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theatre rotterdam

Afterword in TR8 foyer. Flnr: Brecht de Backer, Samuel D. Hunter and Erik Whien. photo: Wijbrand Schaap

Samuel D. Hunter's Proof of God at Theatre Rotterdam: "Since I'm a father, I have to be hopeful, I can't be cynical anymore."

“Wanneer je in Amerika twee kerels op het toneel zet, verwacht het publiek dat ze elkaar overhoop slaan, of neuken. In dit stuk gebeurt geen van beide, maar in het theater gaat het bijna altijd over twee mannen die aan het vechten of neuken zijn.” Legendarische woorden van Samuel D. Hunter. Hij schreef het stuk ‘A Case for the Existence… 

pr image Closed Eyes

With Closed Eyes, Alida Dors unleashes a revolution

Ik heb het woord ‘revolutionair’ gebruikt, toen een cameraploeg van Theater Rotterdam mij vroeg wat ik van Closed Eyes vond. Ik weet niet of mijn verder buitengewoon enthousiaste reactie de eindmontage zal halen, maar een dag later is dat gevoel niet weg. Wat Alida Dors, artistiek directeur van Theater Rotterdam, heeft laten zien, is een revolutie in de wereld van… 

Comfort Birds

Goed rouwen om het verlies van een dierbare leidt niet naar Prozac of een zielenknijper. Integendeel, een beetje levenskunst helpt, zoals in ‘Verdriet is het ding met veren’ van Max Porter, Jacob Derwig en Erik Whien. Nadat vroeger eens een tragedie m’n familie trof, troostte ik me met het voorlezen van het prentenboek Kikker en het Vogeltje voor van Max… 

Erik Whien moves on the inclusion wave, in dialogue

Directeur Alida Dors zet bij Theater Rotterdam in op inclusie. Wat betekent dit voor een 44-jarige witte regisseur met groot succes met een traditioneel publiek, zoals nu met ‘Verdriet is het ding met veren’? Een vraaggesprek. “Het theater van Erik Whien draait om de mens. Om het hoofd en alles wat daarin gebeurt. Elk mens heeft gedachten, in de geest… 

A new layer of management is not going to solve Theatre Rotterdam's problems

Rotterdam and theatre, quite tricky. I should know, I was born there and it was a subject of several working groups during my Theatre Science studies in the 1980s. Since the last theatre reform, a merger where independent performers would work together to provide all the special theatre in Rotterdam, but... 

The BIS is dead, long live the Puppets

Let's just start with the good news: De Staat is a regular fixture in the Netherlands from now on. And so we are talking about the band De Staat. Who make fantastic music videos these days. They have been promoted from a four-year grant with the Performing Arts Fund to a four-year grant according to the Cultural Basic Infrastructure (BIS). With 55 other newcomers. All weighed... 

‘Ik ben niet de discriminatiepolitie.’ Romana Vrede over haar rol in het team van Gloria Wekker op SPOT-LIve.

‘Hoe maak ik de wereld een beetje mooier? Dat vraag ik me af bij alles wat ik doe.’ Romana Vrede, bekroond actrice bij Het Nationale Theater, ’tafeldame’ bij De Wereld Draait Door en Zomergast, kijkt graag positief de wereld in. Zal haar bijdrage aan SPOT-Live, het symposium voor de podiumkunsten dat op 28 mei in Rotterdam plaatsvindt, dan ook optimistisch… 

'We have become spectators rather than actors'; Philipp Blom tells performing artists on SPOT-Live what is at stake.

'We are on the brink of a new cultural revolution. We need to move away from our paradigm and art can play a role in this. Art can show us images of a different future, a different thought. Artists can help bring that realisation in.' Speaking is writer and journalist Philipp Blom. In 2017, his... 

Eric de Vroedt (Het Nationale Theater)curates at SPOT-Live: 'Let's talk about love.'

'What we so often forget is to just talk about our love for theatre.' Eric de Vroedt, artistic director of The National Theatre, wants to talk about substance for once. And then with the entire performing arts sector. Soon there will be SPOT-Live, the renewed Congress of Performing Arts, and there he wants to talk about love. 'Quite by chance, it happened a month ago.... 

Shout out! The big fill-in for the new arts plan.

The Council for Culture has just proposed the new Basic Infrastructure (BIS), and it has become a very big, in traditional terms 'prosperous', baby. Since the Council is not allowed to name names, and can only list functions, we have already made a fill-in list here, in which we list (very briefly, because little time and not knowing about everything) which existing cultural... 

Cultural sector on expedition to Zero Waste: A prelude to a circular cultural sector

Eight cultural institutions started the first Zero Waste Expedition Culture this year. During this expedition, the first steps were taken in terms of waste separation and waste prevention. The Maaspoort in Venlo, Kunstlinie Almere Flevoland, Luxor Theatre Rotterdam, Museon, Paradiso, Tivoli/Vredenburg, the Zuiderzeemuseum and the Van Abbemuseum are the frontrunners in the expedition, setting an example for their... 

Amsterdam has the @HollandFestival. Ask yourself why that is. And whether that's ok.

Last week, while walking the dog, my neighbour Stefanie asked, "What is that anyway, this Holland Festival?", and I almost caught myself wearily going to explain that it was the most important performing arts festival the Netherlands and its environs and that everyone with a bit of education should know it. But I held back. And wondered: how... 

'Fleshy, divinely bawdy at times.' - Buddingh Prize 2018 for Radna Fabias during sizzling Poetry International (#pifr)

Danez Smith is me er eentje. Of eigenlijk twee, want de Amerikaanse dichter laat zich graag aanspreken in de genderneutrale, of liever gezegd genderplurale meervoudsvorm. Een aanspreekvorm die in het Nederlands nog niet erg ingeburgerd is, en dus door iedereen vermeden wordt. Donderdagavond 31 mei in het voormalige ro theater, nu Theater Rotterdam – Witte de With, viel rond het… 

ITA is a hopeless name for an art house. But there is no alternative for Amsterdam's city theatre

Toneelgroep Amsterdam and Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam will continue together as 'Internationa(a)l Theater Amsterdam' (ITA). Not to be confused with the just-removed Internationaal Danstheater Amsterdam. I find the name 'ITA' rather chilly. Maybe as cold as Toneelgroep, but at least that still contained the word 'group'. That has something cosy about it. ITA is something like ING. Great ambition and no roots. For a moment... 

Culture Council fill-in exercise offers hardly any surprises

Champagne at BAK in Utrecht, deep disappointment at The New Institute in Rotterdam: the Council for Culture has spoken. Today, Thursday 19 May 2016, the first advice after the draconian art cuts by the first Rutte cabinet came out, and heads are rolling. Amsterdam loses prestigious presentation institution De Appel, in The Hague fellow institution Stroom has to redo its homework. The Orkest van het Oosten and the Gelders Orkest have to come up with merger plans within two years. In Utrecht, the city company Theater Utrecht will no longer receive funding despite artistic appreciation. Het Zuidelijk Toneel in Eindhoven Tilburg must make new plans and Opera Zuid must quickly raise its artistic quality. These are the main conclusions of the Culture Council's opinion.

As dramatic as some of this may sound, the advice is actually not, when you look over the whole battlefield. Thanks in part to

Theatre Rotterdam is going to do it all over again

On Monday 14 March, Theatre Rotterdam will present its plans for the upcoming arts plan period. On Thursday 10 March, Bianca van der Schoot already told about it during a public meeting with a class of Utrecht theatre scholars. What became clear from her story is that she has little desire to start bringing world repertoire with the old Ro theatre share in Theatre Rotterdam. She has a lot of... 

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