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A déjà vu as fresh as an oven bun: The Hague is truffled with artworks by Jan Goeting. But you don't see them until you know

Every city in the Netherlands has artists who enjoy local fame and glory but just beyond the city limits produce only questioning looks. Take the Goeting family of painters from The Hague. They are Jan Goeting (1918-1984), his wife Catharina (1912-1987) and son Joep (1946-1986). The nice thing about this family is: every Hagenaar or Hagenees over 55 knows many works by at least Jan... 

The current distribution of grants across genres and institutions

Culture Council: 'No more distinction between high and low art' (and much more)

Musicians are no longer allowed to perform for a pittance. At least, not if the club they work for, or in which they perform, receives a subsidy. In a sector opinion released today, the Culture Council argues that the structural underpayment of workers in the creative sector is no longer sustainable. 'If that means fewer programmes can be made (or that there... 

Merry Go Round - A house as an escape from the daily grind.

You probably know the feeling. Holidays at last. No more thinking about work or school. And yet. Your cottage or flat is a miniature version of home. Whereas on holiday, you really want to live differently. Still, why those big bedrooms, the sparse plumbing and still the television central? So this summer I stayed with the kids for a week in the... 

Karlheinz Stockhausen sails to heaven at Pentecost

Last year, a minor riot erupted when the Holland Festival announced it was mounting a large-scale project in 2019 around Karlheinz Stockhausen's opera Light. Modern-music haters screamed blue murder, because who is waiting for the grim squeakiness of the German wordsmith? Yet a run on the charts immediately ensued. Even after his death... 

Culture outside the Randstad: Amersfoort's struggle

Displaced paintings by Armando. Artists fleeing the city. A tinpot that brought financial disaster and summer festivals that attract tens of thousands of visitors every year. And you thought Amersfoort was boring? A footnote along the A1 motorway? Forget it. Let me tell you about this city struggling with its cultural identity. A story in eighteen impressions. Guilty landscape In his youth... 

Beef heart ragout and handshake. Cultural capital reinvents church service

Maybe God is dead, but His church is alive. At least in Denmark. This has to do with what you might call the Danish paradox of faith: a highly secularised society with a Lutheran Folkekirke (=Volkskerk) supported by a large majority of the population [hints]The American sociologist Phil Zuckerman has commented on this aspect of Denmark (and also a little... 

No party really shows heart for art, so vote for a human being #TK2017

By now, we are a little surrounded by voting guides and electoral compasses. There is one for every area of policy. What to vote for if you have a beating heart for art? The Correspondent gave a nice little overview the other day. It showed that art is indeed a hobby of mainly left-wing parties, at least when it comes to subsidised art. Art... 

No cause for gloating at the end of the North Sea Jazz Club

It was announced today that the North Sea Jazz Club at Amsterdam's Westergasfabriek grounds is bankrupt. This is never good news, for anyone. Not even for those sourpusses who like to complain about North Sea Jazz, the club's namesake. Five years ago, it was big news: the Rotterdam-based North Sea Jazz Festival was going to open a club in Amsterdam. That was... 

Technique and dance give groundbreaking theatre experience

Dance and technology. That is the theme on the second day of the Moving Futures festival. After seeing this broadly composed programme, I no longer doubt that there is such a thing as 'progress in art'. This is not just about the new means artists can use to shape their work. The... 

Holland Festival must look for new director: Mackenzie to Paris in 2019

It's quite unfortunate. Ruth Mackenzie is moving into even higher realms. She has made the past two editions of the Holland Festival considerably more refreshed and modern, and so it stands out. Paris beckons. Ruth Mackenzie has been nominated by Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, as Directrice Artistique (artistic director) of Théâtre du Châtelet, as of 2019. This means Ruth Mackenzie will direct the festival's... 

Quirky Veem sets example for dance sector

Het Veem is a small but important theatre and unofficial production house overlooking the Houthavens in Amsterdam. The house has long been home to internationally operating contemporary performing arts. A place where the artist and his or her experimental work are still central. Since Anne Breure became director in 2014, it bears the addition House of Performance. With... 

‘Een behoorlijk kabaal’: een eeuw minachting voor de kunsten

In 1975 organiseren de jazzmusicus Misha Mengelberg en de kunstenaar Wim T. Schippers Een behoorlijk kabaal in het Amsterdamse Mickery Theater. Een week lang onderzoeken ze in ‘onnavolgbaar muziektheater’ de verschillende betekenissen van een concert. Jacqueline Oskamp koos het als titel van haar recent verschenen boek waarin zij de Nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis van de afgelopen eeuw beschrijft. Treurige conclusie: er is… 

Waarom een stad zuinig moet zijn op haar kunstenaars

Culturele broedplaats DE WAR moet wijken voor projectontwikkelaar Rovase. Het is niet de enige creatieve opdoffer die kunstminnend Amersfoort heeft moeten incasseren. Enkele tientallen kunstenaars moeten eveneens op zoek naar een nieuwe werkplek. Dit keer treft de gemeente geen enkele blaam. Een gedeelte van de fabriek die hun thuishaven was, is door brand verloren gegaan. Het gaat om de voormalige ‘vleesconserven’ NOACK-fabriek, schuin… 

Kian Soltani is de Grote Ontdekking van de Cello Biënnale 2016

Iedere ochtend staat Maarten Mostert, geestelijk vader en artistiek directeur van de Cello Biënnale Amsterdam, om half acht sinaasappeltjes uit te persen in het Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ. De vroege vogels onder de celloliefhebbers stromen dan massaal naar the place to be voor een gratis croissantje met jus d’orange, gevolgd door een topuitvoering van een van de zes Cellosuites van Bach in de serie Bach… 

Cello Biënnale opent spectaculair: Maarten Mostert pakt het graag groots aan

De Cello Biënnale Amsterdam, het grootste cellofeest ter wereld dat zich van 20 tot en met 29 oktober afspeelt in het Amsterdamse Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, is begonnen en het loopt er nu al storm. Tien dagen lang geven 27 internationale cellosolisten, 6 orkesten, 11 ensembles, 1 koor en vele musici uit 26 landen ruim 800 optredens. Van ‘s ochtends… 

Performing arts employers (NAPK) angry: subsidy system must change

They totally agree with us, the employers in the performing arts sector. These company and theatre directors and other managers of dwindling coffers, gathered in the Dutch Association of Performing Arts (NAPK), are circulating a letter today, calling on the Lower House to review the system of subsidies. After all, now the middle class is falling between the cracks. Has happened before, and... 

These are the winners, losers and newcomers in Amsterdam arts

Diversity in the Amsterdam art world is not yet flourishing. The Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, which announced its grant awards today, is getting a bit tired of it: "Across most disciplines, committees note that cultural diversity of audiences, staff and governance is disappointing, as are efforts to change this. Outside the specialised organisations for which cultural diversity is a core business, ambitions are still not high, despite two decades of cultural policy in this area. If the ambitions are there, organisations do not always manage to give them hands and feet. There often seems to be a certain discomfort or 'not knowing how'."

So to start with the good news: Marmoucha grows 398 per cent compared to the previous grant round. The capital's producer and promoter of performing arts in the field of North African and Middle Eastern arts and culture in the Netherlands was severely cut back in 2013, but the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts found its work over the past four years to be so good that the grant has been more than deserved. In the new round of awards which became known on 1 August they rise from 25,070 euros to a tonne, adding that perhaps they should not be so ambitious.

Education, education, education. But with an ideological basis.

No, the culture debate on 8 June in the province of Overijssel was not uplifting. The 2017-2020 Culture Note was adopted unanimously, except for two votes from the SGP. No fireworks about, for instance, the forced cooperation between the Orkest van het Oosten and Het Gelders Orkest. No hefty investments to fix national and provincial cuts. All spokesmen came up with predictable monologues, comparisons were made with other regions and, above all, they looked enviously at the Randstad, but there was no debate. The Christian parties are worried about empty churches, and the PVV, which is of course actually against subsidies, made some obligatory remarks about safeguarding the Overijsselian identity.

Which identity?

Culture Council: broadcast orchestra should broadcast more, perform less

The Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and the Groot Omroepkoor should focus more on broadcasting and less on concert practice. So says the Council for Culture in an opinion released today on the policy plan of the Netherlands Broadcasting Music Foundation (SOM), which includes the choir and orchestra.

While the Council is very appreciative of the Saturday matinee, are the two other series the Foundation is bringing

Upcoming round of grants will be disastrous for artists, but there is a solution

By March 1, every artist who wants government support must have submitted their application. Funds, municipalities and the state will then deliberate in committees. The quadrennial tombola will be even more dramatic this year than it was four years ago, when the massive cuts were made by CDA, PVV and VVD. Because virtually no money is being added now, and in fact, often more... 

What to do with the VVD?

Those working in the cultural sector should not expect much from the VVD. Lately, however, the party has been trying to show a different face. Indeed, only recently, the new culture spokesperson of the right-wing liberals tabled a motion in which the VVD actually gave back 10 million of the more than 250 million the national government took from the arts.... 

'So Anyway'. A political Christmas column

But then. A day before Christmas, the prime minister experiences a sleepless night. He has no appetite for the Glühwein provided by the housekeeping service. The Christmas pastry, delivered by a friendly VVD baker, remains untouched. The security guards see their object sitting upright in his bed... Read and shudder That summer evening, Michelle de Kat sits smugly in a corner of the blood-hot studio 

Greeks at Rijksmuseum of Antiquities, photo Mike Bink

Mere masterpieces at reopened National Museum of Antiquities

The Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO) in Leiden reopens on Tuesday 15 December after a major renovation and asbestos remediation. The museum immediately unpacks with a completely revamped Classics department: Greeks, Romans and Etruscans. There are also three small temporary exhibitions. Anyone entering the hall of the museum will not immediately notice any difference: fortunately, the Egyptian Taffeta temple is still just standing on... 

In Memoriam: the Basic Cultural Infrastructure (2008-2015)

Apetrots they are, the MPs Jacques Monasch, Jasper van Dijk, Mona Keijzer and Alexander Pechtold. After all, they saved a youth theatre company and managed to add a few festivals to the basic cultural infrastructure of the Netherlands. In addition, they have also already earmarked an amount for some other festivals. Yesterday, the motions from the June debate were put to a vote. Almost... 

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