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'Fix it yourself.' Culture minister puts fate of amateur arts in hands of municipalities and citizens

In March this year the Culture Council sounded the alarm. Unique under the new leadership, which is usually extremely docile when it comes to cultural cuts. But what happens to music schools, children's drama schools, libraries and amateur orchestras is otherwise entirely up to the citizens themselves, and their local councils. This is the minister's response to the chamber.

BEST RELATED SECRET #1: Susanne Marx, Karin Spaink and Girl Loos in Eastern Bloc

Susanne Marx is at Oostblok, the former Muiderpoort theatre in Amsterdam, for two days with the performance 'Meisje Loos'. You could call 'Meisje Loos' a critical family performance: for young and old, about growing up and playing with compulsory roles, male-female, white-black, dancer-rapper, harp or beatbox. Genderbending as a theme for the whole family, with a fringe programme featuring Karin Spaink, Linda Duits, Machteld Zee, Rickie Edens and Alex Bakker perform and engage in conversation. 

7 verwarrende redenen waarom de toneelversie van The Fountainhead rammelt, maar u toch moet gaan.

Weer actueel, nu Toneelgroep Amsterdam de voorstelling herneemt, mijn recensie uit 2014. Deze week ging de toneelbewerking van The Fountainhead in première. Het boek is verschrikkelijk, de voorstelling rammelt, de acteurs winnen maar nipt. De inhoud schept echter nog meer verwarring en dat is de reden waarom ik u niet zal tegenhouden om te gaan kijken. En Hans Kesting natuurlijk. Ik zet het even op een rijtje.

78 M€ download damage and 6 more things I learned about copyright

78 Million euros is the turnover lost by the film and DVD industry in the Netherlands due to illegal downloading. This was recently revealed in a press release announced. Yesterday, it was also one of the topics at a discussion afternoon organised by Film Producers Netherlands (FPN) on copyright developments.

More films in cinemas due to digitalisation, says survey

The digital canvass battle in cinema is still some time away. For now, moviegoers are benefiting, according to research.

About two years ago, the digitisation of the Dutch cinema business was completed. All cinemas and film houses have been projecting digitally since 2012. In the projection booth, the disappearance of 35mm equipment meant a landslide.

Woman, man, film - does Cannes have something to make up for?

Tonight, the 67th edition of the Cannes Film Festival opens with Grace of Monaco, a biopic with a major lead role for Nicole Kidman. Jury president of the world's most important film event is New Zealand filmmaker Jane Campion. Three of the other six jury members also his women. Does Cannes have something to make up for?

Marketeers, toon ons uw ziel

Best lastig, marketing in de cultuursector. Voor een deel werk je in een markt waarvan men tegenwoordig denkt dat wat mooi is, zichzelf wel verkoopt, en voor de rest van de tijd moet je concurreren met een overvloed aan aanbieders. En dat ondanks de pogingen van de regering om het cultuuraanbod drastisch te decimeren. Of misschien wel dankzij. De markt… 

Sometimes a good story needs to be told, not just imagined.

Some art needs a story. Then a canvas on the wall with the caption 'Untitled' is not enough. The performance 'Laaroussa' (Bride) by French-Tunisian brother and sister Selma and Soufiane Ouissi falls into that category. As extraordinary as their physical presence on a dark stage is, without explanations beforehand and a Q&A afterwards, it all says precious little.

Is that bad?

Biography Reinbert de Leeuw released today

Today, Leporello Publishers in Amstelveen published my long-awaited biography Reinbert de Leeuw: man or melody, on which I worked for more than seven years. The book is on sale at several bookstores in Amsterdam and can be ordered through any bookstore in the Netherlands. When I attended a concert conducted by Reinbert de Leeuw in early 2005, I discussed with some... 

Culture Council notes total destruction of amateur art. Minister worries.

Over 60 million has disappeared from the coffers of the Netherlands' amateur artists in recent years. That money from your daughter's dance class, the brass band and your son's hip-hop class has been spent by municipalities, which had to compensate for cuts elsewhere, and provinces that suddenly saw no point in amateurs. That the national government additionally took 200 million from professional arts institutions is added to that.

‘Beperkte meting’: minister gooit rapport Berenschot in prullenbak

Minister Bussemaker vindt het nog veel te vroeg om alarm te slaan over de bezuinigingen die gemeentes nog gaan doorvoeren op cultuur. Onderzoeksbureau Berenschot had earlier this year berekend dat er nog vele procenten van het lokale cultuurbudget af zouden gaan. Onze eigen bronnen vertelden dat Berenschot nog aan de zonnige kant zat. Volgens de minister is het onderzoek echter te beperkt: er is maar onder 65 gemeentes gecheckt, en bovendien is het nog veel te vroeg.

Greco and Scholten divide attention between CCN Ballet Nationale de Marseille and ICK Amsterdam

Minister Filipetti has given the green light. Emio Greco and Pieter Scholten will be indeed the new artistic directors of CNN Ballet National de Marseille. A company with 30 dancers, 60 employees in total, in a building with 9 studios and a theatre. Who in the Netherlands still gets that done?

Peter Eötvös schrijft DoReMi voor violiste Midori

Jarenlang was hij een dirigent die ook componeerde, maar na opera’s als Le balcon and Angels in America is de Hongaar Peter Eötvös (1944) inmiddels een componist die ook dirigeert. Vrijdag 21 februari leidt hij het Radio Filharmonisch Orkest in Vredenburg Leidsche Rijn in de Nederlandse première van zijn Vioolconcert nr. 2, DoReMi, dat hij in 2012 componeerde voor de Japanse violiste Midori. – Ik sprak hem afgelopen week.

Onderzoek toont aan: muzieksmaak is een kwestie van afspraak en gewenning

Dat wij een toonladder hebben zoals we die hebben, en dat we bepaalde akkoorden als mooi ervaren, komt omdat we dat hebben geleerd. En wat we hebben geleerd is het gevolg van afspraken. Er bestaat in de muziek, net als in de beeldende kunst of in het theater, geen absoluut ideaal waarnaar de kunstenaars moeten streven. Geen absolute schoonheid, geen goddelijke vonk, geen hemel waarnaar we allemaal terugverlangen, slechts een setje afspraken.

Expected unemployment due to arts cuts still at least 3,000

The UWV stated last Thursday that it has no idea how many people have actually been made unemployed by the culture cuts. From a rather ramshackle-looking research by NRC Handelsblad, which looked exclusively at jobs lost in Amsterdam and only at state-subsidised institutions, found that that category alone had generated 600 clients for the UWV. The rest are beyond the scope of the Amsterdam office.

Photocredits: Cultuurmarketing

Papier leeft nog: culturele sector maakt vaker eigen magazines

Een eigen – al dan niet glossy – magazine is voor steeds meer kunstinstellingen de ideale manier om klanten te binden. Hoewel relatief duur om te maken, gebruiken de kunstinstellingen zo’n magazine voor achtergrond en verdieping. Precies dat wat ze vaak missen bij de traditionele, papieren, media.

NRC Next only half-checks: concert attendance does decline

It is even worse
Update following audience question. Wilmar de Visser, double bass player with the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, thought he had seen other figures at OCW, but when we checked, those figures turned out to be even worse than we already suspected here. Since it involves a breakdown across the classical and opera genre, here's the answer: "I checked, but you're throwing up your own glasses. The average number of visitors to opera and orchestras together (because you don't break down 2012) fell alarmingly in the Netherlands between 2011 and 2012. Namely from repectively 982 in 2011 to 729 in 2012. That's a drop of almost 25%."

More museum visits due to museum annual pass. So money should probably be added.

20 per cent more visits to museums thanks to the museum year card. This will earn museums a sloppy 14 million euros extra this year. The jubilant press release about the study by a renowned agency does not lie. Or does it? After all, six months ago featured in NRC Handelsblad still read that the Museum Card Foundation was in cash trouble.

Boukje Schweigman's wordless philosophy

Even before she graduated from mime school, Boukje Schweigman swore off language. She worked out a wordless philosophy in her performances. She seeks the mystery of life. However vast and elusive her starting points may be, her performances give the audience the most direct, immediate, skin-tight sensation imaginable in a theatre.

'Museum sector buzzing with collaborative initiatives' but keen to keep doing it themselves

An enthusiastic press release in times of severe headwinds. It calls for further reflection. Last Friday, a survey on the state of cooperation in the Dutch museum world was presented. After all, cooperation should be from Minister Bussemaker and kind of the Council for Culture. So it's nice that things are already going ok. Can we get back to fun things.

Het zware weer in harde cijfers – economisch onderzoek Nederlandse filmindustrie

Zijn dit de cijfers waarmee minister Kamp duidelijk kan worden gemaakt dat stimuleringsmaatregelen voor de filmindustrie er echt moeten komen? Die hoop viel wel te beluisteren tijdens de bespreking van een door Oxford Economics uitgevoerd research naar de economische positie van de Nederlandse film- en av-industrie.

Community art of 'Hidden War' forges bond between Dutch and Guatemalans

Treaty of Utrecht
It is cold, chilly and dark. But also quiet, green and spacious. Visitors were not tolerated here until recently. And now Fort Nieuwersluis, near Breukelen, is opening its doors. From 20 to 23 June, the performance 'Hidden War' can be seen there. In it, Guatemalan players show what it is like to live in a violent country. And Dutch actors add their experiences of what it is like to go from a free country to a country like Guatemala.

Marie on a string: Anja Röttgerkamp stars as an unknown soldier in Gisèle Vienne's The Pyre @HollandFestival

Holland Festival Holland Festival

'The Pyre', the latest show from internationally rising star Gisèle Vienne, initially seems less disturbing than her previous work. Pieces like 'Jerk' (2008), based on the true story of a young serial killer, and 'This is how you will disappear' (2010), starring a dark forest, were only seen in a few places in the Netherlands. Hopefully, this performance at the Holland Festival will change that. Gisèle Vienne once studied harp, then philosophy and eventually trained as a puppeteer. But Vienne sees herself primarily as a visual artist working with time, on a stage, where different rhythms, motifs and figures come together.

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