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film festival

Sex and populism in the seventies. How Denmark lost its innocence.

Film tip for this week: Spies & Glistrup, a Danish shell comedy with a dark edge about the heyday of an illustrious anarchist duo from the 1970s. Even for the broad-minded Denmark of the time, they were extreme. According to director Christoffer Boe, they left a lasting mark on Danish society.

Because yes, the good Danes had not experienced anything like this before. Simon Spies, made stone-faced with a holiday travel empire and always surrounded by pretty girls,

64th Berlin Film Festival opens with Wes Anderson's eccentric tragicomedy Grand Budapest Hotel

Stel je een ouderwets gedistingeerde komedie voor, maar dan gefilmd met moderne vaart, in de kleurrijke en barokke stijl van een rijk gedetailleerd stripverhaal vol complotten en ontsnappingen, afgerond met een parfum van melancholie. Dan kom je in de buurt van The Grand Budapest Hotel, de nieuwe film van

4 reasons why the arts are going to lose a lot more. Municipal culture congress wrongly optimistic

It was ball in Rotterdam on Thursday, 30 January. At the Municipal Culture Congress, a few hundred officials, local politicians and arts organisations gathered to talk about where they could help each other. It was supposed to be a positive day. There had been long enough complaining and arguing: look ahead, hopeful into the future. Even if the worst is yet to come.

43rd Rotterdam Film Festival celebrates 25 years of Hubert Bals Fund with opening film Qissa

9,000 euros was the amount with which Indian director Anup Singh's Qissa got off the ground a decade ago. That money came from the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) affiliated Hubert Bals Fund (HBF), which has been supporting filmmakers in developing countries for 25 years now. Last night, Qissa opened the 43rd edition of the Rotterdam festival. This makes the port city world capital for independent film for ten days, as business director Janneke Starink stated at the opening in the Doelen.

Realistic-optimistic The Rocket wins double award at Cinekid

"Children are the best judges of what makes a good children's film," a member of the Cinekid children's jury spoke confidently. There may be room for improvement on that, but the fact is that at the awards ceremony on the festive closing night of the Cinekid festival, there was remarkable agreement with the adult jury.

Not only did both juries nominate the same film twice

Nude is main theme at 33rd edition Netherlands Film Festival, Hoe Duur was de Suiker opening film

Paul Verhoeven, Dick Maas, Katja Schuurman, Monique van de Ven and Kim van Kooten are all special guests at the upcoming edition of the Dutch Film Festival. Nothing special, you might think, but if you see them on the festival posters you probably won't recognise them. After all, they are namesakes of well-known film personalities who this year

Nederlandse opening Filmfestival Rotterdam 2013, dat dit jaar ook televisie omhelst

Vijftien jaar na Peter Delpeuts Felice, Felice krijgt het International Film Festival Rotterdam weer een Nederlandse opening. De 42ste editie van dit toonaangevende evenement gaat op 23 januari van start met de wereldpremière van De wederopstanding van een klootzak van Guido van Driel, zo maakte festivaldirecteur Rutger Wolfson vanmiddag bekend.

Boudewijn Koole krijgt Europese filmprijs voor Kauwboy

Mooi natuurlijk dat Amour van Michael Haneke gisteravond op Malta bij de uitreiking van de European Film Awards niet alleen bekroond werd als beste film, maar ook de regieprijs en prijzen voor beste acteur en actrice kreeg toegeschoven. Maar een beetje saai begint die lofzang op Haneke’s nieuwste wel te worden. Genoeg dus hierover.

NFF 2012 - All student awards go to the Film Academy

The Film Academy can be satisfied. The two juries that handed out the three student awards at the Netherlands Film Festival on Monday night had also looked at graduation work from other Dutch academies with a film section. But in the end, all the lucky ones were students from the Netherlands Film and Television Academy, as the Amsterdam programme is called in full. Magnesium again. The Tuschinski Award for best graduation film, this... 

#NFF Opening film Nono sings away from dull realism

What a festive opening film it was! The Dutch Film Festival's choice of Nono, the zigzag child had of course to do with the fact that Dutch family films will be specially put in the festival spotlight this year. But even apart from that theme, it was an unmissable kick-off. After all, we may like to grumble that the weather is not... 

The Promise main theme at 32nd Netherlands Film Festival - audience recruitment stepped up

Next year, the Netherlands Film Festival will have to face extensive budget cuts. Therefore, let's enjoy this year extra, was the recommendation with which festival director Willemien van Aalst closed the press conference presenting the programme of the 32nd Netherlands Film Festival this afternoon. Precisely in this time of economic headwind, the festival has chosen this year's The Promise 

Berlin Film Festival opens with a messy Versailles

The 62nd Berlinale opened tonight with Benoït Jacquot's Les adieux à la reine, a French costume piece that does not play by the rules. The dresses worn by Queen Marie Antoinette's servants get dirty and one of the main characters stumbles in her haste and passes out twice. As the film begins we write 14 July 1789, and the... 

IFFR 2012: Raw and sensitive Serbian debut awarded twice

Smiling, she lets a boy film her with his mobile phone and she happily wriggles into lascivious curves in the process. But when he really wants to see her breasts she flinches. Yet later she will go much, much further and she gets staggeringly little in return. Jasna, the rebellious protagonist from Cliff (Clip), is a Serbian teen... 

41e International Film Festival Rotterdam opent met verontrustend Frans drama 38 Témoins

Vergeleken met eerdere edities zou je de keus van de openingsfilm waarmee het Rotterdams Filmfestival vanavond van start gaat bijna on-Rotterdams willen noemen. Geen wild jong debuut, exotische Aziaat of artistieke dwarsliggerij deze keer. De Franse boekverfilming 38 Témoins, die vanavond in Rotterdam zijn wereldpremière beleeft, is de zevende speelfilm van de Waalse acteur/regisseur Lucas Belvaux en is al aangekocht… 

Mayor Hoes provides proof: for the VVD, art is only about sport anymore

Anyone who was still left wondering what the vision of the governing VVD party on art is now out. For that vision is simple. Art is sport. According to the VVD. So said the alderman of Rotterdam, so said the spouse of top wrestler Albert Verlinde, the as mayor of Maastricht ancillary runner Onno Hoes. During the opening of the Dutch Dance Days, he gave... 

Also at the Imagine festival: film fans become film financiers

In 1945 kon een groep Nazi’s dankzij gevorderde rakettechnologie naar de maan vluchten. Daar hebben ze zich schuilgehouden en binnenkort komen ze terug om de macht weer over te nemen. Op Imagine, het Amsterdamse festival voor de fantastische film, was daarvan alvast een voorproefje te zien. Als de voortekenen niet bedriegen belooft Iron Sky, zoals deze Finse productie heet, een… 

After U with Monic Hendrickx and Jaap Spijkers opens third edition of Go Short

To protest against the cuts in culture, you can of course shout loudly, but as an artist you can also just do what you are good at - make something really beautiful. Dutch film director Danyael Sugawara (Alles stroomt) chose the latter and in a day and a half, with the best Dutch actors, shot Na U, a small drama about unconditional love and... 

Reviewers on the fortieth Rotterdam International Film Festival: lots of Chinese loneliness and that Russian needs to hit the cinemas

OK. A pilot. When Jeroen Stout lost his Wednesday film fork in Radio Kunststof on Radio 1 in December 2010, we made him an offer he could easily refuse: to do something like that with us. But that we would then look for a way that suits The Dodo. After all, audio online may be the... 

The deeper caverns of an adult film festival. Sven Schlijper on safari during IFFR 2011

The International Film Festival Rotterdam celebrates its fortieth edition with a fitting XL programme. That Roman numeral XL not only indicates respectable age. It also says something about size: this fortieth also bursts with the intiguing programme, with screenings at no less than forty locations throughout the inner city of Rotterdam. Inside the festival walls is... 

IFFR 2011 - Tiger Eyes is beautiful ode to personal cinema

Those who did not attend the first cinema screening of Tiger Eyes yesterday would do well to still tune in to Nederland 2 on Tuesday night. That is the television premiere of this Frank Scheffer-directed anniversary film with which the Rotterdam Film Festival celebrates its fortieth edition. In Tiger Eyes, seven directors who together represent the kind of cinema that Rotterdam strongly... 

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