is a photo project that traces the memories of François Duvalier's dictatorship in Haiti by looking at the history of Kazal. This village north of Port-au-Prince, is the site of a traumatic event in the country's contemporary history that has been erased from official history: the Kazal massacre.... 

NRC asked when Wagner would be cancelled. At the Holland Festival, we get an answer to that question, via Schauspielhaus Zurich #HF22

'For me, the world of Wotan equals the world of Putin.' Christopher Ruping, director of Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen to be shown in Amsterdam in June, makes no bones about it: 'Siegfried [central character of Wagner's monster production, ws] is a very problematic character. He kills the dragon without asking questions. We give the dragon... 

(Update) Nicolas Stemann on his version of 'der Besuch' at the Holland Festival: 'We do take such women very seriously these days.' #HF22

Update 11 May 2022

The comparison with the Derksen affair cited in this article no longer holds true as of this date, as the TV personality has been restored to full glory by the television station that previously 'cancelled' him. From Monday, 16 May, he will return to his old role as a 'grumpy old man' in Today Inside. See the link here.

Asko|Schönberg concert and performances in May 

The Underground NITE, 5 to 22 May; Chilling Nature Pictures Saturday matinee, 14 May The Underground The Underground is a gritty, witty and tragic performance by director Guy Weizman and the NITE ensemble (NNT, Club Guy & Roni, Asko|Schönberg, Slagwerk Den Haag). The performance is inspired by Annotations from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky; a monologue by a man who has suffered many blows... 

Ben Frost shoots at elusive state violence with 130-decibel musical bullets #HF22

Once upon a time, Ben Frost started out as a composer of laden ambient music. Not necessarily upbeat, more contemplative and just a little depressing of the kind that can be used to add some colour to a dip. Take the piece "You, Me and the End of Everything," which can be found on YouTube. Compared to the score of The Murder of Halit Yozgat,... 

Asko|Schönberg opens cultural season 2022/2023 with festival Words & Music

  cut-ups & fuck-ups, Berio & Burroughs Saturday 3 September With Words & Music, Asko|Schönberg serves you an afternoon and evening full of cut-ups & fuck-ups. A rush of sensations; fantastic, grim, absurd, disruptive and with humour. A festival full of cut-up, cut-up and brand-new performances, installations, film and more, inspired by the cut-up techniques of composer Berio and writer Burroughs. After the... 

Stairway to Music: Double Dutch | World premiere Robin de Raaff

Saturday 23 April, 2.15pm and 4pm: Stairway to Music by Asko|Schönberg and the Muziekgebouw is an intimate 40-minute listening experience on the steps of Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Stairway to Music is inspired by a story told at the farewell gathering of conductor/pianist Reinbert de Leeuw, who died in 2020. When Reinbert played the piano in his flat, people would take... 

Asko|Schönberg presents overview of programmes first half new season

The programming for next season is largely known and ticket sales have started. Below is the overview of the programmes from September to December 2022. Asko|Schönberg opens season 2022/2023 on Saturday 3 September with festival Words & Music, a day full of cut-ups and fuck-ups inspired by Berio and Burroughs. Also many new works by Richard Ayres, Jan van de Putte, Arnold... 

Cinedans FEST '22 takes place from 22 to 26 June at Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam, the A-Lab and online.

Cinedans presenteert een interdisciplinair programma waar de twee bewegingskunsten, dans en film, bij uitstek een verbintenis aangaan. Verbinding, vernieuwing en meerstemmigheid staan centraal in deze 18e internationale editie. Vijf dagen lang presenteren wij de state of the art van de internationale dansfilm. Gezamenlijk met dancescreen – IMZ International Music + Media Centre organiseren wij dit jaar de internationale dansfilmcompetitie. Dancecreen… 

New theatre incubator De Dapper in Amsterdam Oost

In Amsterdam-Oost komt de nieuwe theaterbroedplaats De Dapper in het voormalige Muiderpoortheater, dat in de jaren ‘80 als danstheater werd opgericht. De ontwikkeling van Broedplaats De Dapper wordt uitgevoerd door Stichting PodiumPartners en wordt gesteund door Bureau Broedplaatsen van de Gemeente Amsterdam. Stichting PodiumPartners/ Plein Theater vervult hiermee een lang gekoesterde droom om beschikbare ruimte te creëren voor experiment, crossovers… 

Plein Theater and Puppetry Workspace present the first edition of the QUEERING PUPPETS FESTIVAL AMSTERDAM from 23 to 27 March 2022!

QUEERING PUPPETS FESTIVAL AMSTERDAM geeft het podium aan genre overstijgende vormen van beeldend theater en poppenspel. Een versmelting van ambacht en technologie, waarbij traditionele categorieën worden opgeheven voor het oog van de toeschouwer. Tijdens dit meerdaagse festival staan nu eens niet de mensen centraal, maar de dingen. Met welke karakters en objecten worden we omringd? Hoe wekt de verbeeldingskracht ze… 

theatre group Amsterdam revives thanks to De Warme Winkel (so not an April fool after all)

Update April 2022: Turns out it's not an April fool's joke, so all the beats we were holding back at first turned out to be unnecessary. Since 2018, Toneelgroep Amsterdam no longer exists, as does the capital's Stadsschouwburg. Together they have since formed 'Internationaal Theater Amsterdam', because that better suits the global ambitions of Ivo van Hove's Amsterdam city theatre. It was thus... 

'We need art to talk to lunatics' - Holland Festival presents anniversary programme

We can already chalk up Angélique Kidjo as one of the most disarming appearances at the 2022 Holland Festival. The Benin-born singer is this year's associate artist, together with German director Nicolas Stemann. On Wednesday 9 March, she performed as a commanding speaker at the press conference with which the Holland Festival opens its public relations offensive each year. It was a... 

Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel open to visitors from Wednesday 9 March

This Wednesday, 9 March, the Amsterdam Museum, in full consultation with Hermitage Amsterdam, will open the doors of its new temporary home in the Hermitage building on the Amstel to the public. The festive opening was scheduled for last Saturday but was postponed by the museum. ''We have been renting a wing of the Hermitage Amsterdam since 2014. I am looking forward to being in... 

Amsterdam Museum suspends opening temporary home in Hermitage

The Amsterdam Museum has decided to keep the doors of its new temporary home in the Hermitage building closed until further notice. The opening, scheduled for Saturday 5 March, will not take place because of the war in Ukraine and sentiment about these poignant events across the country and the city. ''The war in Ukraine has had terrible consequences for... 

I have missed you forever - 0pera Forward Festival, premiere 12 to 18 March

What does it mean to make opera as a collective? And what does it mean to do so in an inclusive way? In collaboration with De Nationale Opera, Asko|Schönberg is freeing up space for experimentation, both on stage and in the rehearsal studio. That space is for research into new forms of work with a collective character. From this collaboration comes in the... 

Amsterdam Museum presents revamped museum brand

Completing its rebranding, the Amsterdam Museum is introducing a new visual identity and the first version of a new digital platform. Both projects match the 95-plus-year-old city museum's ambitions to develop into a 'museum of the future'. The new brand identity is visible for the first time in a campaign that also marks the move... 

Everyday objects hijack Square Theatre all spring break

STIP-theaterproducties en Plein Theater presenteren de gehele voorjaarsvakantie de jeugdtheatervoorstelling Micro… de dingen komen in opstand (7+). In deze fantasievolle en humoristische voorstelling worden alledaagse objecten leven in geblazen. Ze krijgen stemmen en gevoelens en gaan in fel protest. In het theater zijn dagelijks tal van extra bonusactiviteiten die kinderen voor en na de voorstelling kunnen beleven. Over de voorstelling… 

Amsterdam Museum moves temporarily to Hermitage Amsterdam

3.5 years of permanent presentation, temporary exhibitions and programming The Amsterdam Museum will move to the Hermitage Amsterdam, where it will be open to the public from Saturday 5 March 2022. The Amsterdam Museum's current location, the former Civic Orphanage at Kalverstraat 92, will close due to a large-scale renovation. From March 2022 until 2025, the Amsterdam Museum will display... 

Amsterdam Museum displays Golden Coach in open air despite lockdown

Today, King Willem-Alexander announced that the Golden Coach will not be used for the time being. However, the restored Golden Coach, which will remain in a glass enclosure in the courtyard of the Amsterdam Museum until 28 February after more than five years of restoration, will be on display again. Indeed, the Amsterdam Museum is opening the gates to its courtyards 

Amsterdam Museum: Visitor figures 2021 and outlook 2022

Like other museums, 2021 was another difficult year for the Amsterdam Museum. The museum was closed for the first five months of the year due to corona measures and was only allowed limited visitors after that. Nevertheless, the Amsterdam Museum still welcomed 138,000 visitors in 2021. The museum's digital reach grew strongly. A record number of digital visitors were attracted with... 

KunstZINnig #3: Jasmijn Huisman in gesprek met Gershwin Bonevacia, stadsdichter van Amsterdam: ‘‘Als ik niet schrijf, kan ik gebeurtenissen moeilijker verwerken.’

In de derde aflevering van de podcast KunstZINnig gaat journalist Jasmijn Huisman met de stadsdichter van Amsterdam, Gershwin Bonevacia, in gesprek over de manier waarop poëzie zin geeft aan zijn leven: ‘Er is altijd een vuur in mij dat ik niet kan ontkennen. Ik heb niet de keus gemaakt om te schrijven, ik kan gewoon niet anders.’ Gershwin Bonevacia is… 

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