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Bussemaker's policy sounds good: ministry steals bike, returns bell.

The repair of cultural subsidies by more than 18 million, announced by culture minister Bussemaker on 8 June 2015, mainly concerns a perpetuation of earlier patchwork. That patchwork was necessary in recent years to smooth the crudest consequences of the cuts by her predecessor Halbe Zijlstra. That predecessor is now in the chamber as a coalition partner, to ensure... 

Provincial millions for HET Symphony Orchestra evaporated without results

What happened to the five million Overijssel gave the orchestra in 2011 to 'get more money from the market'? This was also what councillor Van Abbema wondered, and the answers the province gave her mostly raise more questions. What is abundantly clear is that the province wants to keep the orchestra no matter what and of no merger 

Arnhem decides: who takes decisive lead in the battle of the orchestras?

Tonight, the Arnhem city council will take an important decision on the renovation of Musis Sacrum, the monumental concert hall located at a prominent point in the city. But the real news is not in what will be decided tonight, but in the far-reaching consequences. Musis Sacrum dates back to 1847 and is part of the cultural heritage. The venue complex is in dire need of refurbishment and with... 

Theatres to merge, but otherwise Amersfoort cultural organisations remain unaffected

Relief for Amersfoort's cultural organisations. In the proposal for the multi-annual budget 2015-2018 (presented last night by the college to the city council), they remain largely unaffected when it comes to cuts. Only theatres De Flint and De Lieve Vrouw have to make cuts. It is possible they will merge in 2017. Recently, there has been a lot of unrest in the cultural world. The... 

Butt pinching for Amersfoort cultural organisations

Amersfoort's cultural scene is in turmoil over a series of possible austerity proposals. In recent weeks, the public was allowed to give its opinion. The city council will make final decisions in May. Meanwhile, beloved theatre De Lieve Vrouw is already in dire financial straits. Amersfoort has been under financial supervision by the province of Utrecht since the end of 2014. The municipality mainly suffers... 

Supervisory failure at HET Symphony Orchestra: drama that could have been avoided

The money at HET Symphony Orchestra has run out. Despite all the extra millions from the province and after years of writing off tons of general reserves, the end is in sight. And so the orchestra is scrapping concerts, will be seen less in theatres in Deventer and Zwolle, stops CD recordings and shuns any risky performances. To keep the... 

Municipal politics remain powerless over cultural policy content, this time in Enschede

Municipal cultural politics are often about 'bricks and mortar'. People put up a cultural building and then pray/hope that fantastic things will happen there, which the city council, in turn, has no money for/power over. Take Enschede. In a council meeting in which it was decided to reinvest in cultural bricks by means of a €475,000 loan, there was actually some unrest. No, not about those bricks, but about... 

Joop Daalmeijer Marathon (7): 'If the knowledge is lost, so is the heritage.'

Wijbrand Schaap: 'Just one more point. Then we're almost through.' Joop Daalmeijer: 'Continue quietly, we have until half past five.' Wijbrand Schaap: 'We have a problem with real estate. A lot of inner cities are empty. Shop premises are empty, downtown office buildings are unrentable. What do the municipalities say? Put artists in them. Cost nothing, because for free rent they do... 

A mirror from the bench: 12 much-needed lessons for cultural marketers

Since the Amsterdam Uitmarkt is no longer run by the Uitburo but by a separate foundation, things have become a tad more commercial. The folder-fair-with-bands that has become the national opening of the cultural season over the past decades has to. The government has found art scary for a while now, usual suspects are pulling out as sponsors, and malaise is hitting... 

Greco en Scholten verdelen aandacht tussen CCN Ballet Nationale de Marseille en ICK Amsterdam

Minister Filipetti heeft groen licht gegeven. Emio Greco en Pieter Scholten worden inderdaad de nieuwe artistiek leiders van CNN Ballet National de Marseille. Een gezelschap met dertig dansers, 60 werknemers in totaal, in een gebouw met 9 studio’s en een theaterzaal. Wie krijgt dat in Nederland nog voor elkaar?

Lower chamber talked about art. We followed the debate for you

We kept a liveblog. Nice and old-fashioned, from the days when every month there was uproar somewhere about the government's handling of art. Now there is peace in the tent, as the PVV sardonically points out, because 'The Left' is now the bearer of policies devised by the PVV. The PVV predicts a black future for 'The Left' once the PVV comes to power.

From Dutch to National and vice versa. DNO and NRO give lesson on name change and collaboration

A joint press conference by two companies. In the post-Zijlstra era, that often does not bode well. A merger then seems obvious, especially when it involves the two largest opera companies in our country: De Nederlandse Opera and the Nationale Reisopera. Only now we have to turn that around: the Netherlands Opera will become the National Opera. And the building will be called National Opera and Ballet.

NRC doesn't count right: not 11, but at least 34 groups gone due to cuts

Volgens NRC Handelsblad werden de bezuinigingen op cultuur voor ‘slechts’ 11 theaterinstellingen fataal. Zij gaan hierbij uit van groepen die zichzelf daadwerkelijk opgeheven hebben. In hun overzicht zien zij echter de gezelschappen die zich vrijwillig hebben opgeheven door te fuseren met een ander gezelschap over het hoofd. Daarnaast zijn er een aantal instellingen die zichzelf al voor de nieuwe ronde hebben opgeheven, omdat al duidelijk was dat ze geen geld zouden krijgen. Rekenen we die wel mee, komen we op zeker 34 gezelschappen. Dat is nu al 25% van het aanbod van vóór de bezuinigingen.

Nederland sluit een bijzondere ambassade

Deze week viel officieel het doek voor de Theatre Emabassy, een club bevlogen mensen die Nederlandse kunstenaars liet samenwerken met kunstenaars in ontwikkelingslanden als Honduras, Bhutan en Congo. De voorstellingen die dat opleverde waren maar sporadisch in Nederland te zien, maar zo nu en dan maakte een project ook hier breed indruk, zoals een ‘Op Hoop van Zegen’, gespeeld door echte vissers, maar dan uit Mali.

Halbe Zijlstra heeft geschiedenis geschreven.

Na de presentatie van de Rotterdamse en Haagse kunstadviezen, en een paar dagen tot weken voor de harde oordelen van de Raad voor Cultuur, en een paar maanden voor de vernietigende rapporten van het Fonds Podiumkunsten, begint duidelijk te worden hoe ingrijpend de Nederlandse cultuursector geraakt wordt

Opening Springdance verkent de twee uitersten van wat het festival te bieden heeft

Vooral de deskundigen waren boos over de officiële openingsvoorstelling van Springdance 2012. ”The Rodin Project” van Russel Maliphant was alleen daarom al bijzonder. Zelden is er zoveel gepraat over een openingsvoorstelling, temeer omdat het ook de laatste openingsvoorstelling is van Springdance. Het 30-jarige festival van vernieuwende dans en performance houdt op te bestaan. Mede onder druk van de subsidiekortingen van… 

How two orchestras sold an international revenue model as regional

Recap: Er zijn teveel orkesten in Nederland, vindt de regering, en dus moeten er een paar weg. Of samengaan. Nu schijnt dat gedwongen fuseren niet erg van harte te gaan. Maar je kunt er wel geld mee verdienen. In Gelderland en Overijssel leidt dat tot bizarre taferelen. Het zou komisch geweest zijn als het niet zoveel geld had gekost.

Om vijf ton extra binnen te kunnen halen, trekken het Nederlands Symfonie Orkest en het Gelders Orkest één lijn. En met succes: de provinciale overheden van Overijssel en Gelderland vangen de subsidiekorting van het rijk op. Nu blijkt echter dat de plannen waarmee die redding is binnengeharkt, dubieus zijn. De politiek heeft daar nauwelijks naar gekeken. Vragen over het businessplan kwamen in Overijssel vooral van de PVV, maar in Gelderland stemde die zelfde partij na een – opmerkelijk vernietigende – contra-expertise juist enthousiast in met de miljoeneninjectie.

'Ajax states' in sudden war between Netherlands Symphony Orchestra and National Travel Opera

This week, the National Travel Opera begins rehearsals of Mozart's Le nozze di figaro. In the bin, the brand-new Netherlands Symphony Orchestra conducted by Jan Willem de Vriend. Business as usual, as the two companies have been working closely together for years and are united in the National Music Quarter Enschede. Only: orchestra and opera company have not been talking to each other since last week.

Culture in the Christmas package, Orientalis stops and all of Nijmegen-West without a library

Delightful news from the world of Christmas packages. 1/3 of interviewees said they did want to find a cultural experience in the Christmas package, as they visited a cultural actvity less often than they would like: 43% because of the crisis and 35% because of lack of time. Respondents said they would go more often if they got a discount. The proposed merger of... 

Enterprising young theatre makers, Meermanno meets revenue standard, Eindhoven accepts collection, Amsterdam supports cultural education, et al.

Entrepreneurship is in young theatre-makers' blood (...) A new theatre circuit seems to have emerged in recent years. More and more young groups, such as Stichting Nieuwe Helden, PSTheater and Circus Treurdier, work relatively independently of subsidies and almost always outside the theatre building. They seek out their audiences anywhere, whether on the street, by a canal or in a... 

Museums, Boxmeer theatre, IKON, ANP, regional broadcasters, impoverished library

MuseumgoudA not expelled MuseumgoudA may still remain a member of the Dutch Museum Association (NMV). A majority of the members were still of the opinion in September that the museum should be expelled because it had auctioned Marlene Dumas' The Schoolboys at the end of June without consulting other museums. That is against the NMV's rules. It did, however, decide to change the rules for the... 

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